MTL - Martial God-Chapter 1 Hejia 6 son

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The beginning of the universe, the yin and yang, the gas phase, the world of heaven and earth, infinity and even endless.

The yin and yang are the two qi, the shuttle universe, the condensed universal rule, is the return of all things.


The night was deep and deep, and the stars in the sky suddenly appeared as many stars as the river of the Ganges, shining brightly and flashing arbitrarily.

Just in this night of the moon, a teenager on the hillside is sitting on his back and calmly staring forward.

It is extremely tiring to maintain this posture. However, the boy’s face on the hillside is extremely stable. It does not seem to be a stepping horse, but sitting leisurely. It looks like a chair.

Suddenly, a little subtle "shasha" sound was introduced into the boy's ears.

This is not the sound of the wind blowing leaves, but the sound of someone or some kind of animal approaching here with extremely light steps.

There are endless tall trees on the mountain, and some even reach the point where a few people can get together. It is a real old forest. However, although the old forest is a long time, but on this summer's hot, there are not many beasts going down the mountain.

The boy who was still in a horse step listened carefully, and after a moment, his face showed a cheerful smile.

"One wave, come out."

As the teenager snorted, another teenager who was slightly smaller than the boy suddenly jumped out from behind a big tree.

"Six brothers, your hearing is very good, and you have discovered it."

These two teenagers are the three generations of children in Hejiazhuang at the foot of the mountain.

He is older and still struggles under the moonlight night. He is the sixth-ranked He Yiming in the third generation. Another younger one is He Yitao, who is ranked ninth.

Although they are only eleven or two years old, they have begun to accept Zhuangzhong’s elite education for all young disciples.

As one of the nephews of Hejia, He Yiming and He Yitao both have good talents. Although this talent is not enough to make them outstanding among the three generations of the family, it is not inferior to other people. .

He Yitao smashed out from the big tree, suddenly became a short body, and his feet were forced to fly toward He Yiming like a lightning bolt. At the same time, he embraced his chest with his hands, and with the help of the forehand, he was about to touch. At the time of He Yiming, he slammed forward.

Although only eleven years old, the strength and speed of this sprint cannot be underestimated.

However, He Yiming in front of him was a slight smile. It seemed that he casually extended two hands and gently pressed it on the fist full of strength.


He Yitao screamed, his body turned uncontrolled halfway in midair, and the two circles hit **** the ground.

At one time, the soil was splashed, especially the chief culprit, He Yitao, who was holding his wrist and snow and snow.

He Yiming shook his head slightly and saw that some of his body had also splashed some dirt, and he could not help but become more depressed.

"Nine brothers, how come you come again, this is the clothes I will change tomorrow, dirty and clean."

"Hey, Six Brothers, I just want to try again." He Yitao licked his wrist again. Although his strength is not small, even if the internal strength has reached a certain level, but physical development can not be with Compared with adults, although they are not injured after a hard touch, the pain in a short period of time is inevitable.

"Hey, you haven't broken through to the fifth floor, you have to try something." He Yiming dissatisfied.

He Yitao licked his bright, big eyes and asked suddenly: "Six brothers, do you feel the opportunity to break through?"

He Yiming’s face suddenly sank, not at all like a 12-year-old child.

Gently patted his head, He Yitao quickly took the hand of the sixth brother and said: "Six brothers, I am wrong, should not ask."

He Yiming gave a wry smile and shook his head. "Nothing, this is not your business. It is my own reason."

Starting from the age of five, the children of Hejia must cultivate the secrets of internal strength in the family. All the cheats are divided into ten layers regardless of their attributes.

For the average person, as long as it is not stupid enough to be similar to an idiot, or has no talent, then it can be cultivated to the third level within five years.

And the first three layers of internal strength cheats are only the general physical fitness, the role of long-term health.

As for the development after the third layer, it depends on the individual's talent, understanding and opportunity.

At the age of five, He Yiming began to learn the hybrid spirit of one of the main secrets of the gold system. At the beginning of his work, his progress was ascending, and he was successfully promoted only at the age of six after one year. Go to the third floor.

At that time, everyone was very optimistic about his future, because this does not only mean that He Yiming’s talent is good, he is diligent in cultivation, and he chooses the internal strength cheats corresponding to his own attributes, so he will advance so. Fast.

It is necessary to know that internal strength cheats have various attributes. If they can cultivate cheats corresponding to the main attributes of the human body, they can naturally progress as if they are flying, but if the cheats are not correct, then it is very likely that they will not cultivate. For the first time, He Yiming was able to pick the internal secrets of the corresponding attributes of his body. It is definitely a matter of good luck to the extreme.

In the following three years, He Yiming took a hurdle every two or two years. At the age of nine, he was promoted to the fifth floor of the mixed yuan.

After that, He Yiming encountered a cultivation barrier that everyone would have, and a card at this gate was a full four years.

In these four years, the two brothers, sisters and a cousin of the family have already caught up with him, and they have been promoted to the level of five. Even their little sister and the little cousin in front of them have reached the fourth. Layered up. But he is just standing in the same place, no matter how diligently trying, he can no longer enter.

Of course, among the third generation of nine brothers and sisters in the family, only the eldest son of the eldest son has reached the seventh floor, the second and third have reached the sixth floor, and the others are on the fifth floor or the first Four layers of enamel.

However, like He Yiming, he reached the fifth floor when he was nine years old. In the following four years, he did not reveal any signs of advancement. That is the independence.

Gently sighed, He Yiming slowly stood up, under the moonlight, the young body revealed a lonely loneliness.

He Yitao spit out his tongue. His progress was step by step. He didn't like the sixth brother. He grew up among several brothers from an early age. He was praised as being able to compare with the boss and even be able to surpass the genius of the boss. . Therefore, he absolutely can't understand the distress of He Yiming at the moment.

Although He Yiming's father and elders also directed many times, and told him very seriously, if he could not put down his mind, then it is very likely that he could not break through today's cultivation barriers.

This is the biggest mystery in the inner secret cheats. After the third floor, every time you are promoted to a higher level, you need a certain chance. When you are lucky, you may naturally be promoted at the time of practicing, even if you don’t even know it. . When luck is not good, maybe you can't get in for a few decades.

Of course, the higher the level of cultivation, the more difficult it is to break through.

Just as the first and second generations of the Hejia family, after the cultivation reached seven layers, which one did not take more than ten years, even decades later can make progress.

Although He Yiming understands this truth, he also knows that the thirteenth-year-old has the fifth-tier strength and is also the leader among his peers. Even the second brother is a sea, and the third brother is only promoted at the age of seventeen. The sixth floor is gone, and he still has a lot of time to cultivate.

Just, knowing is one thing, but wanting to do it is another matter.

It is too difficult for his children of this age to let go of his mind.

I saw that Liu Ge’s face was getting worse and worse. He Yitao’s heart was like a deer. Although he was two years younger than his sixth brother, and he was not a biological brother, he was especially eye-catching since he was young. When He Yiming condensed his eyebrows, He Yitao would have a feeling of horror. He smiled and said: "Six brothers, I still have something to do, go back first, and you can go back soon."

He Yiming nodded his head and waved his hand. He Yitao immediately left like a monkey. and his tender voice sounded in He Yiming's ear.

"Six brothers, if you really don't feel the signs of promotion, it's better to try another way, maybe it works."

He Yiming glimpsed, and the original rock-solid heart slowly moved a little.

Not all people who practice the secrets of internal strength can be like He Yiming, and they can find a practice that suits their cultivation at one time.

Some people have to choose twice, three times, and even more. Of course, this is also related to everyone's talent. If the talent is too bad, then the effect is naturally not to mention.

Although He Yiming chose the right method for the first time, but after being trapped in a level for many years, it is not an option to change other exercises.

He has long understood this truth, but he thought that he had practiced the mixed strength for so many years, and he still broke through to the third level of the practice that is particularly suitable for himself within one year. He would not be willing to give up easily.

Looking at the foot of the mountain, He Yiming was waiting for it, but he saw the mud at the corner of the clothes. The brow turned slightly. After considering it, he turned and ran in the other direction.

On the other side of the mountain, there is a clear lake, which is also the place where the three generations of disciples in Hejiazhuang play.

When I came here, He Yiming took off his clothes and washed the river. After a while, the mud on the clothes had been washed away. Although it was somewhat crumpled, it was already It’s too much.

While waiting to leave, the lake suddenly flashed, and He Yiming gave a slight glimpse. He widened his eyes and looked at the sudden ray of light in the lake. Unconsciously, the central **** was photographed by him...

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