MTL - Marvel Plane Trader-Chapter 317 forgotten……

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  Chapter 317 The Forgotten...

  The ruins where the earth teleportation array is located are not very far away from the ruins where the Laika tribe is located, only more than two hundred kilometers away.

   This distance is hardly a problem for high-altitude patrolling aircraft.

  So not long after Josie's legion appeared, a Krem federal patrol team that was closer discovered this huge army, and immediately raised the highest alarm to the headquarters.

  Although they were not attacked, this is a huge army, not a kindergarten school bus!

  Even a fool would know that such a large army cannot go out for an outing!

  Josie's legion actually discovered this patrol team at the first time and reported it to Josie, but he didn't pay attention to it at all, and didn't pay attention to the three countries on this planet.

"All the things here are left to you. I only want the result, not the process!" In the flagship of the legion, Josie said to Ophelia, who was called by him to be the commander-in-chief of the legion, and Naganalasa, who was the deputy commander. Si confessed.

  Although the place where they are now is a desert, it does not mean that there is no ocean on this planet, so the existence of Naraxas is very necessary.

  And just like the earth, according to the information Josie collected before, although the technology of this planet is good, the degree of ocean development is very low.

  So it's hard to say whether Kerim crystals will have more reserves in the ocean like Zhenjin.

   And this needs to be explored by the Sea Clan headed by Naraxas.

   After the legion has gained a firm foothold on this planet, the sea clan legion headed by Nazaras will be sent to the ocean of this world.

   "Yes, master!" X2, the two women respectfully accepted the orders.

   After explaining, Josie opened the portal again and returned to the Laika tribe.

   "Father, is it...?" Seeing Josie, Mike couldn't help asking.

"That's right, this ruin... No, this planet is very valuable. I have already asked your Aunt Ophelia to lead troops into this world. It won't be long before the fleet will arrive here, and this also represents our journey. It's going to end early!" Josie said without any concealment.

  Hearing the news, Mike couldn't help feeling a little regretful, he wasn't having any fun, and this trip was coming to an end.

   "Father, can I stay and participate in the battle?" Ben hesitated and asked Josie.

   "...Yes, but you have to obey Ophelia's orders!" Frowning slightly at the young son, Josie finally chose to agree.

   "Father, I too..." Seeing this, Mike also wanted to plead.

   "Go back to Sulawesi and learn management!" Josie rolled her eyes and said.

   "Father, it's not fair!" Mike yelled.

   "Fair? Yes, if you win Ben, I promise to let you stay!" Josie said with a smile.

   "Hehe, I'm joking!" Mike was stunned immediately, looked at his younger brother who was eager to try, and returned home with a decisive smile.

  Are you kidding? If you fight with this kid, it's fine if you win. If you lose, where will you put your brother's face?

Regardless of the age difference between the two, they are not ordinary children. The age difference is better than nothing. Under the almost crazy combat training, when Mike practiced with this kid half a year ago, he already felt very strenuous , It's really hard to say whether he can still beat the opponent now.

  More importantly, if this kid gets entangled in the future, chasing you every day to learn from each other, it will be difficult.

   It’s better to go back to Sulawesi to learn management, at least you can hug your sister and bask in the sun in your spare time!

   "Boss, I also want to stay and participate in the battle!" Another one who made a choice was Yondu.

   Josie didn't refuse.

   Soon, Mike was sent back to the earth, along with the three brothers and sisters of Laika.

  As for Josie, he will continue to stay in this world, waiting for the end of the war.

Although this planet is bigger than the earth, due to the combination of reasons, the population and the overall strength of the three countries are not outstanding. Under the command of Ophelia, the legion occupied most of the area in just half a month. , the damage is minimal.

   During this process, the entire mechanical army discovered five teleportation arrays again.

   It's just that two of these teleportation arrays have been completely damaged. With Josie's current ability, they can't repair them for the time being, and the other three have lost their crystal energy just like the teleportation arrays of the Laika tribe.

The worse news is that after the Mechanical Legion occupied most of the Klim crystal mines on this planet, although they obtained a large number of Klim crystals, these Klim crystals are basically only weapon-grade, and can be used as The military weapons of the planet and the energy of the vehicle, but basically cannot withstand the teleportation array.

  Thinking about it, the star field where this planet is located, Josie is still unable to determine its specific location in the universe, which shows that it is extremely far away from the Milky Way, and may even be out of the local galaxy group.

  The amount of energy needed to transmit this level of distance is obviously an astronomical figure.

  The crystal with the highest quality only lasted for two minutes after trying it, and the portal collapsed due to exhaustion of energy.

  But after integrating some murals, wall carvings and other materials of the ruins where these portals are located.

  The thread of the ancient legends of this planet has gradually become clear.

  The two gods, Kitri and Sharla, created this world and its countless races and cared for them.

Those interstellar teleportation arrays were established with the help of the two gods, and they can be regarded as an important way for these races to expand. The kingdom of the queen who arrived on the earth hundreds of thousands of years ago and combined with the barbarian king Conan should be one of them.

  But with the passage of time, the contradictions and conflicts among the various races continued to intensify, and a world war broke out that affected all races on the planet.

  This war not only caused the destruction and extinction of countless races, but also made the two gods extremely disappointed with these races.

  In rage, the two gods abandoned the planet and the races they had created.

  Because of the war, the planet's resources were greatly reduced, and various races suffered heavy losses, and began to migrate through the teleportation array. In the end, only some without the teleportation array, or some residual branches, continued to stay in this world.

  After the vicissitudes of life, the current situation where the ancient inheritance is almost cut off finally formed.

"It seems that the ancient civilizations on this planet have almost excavated high-quality crystals that can be used as portal energy sources. It is also because of the loss of high-quality energy sources. Even if there are inherited civilizations, they are slowly leaving here with those who have already migrated. The main line of the planet lost contact, and finally completely declined... But this is not good news!" After listening to the ancient legends about this planet gathered by his subordinates, Josie glanced at the relic of the time at hand and got Yes, it is very dim now, and it may be the only remaining Kerim crystal that can be used as the energy source of the interstellar teleportation array and said with a sigh.

"Yeah, if there is no crystal of this grade, those interstellar teleportation arrays are nothing more than decorations, and even the rule of this planet cannot be maintained very well! But I think if the Steve Rogers you said is really If you have passed and left this planet, then it means that there must be a second crystal of this grade!" Howard Duck nodded.

   "It's hard to say, what if he uses a low-quality portal? Although the low-quality portal can't last for a few minutes, it is enough for him to pass alone!" Josie shook his head slightly.

  That's right, Howard Duck shrugged helplessly.

   "Now let's see if Naraxas can bring us good news!" The existing terrestrial Kerim crystal mines can't find enough high-quality crystals, and Josie can only put his hope in the ocean.

  If he couldn't find crystals of sufficient quality, he might have to temporarily abandon this planet, leaving only a part of the legion to continue to rule here, waiting for his return at some point.

   "Maybe we can find some other better energy sources to replace this crystal!" Howard Duck suggested.

"No, the scientific research team has already tried it. What is needed to drive these teleportation arrays is not only a huge amount of energy, the energy must also have a certain space attribute. The energy of the space attribute is not so easy to find. ...Huh? Wait!" Josie froze suddenly.

   "What's the matter?" Seeing Josie's appearance, Howard Duck couldn't help asking.

   "I just remembered that there really is an excellent energy source with space attributes on the earth, but it's been so long that I almost forgot about it!" Josie rubbed his forehead and laughed at himself.

   "What is it?" Howard Duck asked curiously.

"The Cosmic Rubik's Cube, also known as the Space Gem, is the thing that sent Steve Rogers to this planet... and compared to the Kerim Crystal, the energy of that thing is infinite!" Josie smiled happily stand up.

"Oh, it sounds like a good treasure!" Howard Duck raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and drank the tea in the cup in his hand. He used to be an alcoholic, and he often met with Josie and Xu Wenwu. After getting in touch, I also fell in love with tea as a drink.

  Although there is no influence of Peggy Carter, one of the veterans of S.H.I.E.L.D. on the original timeline, the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D. after its establishment is still located in the military base where the US team once trained in New Jersey.

  The protective facilities here are very tight, but for Josie now, it is meaningless.

  Because Josie came in the evening, just in time to see Howard Stark, who was off work, being picked up by his housekeeper Jarvis.

   "Sorry, Howard!" Looking at the leaving vehicle, Josie raised his eyebrows, and then stepped into the elevator leading to the underground in stealth.

   A few minutes later, holding the power gem, he found the safe that kept the Rubik's Cube deep in the underground base based on the mutual induction between the infinite gems.

   With a squeeze, the door of the safe turned into a mass of scrap metal.

   "Beautiful baby, I'm really sorry for forgetting you for so long!" Looking at the crystal clear Rubik's Cube, Josie had a smile on his face.

   "I don't know why, I always feel a little restless today!" Sitting in the back seat of the car, Howard rubbed his head and said.

   "Sir, I think you are too tired. In order to build that reactor, you haven't had a good rest for a week!" Jarvis couldn't help but said after glancing at the exhausted Howard through the rearview mirror.

   "No way, that may be our only hope to catch up with Austria!" Howard couldn't help sighing.

   If you say that Josie is constantly raising the level of science and technology in the world, especially the level of science and technology in Austria, if you want to say who is under the greatest pressure, it is undoubtedly Howard.

  Because of his reputation as a genius, almost all the pressure in the United States is coming towards him.

   Not to mention that he is also in charge of many SHIELD-related affairs.

  So in order to be able to devote more energy to research, he has been slowly releasing the rights of S.H.I.E.L.D. over the past few years—even if this does not seem very wise.

   But even so, he is as tired as a dog every day.

   "And compared to rest, I think what I need more is to relax!" Just when Jarvis wanted to continue persuading, Howard suddenly said energetically.

  ...Well, Howard is still the same Howard, and he will really die without a woman.

   "...If you really need it, I found a new high-end club when I came..." Jarvis sighed, and then said.

   "Good idea, let's go there!" Howard clapped his hands and praised.

   Seeing this, Jarvis sighed helplessly, then changed direction and drove towards the clubhouse.

  After arriving at the clubhouse, Howard was soon surrounded by flowers.

  His fame is so great that countless women want to spend the spring night with him.

   Howard couldn't do this at all, and just ordered the four most pleasing to the eye!

  Just when he was having fun, his mobile phone rang—because the technological history of the earth has been completely chaotic. Although mobile phones in the true sense have not yet become popular, mobile phones appeared more than 20 years earlier.

  Although the price is expensive, for people at Howard's level, it's purely trivial.

   However, Howard, who was "busy" at this time, obviously didn't want to answer the phone, but the phone kept ringing helplessly, so he could only signal to a girl next to him who was helping him to get the phone.

   "Mr. Howard, you must come back to the base immediately, the Rubik's Cube has been stolen!" The gentle girl pressed the on button and put the receiver next to Howard's ear, and the anxious voice of the base guard officer came from inside.

  Cosmic Rubik’s Cube stolen? Howard, who was originally concentrating on playing poker, immediately exploded when he heard the news.

   Regardless of cleaning up, he threw away his protection, packed his clothes, and rushed out the door.

   And just after he left, the gazes of the women in the room instantly focused on the trump card that they forgot to clean up because they were in a hurry to leave.

  Although Howard has experienced countless poker games, he would clean up carefully after every game in the past... After all, it’s time to play, and you can’t make fun of your ace.

   So after so many years, there is no child.

  But this time because of the urgency of the situation, he still forgot about it.

  The four women in the room understood the meaning of these aces very well.

  Although there are not many aces in this point, four people can barely get one. As for whether the aces in this chapter can work, it depends on their lives!

  (end of this chapter)