MTL - Marvel: Start with Summoning the Shadow Troopers-Chapter 250

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In Gao Xia's heart, she always felt that she was the eldest child in the family. The more work she did, the less her parents and younger siblings could do.

And such a feeling for him is also because of such a feeling that he can do this every time, and in fact, deep down in his heart, he really hopes that he will become a boy.

In this way, when he was young, his parents would not be pointed at by other people, and he would not be like this, and he was looked down upon by others since he was a child.

So now for him, he can only try to let others see his change in such a way.

Every time he did this, he felt that he was really a very useful person, and it was only now that he realized that it was in his heart.

In fact, I still really need someone to care about me, and in this situation, my brother can already say something so quietly.

It made him feel very comfortable in his heart, and he could also clearly know what kind of person his younger brother was. The real cause of this incident was Gao Xia herself.

So she is also very regretful now. Seeing that her little brother woke up so late this morning, Gao Xia also felt infinite emotion in her heart. On weekdays, Gao Gang always got up with them (so good Zhao).

It seems that last night must have been because he slept relatively late, so today, everyone in the house has already woken up, but he has not woken up yet.

"¨ˇ Gao Gang, when did you get up? You were sound asleep when we left. My mother told you to sleep a little longer. Didn't you sleep well last night? You don't need to help me. I can do these things myself...".

Chapter 621 Girls should be at home (for subscription)

Gao Gang looked at his eldest sister so stubborn, and he was also very uncomfortable. After all, her eldest sister is about to get married now.

But now he is still sitting at home with such heavy farm work, and this big basket of dry wood is so heavy that he couldn't even lift it just now.

But the elder sister had to carry him down from the mountain. Such a weight was really hard for a girl of seventeen or eighteen years old, and such a burden was on her elder sister. body.

"Eldest sister has told you how many times. You don't need to do these jobs in our family from now on. You should stay at home now."

"Then go to embroider your dowry. If you want what kind of clothes or summer clothes, you can tell your father and mother that our family is really not bad for your money now."

"And I think our family should really hire a few people from now on. Otherwise, look at my sister. You all look like this. How can this work?"

"Going up and down the mountain to work every day, how can a girl's family treat herself like this, and a girl should stay at home well. After all, there are not many days for girls to stay at home in their whole life."

"And the blessings that you can think of at home are really not necessarily what you will be like when you arrive at your in-law's house, so sisters, you must not be like this."

When Gao Xia listened to Gao Gang's ramble, he was really amused. After all, her younger brother was only a few years old now.

He was already thinking like a little old man, but his parents hadn't said such a thing yet, although he said that in the past, Gao Dashan also wanted his daughters to stay at home. .

But when several daughters grew up, because they were girls, they had been discussed by others. How could several children let Gao Dashan live in dire straits.

(cgfe) Therefore, they can only double their work to make their hearts more comfortable, and to make their father live better in the old house.

It's just that after the couple separated a few years after Gao Gang was born, the life in their family was able to gradually get better, which is also a result of the whole family's efforts.

So now Gao Xia felt that the reason why Gao Gang was able to say this was that he actually felt sorry for herself, but how could these sisters of them be able to eat and drink for free at home.

Although this is also his own home, for Gao Xia, he always thinks that girls should work more in her parents' house, otherwise, wouldn't her mother's family give birth to her in vain?

"Don't worry, Gao Ganger, I won't have anything in my ordinary life. Besides, I've been doing this kind of work since I was a child. How can you think I can't take care of my body like that?"

"What's more, I'm about to get married, and I don't have much to contribute to the family, so during this period of time in our family, I will try my best to help as much as possible, let's help more, after all, our parents are too Thanks for your hard work.".

Chapter 622 I want to eat braised pork (please subscribe)

Gao Gang knew that several of his sisters were very stubborn people, so even though he said so much, each sister never took these words to heart.

Gao Gang looked at his capitalized appearance, he really turned around and walked into the house, but Gao Xia looked at her brother and left the yard in silence, he was amused. Gao Gang asked.

"Little brother, where are you going? The morning meal has been left in the pot for you, can you bring it out yourself? Otherwise, eldest sister will help you."

Gao Gang looked back at his sister, then smiled~ and said.

"Eldest sister, I have already brought out all the meals in our family. Have you eaten in the morning? Why doesn't today's breakfast feel like it's eldest sister? Did you cook today's breakfast by the second sister?"

"Because after I took a bite just now, it doesn't taste like eldest sister. From now on, eldest sister will still cook, okay? I like to eat eldest sister's cooking."

"Especially the braised pork made by the eldest sister is very delicious. Do we still have some meat in our house? If not, we will wait until Daddy returns in two days."

"Let's get a big pig back and kill it in our house. In this way, we can have meat to eat in the house, and we don't have to buy meat in pieces when we build a house. What do you think, eldest sister? "

When Gao Xia listened to Gao Gang talking about braised pork, her little eyes had already released bursts of little light. Gao Xia knew that this little brother was particularly willing to eat braised pork.

And she is particularly willing to eat the braised pork she made, so every time Gao Xia will set aside a part for Gao Gang alone. Not because Gao Gang is a boy in the family, but because Gao Xia has always doted on her younger brother like this since she was a child.

"Okay, I will listen to you. As long as you are obedient and obedient, you will be the master of everything in the family. That's okay. You stinky boy has been like this since he was a child."

"And in the past when the conditions at home were not good, you were so coquettish and cute. You wanted some good things to look at. Now our home is much better."


"It's still so attractive. It's really great. My mother led your sisters to the ground together. Let me come back and see when you were originally. We also wanted to wait until noon."

"But my mother was really worried, so I sent me back. In a while, you two can go in with us, or else you will be at home alone, we are really worried. "


Gao Gang looked at his eldest sister's worried eyes, and he nodded. After all, it was really dangerous to be at home alone at this time.

Moreover, their family really has nothing to lose now, and the most important thing is that all the things in their family are actually all on Gao Gang's body.

Even those grains on weekdays are all high, and only a little bit is taken out after a few days. After all, they still care about these things very much in their family nowadays.

After all, there is still no food in other people's homes these days, and if they have so many delicious meals, they will definitely be very envious of them. people.

Chapter 623 Someone steals something (please subscribe)

People without far-sightedness must have near-term worries. Gao Gang often used such a sentence to remind himself, so every time Gao Gang brought food to his home.

He won't take too much, but 10 jins 20 jins, just like they are buying food at the market to eat.

20 catties of food for a family of 8 people is just enough to eat one set, so for Gao Gang and his family, in fact, every "four six three" sets to go to the market is a pretense.

And each level also buys a little bit of food. And other things, in fact, are secretly taken out in this space of Gao Gang.

Only Gao Dashan and his wife can clearly know about such a thing, and even his eldest daughter Gao Xia is not clear.

"Big sister Geography's food is about to be harvested, what are you doing in the fields with big sister? Didn't Dad say it? It should be ready for the autumn harvest in less than half a month."

"And our family is also going to build a house after the autumn harvest. What are you doing in the fields now? Mother and a few older sisters seem to have been working in the fields for several days. What are you doing?"

Gao Xia sighed heavily, looking at Gao Gang with a lot of distress in his eyes, he didn't want to tell Gao Gang why their family went to the grounds.

It's just that it's better to tell Gao Gang at such a time. After all, all the colors in the house are from Gao Gang and his father.

And this time the family wants to build a house, the cost should be relatively large, so for Gao Xia, Gao Gang should be informed of the new situation in the family, so he said.

"Actually, there's nothing wrong, but didn't our family plant three acres of land in the village? Now the autumn harvest is coming soon."

"My mother took your sisters to watch the banker in the ground. You must know that in previous years, every year when this happened, the grandma's family would secretly go to cut our family's food."

"So at this time of the year, my father and mother would take us to the field to watch, otherwise our food would be stolen by them."

"And when they ask for it like this every year, they won't admit it at all, and they're justified in saying that they didn't steal it at all..."

"But some people really saw that they cut our grain, but in the end they didn't admit it at all, so there is no way this time of year."

"My father and mother would always go to the ground to watch. This year, my father was not at home, so my mother had to take a few of us to the ground to watch."

Gao Gang really didn't think that there was such a thing in their family, and Gao Gang didn't think that his grandparents turned out to be such superb.

"Why is eldest sister like this? Wasn't our family living very badly in the past?"

"Isn't the uncle and his family living a very good 2.7? Why are they like this? What are they for?"

"Could it be that they feel good if we have driven our family to death? I really can't figure out what kind of idea they have. Could it be that we are poor, can they really help us or what? ".

Chapter 624 The Status Quo of Lao Gao's Family (Subscription)

Gao Xia knew that her younger brother had never thought that her grandparents' house would be like this, but for Gao Xia, she had lived in this village for so many years.

Of course, she can understand why such a thing is for, but there are these things that should be told to Gao Gang by her parents.

But now Gao Xia felt that she still had a few words with Gao Gang before her parents said anything, otherwise she didn't know what her parents would say.


"What you don't know, little brother, is that there are many eldest and second brothers from the uncle's family. They have also separated now, so there are not many fields in their family."

"The family has only divided two acres of land and the second uncle's family has not divided their family, but their family has only 7 acres of land in total. As for our little uncle's house."

"Now that they are studying in the county town, they don't care about these things at home. Grandparents and grandparents are just helping and managing their fields."

"Originally, the conditions in the grandparents' house should be very good, but it has been almost spent so many years for my uncle to be able to study."

"And my uncle was married two years ago. Our aunt is also the daughter of a scholar, and my uncle is also a scholar now, so their family is in the county seat."

"Our grandparents also help take care of these places in the house. On weekdays, our grandparents live with the uncle's family."

"Our family has to give them a tael of pension money every year, as well as clothes for the four seasons, one set for each grandparent. Then there is 300 catties of food."

"When our father and mother were kicked out of the old house, they only gave our family three acres of dry land. Now our small yard is just a dilapidated house at that time."

"It was only rebuilt the year you were born. In the past few years, the eldest brother and the second brother of the uncle's family and the uncle and the second uncle secretly went to harvest the food in our family."

"It's because our family has been living relatively well in the past few years, and our father has been enlightened in the past few years. No matter what he does, he can make money."

"So the work in the land was originally done by two parents, but after adding a few of our sisters, our family's life became better and better."

"But because the eldest uncle and the second uncle are not particularly lazy, it's just because the land can only produce so much, and their life is getting worse and worse because of this, so they came up with such a method. ."

Gao Gang really didn't expect his 877's uncle's family to be like this, and to Gao Gang, it seems that his own uncles have never met.

Moreover, Gao Gang had no impression of them at all. Such a feeling made Gao Gang feel as if he was not from the old Gao family.

Moreover, Gao Dashan seldom brought Gao Gang back to the old house. Even his own grandfather and grandmother, Gao just seemed to meet each other as many times as two hands could count.

For such a family, Gao Gang really felt a little helpless, and how could he respect such a family. .

Chapter 625 Gao Gang's True Thoughts (Subscribe)

"Big sister, I really didn't expect that there would be such relatives in our family, and they are really unscrupulous."

"On weekdays, our family is in such a state of exploitation, but it can be seen that these people are really hateful."

"I never thought that they would be like this before. Now I know how hard our family has been through these years."

"How aggrieved our mother and father lived. If they come here to **** our food again this time, then we should have a good talk with him."

"If they really want to take back all these lands, it doesn't matter. Anyway, our family doesn't live on these lands at all."

"In two days, I will ask my father to go to the county town to find a few villagers and buy some contiguous land, so that we can live without relying on these scattered land."

"I think it's really good. If parents and the others really want to leave here and break up with those people, that's even better."

Gao Xia really didn't expect that Gao Gang would actually say such words after listening to what she said, knowing that one mu of third-class farmland now requires three or four taels of silver.

If it is a first-class field, it would cost seven or eight taels of silver. Think about it, although their home only has three acres of land, but it is worth a dozen or twenty taels.

Gao Gang said such words so easily, Gao Xia really didn't know how much money the family had now, so she didn't know whether what Gao Gang said was true or not.

"Gao Gang, these ideas of yours are good, but I don't know if my mother and father are willing to leave such a piece of land. After all, I have lived here since I was a child."

"And there are also their own parents here. Although those people are really not easy to get along with, they are also our father's mother and father."

"So I don't think our father can really want to leave this place, and although the fields in our family are not first-class fields, our father and mother have personally cooked for so many years, I think they seem to be genuine would not want to do that.”

Gao Gang also knew that what he said just now was a little impulsive, but in Gao Gang's heart, he really hoped that Gao Dashan could leave here.

After all, Gao Dashan will live with him in the future, and his sisters will inevitably follow him to the heights.

So now he really doesn't want to let Gao Xia be like this, even though he knows that when he gets married, the conditions in Da Zhuang's family are not particularly good.

But Da Zhuang is also very attentive to his sister, but for Gao Gang, although his sister is not very old now.

But she has been able to show off her beautiful face and figure. If she thinks about her sister in a few years, she will definitely become a dragon and phoenix among people.

At that time, I will be able to leave this small mountain village and think about how my sisters can live a life of mediocrity like this?

"¨ˇOh, forget it, let's wait until our father comes back to make plans. These things are not something that we children can do.".

Chapter 626: Settle Down (Subscribe)

Gao Xia also agreed with Gao Gang's words. After all, to Gao Xia, she was just a girl.