MTL - Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries-Chapter 78 Pig and man

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Five people went downstairs to check the situation. The blood was centered on a pool of blood, and it sputtered outward. The whole yard was just washed by blood, and the wall was covered with blood.

Si Yu turned to Xiao Nan and asked, "Where is Lin Hao?"

"He?" Xiao Nan froze for a moment. "I don't know. I was so tired yesterday. I fell asleep until now."

Afterwards, Xiao Nan subconsciously glanced around the courtyard. At this time, except for the five of them, Lin Hao was not alone.

The sky was gloomy and the wind rose.

Xiao Nan was stunned. Once someone disappears or disappears in the spirit world, it also means that the other party has died. "Is this blood his?"

Si Yu did not answer his question and turned to look at Gu Xizhou. At this time Gu Xizhou was staring at the blood on the ground to reveal a thoughtful look. He asked Gu Xizhou what he found.

Gu Xizhou pointed to the spatter-shaped blood on the ground, and said, "The blood has a sputtering distance of more than two meters. If the blood is Lin Hao, then he should have been cut off by a knife, and only the carotid artery was broken. That's how much blood is produced. "

"Beheading ..." Hearing Gu Xizhou's analysis, Xiao Nan and Yu Yizhou showed surprised expressions. "You seem to know these ..."

Gu Xizhou replied casually, but did not say that he was an Interpol.

On the way out of the demolition office.

Gu Xizhou squinted and looked at the information about Xu San'er just found in the demolition office.

Xu Saner has a name, Xu Hao. He ranks third in the family. Before his parents died, the Xu family broke up. Xu Hao got some money from his parents to spend extravagantly. He did n’t have any money before long. Elderly in his parents' home, he lost his dependence after his parents died, but this man is still not doing his job, stealing one after another to the homes of his old neighbors.

After Gu Xizhou read the information, he naturally handed that information to Si Yu, "Look at it, too. I've seen it, it seems there is nothing useful."

"Well, find Xu San'er and talk."

"It can only be so." Gu Xizhou said.

Xiao Nan's face wasn't very good-looking, because Lin Hao suddenly died, and he fell into a kind of fear.

Instead, the newcomer Yipat patted Xiao Nan's shoulder with his hand. It seemed to comfort Xiao Nan. "In fact, entering the mission world and looking at it from another angle is also a good thing."

"Good thing?"

Yu Yizhou nodded, and said with a serious face: "I was in the hospital bed before I came here. I was the one who was sentenced to death by a doctor. My presence here also means that my life has come to an end, but this mission world gives It gives me a chance, whether I can leave alive or not, I am healthy and live a few more days with hands and feet. "

"What a fart!" Xiao Nan interrupted Yizhou in a frenzy, "I'm not the same as you. I have a successful career now, I'm successful, I don't have any disease, but because of a car accident a month ago, this is simply a nightmare! "

Yu Yizhou was obviously startled by Xiao Nan's excited emotions, and he swallowed his mouthful, and did not dare to continue.

Gu Xizhou glanced at him and said, "Without this mission world, you died early in a car accident. Who cares if you have a successful career or a successful career?"

Xiao Nan's arrogance was all extinguished at once. As the only survivor in the car accident, if he had not been pulled into the mission world, he would have died like everyone else.

Xiao Nan sighed: "Also, you can't buy time with an annual salary of one million."

Gu Xizhou heard that with a bite of old blood, he really didn't have envy. Gu Xizhou was anxious to think of his little salary, and then silently looked at Si Yu aside.

"What do you think I do?" Si Yu asked, raising his chin.

"Looking at local tyrants as poor as I am, I balance my mood."

Si Yu ignored his poor mouth, "Xiao Nan is right in saying that if you have money to buy time, everyone is equal before death."

"If not human?" Gu Xizhou smiled and asked.

Si Yu heard Gu Xizhou's words, was silent for a while, took a deep look at Gu Xizhou, seemed to think something, but he did not answer Gu Xizhou's question.

Having said that, Gu Xizhou realized a problem. While looking around at Si Yu, he whispered, "Si Yu, what is your 'death of death'?"

Gu Xizhou should have been killed by high-altitude glass like the two fugitives. Fang Zhi was because of the case. If there were no children in the police station at that time, the woman should directly drive and kill Fang Zhi. Gu Xizhou found that he hadn't Know what Si Yu's "accident of death" is.

"Don't tell you." Si Yudao, then he switched the subject, "Xu Hao's home has arrived."

Gu Xizhou heard Si Yu's answer and did not continue to question.

They walked all the way, it was eight o'clock in the morning at this time, the houses were closed, and everyone walked to the entrance of Xu Hao's ruined courtyard. One of the houses had collapsed, and they could even see the room. Tables and chairs.

Several people knocked on the door for a long time, and after a long time, Xu Hao came out wearing a pair of rotten slippers and hit Hatch while saying, "Who?"

"Hello." Gu Xizhou said.

"Oh, it's the demolition office! What's the matter when you come to my house so early?" Xu Hao recognized Gu Xizhou and others as the demolition office at a glance. He reached out to open the door and glanced at Gu Xizhou and others.

"We want to ask you something and trouble you ..."

When Xu Hao heard Gu Xizhou's words, a pair of eyebrows turned around and said, "Ask me something? Yes, but I haven't had breakfast yet, and I can't remember many things."

Speaking of Xu Hao's stomach, he murmured as if responding to Xu Hao's words, "You listen, I haven't eaten for a few days, and my brain is hard to use."

Si Yu took out his wallet directly, took out a few hundred dollar bills from the bag and handed it to Xu Hao: "Now?"

"I'm much better, you guys, what do you want to ask me?" Xu Hao smiled.

"You know what happened to Mrs. He," Si Yu asked.

"Mr. He ... know, what's wrong?"

"The day she went missing, have you ever seen her?"

"What are you asking her for? Isn't she lost?"

"You just have to answer me. Have you ever met her?"

Xu Hao immediately shook his head and said firmly: "I have never seen it!"

"Think carefully."

"I have never seen her! I went to my brother's house for dinner that day! By the way, why do you think about asking me?"

Several people mentioned that Wang Chunjiao told them yesterday that Xu Hao occasionally stole things at vegetable stalls and butcher shops at noon. Xu Hao explained embarrassingly: "That's all about the past. I don't steal anything now. Your demolition office can't care about stealing, right? "

Several people stared at each other. This man was obviously talking blindly with open eyes. Yesterday they saw the boy stealing things.

Gu Xizhou said: "We don't care about this, just relocation."

Xu Hao was obviously relieved, took the money in his hand, and went straight out.

"If you have money, go out and chill. If you don't have money, you can sleep in a kennel at home, huh." Xiao Nan glanced at Xu Hao with contempt. There are also many such people in reality. Xiao Nan obviously looks down on such people.

"Let's go all the way with him." Gu Xizhou glanced back at Xu Hao's home and turned to the others.

Xiao Nan's eyes also fell on the open door of Xu Hao. This Xu Hao's family was surrounded by walls. All the money on his body was what Si Yu had just given him, so he didn't care, and had no intention to lock the door.

Several people followed him all the way, it was nine o'clock at this time, and Gu Xizhou far away saw the door of the butcher shop opened at this time.


Xu Hao stood in front of the door of the butcher shop, and suddenly fell to the ground, then Gu Xizhou they smelled a **** of urine.

"Fuck, is this guy again, are you sick?" The butcher impatiently raised Xu Hoyang's pig-knife in his hand and raised his eyebrows coldly. "Have you ever seen anyone kill a pig? Get out of Lao Tzu."

Xu Hao's legs were weak, obviously afraid of the butcher. He shook his head in panic and explained, "I, I'll get out of here."

With such a subtle response from Xu Hao, Gu Xizhou and Si Yu looked at each other, and the two captured the same thoughts from each other's eyes.

A pig without a head was placed in front of the butcher shop, and a piece of plastic paper was laid on the ground. The butcher divided the pork into pieces of meat and hung it on the hook. At the same time, the pig head was placed on the chopping board, and the pigs' front and rear hoofs were placed. On the plate, the bones were kicked directly by him when cutting. Obviously the man knew the structure of the pig's body very much. He soon divided a whole pig and hung it neatly on the hook.

The butcher glanced at Xu Hao, who was sitting softly on the ground, "I haven't rolled him yet, but I want to cut off your fingers?"

Xu Hao nodded, with a frightened expression, standing up from the ground in a hurry, shivering and shrinking his head in fear.

At this time Gu Xizhou and they realized what Xu Hao might have seen just now. They followed Xu Hao and talked quietly while walking.

Yu Yizhou asked curiously, "What did he just see when he walked in front of him? ... Fear of being like this?"

Gu Xizhou spread his hands. "How do I know."

Gu Xizhou, they haven't asked yet, just after leaving the butcher, Xu Hao looked at them with a pale face, Shinto, "Did you all see? See?"

Xiao Nan: "What?"

"He kills! He kills!" Xu Hao's voice trembled. "Will he kill me? Kill us?"

"We?" Yu Yizhou showed a hint of doubt and repeated Xu Hao's words, but just now they didn't see anyone.

Xu Hao leaned against the wall, his forehead was cold and sweaty, and his spine was cold: "Don't you see it? He just cut and smashed the man's flesh in front of us and hung it on the hook!"

At this time Gu Xizhou and they all understood that Xu Hao was not the same as what they saw. Fang Zhinao supplemented the butcher to cut Lin Hao's body and hang it on the hook, and suddenly he was excited.

At the same time they realized the seriousness of the problem.

"What did you see? Who is that person?"

Xu Hao stood up and stumbled. "Okay, it seems to be your demolition office ... you, you ... don't you recognize?"

According to Xu Hao's description, what the butcher just saw in front of them was not a dead pig, but Lin Hao's body.

When the surrounding air was stagnant, he couldn't even breathe loudly.

Si Yu said, "But what we see is not a dead pig."

"Dead pig? No, it's not! That's a person, it's a person!" Xu Hao was excited, and he suddenly burst into tears. "It's really a person. I saw it. That head ... that head. He looked at me. A glance ... "2k novel reading network