MTL - Martial Peak-Chapter 5897 Fully defensive

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For the Mo people, this battle is both a crisis and an opportunity.

Regardless of the outcome of this battle, there is only one ending that waits for the Mo Clan to return to Guan, and that is to be driven to death by the Human Race!

The only thing they can fight for is to cut off the power of the human race as much as possible. When this is done, the human race will lose the ability to expedition to the first day of the Great Forbidden. Even if it fails, it can also weaken the strength of the human race. Therefore, whether they like it or not, the general trend is like this. Next, the Mo people have to give it a go.

Based on the current situation, the Mo Clan still has a chance to severely damage the Human Race army.

In the first two wars, the two supreme clones have been standing still. If the human race dares to attack again, I am afraid that the supreme clone will participate in the war. Then only need to let the supreme clone take action at the right time, and the human race army can bear a huge amount. Blow.

Of course, the two giant gods in the sky will be killed soon, but that will be the next thing, not to mention, for the two giant gods, Manaya is not without arrangements.

He is sure to stop the two giant gods for a moment, and in just a moment, the supreme clone can bring unimaginable losses to the human army.

In the main hall, only the pseudo-lord asked a question. After getting the answer, the other pseudo-lords did not ask any more questions.

The Supreme Clone is ready to take action, then the next battle must be the last battle of the Mo Clan without returning to Guan!

Manayer spoke again: "According to the rules of the human race's first two wars, the next war is probably still two years later. The decisive battle is about to come, but both Lord Mo Yu and Diallo are injured, which is not good for the war. In order to ensure that the final battle can proceed smoothly, the two of them need to heal their injuries as soon as possible."

At this point, he glanced over the false kings below: "So I need to borrow the power of you, but who is willing to give everything to the supreme?"

Whether it is Mo Yu or Diallo, the injuries are serious. If you want to fully recover from such traumas, it is impossible not to sleep in the ink nest for dozens or hundreds of years. Humans won't wait so long. , So other methods must be used to allow these two kings to recover quickly.

In the Qiankun Furnace that year, Manaya and Yang Kai fought a battle, and almost all the oil was gone. Yang Kai was able to kill him. Mengque sacrificed himself to become a benevolence, and used the technique of integration against Manaya, bringing his power to the whole body. Melted into the body of Manaya, allowing him to recover and escape successfully.

This is a secret technique that can only be performed by the false kings of the Mo clan and the innate domain masters, because they themselves were born with the help of the technique of fusion, so they can use the technique of fusion to pour their own power into The body of other strong Mo people helps them heal their injuries.

In normal times, the Mo people can't bear to sacrifice a powerful person of the pseudo-lord level, but at this very time, they have to do so.

A king who is in good condition can play a role in the next battle, which is naturally much greater than that of a false king.

After Manaya finished asking, there was no answer from the false kings below...

It is also expected, after all, not every false king has the courage of Mengque, and the reason why Mengque assisted Manaya at that time was because he knew that he was bound to die, and intended to do his last one at the moment of death. Work hard.

At this time, Manaya asked them if they would die for the two kings, even if they were loyal to the Supreme Mo Clan, they had to think more about it.

Although it had been expected, when this scene appeared, Manayer still looked displeased and snorted coldly: "It seems that your loyalty to the Supreme needs to be considered. If this is the case, then I will assign it! "

He seemed to have been prepared, and casually ordered the two badly injured pseudo-lords to come out.

The two pseudo-lords who were spotted were sad, but they did not dare to resist. They immediately accepted their orders. They also knew that this was because of their heavy injuries. Even if they participated in the next war, they would not be able to play a role. So Will be pointed out.

After pointing out the two pseudo-lords, Manayer looked a little distracted, waved his hand and said, "Go down and prepare for the battle. The next war is about to see the answer."

All the pseudo-lords saluted and retired.

At this moment, a peculiar power fluctuation suddenly came from somewhere without returning, and quickly enveloped the entire hall. In the next instant, all the kings and even the false kings in the hall could not help but emerge in their minds. A touch of picture comes.

In that picture, there is a huge yin and yang dormant in the void, and a large number of Mo people swarmed out from the gap of that huge shadow...

The Mo Clan that came out quickly divided into two parts. One part swept into the depths of the void, and the other stayed behind, and began to incubate the king-level ink nests. Among the silhouettes that shuttled back and forth, the Innate Domain Lords abound... …

The pseudo-lords who were about to retire were stunned, and the three lords above were also stunned, and the expressions of every Mo clan powerhouse began to change.

Soon, they realized what they saw.

This is surprisingly the situation outside the ban in the first days!

The huge shadow that hung in the void was the country of Mo that was sealed by the Great Forbidden City, and that gap was a flaw in the Great Forbidden City.

And the reason why they were able to reflect this scene in their minds was the handwriting of the black giant god.

The black giant spirit is a clone of the Supreme. Although the distance between the first day and the deity is far away without returning to the customs, it is difficult to cut the connection between the clone and the deity. Therefore, what happens on the first day of the forbidden, the Supreme clone can be very fast Perceived, and then presented the scene over there in the minds of the strong Mo people.

Seeing the busy Mo people outside the Great Forbidden City, the expressions of the three kings and many false kings in the hall gradually became excited and joyful.

After a while, the words of the Supreme Clone rang in his ears: "The deity is about to wake up!"

With the sound of this voice, the picture in my mind gradually faded, slowly disappearing invisible.

In the hall, the pseudo-lords still maintained a salute posture. Mo Yu, who had been sitting on the bone throne in despair, straightened his body, and Diallo's face was filled with unstoppable ecstasy.

After being startled for a long time, Manaya suddenly burst into laughter. The laughter was full of delight and the joy of desperate life.

Originally planned to start a decisive battle in the next Terran attack, and to defeat all the Terran army if they could not return, but at the moment, it seems that there is no need to worry.

Moreover, judging from the current situation, there was a glimmer of life for those who had been dead and survived under the ferocious offensive of the Human Race army.

As long as you can persist for more than ten or twenty years without returning to the customs, when the people of the ban on the first day come to support you, you can form a front and back attack on the human race. By then, you may be able to win the final victory.

Of course, it does not matter even if the battle is defeated. The Supreme clone has already said that the deity will soon wake up. Once the Supreme is truly awakened, no matter how strong the human race is, it will not help. These heavens will eventually be the Mos' heavens, and Mo's power , Will be eternal!

"My lord!" Monaya turned his head and looked at Mo Yu.

Mo Yu looked happy and nodded slightly: "It looks like we need to change our strategy!"

After receiving the news from the supreme clone, the original plan must be changed. It can be said that this is the best news they have heard in so many years since the Mo people contracted their forces.

Among all the strong Mo people present, only the two who were previously spotted by Manaya were not happy, because no matter how the situation changes, they have been spotted, and they will always dedicate themselves to the healing of the two kings. I have to say that this is really a tragedy.

Time passed. Two years later, the Terran army launched a third attack. It was the same as the previous two. The Qiankun impact tactics cleared the way. After creating pressure on the Mo people's defense line, the army took the opportunity to press on.

However, this time the effect of the Qiankun impact tactics is negligible compared with the previous two.

The first time I was caught off guard by the Mo people, and the second time it was Mi Jinglun's strategy. After the Mo people suffered two losses, how could they be unprepared for this kind of tactics? In this way, no matter what the Humans do. , The Mo people have corresponding countermeasures.

The cosmic impact tactics didn't have much effect, so the two clans' armies were fighting to control the battlefield situation.

Fortunately, after the last battle, every soldier on the human race has refined a varying number of small stone races, ranging from two or three to dozens of statues. Those holy spirits who are in charge of the Sun and Taiyin records, Even more, tens of thousands of little stone tribes have been distributed to each.

In such a situation, the Mo people not only have to face the human army, but also the Xiaoshi clan, which is several times larger than the human army. Today's Xiaoshi clan will not be as brainless as the last time. They are all refined by human soldiers. In control, it is equivalent to the secret treasure that soldiers can use like arms.

As a result, the pressure of the Mo army can be imagined.

Yang Kai was also awakened by Ah Er during his practice and rushed into the domain gate to participate in the war.

This time, the Mo clan did not deliberately stop him, but Diallo led a group of pseudo-lords around the domain gate, and was responsible for restraining his movements and preventing him from having the opportunity to destroy the king-class ink nests placed nearby.

He could see at a glance that the Mo Clan’s defense line had shrunk again. Compared with the First World War, the Mo Clan’s current defense line could be said to have shrunk by more than half. The defense line shrinks so much, then the defense strength at each position is greatly enhanced. Up.

Although the Terran has the help of the Xiaoshi tribe's army, it is not easy to achieve the first two brilliant results.

On the high-level battlefield, Mo Yu's opponent was replaced by Wei Junyang.

In the previous two battles of Xiangshan, the injuries were not light, and there was no way to heal in two years, so in desperation, Wei Junyang had to fight against Mo Yu.

What made Yang Kai cared was that Mo Yu's injury was almost healed, which is very strange. Last time he was clearly injured, and with the speed of the Mo clan's healing speed, it was impossible to heal so quickly.

Looking at Diallo again, the situation is the same...

This made Yang Kai couldn't help but recall the scene of the battle with Manaya in the Qiankun Furnace, and he had some guesses in his heart.

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