MTL - Martial Arts: Just Finished the Patrol, the Beginning is Ruthless-Chapter 10

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Turning his head coldly to give the order, he happened to see Ruthless beside Xia An.

Not only is he no stranger to Wuqing, he is also very familiar with it.

But this familiarity is only one-sided on him. When he saw Wuqing for the first time, he fell in love with him and tried to pursue him.

But Wuqing has a rather cold temper. He never pretends to talk to unfamiliar people, especially men, and doesn't give him any chance at all.

Now that he can see Wuqing here, he feels a little happy in his heart.

"Ruthless girl, I didn't expect to see you here..."

Before he finished speaking, Wuqing turned his head and whispered to Xia An, "I'm a little tired, can you take me upstairs?"

Of course Xia An wouldn't refuse, there was only a layer of window paper between Wuqing and him, so there was no room for other people to be courteous here.

"Very happy."

After finishing speaking, he picked up Wuqing from the wheelchair with one hand, and walked upstairs with the wheelchair with the other hand, without even looking at Leng Xue.

Wu Qing didn't expect Xia An to make such a bold and intimate move, his face blushed for a moment as if dripping water, and he buried his head deeply in Xia An's chest.

On the other side, Leng Xue's face turned blue and white from embarrassment.

At the same time, the other policemen couldn't help making a noise.

As Zhuge Zhengwo's adopted daughter, Wu Qing is not an unknown person no matter in the Gongmen or in the Jianghu.

Everyone knows all kinds of gossip about ruthless.

It turned out that they had heard that Wuqing was a stunning beauty who was one in a million, but when they saw her today, they felt that she really lived up to her reputation.

"Who is this kid? He can be so close to Wuqing. Could it be Wuqing's husband?"

"I heard that he was originally from the capital headquarters, but was transferred to Chengcheng some time ago. He seems to be an old acquaintance with Leng Butou."

"Looking at the head of the cold, I obviously have a crush on Wuqing, could it be..."

"Shhh, keep your voice down, I didn't see what Leng Butou's face looks like, if someone hears it, you will suffer in the future..."

"Tsk, I really didn't see that such an upright person like Leng Butou would use this kind of trick..."

Although the arresters tried their best to keep their voices down, with cold-blooded efforts, these words were basically the same as lying in his ear.

It didn't make him yell and curse, and he couldn't explain, so he could only say angrily with a livid face, "What are you doing, waiting to watch the show, why don't you follow me to chase the criminal!"

After finishing speaking, he took the lead in chasing after the disciples of the Tang Sect who fled through the window.

Before jumping out of the window, he still couldn't help looking back.

It just so happened that he saw Wuqing with a blushing face nestled in Xia An's arms, looking up at Xia An with eyes full of confusion.

This scene made Leng Xue feel a little blocked.

On the other side, after Xia An settled Wuqing, she was ready to leave.

"You have a good rest here, I'm going to chase the criminals."

"Don't go!" Wuqing grabbed his arm and said anxiously, "Those people are here for you."

"Me?" Xia An was a little curious, he had never even seen those people before today, so why did he come at him.

"You saved me that day, but you used a mosquito needle."

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Xia An asked suspiciously.

"People from the Tang Sect of Bashu heard that their unique hidden weapon appeared in the capital, so they wanted to go to Beijing to investigate."

"The adoptive father was afraid that they would cause some trouble when they went to Beijing, so he sent me to Zhongdu to have a meeting with the other party to clarify the misunderstanding."

"Those disciples of the Tang Sect regard their hidden weapons as treasures. If you let them know that the mosquito needle is in your possession, they will definitely pester them endlessly."

Hearing this, Xia An smiled lightly.

"Don't worry, only God knows about this matter. As long as we don't talk about it, no matter how much they investigate, they won't find me."

Just kidding, if the disciples of the Tang Sect can investigate what Goldfinger obtained, it will be hell.

"Did you come to Zhongdu just for this?"

"Well, there are some other trivial things that are not important."

"Then have you ever thought that your Shenhou Mansion is likely to be plotted against?"

"Huh?" Ruthlessly opened his eyes wide.

Shenhou Mansion is her home, and things related to Shenhou Mansion cannot help but be ignored by her.

"Don't you think it's a bit of a coincidence that our six doors appeared? What would Leng Xue think if you were bumped into by Leng Xue when you were meeting with people from the Tang Sect?"

"In Zuiyue Tower that day, no matter whether you were cold-blooded or not, you went to Zuiyue Tower because you got clues about Qian Mo's case."

"And you have fought against the men in black, and you know they are behind the scenes, but when you went cold-blooded, you only saw corpses all over the floor and Tang Sect's unique hidden weapons, and you didn't know the inside story."

"Switching you into his position, if you see someone talking with Tang Sect disciples here, what will you think in your heart? Do you think that this person, or the power that this person represents, is related to the Qian Mo case..." .

Chapter 21

Xia An's words were like a ladle of cold water poured on Wu Qing's head.

She wasn't stupid at all, so she immediately thought of who was behind the scenes.

There is no one but Cai Xiang who has this ability to plot against the Shenhou Mansion and pull the six doors into the water.

She was also lucky today, because of some trivial matters, she went downstairs a little later, otherwise when cold-blooded brought someone here, she might bump into him.

"I see, I will pay attention to it next."

"It's nothing, you are just a fan of the authorities."

After talking so much, Xia An felt a little thirsty, so she took a cup of tea on the table and drank it all in one gulp.

Ruthless blushed again in an instant, that teacup was used by her, and now Xia An used it like this, wouldn't it be...

When she looked at Xia An again, there was a trace of panic in her eyes involuntarily.

At first, she just paid more attention to Xia An because of her broken body.

Afterwards, when they drove in the same car day and night, Xia An's conversation and occasional opinions made her fall in love with her.

This emotion has been accumulated until today's meeting, and it has turned into substance, and there are faint signs that it is about to be uncontrollable.

It was the first time that Wuqing had such emotions when she grew up so much, which made her somewhat panicked.

"I...I'm...a bit uncomfortable right now, go out first!"

Xia An didn't think too much when he heard this, he just thought that Wu Qing was a little tired, so he nodded and left.

After leaving the inn, the colleagues who went to chase the disciples of the Tang Sect disappeared.

After looking around, he decided to return to the six-door yamen first.

He ignored the cold-blooded behavior before, although it would be troublesome, but in the end it was not a big deal, and he was not afraid of being put on some small shoes.

While walking, he suddenly heard a delicate voice behind him.

"Young Master Qiu, please stay behind..."

"Young Master Qiu..."


All Xia An's mind was thinking about was there any benefit in this matter, and he didn't care about the voice behind him at all, since it wasn't calling him anyway.

But in the end, the voice got closer and closer to him, until finally a figure stopped in front of him.

"Young Master Qiu, why are you pretending not to hear my family calling you, but you despise my family."

The dignified and charming face in front of her made Xia An stunned for a moment.

After looking carefully for a moment, he realized that the person who stopped him was Mrs. Ma who had met him once in Juxian Village.

When he sneaked into Juxian Village, he used the pseudonym Qiu Mubai, a jade-faced scholar. No wonder he was called Mr. Qiu for a long time behind him.

"Madam Ma, what a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here." Xia An said politely.

"Who said it wasn't? Just now I saw your figure from a distance, and thought I had identified the wrong person, but I didn't expect it to be Mr. Qiu."

The joy in Madam Ma's heart was beyond words.

The meeting between her and Xia An was no coincidence.

In order to find Xia An, she did not know how long she had wandered through the streets and alleys of the capital city.

Seeing her at Juxian Village that day made her feel different about Xia An.

Xia An left Juxian Zhuang twice, with so many heroes, he didn't dare to let go of one, just because everyone suspected that he had some amazing background.

This made her suddenly feel that what she had been pursuing was nothing more than this.

She took the lead in framing Qiao Feng in order to become the gang leader's wife.

But compared to Xia An's display of power, even the leader of the beggar gang is far behind.

The nearest big city to Juxian Village is Zhongdu. According to her estimate, if Xia An really has an amazing background, he will definitely stay in Zhongdu.

Meeting her today made her more confident in her guess.

"I see that the young master is wearing an official uniform. Could it be that the young master is a member of the public family."

"Yeah!" Xia An didn't want to hide anything, he actually kept a respectful distance from this poisonous woman and didn't want to provoke her at all.

Open up the conversation, so that the other party knows that everyone is not the same, so don't bother him as soon as possible.

But in the end, when Mrs. Ma heard this, not only did she not care about it, but she became even more intimate.

She had suspected that Xia An might be a member of the imperial court before. After all, even if those reckless people became the leader of the gang, they would not have that kind of expert escort.

This will only make her more excited, so how could she care.

"Why is Mr. Qiu so indifferent? Is there something wrong with the slave family, or the master despises the willow posture of the slave family."

"Mrs. Ma was joking, but I have official business today, so it's inconvenient..."

Madam Ma interrupted Xia An before she finished speaking, "What are you talking about Madam Ma, my family name is Kang and Min, and you can call my family's nickname Minmin."

Hearing this, Xia An only felt a chill in his heart.

This poisonous woman who doesn't know how many hands she has, pretends to be such a little girl, which really makes him feel sick from the bottom of his heart.

Kang Min is also a person with clear eyebrows, and just as Xia An frowned slightly, she knew there was no need to rush this matter, so she responded immediately.

"Today, Minmin came forward rashly to bother you. I hope you will forgive me. If you have something to do, Minmin will not interfere, so as not to delay your business."

After finishing speaking, Kang Min gave him a blessing, then turned around and left gracefully...

Chapter 22 If you can't solve the problem, then solve the person who raised the problem

Kang Min has a very good understanding of men's minds, and plays all kinds of routines of refusal and welcome with great proficiency.

Through this set, she has already captured many courtiers under her skirt.

It's a pity that she met Xia An this time.

Xia An had seen this kind of green tea white lotus a lot in his previous life.

What's more, he has long known how vicious this woman is, and whenever others fail to meet her demands, she will try her best to destroy them.

The other party's gesture only made him feel a little ridiculous.

Shaking his head, just as he was about to move on, a little beggar with his face covered in ashes jumped out.

"Master, please do me a favor. I haven't eaten for three days. Please give me two steamed buns."

Xia An was about to take out the money, when he suddenly felt that the little beggar looked familiar.

"Aren't you the little beggar at the station, why did you get here so quickly?"


Huang Rong, who was dressed as a little beggar, smiled slyly.

"After you left, a caravan happened to pass by. I will help them groom their horses in exchange for them giving me a ride."

"I didn't expect you to be quite clever."