MTL - Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries-Chapter 73 Squeak classmate

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Taking the dog son down the stairs and walking around, Gu Xizhou could only enter the house. He had already heard the sound of the mobile phone vibrating, and picked it up to see the WeChat group news.

"The old director is retiring at his age, and our deputy bureau is going to be promoted!"

"I was talking about this some time ago, but I don't know who our new deputy bureau will be?"

"Inside information ~ I know ~~"

"You don't donkey me, who do you know? Who is in the bureau?"

"Guess! 2333 wants to know, please me!"


Gu Xizhou glanced at him, showing no interest. It must not be him anyway. If he was promoted to be deputy director, let alone other people, he would have to wonder if there was any unspeakable insider.

"Cut, appetite,"

"Say it or not, it's not like hitting you tomorrow to kill you."

"It's not in our bureau. The new deputy director was transferred from another province. It used to be an anti-drug police."

Gu Xizhou followed with another glance at the new mobile phone message reminder. Sitting on the sofa, Gu Xizhou supported his chin with one hand, and told Gu Squeak what happened in the mission world before. He did not mention the murder case on the street today, after all, that case It really feels heavy.

Gu squeaked for a moment, took the pen and wrote: I think the chain you said is the key to the emergence of the mission world. The ghost may not have the voice of the chain, but the ghost who has the chain must have the door to leave the world of the mission.

Gu Xizhou's index finger double-tap on the note, "It seems that this is indeed the case, there are several ghosts in this mission world, but only Su Xiaomian has the sound of a chain, and after opening the door, all the memories we see are also Su Xiaomian of."

Because Gu Xieque did not enter the mission world, he could only judge from Gu Xizhou's narrative. The two chatted for a while.

Gu Squeak: Right, you don't need to go to work the day after tomorrow.

"What? Not at work?"

Gu Xizhou took a note and glanced at Gu Xizhou, telling Gu not to go to work?

Gu Squeak: Well, there is something you need to do.

"What's the matter?" Gu Xizhou raised an eyebrow. "Not on the weekend? It's troublesome to take time off."

Gu Squeak: Help me to worship someone ... You can just ask Uncle Wang for leave, he will approve it.


Gu Xizhe said that it is worshipping one person instead of two, so Gu Xizhou would ask this question. If it is two people, then it is not necessary to think of Gu Xizhou's parents, but one person ... Gu Xizhou is a little confused. He blurted out and asked.

It's a pity that Gu Xieque didn't answer his question. It was quiet and boring. Gu Xizhou only knew that the ghost who had been sitting on the sofa seemed to have gone out and walked outside the balcony.

"Okay, I see." Gu Xizhou said softly, looking at the empty balcony.

The next day, Gu Xizhou just came to work, and saw the forensic doctor Xiang Yuan wearing a white coat. He walked in front of Gu Xizhou and pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, especially like a beast and a beast. He was so close to him that he squinted at him and winked. Asked: "Hey, do you want to know who our new deputy director is?"

Gu Xizhou shook his head slightly, indicating that he was not curious at all, and Xiang Yuan rolled his eyes at him. "Why are you so boring, isn't gossip a daily hobby?"

"It's not me anyway, I don't have such a hobby." Gu Xizhou looked at Xiang Yuan and said quietly.

"Okay," Xiang Yuan looked disappointed, and eventually couldn't help but gossip to Gu Xizhou. "My classmate told me that our new deputy bureau is the captain of the anti-narcotics police in the next province, called Machi, who is called Magic Old horse!"

"Mysterious old horse? This name is a little interesting," Gu Xizhou said, "why do you call him that?"

"Drug police, fight with those drug traffickers, and often have gunfights," explained Yuan. "This Machi is lucky. Every time they think Machi will be heroic and righteous, he can be caused by all kinds of magical accidents. Survive. "

"The most amazing thing was that the fragments of a car explosion helped him to block the bullets! What a small probability, it is incredible. He can survive a miracle every time, you say God is not god? I heard this time he seized a It's a big drug lord, but his other teammates have all sacrificed. Only he survived. He was transferred from the drug police because of this application. "

After hearing these words from Xiang Yuan, Gu Xizhou secretly said: I'm afraid he is not lucky, but passed the mission world, right?

"Well," Gu Xizhou said, "Is the gossip finished?"

Nodded to Yuan, "It's over."

Gu Xizhou said: "Then go upstairs.

"How?" Xiang Yuan asked, raising an eyebrow.

Gu Xizhou winked at him, and lowered his voice, "Pharaoh is behind."

"Fuck, you should have said it before." Counseled Yuan Sec, turned into a wind and ran directly to the stairs.

Wang Ao didn't like the people in his work to talk about gossip. He went out of the role of King Yan Luo, so everyone in the bureau was afraid of him. Wang Ao ran into Gu Xizhou and looked at the direction of the road. Yuan, shaking his head, "this kid ..."

Gu Xizhou looked at Wang Ao. When working, Gu Xizhou was called Deputy Director Wang Ao, so it was the same at this time. After he said hello, he remembered Gu Squeak and told him, "Wang Bureau, I can ask for one tomorrow. Is it fake? "

He was also worried that Wang Ao didn't agree. Who knew that Wang Ao first glanced, then took out his mobile phone and looked at the time, his face suddenly realized, saying: "Know, you're going to see her again, I approved it for you, I arrange for others to work on top. "

Gu Xizhou heard Wang Ao's words and murmured in his heart, wondering who he was? Even Wang Ao knew this person, and it seemed that Gu Xikuji would go to worship each other every year.

Suddenly, did Gu Xieque have a first love lover who has been dead for many years?

"Don't always think it's your fault, it's just an accident." Wang Ao looked worried, "It's not your fault."

"Well ... I know," Gu Xizhou thought for a moment, and decided to show a heavier expression, "I'll go up then."

"go Go."

When Wang Ao was talking, there was a kind of worry. Gu Xizhou obviously felt it. He seemed to be worried that he would not think about it. Gu Xizhou realized that the person he was going to worship was not Gu Kexiang's lover, maybe Gu Kexiang once I've met someone at work and died for some reason, but Gu Xie has a certain responsibility?

At work, Gu Xizhou thought about sitting in the office for a long time.

Gu Xizhou told Gu Squeak when he got home.

"Can you tell me now who are you going to see?" Gu Xizhou said, "I still look blank now, I have to go anyway."

Gu Squeak was silent for a long time, but just wrote down an address and a name to Gu Xizhou: Wen Hong Cemetery, Row 19, 33, Tong Jia.

Gu Squeak: Remember to buy her flowers. You can't burn paper in the cemetery, and don't forget to renew the management fee.

Seeing Gu Xie's "She", Gu Xizhou tentatively asked, "What is her relationship with you?"

Gu Squeak: classmate.

Gu Xizhou was in a depression, and his loved one did not run away!

Satisfied with his curiosity, Gu Xizhou also stopped questioning. After all, the death of the other party seemed to have something to do with Gu Xiejian in Wang Ao's tone. If he asked again, Gu Xie might explode.

"Okay, I'll buy flowers for her tomorrow." Gu Xizhou raised his chest and patted him.

Gu Squeak: Well, thank you.

Gu Xizhou narrowed his eyes when he saw the word thank you-he felt that Gu Xie Ke wrote these two words with sincerity, which seemed to be Gu Xie's first to say thank you to him.

Gu Xizhou started to wonder what Tong Jia looked like. After all, the appearance of Squeak is also a handsome man, plus the bonus of this professional identity, it is attractive.

The next morning, the cell phone didn't ring, Gu Xizhou got up to wash himself, because he was particularly curious about what Tong Jia was going to worship today, and Gu Xie did not tell him. There was no photo at home, and curiosity made him tremble.

Gu Xizhou walked to the door and looked back annoyingly into the empty room. He asked, "Squeak, do I need to be more handsome, and get a hairstyle or something? After all, it's your classmates!"

Gu Squeak: ...

The pen on the table moved, and a note was jammed on Gu Xizhou's palm, with two words on it-no need.

Gu Xizhou opened his mouth and wanted to say something. The ghost at home was already impatient. He pushed him directly and let him go.

"Wow, I also want your classmates to see your best!" Gu Xizhou said silently, and then the door closed.

Gu Xizhou raised an eyebrow. "I don't know people's hearts."

According to the address given by Gu Xiekui, Gu Xizhou first went to the flower shop to buy a bouquet of chrysanthemums, and then drove straight to Wenhong Cemetery. As soon as he entered the cemetery, Gu Xizhou heard the six-character mantra of the Buddhist family: 唵 么 呢 呢 咪 吽This tone loops indefinitely.

Standing on the avenue into which the cemetery entered, Gu Xizhou glanced at the old high hillside and shrugged. At this time, there were not many people at the cemetery, but there were always a few people walking on the path on the mountain road.

Gu Xizhou asked a few people, and a few others seemed to come to send loved ones along the way. Several people walked along the same path for a while.

One of the women with a big belly was climbing the mountain, her eyes were red, apparently just crying. Gu Xizhou walked behind several people and couldn't help but glance at the woman. This mountain road was made of cement. The whole mountain is very Steep, even if walking on the concrete staircase, if you look back, most people will have psychological fear.


The woman screamed and stepped on the air. Just as she was screaming, Gu Xizhou grabbed the railing next to her and supported the woman who almost fell.

"Hoo ..." The woman breathed a long breath, and her friends came over and thanked Gu Xizhou again and again.

Gu Xizhou waved his hand and said, "It should."

Those people were not the same behind him, and Gu Xizhou climbed a distance on the Internet again.

Row 19, No. 33, Tong Jia ...

"32 ...


Gu Xizhou finally came to his destination. He didn't breathe. He walked to the tombstone and wanted to see Gu Xiang's classmate Fang Rong.

Taking a look at the photo pasted in the upper right corner of the tombstone, Gu Xizhou fell into deep contemplation.

This is Gu Squeak's classmate?

Has he been tricked?

The picture of the tombstone is a childlike girl, who concluded that the girl was not more than fourteen years old.


Gu Xizhou's gaze fell on the tombstone the next year of birth and death, and the two subtracted. The girl died when she was only 13 years old.

But ... the date of birth is the same year as Gu Squeak.

Gu Xiezhe did not lie to him, this girl should be his junior high school classmate, but why ... Gu Xiezhe wants to worship this girl? 2k novel reading network