MTL - Martial Arts: Just Finished the Patrol, the Beginning is Ruthless-Chapter 18

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The cool touch comes from the fingertips, and the aroma is tangy.

Then, she bent down and applied the divine ointment to her ankles.

However, just as soon as he touched it, Wuqing's body shook heavily.

Because, that cool feeling was transmitted to his ankles.

But how is this possible?

Having been paralyzed for many years, she has long since lost feeling in her ruthless legs. Not to mention the coldness, even if her legs are amputated, she will not feel pain.

And now, there is consciousness?

Is it really possible to recover?

The Black Jade Intermittent God Ointment Xia An gave, is it really so miraculous? .

Chapter Thirty-Four

At this moment, Ruthless was so excited that his hands were shaking.

She could even hear her heart beating violently, and the thing called hope, which had been silent for a long time, seemed to burn at this moment.

Ruthlessly lifted the hem of the skirt and smeared the Black Jade Divine Ointment on it.

As the divine ointment gradually covered, the icy cold feeling became more and more intense.

This made Wuqing once again convinced that this was not an illusion, nor a dream.

That man named Xia An really brought her infinite possibilities.

But at this time, Xia An didn't leave either, but opened another upper room next to her, waiting quietly.

According to the description, the effect of Black Jade Intermittent God Ointment is like a fairy medicine, and it only takes half an hour to completely digest the effect of the medicine.

I don't know why Mrs. Wang has such a thing on her body.

However, Xia An reckoned that it was unlikely that the Black Jade Intermittent God Ointment belonged to Mrs. Wang, but that she had a healing medicine with a good effect.

When getting the reward for touching the corpse, the effect of the medicine is strengthened.

This is an accidental event and does not happen often.


After waiting for an unknown amount of time, Xia An, who was sitting drinking tea, suddenly heard a slight knock on the door from the corridor.

He quickly put down his teacup and followed him out the door.

And what caught Xia An's eyes was a graceful figure.

Her black hair was like a waterfall, and she was wearing a long white dress, making her slender figure even more elegant, as if she was a fairy.

Such an amazing woman, who else could she be if she wasn't ruthless?

The only difference is that the ruthlessness at this moment no longer needs the support of a wheelchair.

She just stood there quietly, with a smile on her lips.

Judging from the appearance alone, Wuqing itself is pure and pleasant, but in her body, Xia An can't feel the temperament of Xiaojiabiyu.

On the contrary, it is like a blooming snow lotus, independent, cold and lonely.

The combination of these completely different, even somewhat contradictory qualities makes Wuqing her unique charm.

Xia An had to admit that this moment was ruthless, as if he had walked out of a painting.

"It seems to work well."


The ruthless lips parted slightly, and the eyes were full of inexplicable feelings.

She moved lightly with lotus steps, and walked slowly towards Xia An.

Perhaps it was because of the recent recovery, coupled with the fact that the legs had not been moved all year round, and the steps were a little wobbly.

Afraid of falling ruthlessly, Xia An hurried forward to help.

The next moment, suddenly a gust of fragrant wind entered the bosom.

Smelling the familiar fragrance coming from the tip of his nose, before Xia An realized what happened, he felt a warm and soft touch on the left side of his face.

Just like a superficial touch on water, it is fleeting.

She kissed him ruthlessly.

Xia An: "?!"

Just when he wanted to feel the grace of this rare beauty carefully, Wu Qing quickly withdrew.

As soon as he turned around, he disappeared in front of Xia An.

With a bang, the door closed.

The corridor was cold again, as if nothing had happened.

Only the light lip marks on Xia An's face were telling the tenderness just now.

Looking at the locked door, Xia An smiled lightly, then turned and left the inn.

in the room.

Wu Qing half leaned against the door, his face blushed and shy.

In terms of her temperament, God knows how much courage and determination it took to make that move just now.

After leaving the inn, Xia An hummed a ditty and returned to the six doors.

He is not a piece of wood, how could he not know what Wuqing's actions just now meant.

Over the past few days, the relationship between the two of them has rapidly heated up, and they are only short of the finishing touch.

Today, this is considered to have pierced this layer of screen paper.

"Why are you so happy?"

Seeing Xia An's whole body brimming with joy, Huang Rong looked him up and down suspiciously, "Did you encounter something interesting again?"

"What do you know, you little brat, go cook."

Xia An stretched lazily, "I've been busy all morning and haven't eaten anything yet."

"Why should I cook for you?" Huang Rong's eyes were wide open, as if looking for Xia An desperately.

"How do I remember that someone said yesterday that he can cook for me if he stays with me? Well, it seems that's all he said, and he has no credibility at all."


Huang Rong wanted to refute, but after thinking about it carefully, it seemed that she said so last night.

At the moment, I had to say, "It's cheap for you, where is the kitchen?"

"The chaifang is on the left, and the kitchen has not been used for a long time, remember to tidy it up."


Huang Rong gritted her teeth with hatred, but obediently went into the kitchen.

This stinky patrol is really getting more and more excessive.

It's just that she completely forgot that she doesn't need to listen to what Xia An said.

But for some reason, Huang Rong, who has always been smart, didn't realize this.

Or, she didn't mean to resist at all.

As for what she is thinking, outsiders have no way of knowing.

Huang Rong was busy in the smoky kitchen, while Xia An lay down in the room to rest leisurely.

First, the strength soared, and then the ruthless love.

Now I picked up such a cheap cook for nothing.

Good things come one after another, I have to say, this day is really moist.

The thirty-fifth chapter is officially head-hunting, the ninth grade

Before he knew it, Xia An fell into a deep sleep.

When he woke up again, he was awakened by a scent.

"Smelly Patrol, dinner is ready."

Huang Rong's crisp voice came from the small courtyard.

Xia An opened the door and saw that there were already several tables of side dishes on the table.

The color, fragrance and taste are so good that people can't help but move their index fingers.

"Okay, I didn't expect you to be really capable."

"Go get the bowls and chopsticks."

Xia An was not polite at all, and sat down at the table.

"Yes Yes Yes."

Huang Rong rolled her eyes, angrily went into the kitchen and took two sets of bowls and chopsticks.

I really used her as a servant girl...

The food hadn't even touched a mouthful, when there was a sudden commotion outside the courtyard.

A few yamen servants headed by Leng Xue walked into the other courtyard, and Leng Xue still held something similar to a document in his hand.

"Xia An."

Leng Xue first glanced at the food on the table, then at Huang Rong dressed as a little beggar, and finally his eyes fell on Xia An.

"The humble job is here."

Xia An got up quickly, and he could guess by looking at his posture, it should be the Fuwei Escort's investigation of the massacre.

To put it simply, he is going to be promoted.

Sure enough, the letter of appointment was read out in cold blood next.

There are a lot of papers, but in summary, it is nothing more than Xia An's meritorious service in killing the villain Yu Canghai, which has increased the prestige of the six doors.

Appointed as the official head catcher of Under Six Doors.

It is worth mentioning that the official ranks in this world have also undergone tremendous changes.

In Xia An's original world, although headhunters belonged to official servants, they were not officials and had no rank.

Only inspections are official nine-rank officials.

But here, the headhunting is at the same level as the inspection, and it is also the ninth rank.

Further up, there are bronze traps, silver traps, gold traps, and **** traps.

Those like Leng Xue are now Jin Chu, a fifth-rank official, and have the right to life and death against martial arts practitioners.

The **** catcher who is one step ahead is the fourth grade.

That is, the official position after the cold-blooded, of course, he has not reached this step yet.

Further up is Zhuge Shenhou who commands the Shenhou Mansion.

Of course, as the current Grand Tutor, Zhuge Shenhou's status is naturally extremely special, a first-rank official.

While the Shenhou Mansion is subordinate to the Six Gates, it also directly obeys the emperor's orders.

In short, the affairs of the officialdom are extremely complicated, and there are many changes, Xia An didn't figure it out.

This can be seen from the fact that a cold-blooded official of the fourth rank reads a letter of appointment of the ninth rank.

However, Xia An didn't care about these details. Every world had its own rules, so they couldn't be generalized.

And this world is still so chaotic, even Xie Yanke can meet Qiao Feng, no matter how bizarre things happen.