MTL - Marvel: I, Created the Masked Foundation X-Chapter 17

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"I got it, but it's not very clear!"

"Come back quickly!"

"I want the front page tomorrow! It's all about this news!"

The daily boss waved his hand immediately.

And those news bosses who never sent reporters to the scene!

Hearing this news, I couldn't help regretting it.

Shout out of regret.

did not expect!

Such a great opportunity was missed.


Just when they were upset!

In his computer mailbox, a file suddenly popped up.

They curiously clicked on the file.

When they saw the content, these guys were excited.

turn out to be!

Among them, it is the black material stolen from the previous Izzy Black Stark Industry!

Everyone looks at these black materials!

Immediately the eyes glow.

There is no news in Zhengzhou!

Looks like tomorrow's front page has it.

The next morning!

Ben Parker picked up the newspaper from the mailbox outside the house.

Then go inside!

Aunt May in the house brought him a glass of milk and a few slices of bread.

And right now!

Peter Parker hurried out of it!

not good!

"It's going to be late!"

He picked up his schoolbag, put on his coat, and hurriedly rushed outside.

"Get some slices of bread!"

Aunt May shouted.

"no need!"

Parker hurriedly ran out.

"This kid!"

Uncle Ben laughed and scolded, then looked at the newspaper in his hand!

Oh my gosh!

Parker leaves home.

Then he hurried to the bus stop.

Their school organized an event today.

To go to a group of high-tech companies, take a tour!

some of!

May have his favorite Feidian intelligence!

How can this be missed!

After he ran to the platform, the school bus was about to leave.

Parker's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, and he jumped up and jumped into the door!

"Huh, I almost missed it!"

Parker wiped his forehead and said relaxedly.

"Hey Parker, come here!"

"Look what I saw!"

And right now!

A fat Asian man suddenly stood up.

He waved to Parker.

This little fat man is Parker's friend, Ned Leeds!

"Come on, what happened!"

Parker walked to his next door, put down his schoolbag, and asked with great interest.

"God, you haven't read the news yet!"

"Feedian Intelligence has produced an AI intelligent robot!"

"And it is said that it can completely simulate humans and replace certain occupations of humans!"

"This is too crazy!"

The little fat man quickly took out his mobile phone and showed it to Parker.

"oh, mygod!"

Parker couldn't believe it when he heard the news.

This Feidian Smart!

It's too arrogant!

To know!

Since the birth of Feidian!

He is the loyal supporter of Feidian Intelligence.

For every electronic product it makes, Parker saves money to buy it.

It can be said that it is a loyal "flying power powder"!

But the last year!

This Feidian Intelligence seems to have not released new products.

This made Parker depressed for a long time.

He also thought that it was this Feidian company that was out of luck!

did not expect!

This appearance brought such a major invention!

"so amazing!"

Parker took the phone and read it carefully.

Most of the above are descriptions of reporters.

It is also loaded with photos taken at the press conference.

Mod Gia!

Artificial Human Technology.

A term washed over Parker's vision.

"It's incredible!"

"President Li Wei, he's a genius!"

After reading it, Parker praised again.

"That's right!"

"I originally thought that Tony Stark was a little more genius!"

"But now, I've changed my mind!"

"From now on, my idol is President Li Wei!"

Ned, the little fat man beside him, nodded in agreement.

"Just right!"

"We are going to visit Feidian Smart Headquarters!"

"I don't know, can I see the Humagia mentioned on the news!"

Parker said excitedly.


"Before that, we're going to visit Osborne Industries!"

"Really, the school can't change the order!"

Fat little Ned couldn't help complaining.

(Well, Parker in this book is the Dutch version of Spider-Man! By the way, do you want to see Spider-Monster, or Spider-Man who got the knight's belt! In addition to K's knight's belt in the mask, it has a spider element, what other Kamen Rider, with spider element?).

[16] The board is in trouble!

And the other side!

As the news fermented!

The stock prices of major companies are really as expected!

Falling down!

Among them, the one with the heaviest losses is Stark Industries.

Just one morning.

The stock price of Stark Industries fell by about ten percent.

Confident Tony! (1 more, please collect!)

And this decline is still unabated.

But don't underestimate the ten percent!

To know!

This Stark Industries exists as a giant.

Its value is immeasurable.

Such a giant presence.

Its share price fluctuates by one or two percent, which is enough to make investors panic.

What's more, it's a five percent drop.

This slump made all the shareholders of Stark Industries feel a lot of pain.

And now!

Inside Tony's mansion.

Little Pepper Potts hurried into it.