MTL - Maze Survival: Only I Can See Hints-Chapter 447 The gods will finally appear in the world, the desire of the ancient dragon

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  Chapter 447 The gods finally appear in the world, the desire of the ancient dragon


   Spit out a mouthful of blood, Ling Mou's hair fell apart, and a bitter feeling appeared on his pale face.

  She did not expect to have the same demigod body as Zhao Ba, but her combat power is still weaker than Zhao Ba.

  The gap is a little big.

   "If he is here, he should be able to kill this stupid dog with the body of a demigod!"

   she thought in her heart.

   Zhao Ba's strength is not only because he has a **** body.

  He also has the Pride of God, Rune Exoskeleton, Divine Might Domain...

   Countless types of equipment that increase attributes are worn by him, and the increased attributes are much stronger than Zero Eye.

   "I said, you will definitely die today!"

   "I'm not that idiot my brother, I won't show mercy to you!"

"go to hell!"

  Chekov's body moved again, and he was about to chop off Zero Eye's head, but suddenly, a dazzling golden light shot out from the ground, with a super strong shock wave, knocking him flying.

   "This is, God!"

   "Or someone became a god!"


  Chekov's eyes were full of fear and shock.

  The reason why the final form of his Ancient Demon Wolf is so powerful is largely due to the gilded layer on his body, making him a demigod!

  Anyone with the word God is already unworthy.

  If it weren't for his equipment being better than Zero Eye, he might lose when he transforms into an Ascension Demigod before Zero Body.

   "The figure in the golden light!"

   "He is Zhao Ba!"

   "Why, I really want to **** his blood, I feel that his body is full of energy!"

   "A wonderful feeling!"

   "Is this a hallucination?"

  Zero Eyes At the last moment, the original sin-gluttony played a role again, and she understood that Zhao Ba's body had reached an unimaginable level.

   It even made it hard for her to control herself.

  Looking up, when that powerful figure glanced at her, it also had a strong desire, like an ancient dragon.

   "No matter what, you are going to die!"

  When Chekov didn't know what to do, he would become crazy. He raised his ax and slashed at Zero Eye.

  But at this moment, the figure in the golden light raised his left hand and fired a soul-ending gun!


   Zhao Ba gave a cold drink.

  The blue light gun rushed out, piercing Chekov's body in just a split second.

  He didn't have much health, but he was hit by this blow and died immediately.

  【Game Tip: You killed Chekov, you got a lot of experience and all the items! 】

  【Game Tips: You get 128 reputation points! 】

  【Game hint: You get 14 points of divine power! 】

  【Game hint: You get 8 points of magic fire! 】

  【Game Tip: You got the vocation of God - Werewolf! 】

   Another powerful force poured into Zhao Ba's body.

  He flew down, he has become the body of a god, he can fly naturally without too much effort.

   "From the look in your eyes, you need my blood very much, and I also need your body very much!"

   "You know how much my blood can benefit you!"

   "You can't lose money!"

   Zhao Ba's eyes carried the same eager thoughts as Gu Long's, and original sin-lust was playing a driving role at this time.

  He still has a little willpower to control his body.

  The **** body achieved with the blood of the ancient dragon is more powerful, but it also has powerful side effects.

   Dragons are creatures that like to breed most.

  Their blood is the best aphrodisiac in the world.

  Zhao Ba now has to excrete the aphrodisiac effect of the dragon blood.

"it is good…"

   Zero Eye made a weak voice.

   I don’t know that she has no choice now, knowing that even if she doesn’t want to, Zhao Ba can force her.

   After she was defeated, she knew she was weak and needed Zhao Ba's strength.

  Or the body of a **** is really powerful, very beautiful and attractive...

after a while.

  Zero Eyes absorbed the golden blood of the gods, and her health quickly recovered, and her attributes were also strengthened at the same time.

   This time, she absorbed a lot of blood, and she could even rely on this blood, and after a period of transformation, she could also become the body of a god.

  She is a vampire and knows how to use the energy in blood.

   "What is the relationship between us now?"

  Zhao Ba's mind recovered, and he turned to Ling Mou and said, "I didn't expect that this was the first time for you."

   "I heard that you vampires are very good at playing."

   Although vampires are not bad in appearance, they are too open-minded. This is a well-known fact.

   "What do you think is what it is!"

   "Thank you for saving me, and your blood is very good!"

   "If I need your blood, I will come to you!"

  As soon as Ling Mou finished speaking, he turned and left, still as ruthless as before.

  She has read part of the diary of the Lich, and knows about the **** body. Zhao Ba has now achieved the **** body, the real **** body, not the demigod body.

  Although the divine blood she sucked could not quickly transform her into the body of a god, the gains were already great.

   "Blood, I will go and take that artifact."

  Zhao Ba looked at Ling Mou's back and said in his heart.

  【Game Tip: You have completed the original sin-lust effect, you have identified a lover, and the damage is increased by 0.1 times! 】

  Seeing the prompt of the game, he smiled lightly, and it was time to return to the city of spring water.

  He already knew that Yagyu Tosen was waiting for him.

  Perhaps Yagyu Tosen did accomplish a certain thing, became very strong, and even entered the list of human fighters, becoming No. 9.

  But Zhao Ba has completely achieved the divine body, and everything is different.

  【Name: Dragon Yan Body】

  【Quality: Myth】

  【Common Effect: Double the value of all your basic attributes. 】

  【Special Effects - Flying: You can fly without any effort, fly upside down, fly standing up, fly lying down! 】

  【Special Effect-Dragon Power: Your strength and intelligence are doubled again. 】

  【Special Effect-Dragon Scale: Your armor and magic resistance, including the resistance of the four elements of earth, water, wind and fire, are increased by 3 times! 】

  【Special effect-Dragon language magic: Your four elements of earth, water, wind and fire are strengthened by 3 times, and your release speed is increased by 5 times, and the cooling speed of skills is increased by 3 times. 】

  【Special effect-Faxiang Tiandi: You can control your body size, but an oversized body will cause you to become inflexible and become a large target. 】

[Mythical level special effect - dragon change: you will transform into an ancient dragon, during which you will transform into a giant, immune to control below LV.65, the effect of control above LV.65 is reduced by 90%, and the damage received is reduced by 90% , in this state, you can breathe out powerful dragon breath. 】

  【Mythical Special Effects-God Level Opening: Open the **** level of the gods, allowing you to absorb a certain amount of divine power and master the divine weapon. 】

  【Note: Since you have the pride of the gods, you will automatically turn on the myth hidden special effect - the body of the dragon emperor!】

  【Mythical Hidden Special Effect-Dragon God Body: Consume 10,000 energy stones per minute, and you will transform into the Dragon God Body. In this state, your divine power will increase by 100%. 】

  【Introduction: You are already a god, let the mortals tremble under you! 】

  (end of this chapter)