MTL - Master of Trading Star Card Game-Chapter 8 Every day, every player can make original cards?

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Xie Mingzhe looked at the constantly rolling figures on the screen and felt deeply about his poverty and insignificance.

When he was worried about renting 800 yuan, and happy to find a job for 1,500 months, in the world of games, these local tyrants would actually pay for tens of thousands of dollars for a small card.

I remember that when he was playing online games, there was a local tyrant who had hundreds of thousands of weapons in order to make a weapon. It is said that many games with random equipment, local tyrants in order to do a good equipment, casually are millions of recharge.

Sure enough, no era is a local tyrant. Of course, no era is lacking in the poor. It is a pity that Xie Mingzhe is a poor man, whether on earth or in this time and space.

He doesn't understand the world of the local tyrant, he can only follow the bustle.

The price of the card on the screen has soared to 150,000 and then stopped.

Host: "150,000 once, 150,000 twice, there are no people..."

The word "price increase" has not yet been said. Suddenly, the number jumped again.

- 200,000.

- 220,000.



Xie Mingzhe looked at the screen with his eyes wide open. Just a few thousand plus, how did the painting style suddenly change? One plus is tens of thousands!

The Qi brothers next to him whispered: "It was just a small fight, the real local tyrant is now only shot. The property of this seven-star card is very good, 100 min, the ultimate double group control, plus Tang Muzhou's halo bonus, the price Certainly not only this number."

Xie Mingzhe: "..............."

Sure enough, the world of local tyrants is terrible.

The precious cards in this game should be the same as the top equipment in other games. In particular, this card is a perfect card. It seems to be ok to take this price.

Xie Mingzhe sighed and continued to watch the fun.


At the same time, the Imperial Capital Club office.

Xue Linxiang looked at the young man who was lying on the sofa and yawning. Wen Yan said: "Xiao Tang, this night is also your heart and soul. The data is really good. If you don't need it, you can use it for others. Why bother? It sold it." Xue Linxiang looked reluctant.

Tang Muzhou was so sleepy that he was asleep, and his double eyelids had been fighting. Hearing the voice of Xue Jie, he held a little spirit and squinted and said: "The wind, the vine and the Xiao An are not good at plant cards, and they can't exert the maximum effect. It is better to find a card for this card. More suitable owner."

When he was sleepy, the voice of his voice was low, with a hint of laziness and hoarseness, which was especially good.

Xue Linxiang was afraid of his strange work and fell asleep. He was busy talking and causing his attention: "It’s right, since you can’t use it, instead of dusting it in the card display cabinet, it’s better to find it. You can love the new owner of it... However, you sold the auxiliary card of the night scent. Is your card selected in your deck?"

"Of course." Tang Muzhou opened the flat light brain and called up a card information. He said, "This card was just finished a few days ago. I used a different idea. Xue Jie, look at its data. ”

"..." Xue Linxiang squinted his eyes.

The seven-star night scent was taken by Tang Muzhou to sell the rest of the heat. However, the replacement of the nightly card, the data is even more terrible. She believes that when this card appears on the court, it will definitely make Tang Muzhou's opponents have a headache.

"How do you make this card?" Xue Linxiang looked back and saw that Tang Muzhou had already slept with the light brain.

He has to sleep "afternoon" every afternoon, just like the plants that have been sunburned by the sun, there is no spirit at all, this strange work is simply helpless. Xue Linxiang saw that he slept so badly that he had to put away his brain and didn't wake him up. He turned back to the office to check the schedule that the league had just sent to her.


Auction site.

The night fragrant card finally sold at 660,000 yuan, and the actual currency was almost 66,000 yuan, which is really 666.

After watching the lively Xie Mingzhe followed the two small partners out of the auction house.

The summer sun sprinkled on him, and the realistic effect made him feel warm in the game. The temperature around him was just right and the weather was good, but his mood was particularly bad.

Rich people can spend tens of thousands if they buy a card, but he is worried about living expenses.

The gap between the rich and the poor is a problem that exists in any world. Xie Mingzhe does not hate the rich, and it is also the ability of others to have money. When he was born, he became an orphan. He could only rely on himself. The starting point was much lower than others.

But he is not reconciled.

After being reconciled to life, he is still a poor boy.

On the earth, he went to college after a scholarship. He planned to find a good job after graduation and settled through his life. At that time, he also satisfied the kind of stable life.

But it is different now.

The world's technology is highly developed, and people's spiritual food is extremely vacant. So holographic games like Starbucks Storm have spread all over the world. Many players regard this game as a spiritual sustenance. Naturally, there are countless people willing to play in the game. Hey money.

It can be seen from the auction just now that a pet card with a little attack power, "Nine-tailed Fox", only took the price of 8,000 gold coins because of its cuteness, and a powerful battle card "Nightly Fragrance", actually I took a price of 660,000 game gold coins and 66,000 real money! !

If this card is given to him, his four years of living expenses and tuition fees will be more than enough!

Xie Mingzhe's heart is extremely shocking.

He hasn't played card games before, and with the card in Star Card Storm, he thinks that the price of the card will be very cheap. Buy a piece for a few dollars and collect it slowly. Nowadays, seeing those original cards that can’t be sold for thousands or tens of thousands, Xie Mingzhe has completely refreshed the world view.

Maybe he can also make a few original cards to sell? It doesn't matter if you fail, but what if you succeed? I don't want to sell tens of thousands. Even if I can make a few hundred pieces, it will be enough for him to live a few days!

Thinking of this, Xie Mingzhe immediately took the Qi brother, and humbly asked: "I have been listening to you saying "original card" just now. If the player wants an original card, is there any special requirement?"

The old player Qi Jingxiong patiently as a commentator: "The original card in the game depends on the player's mental strength and talent."

Xie Mingzhe nodded like garlic: "Oh, let me talk about it in detail?"

Qi brothers simply took Xie Mingzhe to find a quiet pavilion nearby to sit down, and Sisi was also very curious to listen to the "old players lecture."

"Spiritual power, to say that popular is the ability of your brain to withstand external stimuli. It can be measured in hospitals. The average person is around 200. If you can exceed 260, you can work as the most difficult task in various industries, or go to fight. The professional league of holographic games."

"..." Xie Mingzhe stunned, how much is his mental strength? When I first woke up in the hospital, Dr. Qin asked the robot to test him, it seems to be 300 - yes, the robot pressed the electrode on his temple, and the number reported after the test is 300!

That said, his mental strength is still relatively high, at least higher than the average line of 200. Xie Mingzhe was a little happy and continued to humbly ask: "Is it necessary to use the original card in the game?"

"Yes." Qi brother said in detail, "What content and skills of the card should be created by your mental strength. For example, if you want to make a plant card, the cards you create must be refined. Specifically, what the flowers of the plant look like, how the roots grow, how the shape of the leaves, how the skills are described, and how the data is distributed - the more specific and precise the creation, the better the quality of the cards made."

Xie Mingzhe stunned – isn't this the same as drawing?

There are two ways to draw a picture. One is to draw the picture of the eye on the paper against the real scene. The second is to imagine.

For example, if you want to paint a plant, you must first outline the appearance of the plant in your mind. After you have imagined it, drop the pen and draw the plants in your mind. A good painter, the things that are drawn are particularly realistic, and can even be fake.

This is not difficult for Xie Mingzhe. He was a science student in his last life, but Xie Mingzhe of this world was admitted to the Academy of Fine Arts of the Imperial University.

Will draw, imagine, mental power 300, the hardware is up to standard, the software is worse.

Xie Mingzhe excitedly licked his hand and then asked: "That is, after imagining the specific card content, use the mental power to draw them on a special cardboard and make a card. This becomes Already?"

Qi Shixiong shook his head: "This is only the first step. The more important step is the review of the card. There is a very strict copyright protection system in the game. Your card must be reviewed by the official card database in order to be in the game world. use."

"Copyright protection? What do you mean?" Xie Mingzhe scratched his head in confusion.

"For example, the nine-tailed fox card at the auction today has passed the database review. The copyright of this card belongs to the original author. Others cannot copy it. You can't imitate it and make another eight-tailed fox. The card, the seven-tailed fox card, can't change its head and make a nine-tailed cat card."

Sisi has a nod to nod: "That is, you can't change cards from the library, you can only do new cards that haven't appeared in the library, right?"

Qi Shixiong nodded: "Well. The card already exists in the database, can not be simply modified as an original card, the existing card skills can not be directly copied, must do new cards, set new skills, in order to pass the system Audit. If it is a character card, the official has a special request. You can't directly import the facial features of the characters in the real world. You must have your own original characters."

Xie Mingzhe suddenly realized.

The official regulations are really powerful, putting aside a bunch of people to follow suit. In doing so, you can protect the creativity of the players to the greatest extent, and will not think of a new idea to be copied after tomorrow. The character cards can't be imported from the real world, which also avoids the players in the game world maliciously smearing the real people, giving the other party strange skills. For example, if the classmates are made into cards and have the skills of "smelting the fart", then it is not good.

Qi Shixiong added: "What's more important is that your card skills need to match the image of the card. For example, the skills of [Night Fragrance] are blurred and the night falls, all related to the card name. Tang Muzhou is the strongest The group attack card [Millennium God Tree], the skill is called [Death Strangle], and the large-scale wood vines kill the Star Card illusion. The reason why his card is so strong is because the cards, data and skills can perfectly match the three items. ”

Xie Mingzhe admired the nod, it seems that this Tang Muzhou brain is very big! All kinds of plants have been given great skills.

The official rules for the original card are really difficult. Players can't just pick it up. In order to make the game as fair as possible, the official has a large professional database and calculation formula to control the value of the card. For example, put a group of skills within 100 meters of the spike, this wonderful setting must not be approved.

The sooner you play this game, the easier it is to have an original card because there are fewer duplicate cards. But now, Star Card Storm has been in operation for a full decade, so many players, all kinds of cards have long been finished by the predecessors? Who knows whether the various plants, animals, and characters are included in the system library. If you want to make a brand new card, this "creative" problem can get stuck in a group of people.

Must I make a new card that is not in the library? What should I do? Xie Mingzhe feels thoughtful about his chin.

Qi Shixiong said: "If you are really interested in original cards, you can go to the black market to buy some nebula paper and try to do it."

Sisi advised: "Fat uncle, the original card is particularly expensive. I have a girlfriend who wanted to create a pet card last month. It is only a few thousand dollars for the material money. The last one did not succeed. Don't jump this pit easily!"

Xie Mingzhe nodded: "Well, I am just interested in trying to try it. If it is not successful, I will not invest a lot of money." He didn't have much money to waste, but he was really unwilling if he didn't try it.

At least he has high mental strength, he also draws pictures, and all the hardware is up to standard. Maybe he can actually make cards to sell, which is also a revenue.

After making up his mind, Xie Mingzhe followed the brothers and went to the black market, the largest underground trading market of the commercial star.

The author has something to say: the original rules have been explained clearly, you can not directly copy other people's cards, you must use your own "brain hole" to make a new card.