MTL - Martial Peak-Chapter 5928 Mysterious and Unknowable

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At the corner of the ink retreat, Zhao Yebai stood stiffly in place, his clothes wet with sweat.

At that moment, he actually realized the breath of death, and he had already stepped into the ghost gate with one foot.

What made him even more horrified was that he just couldn't move at all. Facing the sudden shot of the master, there was no resistance at all.

In other words, if Master really wants to kill himself, one shot is enough!

What an amazing force this is.

You must know that he is also at the pinnacle of the eighth rank. After Yang Xue was promoted to the ninth rank, he had consulted with Yang Xue, although neither side used his full strength, but Zhao Yebai thought that even if he was not Yang Xue's opponent, he would support her. Dozens of tricks are always okay.

He is also proficient in the way of space, and Yang Xue has nothing to do with him if he wants to escape with all his heart.

Looking at all the eight ranks of the human race, he belongs to the top batch.

But even so, in front of the master's power, it is still as small as an ant.

That shot was finally blocked. At this moment, Zhao Ya stood in front of Zhao Yebai, crossed her chest, and the tip of Canglong's spear was pointed on her spear. The power that should have destroyed the world was intersected by the two shots. It disappeared instantly without a trace.

At this moment, Zhao Ya's face was full of horror and horror, and she also mixed with a trace of dazedness. She herself didn't know how to burst out such an amazing power, and protected the big brother under the master's gun.

The ink color on Yang Kai's body disappeared and he returned to his original appearance. He glanced at Zhao Ya, who was full of horror, and only asked, "Understand?"

Zhao Ya pursed her lips and responded dryly: "The disciple understands."

Yang Kai nodded. Among the three disciples, Zhao Yebai had the worst qualifications and Zhao Ya was the strongest. This kind of strength surpassed almost everyone Yang Kai had ever seen.

Over the past thousands of years, the Star Realm, the Void World, and the Ten Thousand Demon Realm have given birth to many good seedlings of the seventh rank, but in terms of cultivation talent, no one can match Zhao Ya.

Naturally, her understanding is not bad. She has taken some detours on the gunway before, but I believe that through this time, her gunway will have a huge breakthrough.

Only then did Yang Kai retract the Canglong Spear, Zhao Ya only felt that her strength was exhausted, and fell limply into Zhao Yebai's arms.

Yang Kai turned to look at Xu Yi.

Xu Yi swallowed his saliva and took a step forward: "Please enlighten me, Master."

After the second elder sister came out, he didn't know how Master was going to point him.

Fortunately, Yang Kai just raised his hand, the power of the Great Dao manifested, and the Dao of Time condensed, just like the way Zhao Yebai had just been pointed out, showing him the mystery and true meaning of the Dao of Time.

Xu Yi's thoughts and enlightenment have been great.

After half a cup of tea, Xu Yi respectfully saluted: "Master, my disciple has realized."

Yang Kai nodded.

Looking at the three disciples in front of him, there was a sudden movement in his heart, and he said: "I have realized a magical power in the past. This magical power requires the coordination of space and time to be displayed. The power is huge. Ye Bai and Xu Yi have leisure, You can understand it a little bit, and you may gain something."

With that said, he stretched out his hand a little.

The Avenue of Space rises up and down, the big sun rises, the full moon floats in the sky, the sun and the moon are all bright.

One more point.

The avenue of time flows.

The powers of the two great avenues manifest at the same time, blending with each other, and immediately produce mysterious changes. In the time when the space is intertwined, the two completely different powers of great avenues rotate, urging the sun and the moon to turn into a spinning top that revolves around each other The power of destroying everything is revealed in a square inch.

Zhao Yebai and Xu Yi looked intoxicated.

"This is the sun and moon **** wheel. If you want to display it, you need to work together with your brothers and sisters to have a chance."

The Sun Moon God Seal is an advanced version of this supernatural power, and Zhao Yebai and Xu Yi's current abilities are absolutely impossible to display. In fact, Yang Kai doesn't know whether they can display this Sun Moon God Wheel.

The two powers of his own great powers are integrated into one, and it is very convenient to use them. If two people are required to cooperate, they don't know if it will work.

But it's okay to try this kind of thing. If Zhao Yebai and Xu Yi can really cooperate to display the Sun Moon God Wheel, the two can work together to have one more killer.

Anyway, at the moment they are trapped here, unable to practice breakthroughs, and there is always some benefit to learn more about them on the road.

Zhao Yebai and Xu Yi nodded together and said: "Master teaches, I will keep it in my heart, and I will not let Master down."

Yang Kai said, "I still have something to deal with. When the human army arrives, Wu Kuang will find a chance to send you out."

After speaking, his spiritual thoughts surged.

Fu Guang appeared.

"Senior, I'm leaving, the retired Mexican army will have to take care of seniors."

"Where are you going?" Fu Guang clearly noticed something.

"Yeah." Yang Kai nodded: "That might be an opportunity, so you have to check it out anyway."

Fu Guang said worriedly: "You have to be careful yourself. I don't know the specific situation, but Wu Kuang told me some information. The place should be unsafe. Don't overturn the ship in the gutter."

Yang Kai said, "I will act on the spot."

He looked up at the void: "Wu Kuang, let's get started."

"Are you sure you want to go?" Wu Kuang's voice sounded.

"Stop talking nonsense, it's this time, there is no room for retreat."

"I can send you there, but in that kind of place, I can't do much, I can only rely on you for everything."


"Well then." Although Wu Kuang knew that Yang Kai had made this decision, it was difficult to persuade him at this time. As Yang Kai said, by this time, there was no room for retreat.

The fog began to grow, covering Yang Kai's body, which was the great forbidden force that Wu Kuang urged.

In the next instant, Yang Kai felt that the ink retreating platform was quickly moving away from him. Just like the scene when he was brought here by Wu Kuang before, his whole person quickly shuttled through the ink-colored ocean to a mysterious and unknowable place.

Regarding the unknowable place, Wu Kuang had disclosed some information to Yang Kai before, but it was not detailed, because Wu Kuang also had difficulty prying into the mystery there.

In fact, if it weren't for Mo's power riot this time, he didn't even know that there was such a special place in the Great Forbidden City.

That is what Mu left behind!

Thousands of years ago, the human race made its first expedition. The expeditionary army suffered heavy losses. The deity Mo awakened and died from exhaustion. Seeing that the great forbidden was about to be broken, and Mo was about to escape, the shadow of Mu suddenly appeared. .

She let Mo fall into a deep sleep again, kept the crumbling first day's ban, resolved the disaster of the human race's army, and allowed the human race to have thousands of years of survival time.

Everyone thought that Mu's backhand had been fully activated, even Cang thought so.

Therefore, after he sensed that his own limit was approaching, he informed Yang Kaiji of the existence at the last moment, allowing Yang Kai to find the reincarnation of Qi and lead him to sit in the Great Forbidden City.

This was the event that Yang Kai brought Wu Kuang here later. Although the reincarnation of Qi was not Qi itself, it was able to exert some of the power of the Great Forbidden in the First Days.

Facts have proved that Wu Kuang has done a good job these years.

Not to mention Wu Kuang, but only talk about the trailblazers left behind by Mu in ancient times.

Putting Mo into a deep sleep is not the last resort.

This method has a lingering rhyme, which is hidden in the mysterious and unknowable place.

Wu Kuang didn't understand the specific situation, but he could faintly perceive the key to breaking the game.

Once he wanted to let Fu Guang go, but the retreating ink army was trapped in the enemy camp, and Fu Guang couldn't go away at all.

Fortunately, when Yang Kai arrived, Yang Kai was undoubtedly the best candidate.

When Wu Kuang informed Yang Kai of the many information contained in the Great Forbidden City, the two knew that this trip was imperative.

No matter what is hidden by Mu's backhand, someone needs to investigate and verify it. Otherwise, once the Mo deity is completely awakened, it is impossible to be an opponent based on the current background of the human race. What is waiting for the human race will ultimately be the disaster of extinction.

In the ink-colored ocean, Yang Kai continued to move forward, protected by the power of the Great Forbidden of the First Heaven, and it was impossible for those strong Mo people who were hiding in the void to detect his traces.

"It's almost here." At a certain moment, Wu Kuang's voice rang in his ears.

Yang Kai immediately became alert.

Immediately afterwards, he felt that he had hit an invisible film and stuck directly on it.

The speed was too fast, Yang Kai hit his whole body sorely.

"Hey Wu Kuang, what's the situation?" Yang Kai took a step back and asked Transmit.

Wu Kuang's innocent voice sounded: "I don't know, it seems that any creatures are refused entry here."

"Then how do I get in?" Yang Kai frowned.

"Wait a minute, let me see."

While waiting, Yang Kai probed his hand forward and touched it, and indeed touched a layer of obstruction. This was like a barrier restriction, but it didn't seem to be, giving Yang Kai a very weird feeling.

When he was about to investigate carefully, the palm of his hand was slightly hot, and an inexplicable force seemed to sweep across the body on the invisible obstruction.

Then Yang Kai's palm penetrated the barrier.

Yang Kai was suddenly a little surprised, raised his foot and took a step, half of his body passed through.

"Huh? How did you do it?" Wu Kuang asked in surprise.

"It seems that there is some power to verify my identity, and then let me go." Yang Kai explained after recalling the experience just now.

"Verify your identity..." Wu Kuang's voice seemed thoughtful, "That should be a means of animal husbandry. It is hidden in the depths of the Great Forbidden. It should be guarded against the strong Mos from breaking into it. Only the humans can travel. ."

Although I don't know if this is the answer, only this kind of explanation makes sense at the moment.

"I'm in." Yang Kai said.

"Take this." When Wu Kuang's voice fell, something suddenly appeared in Yang Kai's palm. Before Yang Kai had time to investigate, he fell into the unknown place.

The next moment, Yang Kai was stunned.

As you can see, a magnificent river that does not know where it comes from or where it is going lies in the void.

The length of the river is unknown, and the waves on the river are surging, and the power of many avenues blends and merges, among which the time avenue and space avenue are the strongest.

Time and space!