MTL - Marvel Reverses Wolverine-Chapter 178 great deception

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  Chapter 178 Great Deception

   "Big scene! What a big scene!"

Jean Gray stood among the controlled crowd with nervous palms sweating, but listening to Laura's excited yelling, she waved her shining claws and excitedly wanted to step forward to fight, but she had no choice but to Bit the bullet and said:

   "Laura, let's find Kurt and the others first, you can't get involved in this kind of battle, and these ordinary mutants are all mentally controlled, they are so pitiful"

   Little wolf girl muttered her cheeks, she watched from afar the executive officers of "Splash of Order" and the raging crowd of mutants fighting fiercely until they retreated into the space portal.

   Gradually, these controlled mutants returned to a confused and unconscious state, wandering around like headless chickens.

   "That's Warren! Stop flapping your little wings."

  Little Blue Devil Kurt’s roommate, Warren Worthington, drooped his head. Suddenly he flapped his small wings and flew slowly less than half a meter from the ground.

  Laura picked up a scattered windbreaker jacket from the ground, cut it into strips with her claws, rushed to drag Warren down, and tied him firmly on the ground.

   "Jin, can you release his mind control?"

  Laura tilted her head and looked at Jean Gray, who shook her head nervously and said:

   "I don't dare to fool around, it has something to do with the brain, we hide Warren in a safe place, and when we find them all, we will find a chance to go back together."

  The two little girls cooperated in this way and "captured" their partners in the academy one by one. Fortunately, they followed all the way and were in a relatively rear position, not far from their companions.

   "Kurt's there!"

  Qin pointed to the little blue devil who teleported from time to time on a ruin, and carefully restrained his mental power very carefully, blocking Kurt's teleportation space, and let Laura catch him and hug him tightly.


  The little wolf girl signaled Qin to control Kurt, ran to a broken stone pillar not far away, and picked up a pair of silver-gray full-face helmets, which belonged to the brainwave isolation equipment of the Whip of Order.

  She put the twice-larger helmet on the unconscious nephew's head, and the two watched nervously as his out-of-focus eyes gradually became brighter.

   "Huh? Where is this, aunt? Did you get into trouble again, did you knock me out just now?"

  Laughing, Laura folded her arms and pursed her mouth, staring at Kurt with unkind eyes.

   After a long while, with the help of the little blue devil who finally figured out the situation, the three of them teleported to the collapsed wall of the central hall, crouched among the boulders and ruins, and peeked inside.

   "Mom and Dad! And Uncle Steve. They!"

  Kot saw his father Asazo and his mother Raven, who seemed to be melted into the stone pillars of the main hall, with only their heads exposed. He almost teleported in anxiously, but Laura grabbed his tail and flickered twice in place.

  All the controlled mutants gathered around the broken central pyramid, and in the main hall, Steve Rogers straightened his twisted shoulder blades and picked up his shield again.

  Looking at Tian Qi standing in the sky, he stepped on the blood-red triangular mystic array, stepping on the air step by step.

   "Your ability is more complete than that iron arm's strength, and it turns out to be an acquired skill that can be practiced the day after tomorrow"

Apocalypse watched Steve's black and red occult branding all over his cheeks, and a thin but relatively complete circular array was suspended behind him, which was stronger than the iron-armed warden who fought with him on the deserted island tundra. Stable for proficiency.

   "Hoo hoo."

Fully activating the strongest flesh and blood secret technique, the effect of increasing strength and energy energy several times also puts a huge burden on Steve. He has been fighting against the apocalypse alone for a long time. In addition to the battle with the teacher James, Shi Tiff had never been so weak.

  The difference in fundamental energy levels, as well as Tianqi's invisible telekinetic power and material control, make his actions and attacks all the time like being stuck in a quagmire.

   ". En Sabah Nur, I can spend a year with you like this."


  Steve Rogers held a shield against the blue energy shock wave, and rushed to Apocalypse step by step. The combat uniform and armor on his body were already in tatters, and the secret technique brand running between the flesh and blood was hissing.

   "Mortals who call God's name directly will be punished by heaven!"

   Hiss hiss.

Steve's flesh was peeled off by an invisible knife. He gritted his teeth and formed a bell-shaped blood-colored shield around his body. After only a moment, the energy shock wave of the apocalypse crushed Steve's blood-colored shield again, inch by inch. Tore his flesh with the ability to strip away molecules of matter.

   "That big man with green skin can beat brother Steve like this, and brother Eric, they all."

Laura bared her teeth, like an angry little beast, staring at Apocalypse in mid-air with hatred. She looked at Eric Lanshere, who was lying on a stone platform, and who was sealed in a stone pillar. Raven and Asazo kept thinking of ways in their minds.

   "Laura, I'm going to save Mom and Dad!"

  Little Kurt choked and roared while wearing a helmet that was a few sizes too big. Laura ignored her nephew and frowned, looking around for another figure.

   "Bucky, where's Brother Bucky?"

As if in response to Laura's question, a pyramid palace in the distance was blasted through the stone wall, and two voices rushed out one after another. Bucky's whole body was red, and his vigor and energy condensed into an incomplete circle of secret techniques behind him. , has already turned on the strongest state.

   cluck cluck.

  The dark silver five fingers of the alloy arm flexed and stretched unnaturally, and the speed of swinging the shoulder and elbow was even slower.

  Baki's right palm condensed the violent energy wave blade of the "Fierce Mang" secret technique and slapped it on his left shoulder, washing away the dark red energy wrapped around his left arm.

  The arm was flexible and free again, and he slammed at Remy Lebo with all his blood-red vigor, but was firmly stopped by his long stick in front of him.

   "Does this stick look familiar?"

  Gambler kicked one end of the alloy stick under his feet, knocked it against Bucky's jaw, danced the stick flower with one hand, and threw crackling blue-black "cards" from his sleeve with the other,

  Up, down, left, and right, from various angles, the arc trajectory pierced through the air and pierced towards the opponent.

  Looking at his old opponent shaking his fists and avoiding all the flying card attacks, he continued to chat casually:

"The vibrating gold suppression armor that has bound me for more than half a year, hehe, it took a lot of effort to melt and cast it into this stick and a set of 'playing cards', this material is really amazing, the absorption of energy Even the current me can’t reach its upper limit.”


  The vibrating gold cards that glowed with dark red energy flew back one after another, and finally hit Bucky's back, as if a pair of invisible hands were controlling them, flying in mid-air and hovering back to Gambit.

  Dozens of thin but sharp and tough blue-black cards were scattered all over Remy Lebo, and even the numbers and suits on them were clearly visible.

  Baki was holding a card in his hand as if it was alive, trying his best to break free. He shook his shoulders, feeling that the broken bones had grown back into good condition, staring at the card king thoughtfully and said:

   "Under the transformation of Apocalypse, it seems that you have not only greatly increased your energy intensity."

   "That's right, Lord Warden."

  Gambling King leisurely spread out his palm, and an ace of spades suspended in the air automatically jumped into his hand, swirling dazzlingly, just like "Magneto" manipulating metal.

   "Now I can accurately control the strength of energy injected into objects, they will no longer be so 'flammable and explosive', and at the same time, as long as there is a substance with my energy storage, it can be controlled by me."

  Baki glanced at Edman's golden left arm, every time he came into contact with Gambit, he would inject a certain amount of dark red energy, gradually making the left arm no longer able to move freely.

   If it weren't for the fact that these alien forces could be exorcised with the evil energy and life energy, even this arm had already pinched his neck under the control of Gambit.

   "You're stalling."

  Baki stared at Gambit with an unscrupulous look, turned over a stack of cards in his hand, and even performed a little magic in front of his face with great interest.

  Lebo put away the magician's exaggerated professional smile, and tossed it casually. Dozens of cards shone with crackling energy sparks, and said helplessly:

   "It's boring. Why are you puncturing me? Isn't it good for us to continue to pretend to be a fierce battle here? I really have no interest in fighting for that 'ancient man'."

  From the very beginning, this so-called "death" knight has no intention of being loyal to Apocalypse. He has long made up his mind to find an old acquaintance to dawdle until all the dust settles.

  So he kept bringing Bucky farther and farther away, leaving the core battlefield of the central pyramid palace.

  Gambling looked at Bucky solemnly and shook his head with inquiring eyes, his playful face turned cold.

   "I don't have the time to spend with you. If you really don't want to fight, then get out of here quickly, and don't delay my trouble of finding Tianqi!"

  Bucky has already sensed that something went wrong in the battle between Eric and Apocalypse. He knows that although Steve is a bit stronger than himself and is better at fighting protracted and defensive battles, he can't last long in front of Apocalypse.

   Only when you have really faced Apocalypse will you know that the most terrifying thing about him is not the comprehensive mutant ability with almost no shortcomings, but the pure "energy" strength,

  Its vastness and majesty, Bucky only felt it from his teacher James Howlett.

   "No, Lord Barnes! It's so obvious, it can't be justified in front of Apocalypse, he is a monster. You have felt it, just like you used to be able to manipulate me at will. I still remember that strange word you said"

  Gambler withdrew his stick, and in the dark red pupils, tiny energy currents exploded, and he said very seriously:

   "Great deception! I used to not understand what this word means, but 'gong' is greater than yours!"


  Bucky's legs were like two iron stakes. With his left arm, he lifted the stick that Gambling had slammed down on his head, crushing the slatted stone bricks and sinking in deeply.

  Remy LeBeau bursting and raging purple-red energy wrapped around the left alloy arm along the body of the stick, and Bucky saw that his fierce energy was losing ground in the wrestling between the energies.


  The half-length black hair danced wildly, roaring and grabbing the body of the stick with his backhand, but he was no longer able to randomly swing the "King of Death" who had undergone a second mutation like before.

   "Master Warden. You also know that I am stalling for time, if it is not like this"

  Lebow's handsome face almost touched the tip of Bucky's nose. It was the first time he saw this old opponent struggling so hard, and he said softly:

   "—If I hadn't been intentionally waterproof, you would have lost!"

I know that everyone is anxious to see the protagonist come to kill, but Panpan is trying his best to stabilize the rhythm and write this paragraph well. I wanted to stay up all night yesterday, but my mind was numb. A few hours in the morning to squeeze out this chapter.



  (end of this chapter)