MTL - Marvel: Starting From the Dimensional Demon God-Chapter 7

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When his body tensed, Matt shuddered.

His eyes narrowed slightly and solemnly expressed to Chunli.

"Miss Chunli, please tell me more about the Evil God of Fire Cloud!"

Looking up, Chun Li looked at Matt and said solemnly.

"it is good…"

"I join..."

At the Bridge West Bar, Matt stretched out his hand solemnly.

After listening to the other party's introduction to the Fire Cloud Evil God, especially after fully understanding the other party's behavior, for the safety of New York, Matt has no reason not to join the team against the Fire Cloud Evil God.

What's more, the other party is also leading the reconciliation meeting, and its own strength is strong. If it is allowed to develop, the danger it will bring can be seen by the naked eye.

With a slight smile, Chun Li put down the juice and reached out to hold the other person's hand.

At this moment, in the distant dimensional space, Li Chao is looking at this scene from a distance.

The reason why Chun Li was able to save Daredevil just right and appeared there was entirely because of his instructing.

Li Chao just woven a background resume for Chunli, and the other party spontaneously followed his script.

Everything displayed at the moment is completely within Li Chao's calculations.

Even if the route deviates due to some unexpected situation in the middle, he can adjust it back in time by means of consciousness.

The biggest reason for this is that in the future, he will draw more and more characters. One or two can be said that when a large number of characters exist at the same time, he does not have the energy and ability to control all the characters present at the same time.

Not only does that put a huge load on Li Chao's spirit, but as more and more characters become available, the risk of exposure is also skyrocketing.

So, instead of that, it's better to just give the background setting and let them develop according to their own personality.

And this time, it was his experiment.

So far, it seems very successful.

Keep your eyes on the system panel.

The emotional value is not far from a silver treasure chest of 100,000 points.

The main reason is that the Tony Stark incident has not subsided, and the emotional points obtained after the event are still being sent continuously.

Seeing that the number of emotional values ​​on the panel was increasing, Li Chao did not hold back his hands and took out two more bronze treasure chests.

[C-level 3-star character card: Andrew. 】

Ability: Mind Power.

Synopsis: Coming from a super power out of control world, he was born into an unfortunate family with a seriously ill mother and an alcoholic father. By a chance coincidence, through contact with super power crystals, he obtained psychic power and became a super power person. 】

[B-grade item card: Killing stone fragments? 3. Introduction: The magical item from the Zero World of Soul Food is originally the crystal fragment of the soul of the Nine-Tailed Fox, which has quite powerful power. 】

[C-level 7-star character card: Bu Jingyun. Abilities: Paiyun Palm, Huo Family Swordsmanship, Inexplicable Swordsmanship, Holy Spirit Swordsmanship, Three "Cloud Ten" Swords... Introduction: A peerless swordsman from the Wind and Cloud World, he holds the peerless sword of the gods, and he is nicknamed the God of Death without crying. 】

[D-level item card: Parasitic beast cub? 30. Introduction: Parasitic creatures from the world of parasitic beasts, their mission is to destroy human beings. 】

[B-rank character card fragment? 1]

"Let's not talk about Andrew, just getting Bu Jingyun is a guarantee."

"Unfortunately... this Bu Jingyun is not the martial arts myth in the third comic book, but a character from the Di Shitian period."

However, the killing stone fragments and parasitic beast cubs, let me think, where should they be placed..."

Sitting on the toilet, propping his chin with one hand, in this small "toilet", Li Chao fell into a long exam.

The Bridge Bar.

Listening to the rhythmic music, Chun Li raised her juice and had a toast with Matt.

"Matt, do you know any other superheroes? Like you."

Just now, Chun Li already knew the other party's name.

After taking a sip of his drink, Matt frowned for a while, then nodded.

"If we tell him about this incident, the character of the other party should be added."



Chapter IX Purple Man: Fake. . . This unscientific!

"The Punisher... I seem to have heard his name."

Pressing down on her temples, Chun Li was thoughtful.

On the way to Hell's Kitchen, I heard this name in the mouth of the other party after picking up a few wretched gangsters.

"Yes, although I don't agree with some of his methods."

Matt shook his head with a wry smile, and took another gulp of wine.

It was clear that something unpleasant should have happened between the two.

Seeing that the other party stopped talking, Chun Li didn't bother, but put her eyes on a corner on the northwest side of the bar.

In that place, there seems to be some conflict.

A woman in a black top was arguing with several men with a bottle of wine.

The lady looked drunk and shaky when she stood, but she didn't show any timidity when facing 9 adult men alone.

The situation changed quickly, and a man raised his fist and slapped the opponent in the cheek cursingly.

On the opposite side, the woman had long black hair and a pair of blue jeans wrapped around her lower body. Her footsteps were not very steady when drunk, but she dodged the opponent's attack in an instant, and then pushed out with a light palm.

The movements seemed to be too gentle, and the few companions who beat the man couldn't help laughing like pigs.

But the result was shocking. A big man weighing 178 to 80 pounds was gently pushed and flung far away like a garbage bag. He smashed over several tables in a row, and passed out foaming at the mouth.

Seeing the tragic state of their companions, although it was unbelievable, the few people who were drunk were not to be outdone. They rolled up their sleeves, grabbed wine bottles and chairs, and shouted and flew into battle.

But the result was unexpected again.

Any attack that hits her body is painless to the woman. Instead, she waved it casually, and those people flew out like bowling balls.

A security guard stepped forward and seemed to drive him out, but she gently grabbed the collar and threw it on the wall.

This matter became more and more troublesome, and Matt finally came back to his senses.

He quickly stood up, pulled out a short stick, and jumped up in front of the woman, trying to stop the other party from continuing to mess around.

But the woman obviously couldn't listen to the persuasion, and it didn't take long for her to fight Matt.

As soon as the two fought, Matt fell to the disadvantage.

His attack fell on the woman without pain or itch, but instead, the opponent's strength vibrated the short stick and kept tearing his jaws.

In addition, the music in the bar and the noisy environment also seriously interfered with his radar senses, which made his fighting skills a bit sluggish and his reactions were not so neat.

Seeing that Matt was at a disadvantage, Chun Li simply raised her legs to join the fray.

The three of them fought together fiercely, wandering around, and in the eyes of the bar owner who wanted to cry without tears, it was like a demolition office, where they really went and where they were destroyed.

"Bichi, take a punch from the old lady!"

"Qigong Palm—"


The fists and palms intersected, and there was no winner or loser. With the help of the reaction force, Chunli pulled Matt and jumped back.

"That guy's physical fitness is so strong, it seems that he hasn't used his full strength yet..."

Looking at the other party's weak physique, Chun Li was secretly shocked in her heart.

"Where did these two guys come from? Especially the blue-clothed woman with a steamed bun... What is that? Dongguo Kungfu?"

At the same moment, the woman also felt the difficulty of the other two.

The two sides stopped fighting and guarded each other, both surprised by the strength of the other side.

Suddenly, the three seemed to realize something and turned to look in the direction of the bar's door.

There, at an unknown time, a man in a purple suit was standing at the door, smiling at everyone.

At this time, everyone was shocked that the originally noisy bar turned out to be extraordinarily quiet, and even the music playing was shut down at an unknown time.

The crowd watching the excitement was no longer noisy, but stood there silently like a scarecrow.

Chun Li and Matt looked at each other, and they both felt some kind of crisis at the same time.

But on the other side.

"Zebudia Kilgrave!"

The woman suddenly shouted angrily.

"Oh... so it's you, my lovely Jessica..."

Formerly known as Zebdia? Kilgrave, code-named Purple Man.

It was Jessica's nightmare and her abyss.

After controlling Jessica with his abilities, the Purple Man used her to attack multiple police officers and imprisoned her, causing double damage to her both physically and psychologically.


The black nightmare was awakened again, and Jessica Jones trembled, covered her head and screamed, raised her fist and threw at the opponent.

But she was only halfway there when she stopped abruptly.

Her eyes lost their luster, and she stood there sluggishly, silent like a statue.

Chun Li and Matt were startled inwardly, and they both took a defensive stance at the same time.

"Hypnosis, or some kind of ability?"

Matt thought quickly in his mind.

But Ziren obviously didn't give him time.

He just gave a cruel smile and ordered Jessica to deal with them both.

"Kill them."

Jessica was unusually obedient and rushed up with a blank face.

Matt tried to awaken her sanity, but to no avail, he could only passively deal with the other party and try to let Chun Li leave.


Seeing Chunli smashed the window and escaped, Ziren hurriedly activated his superpower.

His body emits pheromones, and when the target's skin absorbs these hormones, they can be verbally controlled, with a powerful hypnotic effect.

And in combat, distraction is deadly.

Although Matt withstood the pressure of hypnosis with his fearless will. But under the interference, facing the punch from Jessica, he couldn't avoid it.

Seeing that the fist roared and was about to hit Daredevil, the purple man showed a perverted smile, straightened his lower body, and was so cool that he almost applauded.

"Great, Jessica..."

"Qigong Palm!"


A blue shadow suddenly broke in, knocking Matt and Jessica away and fighting hard.

The fists meet, and a burst of airflow erupts.

The wooden floor wailed and collapsed.

Leaning forward, his left foot stepped out of a circle, and the moment his waist twisted, he took out a magic talisman from his waist and waved it on Jessica's body.