MTL - Martial Peak-Chapter 5906 Big Sun Burst

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The Chunyang Pass is the only pass in the human race right now, and it is the center of the human army, and its symbolic significance is greater than its own attacking role.

Except for the first battle that did not return to the customs, this majestic Xiongguan once had a confrontation with the Mo army for being responsible for the severance. Over the years, in every war, it has always been out of the battlefield.

Up to this time, the Xiongguan pass came, and the many secret treasures on the pass bloomed, and they bombarded a certain Mozu defense line. The violent and continuous offensive soon tore that line of defense. The gap, the nearby Qingyang army immediately took advantage of the void, trembling in the void that was killing.

The powerful Mo people quickly paid attention to the situation here, and immediately more than a dozen pseudo-lords rushed over. At the same time, hundreds of figures in the Chunyang Pass also rose into the sky to welcome those pseudo-lords. , These are all the eighth ranks of the human race who have been sitting in the Pure Yang Pass and are responsible for maintaining the operation of the Pure Yang Pass.

These eight-Rank alone will definitely not be able to stop such a large number of pseudo-lords, but behind them is Pure Yangguan, which can be very helpful. It is still possible not to share life and death with these pseudo-lords, but to restrain and delay. Did it.

The two sides quickly confronted each other, and the light of the secret technique and secret treasure continued to bloom.

On the side of the huge battlefield, on a front that the Burning Moon Army is in charge of, the soldiers and soldiers of the two tribes are constantly confronting each other. However, under the strict defense of the Mo people, it is always difficult for the Burning Moon Army to make breakthroughs and cannot open the defense line of the Mo people. No matter how fierce the battle is, it doesn't make sense. Only by tearing apart this tight line of defense can the human race have room to play, and can drive straight ahead and kill more Mo races.

In the fierce confrontation, the Mo race repelled the offensive human race again and again, and both sides suffered heavy casualties.

At a certain moment, the Mo Clan on this line of defense suddenly discovered that the Terran offensive was inexplicably weaker. When he was puzzled, he saw that the densely packed Terran army suddenly separated from side to side. A dozen Terran battleships were obviously different from ordinary battleships. It came up, and behind the dozen or so warships, a huge warship followed.


The Mo ethnic powerhouse in charge of this line of defense recognized at a glance that the warship was an ink destroyer built by the human race.

Suspicious expressions appeared in the eyes of this powerful Mo race. He fought with each other so many times. This was the first time he saw the human race drive the ink destroyer into the front of the battlefield. In the past, this special warship was lined up behind the battlefield. Human race's soldiers in the formation protect, after all, this kind of warship itself is not used to charge and trap, but for other purposes.

What is the intention of the Terran bringing the destroyer in?

At the next moment, this Mo clan powerhouse seemed to have thought of something, and a great panic suddenly appeared on his face, his spiritual thought surged, and he roared: "Don't let them come near, blow them up for me!"

The overwhelming attacks came towards the Terran warships. The dozen or so warships in front of the destroyers urged the power of the protective circle to the extreme. They were also destroyed in a very short period of time, and the warships burst into pieces. The members of a small team on the battleship vanished into nothing.

More attacks came towards the ink destroyer, and the protective array on the ink destroyer lit up with dazzling light, soon dimmed and became fragmented.

In the next instant, the huge ink destroyer was also completely blown up.

However, the Mo clan powerhouse who was in charge of the war here did not show the slightest joy on his face. Instead, a huge panic emerged. Almost the moment the ink destroyer exploded, he withdrew and retreated.

Like a round of big sun shining all over the place, the place where the ink destroyer burst, the dazzling brilliance imprinted the void like daylight.

The brilliance slowly dissipated, and on the battlefield that was originally flooded by the power of ink, a huge circular area appeared extremely clearly in everyone’s field of vision. In that area, all the power of ink was purified, and you were in The Mo people in this area all screamed in pain, and those with insufficient strength were killed on the spot.

After all, the strong Mo clan who withdrew and retreated was unable to get rid of the envelope of the purifying light. At this moment, the strong ink power from all over his body escaped uncontrollably, as if he was thrown into a frying pan for frying. Exploding, the intense pain made his expression distorted, and what made him even more frightened was that as the power of his own ink dissipated, his strength dropped rapidly.

As he turned his head and looked back, he happened to see the impact of the human army, and he was cold deep inside, knowing that this line of defense might not be able to be held...

Everywhere on the battlefield, such a scene like the bursting of the sun, one after another, is constantly staged. The bright light after another is the nightmare that all the Mo people fear most.

This is the final decisive battle that cannot be overcome. Manaya has the courage to let go. As the offensive human race, why not?

As early as when Mi Jinglun gave the order to not return to the pass, a secret order had been spread to all the legions.

With the help of the purifying light sealed in the ink destroyer, forcibly open the Mozu's defense line!

The human race currently has a lot of ink destroyers, and almost every town has its own ink destroyers. The total number of warships that have sealed the light of purification has already exceeded one thousand.

The Mo people's defense line is indeed inexhaustible. The force of the Terran army alone will cause a huge price to be broken even if it can be broken. However, with the help of the ink destroyer, the battle damage of the Terran soldiers can be greatly reduced.

The soldiers died in battle, but the destroyer was gone, and it could be rebuilt. How could Mi Jinglun be unclear with such a simple account.

This was a countermeasure he had thought of for a long time, but he would not use it easily when he was forced to do so. After all, the Human Race was not rich in resources at the moment, and it was not an easy task to build thousands of destroyers.

But in the case of not being fully prepared, you can only use this method if you want to attack and not return.

Thousands of ink destroyers burst open in less than half a cup of tea. Every warship can clear a vast area. No matter how strong the Mo people’s defense line is, it’s the same as the force that restrains them. Helpless.

There were a lot of gaps in the original tight defense line, and the long-prepared human race troops from all walks of life gathered in a timely manner to consolidate the line, increase the strength of the troops, expand the advantage, and kill the Mo race!

In less than half an hour, the Mo clan's declining trend has appeared!

It is almost a miracle for such a huge battlefield to achieve such a huge result in such a short period of time, but the human race has no more time.

The explosion of a large number of ink destroyers means that the human race can no longer use the purifying light sealed in the ink destroyer to disperse the power of ink that has invaded the body. Now the soldiers of the human race can only rely on the moisturizing pills taken in advance to protect their own small The stability of the universe.

But Mo Pill is also effective, so this battle must be quickly resolved.

In such a war, there are many factors that affect the outcome. The determination of the soldiers of the two clans, the strengths and weaknesses of the high-level combat power, and the biggest impact on the victory is still the top combat power of the two clans, the giant gods and the ink giants. Gods!

Even if the human race can wipe out the Mo family army, if it can't take down the black giant god, it will still be of no avail. This kind of creation belonging to the Mo, the threat to the human race is not comparable to those false kings.

On the battlefield, Yang Kai continued to kill, and his figure was erratic. Everywhere, the aura of a strong Mo clan died. Since the start of the war, as many as dozens of pseudo-lords have died in his hands.

This is the war in which he beheaded the most false kings!

The high-intensity battles made him **** and his breath became unsteady. The counterattacks of those pseudo-lords before their deaths should not be underestimated.

But also because of his efforts, the human side has reduced a lot of losses.

Realizing that this was the final battle, Manaya broke the boat and let the dozens of pseudo-lords who had been guarding the customs to come out, completely abandoning the guardianship of whether to return, even though the human race had a large number of 8-Ranks, But in the face of such hordes of Mo clan powerhouses, he was still a little weak, and many eighth ranks were brutally killed.

However, as Yang Kai continued to behead the pseudo-lords, the situation finally improved. Until this moment, the eight-ranks have gradually stabilized their positions, each forming a battle, splitting their opponents, and fighting against those pseudo-lords.

Moreover, Yang Kai continued to hunt and kill. It can be said that the human race has gradually gained an advantage in the comparison of high-level combat power.

However, Yang Kai was not satisfied, because from the beginning to the end, the two black giant gods did not make a move and kept guarding them.

If the black giant spirit does not take action, he will not dare to expose his strength at will. This kind of war will continue, and the casualties of the human race will be further expanded. At the end, even if the human race does not return, the fallen human race powerhouse will also be lost. It will be difficult to calculate.

Fortunately, after the Mo Clan’s defense line collapsed and the battle damage further expanded, the two black giant gods who had been standing idly by were finally unable to sit still.

There seemed to be a deep sigh in the void, causing every creature on the battlefield to jump in their hearts.

Immediately afterwards, the two behemoths guarded by the non-returning gate moved. They stepped out of each step and reached the forefront of the battlefield. They waved their hands at will, whether it was Human or Mo, they all turned into meat without a sound. .

It's not that they don't want to avoid the Mo Clan, it's that their size is too large, and once the offensive comes out, the coverage is so wide that it is difficult to achieve precise control.

In an instant, wherever the two giant black gods went, the armies of the two tribes evacuated.

At the same time, in the airspace, both Ah Da and Ah Er, who had been paying attention to the movement here, gave a lift.

Ah Da pointed to Yumen and said, "Can we go on?"

Ah Er got up and said solemnly: "It's okay!"

The little guy told them before he left, if the two big guys on the opposite side dared to leave, they would go in.

The two big guys had been calm and motionless before, and Ah Da and Ah Er could only stare at them. Now it is undoubtedly time for them to come out of the mountain.

"Beat them!" Ah Da looked murderous, and after finishing speaking, he suffocated his energy, and his huge figure suddenly shrank and turned into a little giant.

On the side, Ah Er is the same.

After less than ten breaths of action by the two giant black gods, the two giant gods stepped out of the gate of the void that was connected and could not return.