MTL - Marvel: Start with Summoning the Shadow Troopers-Chapter 267

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Chapter 717 Buying a House First (Subscribe)

"Do you know Gao Gang? That house is actually really good, but a family like ours really doesn't dare to think about it. You need to know that place."

"But a former rich man lived in a house with a total area of ​​nearly three acres of land. It took a while to walk from one side of the yard to the other, and it was such a big yard."

"If you really want to take care of it, it will take a lot of effort, and there are only so many people in your family, I think it will be very free after buying it, and it will be of no use at all. "

After Gao Gang listened to his aunt's explanation, Gao Gang also understood it. After all, even if you are a rich landlord, you can build a house like this in the village.

It was already considered a very difficult thing to do, not to mention that the situation in his own home made Gao Gang understand.

Gao Gang also knew that his grandparents, aunts and uncles were all here at this time, but for Gao Gang, the situation in their own family was like this.

And Gao Gang didn't want to feel wronged in front of others, so he said to his father and mother.

"Father and mother, do you think that the yard can be bought? If we can, let's buy that. You can see that the conditions in your grandfather's house are not very good."

"And if our family continues to stay here like this, grandpa and grandma will definitely worry a lot about us, and you know that grandpa and grandma are quite old~"

"Auntie, Auntie, and the others have so many children. To support our family, seven or eight people need to eat and drink every day. How much food does it take?"

"The conditions of my grandfather and grandmother's house are not very good. If we give money, they will definitely not want it, so I think we should try our best. Let's buy the house ourselves first."

"As for those who have more money and less money, we can only look at it and give it to us. If the conditions allow it, we will buy it. If the conditions do not allow it, we will live for a while."

"And the autumn harvest is coming soon. If you really want to build a house, you can only wait until after the autumn harvest."

・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

These words of Gao Gang are also a disguised reminder to Gao Dashan and Liu Caifeng, after all, this place is not their own home.

Although it is said to be Liu Caifeng's natal family, but now Mr. Liu is the master of the house, but all the work in the family is also done by aunts and uncles.

Therefore, Gao Gang really hoped to be able to move out when the two families did not have a broken relationship, so that the family relationship between the two families would not have any traces, and other colors would be in it.


Liu Caifeng and Gao Dashan looked at each other and said to Mr. Liu.

"Dad and mother have something to do. We have to talk to you first. If you think this matter is feasible after listening, we will do as Gao Gang said."

"If it's not feasible, we can only live with you for a while, but this matter, I hope you don't say it after you hear it."

"Otherwise, it wouldn't be possible for this village to reach the ears of their old Gao family." Li.

Chapter 718 Tell the truth (please subscribe)

Mr. Liu didn't think that his daughter and son-in-law still had some secrets. It seems that there should be some reasons for them to be kicked out of Lao Gao's family this time.

Otherwise, I have endured it for so many years, why can't I just lead it at this time.

At this time, Gao Dashan could already see clearly that the old man had some ideas in his heart, so Gao Dashan also faced the old man "nine sixty".

Tell me the reason why you can have these money in your home, but there are still some discounts in it.

After all, this is the fate of their whole family. Even their father-in-law and mother-in-law who have been injured cannot say, and such an amount cannot be said.

Otherwise, it would be really shocking. Gao Dashang just made up a reason that everyone can believe. He stepped on some medicinal herbs when he went up the mountain.

Then I took it to the town and sold it, which happened to save the life of a nobleman, so the nobleman also rewarded several hundred taels of silver. Such an ending.

For the people of the old Liu family, they should be able to believe it, so after Gao Dashan said this, he saw his son quietly giving him a thumbs up there.

After hearing what Gao Dashan said, these people from the old Liu family finally understood why their daughter and son-in-law would rather break up with the old Gao family.

One of the reasons why they are not allowed to take advantage of them is to know that these hundreds of taels of silver, for these rural people, this is the silver that they cannot earn in their lifetime or even several lifetimes.

And for the money, the people of their old Gao family will definitely not give up. The current situation is not bad. If it is not like this, the old man really can't imagine what their family will be like. result.

"As for Dashan, I really didn't expect that there would be so many things here. Since you have money in your hands, then we can rest assured."

"I remember the yard of the rich man's house. It seems that some people asked for 90 taels or not 100 taels before. If you really have them, then I will help you ask tomorrow... …”

Gao Gang heard such a piece of silver, and he felt very fortunate in his heart. It seems that he can still stay in such a place, and it seems that he himself can support such a large family of people in such a place. .

And now they have been kicked out of the old Gao family, they just don't know what kind of situation their brother-in-law should be in now.

The matter of Gao Gang has been almost summed up, and there is no need for a child like him to continue talking with them here.

So he kept swaying from side to side and wanted to get down to the ground, but at this time Liu Caifeng watched his son sway back and forth in his 3.1's arms.

He also knew that his son must also be impatient, so he put him underground and said to him.

"Okay, Gao Gang, just go and play with your eldest sister. I know that you are someone who can't stand it, but don't wander back and forth like this. I'm going to get dizzy just looking at it."

Chapter 719 The plan to treat Gao Gang (please subscribe)

Gao Gang walked out without turning his head. At this time, Mr. Liu said to Liu Caifeng after seeing that Gao Gang had left.

"Girl, this kid in your family has to take good care of this kid. He's not an ordinary person. You can see that he was able to say what he wanted so coherently and clearly at such a young age."

"At the same time, it can also let the adults in the family try their best to meet his requirements. This child will really not be a simple character in the future."

"If there is still money left at home, you should send him to the school. In this case, the child will definitely have a future. There is a school in our village."

"Wait until tomorrow or in the afternoon, I will go and ask you about the 26 house. If you can really buy it, you can leave the household registration in our village, so that the children can still be able to enter the school. better."

Gao Dashan listened to what Mr. Liu said, and he agreed very much in his heart. After all, this son of his own is really excellent.

In the past, even though his son was quite picky, since he fell into the water this time, he has told everything about it.

And the magic weapon that the old **** gave him also made Gao Dashan feel that his son would definitely stand out in the future.

"Dad originally, we just wanted to wait until the autumn harvest this year to build a house. Once the house is built, let Gao Gang go to the town to study. You also know that there is no school in our village."

"Now that we have moved to Liujiacun, if it is really possible, then there is absolutely no problem in letting Gao Gang go to school here. This child is also a very smart child."

"We don't actually think about whether this child can give us a talent test and come back. As long as he can read and hyphenate words, he won't be bullied in the future."

Several adults in the family were there to discuss the rest, and Gao Gang also went to play with his cousins ​​there.

It was useless, he saw his father and mother had come out of the house in a while, and his uncle and aunt had also left in a while.

There is still a lot of work to do in the home. This time is the busiest time in the countryside, and it is impossible to stay at home every day and do nothing.

It was useless. A while ago, I saw Mr. Liu walking out of the house with his hands behind his back.

"Grandpa, where are you going? Can you take me with you? I don't want to stay at home with my sister and the others. Can you take me out for a walk around 400? Are you going to give it to our family? Are you going to see that house?"

"Then can you take me with you? I want to see what the house looks like. You know what the house looks like. The conditions in our house were not very good in the past."

"If we can't buy this house back, then we can build a house like this ourselves, isn't it good? So grandpa, take me to see it, please, grandpa, okay?"

Mr. Liu watched his little grandson act coquettishly and cutely with him here, and his small eyes filled with expectation softened his heart all of a sudden. .

Chapter 720 Let's go together (please subscribe)

"Okay, you stinky boy, you can go with me. Since you really want to go, let's go together. Anyway, this is also picking a house for your family."

"In a while, you can see for yourself whether you like the house. If you like it, let's buy it. There are also a few yards in the village."

"Since you are going to settle down here, you can only buy ready-made ones. If there is no suitable one, we will build the house again after the autumn harvest."

Gao Gang heard that his grandfather had promised him, and he was very happy to be able to go to Gao Gang with him. After all, he really hadn't gone out a few times when he came to this place.

Originally, when he was in Gaojia Village, he played infrequently in the village. Gao Gang was not very healthy since he was a child, so he didn't have many opportunities to show up in front of people.

Now that he came to this Liujiacun, he really didn't want him to be like this, and then appear in front of others as a sick bun, not to mention the current Gao Gang's health is also very good, he doesn't look like It's like it used to be.

Gao Gang and Mr. Liu walked into the village together. Along the way, when many people met Mr. Liu, they were asking who the kid beside them was, and Mr. Liu was very proud of all the people. The person introduced Gao Gang solemnly.

Gao Gang felt that he had never been valued like this before, and Gao Gang also received a lot of satisfaction in his heart, and for Gao Gang, being recognized by others was what he most wanted.

Gao Gang and the others came to the village chief's house this time. Because everything in the village is in the heart of the village chief.

And the yard of the landlord's house also put the key in the village chief's hand, so in order to be able to see the house, he can only come to the village chief's house.

"Does this village chief get along well with grandpa? What if our family comes here and is bullied? Can you tell us what kind of person this village chief is?"

"I really want to live a quiet life, but what if the village chief doesn't look down on our family?"

Mr. Liu really didn't think of his little grandson. You are only a few years old, and you already have to worry about it like this.

Mr. Liu lovingly stroked Gao Gang's head and said with a smile.

"¨ˇ Gao Gang, do you know? Why is our village called Liujia Village? That's because most of the people in our village are surnamed Liu."

"This village chief is a cousin of your grandfather and I who did not have five blessings. Do you think our relationship can be good? Besides, your mother is also the daughter of our old Liu family."

"Our Liu family's daughters all have to be raised and raised. Your mother didn't do much work when she was at home (Qian Hao) since she was a child. After so many years, it was really hard to be married to your old Gao family. ."

"Fortunately, I can come back now, so I really want to discuss with the village chief what to do with this matter, since you have already followed."

"Then come and listen. In fact, the village chief of our village is also a very good person. Put your heart in your belly, and your family will definitely be welcomed.".

Chapter 721 The old man's story (please subscribe)

When the two said this, they were already outside the village chief's house. Seeing that the door was not closed, Mr. Liu led Gao Gang away directly, and after entering, he said to the inside.

"Is your eldest brother at home? Is your sister-in-law at home?"

"It's Brother Dawang, hurry up and enter the house, your brother is at home."

After Mr. Liu heard it, he directly led Gao Gang into the house.

This room is no different from an ordinary rural house. As soon as you enter the door, there is a large Eight Immortals table, and the two sides of the room should also be regarded as a sleeping place for 197 in the home.

And now there is one in the middle of the main room. The old man in his 60s was sitting there smoking a sweat and saw Gao Gang and Mr. Liu walk in and said to Mr. Liu with a smile.

"Brother Dawang, why are you here? I heard that our girl is back, what's the matter? Last night, I heard someone say something, and I wanted to visit your house this morning. It depends."

"Isn't it? Your sister-in-law didn't let me go, she said that your house is in chaos now, let me go there at night and see why you came here, is there really something wrong at home? ?"

Gao Gang could tell that such words were not schadenfreude but deep concern. It seemed that the relationship between the old man and his family should be quite good.

Mr. Liu came to the chair next to him, sat down, put Gao Gang in his arms and faced him, told all the things that happened last night, then glanced at the village chief who was sitting next to him, and continued. said.

"Brother, you also know that Caifeng from our family was spoiled by me and your younger brother and sister when she grew up. When she grew up, the two older brothers were also very kind to her."

"Isn't it? After hearing the news that this girl was bullied, I wanted to go there and see what happened at the original (cgff) time, but I really didn't expect a family like them."

"To be so cruel to the people of their small family, this is really going to be driven to a dead end, and even the house has been guarded back, there is no way, I can only bring all these children to mine. home."

"You also know what the conditions of our family are. Originally, the children are getting older day by day, and the family is also somewhat stretched, but these are my sons and grandsons."

"How can I ignore them? It's not good that my son-in-law is still capable. I don't want to embarrass me at home."

"So I want to buy a piece of land in the village, or buy a house first and live there first. Let's see if there is any such place in our village now."

After hearing what Mr. Liu said, the village chief was also very angry. And after hearing these words, the old woman next to her said to Mr. Liu involuntarily.

"Brother Dawang, what you have done is really great. How can our children be bullied so casually? Isn't this bullying no one in our Liujia Village?"

Mr. Liu also knew that his old sister-in-law was a very short-tempered woman, but such a person had no heart at all. At the same time, she also sincerely loved Liu Caifeng. .

Chapter 722 Gao Gang's Body (Subscribe)

Mr. Liu also felt that what his old sister-in-law said was very reasonable. After all, like them, the daughter of the old Liu family was outside.

But basically no one can bully them, and basically no one in a family like them can dare to treat them casually.

What's more, the family of the old Liu family, but there are some very protective families in the entire village left and right, so if you marry your daughter into such a family.

That's really a blessing, and if you marry the daughter of the old Liu family, you basically don't dare to do anything wrong. Otherwise, it's impossible for the people of the old Liu family to agree.

"Old sister-in-law, you can rest assured that the child has already been brought back by me, but after the child comes back, you should also be able to see the conditions of our family."

"And the two children are also very competitive. I want to drop the household registration in our village, but I have to have a house. I am not thinking about forgetting."

"What kind of house is there in our village? Didn't I come here to ask your elder brother? You must know that everything in our village is in my elder brother's mind."

The village chief understood what Mr. Liu said. After all, there are several ready-made houses and homesteads in the village.

He also knew it in his heart, and he could see that after Liu Caifeng returned to Liujia Village this time, he was definitely not willing to live with his parents?

After all, there are still brothers and sisters in the family. Although the brothers and sisters didn't say anything, according to the temper of the girl in their family, it doesn't matter if they live in their parents' house for a day or two.

But after living for a long time, there will definitely be a lot of uncomfortable places in his heart. It seems that the family wants to leave the house before there is a conflict. Can think of each other's good.