MTL - Marvel: Starting From the Dimensional Demon God-Chapter 17

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"It's amazing, it's amazing, I seem to be looking at the truth, the world is fading its secrets before my eyes..."

A huge body of knowledge gathered from different characters wandered freely in his mind.

Li Chao seems to have turned into a fish in the ocean, following the footsteps of the truth and constantly climbing forward!

This feeling is too wonderful, intoxicating.


After a long time, he exhaled greedily, as if from a lifetime.

He realized that a strawberry cake was thrown into his mouth, his cheeks stirred, and while wiping his body with a towel, he re-examined his layout.

"The previous was too rough!"

Thinking like this, he summoned the pages of the history book, picked up the pen and started writing on it...

New York, Chinatown.

Walking out of the Chinese restaurant, Luke Cage happily held a large paper bag.

The fragrance of rice wafted in it, a surprise for his girlfriend.

Recently, people have recommended the food here to him every once in a while.

At first, he was not happy.

Isn't it just food? The hype, how delicious can it be?

As a result, I came here to take a look, yo... There are so many people lining up!

He smelled the aroma wafting from the store again, and for some reason, he felt his stomach and couldn't move.

When he came back to his senses, he was sitting in the shop for no reason, and served a plate of peacock crystal dumplings.

"That smell... tsk tsk, really fragrant!"

Luke Cage gave a like, but was not satisfied. He decided to let his girlfriend try it, so he bought two more boxes of fried rice with eggs, and planned to take it back for his new girlfriend to try.

Don't get me wrong... one of the boxes was his own dinner.

Patrolwoman Misty Knight stood on the street, her beautiful eyebrows frowned and her face taut, giving a sense of anxiety.


Seeing Luke Cage walking out of the restaurant holding a paper bag, Misty took two steps forward to stop him.

After thinking for a while, she said slowly, "Luke... I need your help!"

Chapter 21 Luke Cage

Recently, she was investigating several serial killings that took place in Hell's Kitchen.

As soon as she found a clue, this morning, her leading supervisor called her into the office to talk and told her to drop the investigation.


Without thinking, she refused the boss's order.

But her boss warned her that this case is now being intervened by the CIA, and they have no right to intervene!

Knowing that there is a big secret hidden in it, Misty, who was unwilling, went to Luke Cage and looked forward to his help.

"What's the matter? You talk about it first."

Having dealt with Misty more than once, Luke understands the person of the other party, and also knows clearly that every time the other party finds himself, it will definitely be a big trouble.

After thinking about his girlfriend, he did not agree to it outright, but would consider it according to what the other party said.

"Huh... the situation, it's like this..."

Handing out a document bag, Misty explained while indicating that the other party could open it and take a look.

"Recently, there have been many serial killings in Hell's Kitchen."

At first, everyone thought it was a vendetta, or a fight between gangs..."

"Luke, you know that."

Those gangs often do such stupid things! "

"But this time, after we got a body by accident, things changed!"

Opening the file tape and flipping through it casually, Luke fixed his gaze on a photo.

In the photo, there is a dead body.

Male, Mexican descent, looks to be in his 30s.

There are obvious gun marks on his body, which intuitively shows the cause of his death.

But... the strangest place is his head!

"Sheet, what the **** is this?!"

Luke Cage held up the photo and asked Misty.

If it wasn't for him to understand, Misty couldn't have joked with him about this kind of thing, he would definitely not believe it!

"I don't know, Luke... Really, that looks like a mysterious life form."

In short, it can't be human! "

ha? ?

Seeing Luke looking at her suspiciously, Misty shrugged helplessly.

"Luke, I didn't mean to lie to you, I really don't know."

Misty didn't hide the information, she really didn't know much about this creature.

"So, it's true!"

Luke Cage was really surprised.

In the past, he was person-to-person. With a body of steel, he beat his opponents like a street hero.

It's as natural as bullying the little brothers, and every time, there is a sense of accomplishment.

Now, Misty...what's the matter?

Let him fight monsters?

Hey, Misty...Aren't you too confident in me too? !

I'm just a little rougher and thicker than ordinary people, and my strength and fighting ability are a little bit stronger. Hey!

Luke complained in his heart while listening to the other party's explanation.

"...Some of the information I know is in that folder."

The number of such creatures will never be small, conservative estimates should be between a dozen to dozens! "

"They can stretch out some kind of flesh-shifting whip blade, which is very powerful and very fast."

The good news is that they are limited by human flesh, making firearms still quite lethal to them!

But the bad news is also clear.

We know too little about their intelligence, and it is easy to suffer a big loss! "

Misty paused, looking at Luke expectantly.

"Luke... Now, are you still willing to accept this commission?"


Holding a photo, Luke's eyes were full of anger.

It was a black gangster who had been taught a hard lesson by him during a robbery of Asian Americans only two days ago.

The other party promised him that he would not do it again next time, and let him let him go.

Unexpectedly, two days later, I saw the other party's body in the photo.

Moreover, in a way of being brutally divided!


He took a deep breath, suppressed the irritability in his heart, put these photos and documents back into the file bag, and solemnly said to Misty.

"This case, I Luke Cage, took it!"

When I got home, I handed the food to my girlfriend, went to the study, and took out the documents and photos in the file bag.

One after another, Luke looked at it very seriously.

Not only the information of the various deceased, the inspection reports, and even the speculations of some police officers.

In the end, it was the clue that Misty obtained during the investigation.

Thinking, he held up a photo.

The man in the photo is in his forties with slightly pale skin.

He was thin, not tall, with sunken eye sockets, long cheeks, and short black hair that was yellow at the roots.

He was wearing a gray tattered coat, his eyes were dodging, and he looked like a drug addict.

Mocha Sass, his name.

Below the name, there is also a line of small characters - Black Fungus Bar.

There is no need to investigate at all, Misty has prepared the next direction for him!

"If it wasn't for her being stopped by her boss now, I'm afraid the truth would have been found out long ago!"

Shaking his head amusingly, Luke picked up a photo and put it in his arms.

"However, that's fine."

At eight o'clock in the evening, the black fungus bar.

The stage flickered, followed by the music, along with the dancing crowd. In the innermost corner, Mocha Sass was sipping beer with a preoccupied face.

"Fake, Fake..."

He kept cursing, knowing that he hadn't been home for two weeks.

Every time I think of my wife, it is a heart-wrenching pain.

But... he dare not go home!

That monster, that monster that invaded his wife's body!

"Damn it, **** it... how could such a monster appear in the world!"

Pulling his hair fiercely, Mocha collapsed and wanted to cry.

He was terrified and endured alone... I don't know what to do!

At the table to his left, Luke Cage embarrassedly rejected a certain girl's invitation again, sipping a drink while wearing sunglasses.

He had been sitting for more than 20 minutes, and he didn't want to startle the snake, so he decided to observe it for a while.

After 30 minutes, as the bar grew more crowded, the ballroom became more and more noisy.


Unable to bear this noisy atmosphere, Mocha scolded and put the glass on the table, got up and pushed open the side door of the bar, and walked out staggeringly.

Standing up quickly, Luke Cage followed in the footsteps of the other party and quickly left the bar.

tread... tread...

His feet were heavy, and he was leaning against the wall with one hand. Before walking for a while, Mocha couldn't help but bend over and vomit.

"Sheet, I drink too much..."