MTL - Martial Peak-Chapter 5891 The light will eventually dispel the darkness

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The stone-like creatures have sharp edges and corners. They look silly, and seem harmless to humans and animals, but when they appear, all Mo people who have seen this scene in the pass are all scalp. Tingling.

  Fighting against the Humans for so many years, how can the Mo people not know this strange creature? On many battlefields, the Humans have used this strange creature to fight against the Mo people, and they have often achieved good results.

   So when these peculiar creatures appeared, even the Mo clan pseudo-lord shouted: "Little Stone Clan!"

  The voice was trembling, just because they had never seen so many little stone tribes at once for so many years.

  The volume of the Long River of Time and Space is extremely large. With the help of the cover of the Long River, Yang Kai sacrificed a full 2 ​​million Little Stone Clan this time.

  Although he has sacrificed a larger number of precedents before, the overall level of the Xiaoshi clan sacrificed before is completely incomparable to the current one.

  He carefully selected in the chaotic dead zone this time, and the worst of the Xiaoshi clan contained is equivalent to the lower third rank of the human clan.

  When the two million worst Xiaoshi clan, equivalent to the lower third rank of the human race, suddenly appeared, the momentum that gathered in one place was that the Mo clan lords such as Diallo were shocked.

   Combining the two rays of light on the back of Yang Kai's hand, Diallo immediately understood what exactly Yang Kai was about to use. As his eyes shrank, he shouted: "Go back!"

  When the words fall, the first one wants to stand out and escape from here.

  But where can I return it?

  Two million little stone tribes followed the trajectory that existed before the long river of time and space, wrapping this piece of void tightly and solidly, with the power of the law of space urging by Yang Kai to solidify the void.

In an instant, every Mozu powerhouse felt that there was great resistance coming from the surrounding space, which blocked their actions. Of course, such resistance was not enough to make them immobile. As long as they were given three breaths, they would be able to get from this little stone clan. Withdraw from the encirclement formed.

  Sometimes, the time of three breaths passes quickly, but at other times, the time of three breaths is the distance between life and death, which is simply difficult to cross.

  "The light will eventually dispel the darkness!" Yang Kai's voice was low, and his hands clenched fists. With his movements, a large amount of light of yellow and blue suddenly overflowed from the two million little stone clan bodies, which instantly flooded the airspace.

  The two colors of yellow and blue merged and merged, and the dazzling and pure white light began to bloom. It was not eye-catching at first, but only for a moment, it was like a big sun bursting, expanding silently.

  The entire non-return time seemed to freeze. After a while, there was a scream to break the desperate silence.

  In the white light, whether it was Diallo, the more than a dozen pseudo-lords, and even the Mo people who were affected outside the battlefield, they all screamed in agony.

Purifying light has always been the greatest nemesis of Mo's power. Mo family's power is basically Mo's power. When they are enveloped by purifying light, the pain they suffer is no less than ordinary human races being thrown into a hot pot of oil. , That kind of torture is simply unbearable.

  When the white light was blooming, Yang Kai was not idle either. The ghostly figure was like a ghost, shuttled in the battlefield, walking in the idle courtyard, and the powerful vitality disappeared.

After ten breaths, the pure white light gradually disappeared.

The chaotic battlefield has become clear at this moment. In the void, Yang Kai stood still, with a hideous head in his hand. The incisions in the head were uneven, and it did not look like it was cut by a sharp weapon, but was picked by bare hands. After coming down, there was still ink and blood gushing out of the wound.

  The head is obviously still alive, there is a painful look on his face, and there is a trace of blankness in his eyes, as if he is still a bit at a loss about his own situation, but this kind of vitality is destined to disappear if it doesn't last too long.

  In the battlefield, there are several tattered corpses floating feebly. Those corpses all belong to the powerful pseudo-lords.

  The pseudo-lords who survived by chance all looked terrified, and their eyes overflowed with horror. They were able to live, not because they were stronger than the dead clan members, but because they had better luck, Yang Kai didn't have more time to attack them.

  Originally, there is a lot of strong ink power in the non-returning level, and the whole non-returning level is like being enveloped by a cloud of ink.

  But at this moment, in this environment filled with the power of ink, the power of ink in a circular area has been purified.

  In this circular battlefield, although Yang Kai is alone, he is like a thousand horses, bringing great pressure to all the Mo people.

   Opposite him, Diallo's face was pale. Manaya, who was supposed to dispatch the Mo tribe army in another place, stood by his side at some unknown time, looking solemnly at Yang Kai in front of him.

   "Are you okay?" When Manaya asked, his eyes were still staring straight ahead.

  As early as when Yang Kai urged the Tai Yin Ji on the back of his hand, he realized what was going to happen, and rushed to help promptly. Fortunately, he saw the opportunity quickly, otherwise Diallo would probably be ill-advised this time.

  Because after the light of purification erupted, Yang Kai casually took the lives of several pseudo-overlords, and directly attacked Diallo.

  Originally, his plan was to take this opportunity to eradicate a king of the Mo clan. Under the cover of the light of purification, he was confident that he would do this without knowing it. Unexpectedly, at a critical moment, Manaya actually killed him.

   forced Yang Kai had to stop for the time being.

  It is excusable to kill a Diallo with the light of purification, but if the rescued Manaye is also resolved, there is something wrong, and it will inevitably arouse the vigilance of the black giant god.

  So, he can only kill two more pseudo-lords to vent their anger.

However, the current ending is acceptable. Diallo was shrouded in the light of purification, and his strength was damaged. He was originally a new king. Right now, I am afraid that the foundation is a bit unstable, unless the Mo Clan uses some secret technique to restore him. Otherwise, the role he can play on the battlefield in the future will not be much greater than that of the false king.

  The other dozen or so pseudo-lords who besieged him were half dead, and the remaining half were also greatly injured and their strength plummeted.

  Paying two million Xiaoshi clan as a price, such a result is acceptable.

  Yaoyao stared at Manaya for a while, Yang Kai let out a cold snort, threw away the head he was holding in his hand, and stepped out immediately, heading to the outside world without returning.

  His speed is not fast, but Manaya did not intend to stop him at all, and he did not even issue an order to stop him.

  Because he couldn't determine how many Little Stone Clan Yang Kai had in his hands, it was definitely an unwise decision to continue to provoke Yang Kai without knowing this.

  The main reason is that the Mo people no longer have the capital to contain Yang Kai at the moment, and could have counted on Diallo, but at this moment Diallo has been injured, and confronts Yang Kai again, just to die.

  Monaye himself was even more unwilling to have any confrontation with Yang Kai. Since he wanted to leave, he could only let him go.

  So, when the two armies were fighting in dire straits, behind the Mo defense line, Yang Kai actually strolled all the way into the battlefield without any hindrance.

   Immediately afterwards, a scene of despair for the Mo tribe soldiers on the battlefield appeared.

  Yang Kai’s Little Universe suddenly opened up, and from that little Universe, an infinite number of small stone tribes came out.

  This time, Yang Kai did not urge the Tai Yin Ji to restrict their actions.

  Stimulated by the power of Mo, the little stone clan that emerged from the small universe immediately slammed into the Mo clan's army, without any rules but not fearing death.

  The originally solid defense line of the Mo Clan was hit by the Xiaoshi Clan army, and immediately suffered heavy casualties.

  Not long after, Yang Kai walked around the periphery of the defense line, and the result was that the small stone clan army appeared on every battlefield.

  They don’t have any cooperation with the human race, and they don’t even cooperate with them themselves. The little stone races are like killing tools without wisdom, wherever there is the power of ink, they will kill.

  While not returning, Manaya looked at this scene from a distance, feeling extremely heavy.

  Under the original general trend, the human race can overcome the fate of not returning to the customs sooner or later, and wait for the fate of the Mo race not to return to the customs.

  But Manaya has never been waiting for death. Even if he can't hold back and does not return, he must do his utmost to weaken the strength of the human army, so that they have no more energy to expedition to the first day of the Great Forbidden.

  Manaya still has some confidence in this established goal.

   But today, this confidence was completely shattered with the appearance of a large number of Xiaoshi clan armies.

  Those little stone tribes are overwhelming and uninterrupted. They are several times more than the human race itself. With them on the front, the human race army must reduce a lot of unnecessary casualties.

  Under such a general trend, the Mo people who do not return to the customs want to fight the army of the disabled, how easy is it to say?

  Monaye really can’t figure out, where did Yang Kai get so many little stone clan!

In fact, Mo Naye has done some research on the peculiar race of Xiaoshi tribe, and knows their characteristics. The only thing that has not been understood is their origin. From the mouths of some Motu, they have learned that the peculiar race of Xiaoshi tribe, It was brought by Yang Kai.

  But where did Yang Kai get it? Anything in this world always has a source.

Before the war for thousands of years, with the losses caused by countless clashes, the peculiar race of Xiaoshi clan has gradually faded out of the vision of the Mo clan, so before the war, Manaya did not expect that the meeting of Yang brought so many small stone clan to participate in the war. , Which caught the Mo people caught off guard.

  Yang Kai is here again!

  It seems that as long as it is related to the transition of the situation between the people and the ink, it is all related to this one.

  He couldn't help but regret it. If he had known that Yang Kai had hidden such a hand, he had just said that Yang Kai should be kept.

   But if you think about it carefully, what if you really leave him behind? After Yang Kai sacrificed two million Xiaoshi Clan, several false kings died, and Diallo was injured. Even if he was forcibly left behind, the Mo Clan must be psychologically prepared to endure tragic losses.