MTL - Medical Master-v8 Chapter 493 Underwater cobblestone!

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"Zi ..."

A golden light lit up.

With Fang Qiu's right hand waving, a golden flame ignited in his palm.

Deep sea world originally painted black.

With the emergence of this golden flame, everything in the surroundings was fully illuminated.

In front, the black area with a breath of different energies was also clearly revealed in front of Fang Qiu at this moment.


Almost at the moment when Jin Guang lit up.

Fang Qiu clearly saw the thing in the black area ahead.

It was a giant squid.

Squid, also known as cuttlefish and cuttlefish.

It looks like squid, but it's not the same.

The body of the squid is relatively wide, the tail is oval, and the bones are particularly hard.

Therefore, the first time Fang Qiu saw this huge guardian beast was a squid.

of course.

The most critical reason is.

Before Fang Qiu started, just as the golden flame was illuminated, the squid hiding in front of the coral reef and constantly sucking the atmosphere of heaven and earth in the jade mountain range spit ink at Fang Qiu without mercy. come.

Although the impact was strong, Fang Qiu was not panicked.

The ink of the squid did not harm him at all, and its only function was to blind Fang Qiu's sight.

Moreover, from the point of view of traditional Chinese medicine, the ink sprayed by squid is a rare medicinal material, and it is a systemic hemostatic medicine.

If it weren't for the poor collection, Fang Qiu really wanted to collect the ink sprayed by this huge squid.

After all, it is a cultivated squid.

The spitting ink is taken back into the medicine, and the effect will be very amazing.

The ink quickly blackened this area completely. Even under the shining of golden flames, Fang Qiu could not see the surroundings clearly.


Even though the surroundings could not be seen with the naked eye, Fang Qiu's sense had long locked this big squid.

It doesn't.

The ink just spit out.

This huge squid immediately waved its tentacles and quickly grabbed Fang Qiu, carrying huge forces from all directions, trying to tie Fang Qiu to death, strangled in the ink it sprayed.


Although this squid is very big, its strength is not bad.

The huge tentacles came from all sides and contacted the golden energy shield around Fang Qiu's body as soon as they encountered the burning of flames.

The tentacles fade quickly.

It seemed to know that he could not fight, and the squid didn't hesitate. When the tentacles were burned by the energy of Fang Qiu, he spit a lot of ink again.

This time, the ink is equivalent to a propeller. At the same time, the squid's body quickly rushed out.

That looks.

Obviously to escape.


Fang Qiu waved his right hand, a golden sword light burst out.

In an instant, this squid was beheaded in the deep sea.

in fact.

At first Fang Qiu did not intend to kill the squid. After all, it is not easy for a squid to grow to this extent. Fang Qiu was just ready to drive it away.

I didn't expect that this squid would be so fierce.

If it ran away at the beginning, Fang Qiu would definitely not kill, but it tried to kill Fang Qiu the first time.

How could such a fierce squid, let Fang Qiu let him continue to live.

after all.

This energy jade ore vein is too big. It must not be possible to mine it by yourself. You must ask for the source of the gas source, and let Jiange and Huaxia's high-level assistance work together to mine it.

Once the squid is let go, it will inevitably find a chance to return to harass.

If on the ground, Fang Qiu was not afraid.

But during the restoration, who knows what kind of accident will happen?

Therefore, it is best to kill!

Cut off the squid.

Fang Qiu uses the inner air to control the surrounding seawater flow and quickly dilute the ink.

When the energy jade mountain range reappeared in front of him, Fang Qiu returned to the sea again, logged on to the back of the whale, and then took out his mobile phone, and sent the coordinates of this place to the old man.

And introduced the situation of this submarine energy jade ore vein to the elders in detail, and let the elders contact Huaxia high-level.

It is up to them to decide how to mine.

After sending the coordinates, continue to explore the sea under the leadership of the whale, looking for the energy jade veins.



Northern Xinjiang, planting base.

With the operation of Master Yao's formation, the seeds of all herbs began to sprout and grow rapidly. Only a few days later, the first batch of herbs that had been planted had grown and were about to mature.

This situation made all employees in the plantation base feel particularly surprised.

This herb is planted many times faster than before Renyi Group stopped producing medicines.

If calculated according to this growth rate, the year-round harvest of the planting base is definitely an astronomical figure!

Just when employees at all planting sites were shocked by it.

The military area not far from the planting base directly dispatched a large army to the Renyi Group planting base.

The presence of troops.

In the beginning, all employees were unresponsive.

Although they always knew that the plantation base was in the military restricted area, the military never intervened in the operation and management of the plantation base.

Therefore, the arrival of the army this time made everyone feel slightly unexpected.


As the army took over management.

Fang's father, Fang's mother and Jiang Miaoyu's parents also completely relieved each other Qiu.

Fang Qiu was doing something to cooperate with the army. Even the army has directly stationed in the plantation base, which shows the importance of the plantation base.

The most exciting and most exciting is undoubtedly the employees in all planting bases.

In their view.

The presence of the army means that the planting base is completely valued by the state.


When everyone is excited and excited.

He Xue was very puzzled. Although she already knew what Fang Qiu had to do with the state department, no matter what kind of problems Renyi Group faced, it could be easily solved.

Although the plantation base has always been inside the military restricted area, the army has never had half a dime contact with the plantation base.

under these circumstances.

The army suddenly came and announced its presence in the plantation base.

This made her inevitably a little bit reluctant.


The army only stationed, and did not interfere in the operation of the plantation base, and did not participate in any decision-making. Instead, the army stationed in it also became an employee of the plantation base. In addition to doing some regular training in the plantation base, I am always ready to receive medicine.

As the commander of the army, Li Xu found He Xue the first time he entered the plantation base.

It did not explain any details, but just told He Xue that these medicinal materials were cultivated for the country, so after the medicinal materials are mature, they will pick them up and send them away.

He Xue contacted Fang Qiu and learned that these medicinal materials were originally cultivated for the country, so she let go and gave all the cultivated and cultivated herbs to Li Zhi.

He Xue didn't ask much.

That night.

Under the maturity of the array method, the first batch of herbs including Cistanche deserticola, Tianshan snow lotus, Dendrobium and other herbs were fully mature.

Li Zhi, who had already been in the planting base, ordered the picking immediately.

The picked medicinal materials were sent to the pharmaceutical workshop in the first time, entered the production line, and began to produce a lot of identical elixir.

As a large amount of elixir was processed from the production line, Li Zhi transferred military vehicles directly from the military base, and the elixir manufactured was quickly transported away one by one.


Very excited and excited employees, after seeing that all the elixir was left by the army, they gradually began to wonder.

The most important thing is.

Beginning with the picking of herbs, there are a large number of soldiers guarding every step and every production process.

In the past, when these medicines were produced, these employees could occasionally pick up a few pills falling out of the machine from the production line, but this time let alone leak detection, they could not even touch the pills.

It is precisely because the military controls so severely that it makes everyone's doubts even worse.


We dare not say much.

Anyway, on the issue of wages, Fang Qiu has already stated his position and will definitely not treat anyone ill.

"These pills look bigger than the pills we made before."

In the production workshop, the employees looked at the pills on the production line from afar, and said, "Everyone said that the pills we produced before were elixir. I think these pills are the real elixir, and these soldiers guard It's too strict, otherwise we could pick up a leak and try one or two. "

"Don't talk nonsense."

Next, an employee who spoke in vain glanced and said, "Did you see what is happening now, and when Chairman Fang gave the order, he made it clear that he gave the death order."

"These medicines are all national, and you have matured in seven days without seeing this batch of medicinal materials. This must be achieved by the latest science and technology developed by the country. We better not do anything else. Ask, it ’s best not to look at anything, as long as you do your thing honestly. "

"Besides, for the time being, as a Chinese citizen, keeping a tight mouth for the country is the most basic thing we should do."

"Have me remembered."

"What we have seen these days, we haven't seen anything, we don't know anything. We just came back to work overtime and put away your curiosity. Some things are much better than knowing."

One kind of employees nodded.

These people have been able to enter the production workshop and have passed extremely severe tests. They can enter without any problems in character.

Therefore, they all know what kind of things to do under what circumstances!

Fang Qiu and He Xue were also 100% assured of them, so in this case, they didn't even make any demands with them.