MTL - Marvel Reverses Wolverine-Chapter 278 troop

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  Chapter 278 Ordering soldiers

   Peggy Rogers nodded with a half-smile, and her red lips moved slightly.

   "Okay, okay, you don't know yet, all the dead and wounded of Skrull's royal family have been captured now, and the spaceship hidden in the depths of the Sahara desert should also be breached."

"Old Stark" was stunned for a few seconds, his pupils opened wide and strangely turned into lavender. He suddenly and quickly grabbed Maria Stark who was protecting him behind him, and pulled him in front of him to block the handle. An energy weapon with blue light flashing on the front end.


  Tony Stark jumped down in two or three steps, looking at the strange scene at this moment, he couldn't figure out the situation in his mind for a while.

  But Tony knew in his heart that no matter how much he thought his father Howard was an old bastard, he would never hurt his wife Maria.

   "It's okay, Maria, don't worry. The teams put down their guns and don't accidentally injure Professor Charles. Are you there?"

  Peggy raised her hand and ordered the combat team members to lift their guard, and muttered something softly as if talking to herself.

   As soon as the voice fell, "Howard Stark" lowered his arms in a daze, left Maria's side with blank eyes and walked in front of the order team members, kneeling down on his knees.

  "Mr. Stark"'s wrinkled cheeks and the suit jacket he was wearing quickly cracked into protruding scales, and suddenly transformed into a "lizard" face with green skin.

   "Ah! God, Peggy! He, what is it!"

  Maria Stark covered her mouth and screamed, and her son Tony hugged his mother tightly in his arms, watching the monster who was quickly buckled up on the ground take a few steps back subconsciously.

   "A kind of alien that can transform at will, and there are many secrets in it that are not convenient to disclose."

  Tony Stark, in his twenties, boldly went up to take a look. He thought he was a mutant criminal who could change shape, but when he heard that it was an alien, he became more interested.

   Tony, who still had a bit of youthfulness between his brows and eyes, hesitated and coughed twice, and finally asked Peggy:

   "Then where is my father?"

On that day in the spring of 1995, marked by the "Vision Disaster" in Brooklyn, New York City, America, it became another "Dark Night" in the 1960s and the "Apocalypse War" in the 1970s. A milestone event in the extraordinary history of mankind.

With the Grand Army Plaza in Brooklyn, New York as the center, the urban buildings with a radius of 20 kilometers almost collapsed. Hundreds of thousands of casualties and countless property losses shocked the world that had been peaceful for more than 20 years. .

   Due to the condemnation of public opinion around the world, the American government finally failed to hold on to the so-called "special natural disaster", "urban natural gas pipeline explosion", "chemical factory accident" and other cover-up excuses.

  Finally, under the discussion of the governments of various countries and the acquiescence of James Howlett, a piece of confidential information about the alien invasion six years ago was finally partially released to the public.

About the pictures and video information of the Cree, about the battle in the near-Earth space on the day of the "Pegasus Project" experiment, but the real culprit that caused the huge disaster in New York City was avoided. The tragic tragedy rests on the Cree people.

  Suddenly, overnight, for the first time, people received information about the existence of aliens that was officially confirmed by various countries, and learned that the earth was in a critical moment of "interstellar war".

  The social panic and unprecedented economic turmoil that swept the world for a while came brilliantly. For the vast majority of ordinary people who have just raised their eyes to look at the solar system, this step is simply "severing".

  However, what is interesting is that compared with the social situation where human beings have had wars in the past, this time the "monstrous tsunami" rises high but falls fast.

On the one hand, since they had already fought against aliens a few years ago and won a complete victory, and the power of human evolutionaries has been proved to still have a strong strategic position in the interstellar war, then the so-called "Kree Empire" Not as scary as imagined.

  And a very important point is that any human being who is determined to continue to survive clearly realizes that this is not a war where one can escape to a neighboring country to escape the disaster of war.

  All human beings, either stand still and wait for death, or unite as one to fight back, and start the interstellar era from now on!

   Mrs. "White Queen", who is in charge of the Howlett family's major foreign negotiations, Professor Charles Xavier, and Peggy Rogers, the head of the SHIELD Intelligence Department, are very busy these days.

  Although the Skrulls were wiped out by Professor Charles’ global brain wave radiation search, the Whip of Order and the S.H.I.E.L.D. arrests by force, some important high-level figures in major countries and the helmsmen of super companies have been transformed and replaced.

  Miss Laura Howlett, who led the team to break through the Skrull Royal Ship, rescued dozens of important human beings who were secretly looted from it.

  Some, like Mr. Howard Stark and Lieutenant General Ross, the person in charge of the U.S. military’s super weapon project, were just temporarily delirious and confused by the memory extraction equipment of the Skrulls.

Others are not so lucky. For example, Mr. Amberson Osborne, the eighty-year-old president of the Osborne Group, failed to survive after experiencing a lot of twists and turns. After returning to his son Norman Osborne was already a cold corpse.

Although the Howlett family has presented complete information and evidence about the Skrulls and the whole incident to other countries, this disaster especially made the officials of the Soviet Union and the United States full of insecurity. Ideas are becoming more urgent.

  Whether it was the appearance of Apocalypse, the ancestor of the mutants, or the Cree and Skrull people, every incident made the governments of various countries feel deeply powerless.

Just like General Thaddeus Ross, who was knocked out by his "personal adjutant" and brought him into an alien warship, he secretly accelerated the research on a new generation of "super soldier" serum, even going against the rule of Hao to a certain extent. The "Extraordinary Iron Law" set by the Leete family.

  Waiting for others to offer protection, it is better to have a knife and a gun in hand.

In the graduation season, on the Harvard campus where the discussion about the "human interstellar war" has finally gradually subsided, a young man with a medium build and a kind face was huddling with his girlfriend under the old oak tree on the campus lawn, looking at the thick stack of jobs in his hand information.

   "How about Bruce, any ideas?"

  The beautiful girl put her head on her boyfriend's lap with a smile on her face, took the invitation letters in his hand that were obviously two or three times more than her own, wrinkled her nose a little jealously, and looked through them one by one.

   "I don't know my dear, I suddenly feel that it is more worry-free to study and do research in school. These groups and organizations give me a headache. Speaking of it, staying in school to teach is also a good direction."

Bruce Banner was a soft-spoken person at first glance, and he seemed to lack some opinions on other things except for research. He rubbed his curly black short hair and stared down at his girlfriend's beautiful eyes, smirking and forgetting the troubles of the moment.

  Betty, who was born in a military family, obviously thought more clearly, and her tone of speech was not as hesitant as her boyfriend. She picked out the letterhead in her hand and analyzed neatly:

"Don't be dissatisfied, you are a trouble of happiness. Even in Harvard, there are not many graduates who can enjoy the treatment you have. It is good to stay in school, but the level and resources of the college in the field of super technology research are quite limited. What a waste of your genius!"

  Betty finally selected three envelopes and tapped Banner on the head, then sat up and put her arms around her boyfriend's neck to read them together.

   "Howlett Group, the undisputed No. 1 giant, a place where countless scientists want to enter. Funding, background, influence, and technical background are unmatched. I heard that the internal research atmosphere is also good, but..."

  Banner looked sideways at the worry on his girlfriend's face, blinked his eyes and quickly thought of the problem.

  “. They are not a business group in the usual sense. I understand that family, you are worried that I may go to the space base after joining the Howlett Group, and may even be involved in that war in the future.”

   Betty nodded silently, and the two of them looked at each other in silence for a long while.

  The young Mr. Banner actually doesn’t mind making some contributions to the world. As a scientist, it’s impossible for him to go to the battlefield, but thinking that his girlfriend will always be afraid of him, he finally didn’t continue this topic.

  The girl shook her hair, and continued to cheer up and said enthusiastically:

   "Pym Technology and Stark Industries, one has excellent core technology, and the other is a veteran technology powerhouse. Well, although there has been no outstanding research in recent years, the response and development have been mediocre, but the foundation is still very good."

   Now, Mr. Banner picked up the invitation letter from the Stark Group with certainty, put aside the one from Pym Technology, and raised his chin to recall something.

"Pym particles sound amazing. Dr. Henry Pym's research in the quantum field is also the world's most cutting-edge benchmark, but the couple are too protective of this technology, and few people have even seen Pym particles. The effect in the rumors, I am afraid I will not be able to do anything."

   "That's it. I'm still very interested in the 'Ark Project' that the Stark Group has been working hard on. It can be regarded as my professional direction."

  Betty nodded lightly with her chin resting on her boyfriend's shoulder, her big nimble eyes blinked suddenly, thinking of what her father had been talking about a few days ago, she suddenly had a new idea.

   "Bruce, actually... there is another option, the military's Super Technology Research Department, you know, the one my father is in charge of."

   "I heard you said that it is mainly about the genetic technology of serum evolution transformation, but I am a physics student, so I am not very good at it"

  Bruce Banner frowned and muttered, but saw his girlfriend patted him on the shoulder even more excitedly, and said with a smile:

"But your research on 'gamma ray' is very deep, my 'veteran' is planning to change the 'vita ray' that has been used all the time, and find another road of serum enhancement! Go try it, the key is... we two There is a high probability that we can work together.”

  Banner looked at his girlfriend’s expectant face and fell silent for a moment. Suddenly, he gave a military salute foolishly and said in a low voice:

   "No salute! General Ross!"

Under the old oak tree, a pair of young people who are full of hope for the future are laughing and playing together. The pure beauty in the ivory tower is condensed into a scene like illustrations on the pages of a book when the sun sets. Let the boys and girls taste the aftertaste after several years From the taste of sweet and bitter at that time.

  Crack, crack, crack.

  Professor Charles put his hands in his pockets, still wearing the brown woolen coat and his favorite Oxford leather shoes, and walked in the corridors of the "Wolf's Nest" base with crisp sounds.

  The base is quieter than usual, and it seems to be "on holiday", and there are not many people along the way.

  Professor is actually not quite used to the decoration style of the "New Palace". Whether it is the giant wolf head at the entrance or the dilapidated ruins like the ancient battlefield inside, he feels that it is too barbaric and dark.

  He still prefers the ancient Greek temple style full of "brightness" at first.

  But this underground city building, which has gathered the strongest legions on earth, is perfectly suitable for such a domineering and terrifying throne hall.

  Charles slowly walked through the middle of the palace. The palace looked very dark, and the lines that used to be shining with energy glow on all sides were also quiet, making it so dark that it was hard to see clearly.

  He walked under the throne and bowed his head gently, only to hear the figure above who closed his eyes and seemed to be asleep said in a low voice:

"How about it."

  James Howlett's voice was like thunder brewing in dark clouds and storms, echoing dull and rumbled in the hall. Charles took a deep breath, paused for a few seconds, his eyebrows and eyes were extremely serious.

  He knew what the message meant.

   "I found it, sir. In the memory of the Skrull royal family, I found the interstellar coordinates of the Kree Empire's home star."


  Professor Charles looked at the eyes that opened suddenly in the shadows, and felt as if the deep palace was lit up for a moment, reflecting hideous shadows all around.

James Howlett stood up slowly, put on a full-body black armor, and walked down the throne step by step, on the "H"-shaped emblem formed by the faint blue energy lines in the center of the hall stopped.

  He glanced at Professor Charles, leaned over and grabbed a cluster of pyramid-shaped bluish-black objects from the alloy floor tiles.

  The sources used to supply the energy of the entire "Wolf Nest" and the energy modules of the Rubik's Cube are stored there.

  In one vibrating gold box, a faint blue light was transmitted. James picked up the Cosmic Rubik's Cube with his bare hands, stroked it a few times, and slowly held it in front of him to stare.

  The light shone on James' quiet face. He looked at the mottled luster inside the Rubik's Cube, and gently uttered a heavy word from his mouth.

   "Order soldiers."


  The Rubik's Cube in his hand suddenly burst into an ice blue halo, completely shining every corner of the Throne Hall.

  The two sides of the palace have already been lined up with hundreds of figures with their heads raised, just waiting for the final order.

  The piercing sharp claws, the waving iron wings, the dancing long tail, and the sonorous armor.

  A knife and gun.

  (end of this chapter)