MTL - Master of Ninja World-v15 Chapter 1338 agree

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Guan Tian Yehui smiled after hearing Wuchen's words, and replied firmly.

"It seems that our getting along these days has also yielded certain gains. At least we thought of going together. Okumura phosphorus was taken away. It is absolutely impossible to confirm that she fell into the hands of the demon people. We must take it. Bring it back."

Wuchen laughed after hearing this and said that two of them were also directly fighting spirits, and wanted to get up and embark on the journey.

When Wuchen said goodbye to the big team, they were all very surprised, some wanted to threaten, and some frowned and said to them both.

"To be honest, I can understand your feelings. I also know that you are not willing to accept your companions. But you have to know that the strength of this demon is stronger than you think. If you can, I don't want you. You still have to think twice about what kind of dangers you can encounter."

No dust is the place of regret. After experiencing such a situation, he feels that he shouldn't have such a big problem.

Wuchen has absolute confidence in his own strength. Besides, Wuchen will come to this place. It is very likely that the demon **** will intervene. Then at this moment, this place has destroyed the plan of the demon **** because of the arrival of his own line, then the demon **** is very It is possible that when the time comes, he will think of ways to make a comeback, and this place may become a place of right and wrong.

So if it is really like this, then you shouldn't leave early, so as not to fight against the Demon God before you develop, and be noticed by the Demon God, and you will die early.

The other demon specially reminded himself that he should not participate in this matter, so that the best situation is that he does leave now.

If you stay by yourself, then the following things will be more troublesome, because a lot of things you don't want to face may happen in the latter series.

So leaving now is a good choice for everyone, but now I can't speak out the reason openly, and I can only find some excuses.

So Wuchen then indirectly showed that his mind was determined, and said to other people.

"Thank you for your suggestions, but at this moment I have made up my mind. No one can change my mind, because there will be security here, so I don't have too much worry about the situation."

Looking at such a situation as Wuchen, other people didn't stop them too much in the end, because it was useless to stop them under these few circumstances.

So Wuchen was following Guan Tian Yehui directly to set foot on the process of recovering this Okumura Phosphorus.

Wuchen went straight to learn too much about this, what kind of thing it was at the beginning, and in which direction they left, these are all relatively important information.

Guan Tian Yehui directly told Wuchen all the information he knew. Wuchen nodded directly, thinking about what to do next.

It was said that those individuals were also relatively strong, and one of them seemed to be a second-level demon.

It seemed that the demon **** wanted to take Okumura phosphorus away. Otherwise, he would not have sent such a powerful general over.

Under such a situation, you should also quickly think of a solution. If you are a second-level demon, you can barely deal with it if you want to deal with it, but if you add other levels of demon, then your own strength There will be some difficult to support.

After all, you still have to look at the number of demons on the opponent. If the number of demons on the opponent is too much, then such a battle will be very difficult to fight, but if the number of demons on the opponent is not that many, then the situation may be. It will be better.

Wuchenxin’s thought is that if the demon **** wants to focus on the city just now, then under the circumstances here, some of the people and horses may come directly to that city at that time. If so, the number of personnel guarding Okumura phosphorus will also be reduced a lot.

At that time, his own opportunity will come, Wuchen feels that all this is a good situation.

Wuchen shared his analysis with Guan Tian Yehui’s narration, and wanted to hear what Guan Tian Yehui thought. After all, he had to listen to other people’s ideas. Otherwise, it would not be good for him to be arbitrary. In case you make a wrong decision, you may harm other people. So at this time, you should also properly understand other people's thoughts, take a look at your own thoughts, and what's not enough.

If the other party can think of these supplementary points, then it is naturally better, and I can relax a little bit.

After Guan Tian Yehui thought for a while, he said directly.

"I don't have any special thoughts or thoughts. The situation at home is just like you decide. I only know that Okumura will not go with them. Okumura should be on our side. "

Wuchen nodded, Okumura's character can be considered to have some understanding after being in contact these days, and it will indeed choose to leave with his party.

After all, anyway, Okumura phosphorus's adoptive father was eventually killed because of unfamiliar reasons, so he should know about Mo Tomorrow. God will be more resentful, and how could he willingly return to the demon world.

In the face of such an emotion, the two people quickly and neatly found these traces, and then quickly followed the teams where Okumura phosphorous was.

Okumura phosphorus will leave some small marks on this road as these reminders, which directly facilitates Wuchen and Guan Tianyehui to quickly and neatly find his location.

Wuchen followed their teams from a distance and directly spoke.

"If they want to return to the Demon Realm, they must open the door of the Demon Realm. If this is the case, then they must also perform this ritual. Then there is enough time. We have to be within this period of time. Save Okumura Phosphorus back. Let’s set it to tonight. If you hurry up, it’s better to avoid long nights and dreams."

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