MTL - Marvel Reverses Wolverine-Chapter 171 dynasty again

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  Chapter 171 Dynasty Resurgence

   Under the baptism of blizzard, the tundra of the deserted island in the Arctic Ocean can be covered with frost and snow again in just a moment.

   After being covered with a thick layer of ice and snow, the piles of corpses are no different from stones on the frozen soil. The flat snow surface trembles, and a human-shaped snow layer undulates slightly.


   Frozen blue-cold fists shattered the ice and stretched out, fingers spread out violently to prop up the body, the man's black hair covered in frost was frozen into one piece,

  He breathed a sigh of relief, and after a while, heat waves rose up on his body again, dispelling the chill, and melting the ice shards that hung all over.


  The upper body covered with black blood scabs was naked, his left arm was empty, he got up and stepped on the ice, as if he was looking for something.

In the end, the guarding warden of the Wolf Tower stood on the tundra, staring for a long time at the bulging snow packs scattered scattered, kneeling down on his knees, smashing the ice head by head amidst the whistling snowstorm. face, knocked three times in a row.

  The cold wind came and went, and stopped suddenly after a while, and the dead ice field became silent.

Bucky knelt on the ice in a daze, still didn't get up, he suddenly trembled at the base of his ears, rushed to the right three to five meters away, blasted the ice cover with his fist, and frantically pulled the hard corpse with his one arm and earth and rock.

A middle-aged man with bruised face was gouged out, his eyelids trembled slightly, his legs were amputated from the knee down, but luckily, his torso was not cut open like the team members around him , leaving a life behind.

  Bucky carried him on his shoulders and strode back to the wolf tower.

   "...We should be about the same age."

   "Hey, it's about the same. When you first came to the old house, I was in the same group as you. Hehe, you were like this at that time."

   "Old Wolf" sat carelessly on Bucky's warden's chair, his broken legs were roughly bandaged.

  He fiddled with the special medicine tube that saved his life on the table, picked up the wine glass and gulped it down in two gulps, teasing that Bucky, who was sitting across from him, now only had one arm left.

   "Well, I taught your son later, very good, he will become a winter wolf, and there is a chance to go to the "Styx"."

  Bucky pours another glass of rum for the old chap, how much he needs to warm up.

   "Hey! Then you are right, I can't make it, I can barely practice two paragraphs, but my boy wolf master also likes it very much, ha! Hehe, hahahahaha cough cough!"

  Usually loves to chat with the young guards of the wolf tower, and likes to praise the old man of the wolf pack that he has a promising son.

  I don't know if it was because of this reason, his eyes were red, and a clear liquid faintly flowed out.

  Bucky's long wet hair fell on his cheeks, and he looked at the old player with raised eyebrows, a little worried.

   "Bucky! Hahahaha, you say, cough cough! Our wolf master—no, you are calling the teacher, he is an old man, hehe! Have you ever seen his angry look?"

  The old wolf wiped his tears with his big hand full of blood, and his face became more smeared after a few strokes, like the oil paint that the jungle race would smear in battle, the muscles of his cheekbones twitched, and he stared at Bucky.

   "Hey hey hey, I haven't seen it, you're right, I've never seen the teacher really angry."

  As soon as Bucky realized it, he also laughed, and took two gulps of the wine bottle, holding the bottle with his right hand, crackling and crackling.

   "It's because he didn't, so Lord Wolf will be very angry, very, very angry. The Howlett family has never suffered such a loss. Never."

  The old wolf muttered to himself, and his face was no longer joking. The two heard the roar of aircraft engines and hurried footsteps from outside the tower, but they didn't respond. They just looked at each other with red eyes.

  West longitude 100°, north latitude 76°06′, this is the location of the earth's north magnetic pole measured by scientists a few years ago.

About 1,600 kilometers from the North Pole, near Bathurst Island in the Parry Islands in northern Canada, belonging to the Nunavut region, is widely considered to be the northernmost human-inhabited area in the world and one of the most inhospitable areas .

  Under the surface of the planet Earth, there is a molten metal nugget in the core, which contains a huge amount of iron and nickel. Because the iron and nickel are flowing, the magnetic field of the earth is always moving.

  According to scientists' speculation, it is estimated that around 2460 AD, the North Magnetic Pole will move to the current position of the Taimyr Peninsula in Siberia, Soviet Union.

  Eric Lanshere laughed and said nothing at this speculation, and he was not in the mood to stand up and correct this rather inaccurate conclusion.

  After all, in his "eyes", the earth is like a transparent giant sphere containing metallic liquid. The movement and deflection trajectory of the planet's magnetic field is clearer than the planned roads and alleys at the door of the house.


  A small-scale Whip of Order flying equipment, the supersonic aircraft "Spike Fang" disappeared from the sky above Quebec Province, and arrived at Bathurst Island, which is only a few hundred kilometers away from the North Pole, in a few minutes.

Eight times the speed of sound is the fastest speed that "Shock Wave" Alex Summers can control. A super driver who has not greatly exceeded the physiological limit of the human body and the reflex speed of the nerves cannot truly exert the limit of the vibration gold engine and the Rubik's Cube energy. speed.

  As the four sets of energy engines of the aircraft reversed their angles, they slowly pushed against the frozen soil of the wasteland and fell vertically.

  Alex came out from the door that opened at the tail of the plane, raised his palms while looking at the slanted sun, wrinkled his eyes slightly, and looked around.

   "This retreat doesn't even leave a communication device, how can I find it, teacher, teacher Eric! 'Magneto King'!"

  Wearing a dark blue combat uniform of the Whip of Order, "Shock Wave" shouted blindly in the wilderness of the deserted island.

  People in the family only know that Eric Lanshere went to the magnetic pole to retreat alone, trying to break through the second layer of the evolution technique by experiencing the power of the planet's magnetic field, so as to achieve the second mutation of ability.

  But Bathurst Island, where the North Magnetic Pole is currently located, is deserted, except for the pervasive permafrost ice cap, which is basalt-like black rocks, which is very similar to the landform environment of Greenland.

  Alex pondered for a moment and slowly raised his right fist, which suddenly burst into red light and blasted towards the ground more than ten meters ahead.

  The frozen soil boulder shattered into countless pieces that splashed all over the place, and circular energy ripples surrounded the lasing shock wave column, bombarding the ground layer by layer, bringing a slight shock.

  Boom! bang.

  Under the tundra, it seems that a sleeping giant curled up in the depths of the earth and rocks has turned over, and the closed chest is bulging and the ground is trembling.

  The finely broken earth and rocks bounced up in the shorter and faster tremors, faintly converging into circles of circular lines, and gathered in a valley hundreds of meters away.


  The cave bunker covered with frost and snow exploded, and in the space created by the cracked earth and rocks, a figure in a gray linen robe floated slowly in the air, surrounded by the metal rubble pulled and gathered by the electromagnetic stand.


  Alex looked at the teacher Eric Lanshere, whose hair and beard were messy and messy, but with particularly piercing eyes, beating his chest with his right fist and bowing his head in salute.

   "Say it, you won't come if it's okay."

  Eric dissipated his position and slowly fell to the ground. He was just over forty years old and looked much younger than ordinary people. He would be more handsome if he took care of his messy long brown hair and beard.

  He looked at his student calmly. Judging from the serious expression on the other side, it seemed that it was not a small trouble.

   "Someone broke through the Wolf Tower and took away all the mutant prisoners. Except for Mr. Barnes, only one of the Cold Guard survived."

   "Dad must not be here, where did he go?"

  Eric's face was as calm as water, and he asked quietly.

"Mr. is bringing Mrs. Emma and Professor Charles to do a big event. It is said that it has something to do with the so-called 'demon god' from other dimensions. It hasn't appeared for almost a month. The person who came is called Tianqi and claims to be the first on this planet. Mutants are the ancestors"

   "Huh ancestor?"

  Eric suddenly floated up and floated towards the landed aircraft. Alex quickly trotted to keep up. Hearing the teacher's words, he said coldly like a whistling cold wind:

   "If we mutants must find an 'ancestor', then only Dad can deserve this title, since he can't get away for a while."

   Magneto waved his hand, the engine of the aircraft was ignited ahead of time, and the jet of ice-blue flames was suspended.

   "—It's time, let's do something."


   The "Spike Fang" supersonic aircraft hardly accelerated at all. It burst through layers of sound barrier in an instant. Under the electromagnetic acceleration and full-speed propulsion of the engine, the speed was several times faster than when it came, and it flew in the direction of New York.

   And at the moment on the mainland of Egypt.

  Apocalypse is standing on the Giza highlands where all the ancient Egyptian pyramids and ruins have been eliminated, looking at the modern city-scale scene of Cairo on the banks of the Nile River.

  Looking at the clumps of high-rise buildings and the busy traffic in the city, the crowds are turbulent, that is the civilization created by the slaves in his eyes.

   On the golden plain behind him, more than a hundred mutant prisoners brought out from the Wolf Tower, wearing quaint blue armor in the style of the early dynasty, knelt on the ground with one knee.

The four knights stood in front of them with different expressions. The "Plague" knight Caliban held a dark silver alloy arm in his hand, and the "Death" knight Gambling stood indifferently holding a long black metal stick. .

   "War" knight Rasputin took her son Peter's hand, "Famine" Jason Stryker still looked awake with his huge head on his head.

  They watched Tianqi's trembling fingertips seem to caress the moist warm wind by the river, the faint blue light in his eyes gradually became real, and suddenly waved his arms and shouted loudly:

   "Dynasty! Rising!"

  The color of the sky and the earth changed, and the ground sank into landslides.

  The earth, stone, bricks, buildings and streets in Cairo and the entire Giza Plain fell apart in an instant.

  The apocalypse of the old king, in the palm of his hand, erases civilization and rebuilds mountains and rivers!

   The second day came during the day, and today my mind was rather dizzy, and I wanted to adjust my work and rest. Many days I stayed up late at night to write and then got up during the day to do other work.

   Here is a call for opinions, everyone can talk about it, because Panpan actually spent a lot of effort on the description of characters, scenes, and battles.

But some readers feel that the plot progress is slow like this. In fact, I personally like to push the plot, but I don’t want everyone to read it dryly, because the text itself is the most pale. A few numbers can bring the scene to life, so there are many places that need continuous learning and change.

   If you feel that the rhythm can be faster, with less depiction, Panpan can consider improving it.

In fact, my own skills are basically not good enough, not "moisturized" enough, and some places are too deliberate. To be honest, everyone can't imagine that before publishing this book, the last time I wrote an article of more than 2,000 words was written in school. at the time of the thesis, now

   The free period is 4,000 words per day for one month, and after it is put on the shelves, it is guaranteed to be more than 6,000 words per day for more than 100 days a day.


   All thanks to your support! Think about it, tens of thousands of people will wait for updates every day, and a few lonely codewords will no longer wander at night.

   Just sauce! Love everyone!



  (end of this chapter)