MTL - Mecha and Knife-Chapter 2 is a violent

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Xinfengcheng is located in the coastal area of ​​the Federation Azure Star Dragon Continent, and is a relatively well-known tourist city.

Although the current federation claims to have entered the interstellar era, it actually has only one livable planet.

The other planets that can be landed are all in the blue galaxy. The planet called Yinghuo Alien is the frontline battlefield, and there are several ore stars.

Therefore, there is a large population on Azure Star, and a well-known tourist city like Xinfengcheng has never been short of traffic, and people living here can also reap a very high happiness index.

But Ji Xinghe was not happy at all, because he became a real loner.

"Master, why did you come in?"

In the detention center in Xinfengcheng, Ji Xinghe heard questions from people around him, but he didn't want to answer or look at other people, and sat there silently like a sculpture.

In the somewhat blurred vision, the appearance of his son Ji Chenxing had just emerged, and was replaced by a touch of red, which was a head full of red fried hair.

A young man with a red afro appeared dissatisfied in front of Ji Xinghe, and ordered him arrogantly.

"Hey, old man, call you uncle, you really think of yourself as uncle, I asked you something. Did you come in by Pengci, or did you steal something? Let me tell you, I came in by drag racing, black After the automatic driving program, it took only 13 minutes to run the Xinfeng City Ring Road. People in the Jianghu said that Xinfeng Shisan Shao is me. Not the thirteenth ranked thirteen, but the thirteenth in thirteen minutes."

The phenomenon of ranking seniority in prisons has not disappeared because of entering the federal era, and young people who like to dye their hair in colorful colors have not disappeared because humans have entered the interstellar era.

Those who have not disappeared are those who carry forward with heavy burdens and use their lives to keep Qinglan safe.

Ji Xinghe didn't understand, his son's sacrifice was to protect such a person? If you don't learn how to drag a car at a young age, you have also hacked the automatic assisted driving program that all cars have now, and you are playing manual driving that was eliminated decades ago, so it is easy to get into a car accident.

Artificial intelligence programs can calculate the driving routes of hundreds of millions of vehicles, but they cannot calculate the complexity of human hearts.

Ji Xinghe would say a few words before, but now he doesn't want to say a word, will this red-haired scum be imprisoned for illegal racing, will he be killed in a car accident, will he kill other innocent people People are not important anymore.

Nothing matters anymore, and he can't do the only important thing.

"Hey, old man, can you squeak? Look at me, squeak... That's it, just squeak is fine."

Xinfeng Thirteenth Young Master has an out-of-the-ordinary personality. The cell with only two people is too boring. Ji Xinghe's indifferent expression and eyes, who have not responded, finally made Thirteenth Young Master feel ashamed.

Taking a step forward to push and push, the Thirteenth Young Master, who didn't use much strength, was afraid of pushing the old man Ji Xinghe, but when his right hand just pushed out and hadn't touched Ji Xinghe's shoulder, he felt his right hand It's like being stuck with pliers.

After that, a huge force struck, and at the same time, a black shadow covered all his vision, it was Ji Xinghe who stood up suddenly.

It wasn't until this time that Thirteenth Young Master realized that this old man was really tall. I don't know why his height of 1.9 meters was not obvious when he was sitting just now. It has been seven or eight days since I haven't eaten a full meal, so I'm a little skinny.


"I'm wrong…"

With two consecutive sounds, the Thirteenth Young Master wanted to apologize without hesitation, but it was too late. An inexplicable energy suddenly erupted from Ji Xinghe's body, just like a beast that had been hungry for many days suddenly found its prey.

Xinfeng Thirteenth Young Master only felt that the power from his right hand was irresistible, and this was only Ji Xinghe's left hand. Thirteenth Young Master's right elbow rested on Ji Xinghe's shoulder obediently, and there was a sudden sharp pain in his chest , the reason was that it hit Ji Xinghe's body, and then his feet left the ground uncontrollably.

The line of sight turned for a while.

With a muffled sound, the Thirteenth Young Master hung upside down on the wall of the cell, with his head resting on the wall-mounted chair Ji Xinghe was sitting on just now, as if a painting was hung upside down.

Thirteenth Young Master didn't know if he looked like a painting, but he only knew that he was thrown over his shoulder by an old man. My back hurts too, and hitting my head on the chair hurts even more.

Just like when there was a car accident, dying?

"Help, help, the old man is beating someone, the old man is going to kill someone."

When the Thirteenth Young Master who fell from the wall curled up and shouted loudly, the alarm in the cell had already sounded, and the surveillance camera with the dynamic monitoring function had discovered the situation in the cell, and the people in the detention center rushed immediately. When he came over, he saw the tall Ji Xinghe standing in the center of the cell with no expression on his face, while the Thirteenth Young Master was still curled up on a chair in the corner.

Seeing someone approaching, Thirteenth Young Master jumped up excitedly as if he had found support.

"He beat me, this old man beat me, he is a violent element, send him to prison, the detention center is not suitable for him. He..."

Thirteenth Young Master's hysterical voice suddenly stopped, like a duck being choked by its neck, because he saw Ji Xinghe's indifferent eyes.

There was a click sound, the iron door of the cell was opened, and people from the detention center rushed in and looked at Ji Xinghe cautiously.

"Put your hands up, then squat down with your head in your hands, against the wall."

Ji Xinghe took a deep breath to calm down, and then obediently followed the instructions.

The Thirteenth Young Master became arrogant again when he saw this scene, but he was held down by the people in the detention center as soon as he jumped up.

"And you, also squat honestly."

"Brother, I was beaten, UU reading this old man beat me."

"You're 19, he's 65, and he hit you?"

"What's wrong with being 65 years old? You look down on a 65-year-old old man. Believe it or not, this old man can beat you four by himself."

"Shut up."

The Thirteenth Young Master didn't want to shut up, as if to prove what he just said, he asked Ji Xinghe directly.

"Old man, tell me, can you beat four of them by yourself?"

Ji Xinghe didn't want to respond at first, but he thought that this scene might be seen by some people, increasing his hope of accomplishing the only thing that mattered to him, so he responded aloud.

"Not just four, I can hit ten."

"Look, I'm right, he's really good at fighting, even at the age of 65."

The Thirteenth Young Master got up excitedly, but was squatted down again and held his head with his hands, but he kept saying: "Wait a minute, hit ten? Four is already very powerful. Are you going to hit ten?" Bragging, I’m asking you seriously, you answer honestly, be honest and be lenient if you understand.”


When Ji Xinghe answered, he was already in handcuffs, as was the Thirteenth Young Master. Both of them stood up under the order of the guards.

Recalling the scene where he was instantly killed just now, and the pain that still existed in his body, Thirteenth Young Master believed it a little bit, and said in a daze, "Old man, what kind of boxing technique are you practicing?"

Ji Xinghe pondered for a while.

"Wing Chun."

"Damn it, you don't practice Tai Chi at the age of 65, you practice Wing Chun, you are indeed a dangerous violent person. Sentence, police officer, give him a sentence. Letting him out will endanger society."

For the first time, the Thirteen Youngsters, who wantonly dragged their cars and endangered the society, felt that endangering the society is not good and should be sentenced.