MTL - Martial Arts From Bandits-Chapter 774 lifeline

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  Chapter 774 A glimmer of life

  Bai Di's eyes met Zhang Jing's, and they looked at each other, revealing a slight smile:

   "Meet Your Majesty!"

  Zhang Jing nodded, pointing to the seat in front:

   "Brother Bai, please."

  Bai Di didn't say much, walked up to Zhang Jing and sat down slowly.

   "Brother Bai these days." Zhang Jing asked.

   "I found an ancient paradise for true immortals, and practiced in it for a period of time. Unexpectedly, His Majesty has completely wiped out the four kingdoms and unified the world. In this way, the chances of being promoted to true immortals will increase greatly in the future."

  Obviously, Baidi saw the hazy purple air covering Zhang Jing's body.

  He already has a judgment on Zhang Jing's strength in his heart.

  In the human world, he is not an opponent. Outside the human world, the outcome is 50-50.

Speaking of which, Bai Di was also taken aback by Zhang Jing's changes, but he didn't show it. When he first met Zhang Jing, Zhang Jing's cultivation was only in the realm of Faxiang. With the snap of his fingers, five years passed. Zhang Jing has leveled the four kingdoms, and his own cultivation has reached the peak of the human world.

  Although the aura on his body was well suppressed, he still felt a deep sense of danger.

   "Yes. It's just that maybe when we are promoted to true immortals, the catastrophe of the human world will come." Zhang Jing's tone flashed a bit dignified.

   "Your Majesty is talking about the ghost world."


   Zhang Jing was not surprised. Baidi and Baihong were originally one. Now that they return to the human world, they can naturally learn something from Baihong.

  Now the whole world knows the news that the catastrophe is coming. The reason why so many people flock to Shangjing City is a large part of the reason.

  Human Emperor is the most powerful person in the human world. When the catastrophe comes, this is the safest place. This is the consensus of many people.

   "It is indeed very difficult to restore the rules of heaven and earth. As far as I can predict, the only ones who can safely survive the calamity of the true immortals are Taoist Tianxu and you and me."

   "The three true immortals, or the three true immortals who have just entered the real fairyland, want to resist the offensive of many hells in the ghost world. It is very difficult. It can even be said that the chances are slim."

  When Baidi mentioned the word "Yan Luo", the expression on his face changed from indifference to solemn.

  Even for a calm person like him, it is impossible to take it lightly when facing opponents with several real immortals.

   "It's up to people. I won't be caught without a fight. With the three of you and me working together, it's not like there's no chance at all."

   "It seems that His Majesty also knows about Taoist Tianxu practicing the Five Ways together." Baidi chuckled.

   "It seems that Brother Bai knew the true identity of Taoist Tianxu a long time ago."

   "That's right, Bai knew Taoist Tianxu was the Dao ancestor, not a reincarnation, but the real body." Baidi once told Zhang Jing that he had never fought against Taoist Tianxu because he knew that he could not be his opponent.

   "Brother Bai, do you think Tian Xu is trustworthy?" Zhang Jing's face was calm, showing no signs of happiness or anger.

  The true body of Daozu lived for thousands of years. At the beginning of the four great immortals in the human world, three of them were suspected of dying, and he was the only one who lived well. Zhang Jing was very vigilant against him.

   It's not that he doesn't trust him, but fear.

  No one knows Taoist Tianxu's true strength, and whether he has other plans, otherwise, why was he the only one who kept his real body?

  This is Zhang Jing's code of conduct.

   Always be wary of anyone.

  Including Baidi!

  Bai Di's eyes froze for a moment:

   "At least, the purpose of the three of you and me is the same now, to survive the calamity of the true immortals and resist the invasion of the ghost world. Even if he has some plans, he can't be His Majesty's opponent in the human world."

  Zhang Jing smiled:

   "Brother Bai, don't misunderstand, I'm just asking."

  Bai Hong sat aside, watching the two talking, like a wooden stake, drinking spirit tea expressionlessly.

   "Although Your Majesty has great fortune, but to be able to come to this day, this prudence must have played a big role."

   "Before, I also broke into a paradise of ancient true immortals, but I didn't gain much. How about Brother Bai?"

   "It's not bad, that real fairy practiced the way of space, and Bai got a fairy sword." Baidi didn't hide it, many people know that there are two immortal soldiers, and the emperor has two.

   "Brother Bai, do you know where all the true immortals in the human world went tens of thousands of years ago?" Zhang Jing leaned forward slightly.

  Bai Di shook his head:

   "There is no record of such secrets in the True Immortal Cave. It is possible that there are only a few people who know the movement before they leave."

"Zhang has heard and heard that the human world was once so strong that even the demon world and the ghost world could only withstand it together. I didn't expect that Feng Shui took turns, and the human world has declined so far. Neither the demon world nor the ghost world is the human world. that can be resisted."

   "The human race, the spirit of all things, the ghosts and ghosts that could fight tens of thousands of years ago can't stand up. Bai believes that after tens of thousands of years, the human world will eventually be revived!"

  Bai Di smiled, as if he still had confidence in his heart.

   "Yes, the human world will eventually be revived. I only hope that the revival will be in the hands of our generation." Zhang Jing's gaze contained a trace of fighting intent.

   Along the way, Zhang Jing never flinched!

   Demons and ghosts, kill them with one blow!

   "The rules between heaven and earth are about to be restored. Bai has been waiting for this day for a hundred years."

  The two were silent.

   "Brother Bai. The heaven and the earth are damaged. Is it really impossible to cross the catastrophe and become a fairy? I heard that the Dao is fifty, and the sky is four or nine. People escape one of them, and everything has a chance."

   "On the way to the Realm of Immortals, isn't there a glimmer of life for you and me?"

   Zhang Jing's tone was a bit heavy.

  The ghost world is coming soon, the speed is definitely faster than the restoration of the rules, the rules are damaged, Yan Luo can't enter the human world, and he can still protect himself.

   But once the rules are restored and Yan Luo enters the human world, they are only going through the Tribulation of True Immortals. Even though their combat power is unparalleled, they are still powerless to resist Yan Luo, who has survived for thousands of years and has strange means.

  This is also a question that Zhang Jing has always been worried about. He doesn't want to die under the siege of the digital Yama just after he passed the calamity of the true immortal and became a true immortal.

   "The Dao is fifty, the sky is fourty-nine, people escape one, and there is a glimmer of life." A gleam flashed in Baidi's eyes, and suddenly asked:

   "Did Your Majesty hear these remarks from Daozu?"

   Zhang Jing shook his head. He had asked Taoist Tianxu from the side, but he shook his head slightly, and he could defy the sky and become a fairy without feeling that the rules were damaged.

  However, Zhang Jing never gave up, but suffered from no way to find the way.

   "No. This is what a wandering old Taoist said when I was young, and I have always kept it in my heart. Now that the human world is damaged and I cannot become a fairy, I suddenly remembered this statement."

  Zhang Jing spoke nonsense.

   "Who is that old Taoist?" Baidi asked.

   "It's just a mortal, I've gone west a long time ago, and I went back to confirm it."

   "Among ordinary people, there are also masters. This statement contains the most important principles. Perhaps, there is really a glimmer of life." Baidi sighed.

   "What does Brother Bai mean by this?" Zhang Jing seemed to hear a sense of approval.

   "To tell you the truth, Bai once had such a similar question. Is it true that if the human world is damaged, it is impossible to become a fairy. To be a fairy is to be detached, and to cross the catastrophe is to break away from the shackles and enjoy the freedom."

   "But Bai searched all over the world, but he didn't find the answer. If you can really become a true immortal under the condition that the rules are damaged, there have been countless outstanding people in the past thousands of years. It is impossible that no one can succeed."

   "So Bai also lost confidence, and is going to wait until the rules are complete before going through the tribulation."

   "But during this search for the Immortal Cave, Bai once found a record in the place where the immortals collected books." When Bai Hong said this, he suddenly paused, as if hesitant.

  Seeing this, Zhang Jing chuckled lightly:

   "Brother Bai has something to say bluntly, you and I discuss the way, naturally communicate with each other. If I feel that it is inappropriate, I will not risk my life."

  Bai Di stared at Zhang Jing for a moment, then nodded:

"That record is about a strong man at the peak of the realm hundreds of thousands of years ago. Due to the pursuit of his enemies, he encountered turbulent space by accident and got lost in the starry sky. After returning for a thousand years, that man was successfully promoted to the real cactus Dao realm."

   "And the combat power is unparalleled. He once fought five true immortals undefeated, destroyed the enemy, and enjoyed a reputation in the Three Realms!"

  (end of this chapter)