MTL - Marvel’s Scientist to God-v2 Chapter 178 Zhong Bo

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Chapter 178

This group of people all bet a lot of bets. On the golden sculpture, basically everyone bet on the golden sculpture to win, and only Hou Aoyun, Xiaobai and Aman made three-eyed bears to win. Ai didn't like the three-eyed bear, and chose to play on the golden eagle, which made Xiao Bai unwilling at once, and he was very disgusted with Ai.

But now it's good. Those who are pressed on the golden sculpture have all put their hearts to their throats.

This is beyond everyone's understanding. But the golden eagle is a heterogeneous species. What is a heterogeneous species? This is the real king of monsters. The three-eyed bear is a variant mutant monster. How can it become a heterogeneous opponent!

The gold sculpture has grown up after 500 years of cultivation for more than 100 years. Even against the mutant level six monsters, there will be a war of strength.

Now it ’s good. You also need to be careful about the three-eyed bears in Shangyehai. Now it will become suspended. Whoever loses and who wins is not necessarily. This is a sure thing. Many people chose to be in a game before. The black tiger bat is very crippled. If he loses again in this game, it will be his life. Many people who weighed heavily put sweat on their foreheads and held their palms nervously. Eyes stared at the two monsters on the field in front.

Ye Hai took Xiong Da to retreat to Xiaobai (cgff) and saw Xiaobai they were noisy here, Xiaobai and Aman were facing Ah Dao, carrying out ideological education, Ah Dao lowered his head, where was the only promise I dare not have any dissatisfaction, regrets all over my face, and still nodded flatly, echoing Xiao Bai's own life values ​​and team spirit.

Ye Hai looked when he didn't see it, turned around and watched the showdown between Xiong Er and the Golden Eagle in the field.

I saw that Xiong Er was ready to go, squatting on his back, exerting force on his hind limbs, a leap, the speed was very fast, the two bears' palms opened, and they flung towards the golden eagle.

The gold sculpture saw Xiong Er rushing towards him with all one's strength, one side dodged away, and stretched out his claws to bear Xiong Er, Xiong Er's good face seemed to have eyes. On the paw extended by the vulture, Xiong Er and Jindiao collided together and quickly separated.

The speed of the two monsters is also very fast, and the collision of the first round is completed in an instant. Although there were no injuries, in terms of strength, the Golden Eagle stepped back a bit, and the strength was still the second largest bear, but the Golden Eagle was fast and flexible, and the fight was quite equal.

Everyone chose to be silent. It was quiet all around, but they were obviously breathing a little bit heavy. They are all very nervous. It's a rare one-hundred-year-old encounter. It is not to say that you can see it at a different level. This is all a chance.

Ye Haiyi saw that Xiong Er and Jin Diao were between Zhong Bo. If Xiong Da was on the top, the gold sculpture might not be Xiong Da ’s opponent. Even if Xiong Er lost to Jin Diao, the other side of the Jin Diao was theirs. The hole card for today's match, I won steadily.

Which group of people is open, it is obvious to see that the golden carving on his side wants to win three-eyed bears, it is difficult, even if he can win, it will have to pay a large price, but the front interest side has lost a game. The game won. The next game, Ye Hai still has a three-eyed bear. Looking at it, as long as it is stronger than it is now, there is no chance of winning on his own side.

I want to lose it myself, and I want to output all the highlights I just took out. This is all people ’s possessions. I am shocked when I think about it. If I really lose, I do n’t know if I still have these things. Without this time. .