MTL - Meeting A Demonic Cultivator, Even God Cries-Chapter 92 You died long ago

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Gu Xizhou looked at the girl and recognized the girl as Mei Xiao. He raised an eyebrow slightly: as soon as they entered the world, they were surrounded by ghosts, and they should be used to it even if they saw something terrifying.

Si Yu glanced up at the time. The time at this time was past three in the afternoon.

"What did you do after you came in?"

These people entered the hospital before them, and did not know what happened. Si Yu's gaze fell on the girl's clothes. There was a spatter of blood on her chest.

At first Mei Xiao was speechless with excitement. After Ye Ye's consolation, Mei Xiao finally said with horror: "I don't know what to say!"

The four looked at Mei Xiao's words and looked helpless.

Gu Xizhou said lightly: "Then say slowly."

Mei Xiao was quiet for a while, and after a long time, she slowly talked about what happened a few minutes ago.

"It was Zu Rong who teamed with me. You have just seen it, and he has a tiger head on his arm."

March was impressed with the man, and he nodded slightly, motioning her to continue.

"After we got the ticket in, we have been acting with others."

"After coming in, we found that these ghosts ignored us at all, they lined up in front of each entertainment facility like a walking dead ..."

"There is no clear clue, and no npc can give us clues. When we walked to the carousel, we saw a little boy lining up in front of the carousel with the ghosts ... it's a normal little boy. Do you know what I mean? He doesn't look like a ghost ... it's a human. "

"As soon as we found that little boy ... we all agreed that he must be the key npc in this world, but just as we called him, he made a face at us and sat up with those ghosts."

"Zulong wanted to chase the little boy. I don't know what happened in the middle ... Anyway, when I saw Zurong running towards the carousel, I accidentally dropped the ticket in the ground ..."

Said Mei Xiao showed a horrified expression, and she seemed to be recalling the horror scene she had just experienced. She turned pale. "The ghosts suddenly attacked him! I saw a lot of blood, there was a lot of blood on the ground, and then someone screamed. Scattered away. "

Ticket dropped to the ground?

Gu Xizhou raised an eyebrow slightly, "People who lose the ticket will be attacked by ghosts."

As soon as his voice fell, several people quietly touched a ticket placed in the pants pocket. Mudge even took out the ticket placed in the pants pocket and folded it twice, put it in the purse on the chest of the shirt, and buckled it. That's the peace of mind.

"It should be so," Si Yu affirmed.

Mei Xiao, who was supported by Ye Zheng, was emotionally stable.

Seeing Gu Xizhou to see him, Si Yu spread his hand and said, "That little boy should be an important npc. I think some of them must have stayed there without leaving. Let's check it out."

Gu Xizhou didn't answer. Si Yu turned to Na Meixiao and said, "Let's go and take us there. You have tickets in your hand, they will not attack you."

Gu Xizhou thought that Si Yu was very deceptive and very secure. You can see Mei Xiao, who was just crying, and she was obviously more stable after hearing Si Yu's words. She bit her lower lip with her teeth. ,Nod.

Several people walked to the carousel and did not see the little boy they said, but Si Yu guessed it well. The carousel was lined with long dragons, with ghosts in front and people in the back.

"What's the situation now?" Gu Xizhou asked when he saw an acquaintance.

Ak, who introduced them to the gate of the amusement park just now, said to him, "Look at the tickets in your hand."

Gu Xizhou froze for a moment, he took out the ticket put in his pants pocket, and a game item appeared on the front of the ticket: the carousel (2/33).

"Does this require us to take a carousel?" Gu Xizhou said, "The number 2 represents people who have already sat on the carousel, and 33 represents the number of people alive?"

Ak Ke nodded slightly, and said, "It seems to be the case now. What item the little boy has sat on, our ticket will have the corresponding item ..."

Gu Xizhou asked, "Who has been on the carousel?"

"Lu Ge and Lu Ge's partner, the two of them sat on the carousel. The others are not known yet." Ak said softly.

Gu Xizhou raised his eyebrows slightly and glanced at the carousel in front. These pink wooden horses were sitting with a few silly ghosts ... Anyway, they looked stupid.

"Line up first." Si Yudao, "Only everyone has sat on the merry-go-round can know if the ticket means this."

Gu Xizhou raised a brow and glanced at the long dragon in a row, silently a little bit painful, and asked: "When will we line up like this?"

"And you see the closed time is eight in the evening. The carousel is eighteen people at a time, three minutes at a time. There are at least 180 ghosts in front of it, right?"

"Half an hour has passed since we waited."

Si Yu looked down for a while, and then looked at Gu Xizhou. It seemed that it would take a lot of time to line up in this way. There was a headache. The main thing was that they hadn't figured out the situation yet. There were not many tips in this world.

Gu Xizhou raised an eyebrow at the ghost who was working in the playground and said, "You are waiting for me in the same place, and I will be back later!"

"What are you doing?" Si Yu's eyelids jumped for no reason.

Gu Xizhou blinked at him and said, "I'll ask the staff if they can jump in the line!"

Si Yu apparently looked at Gu Xizhou with a little doubt, because just now two of them were attacked by the ghosts because they cut in to buy tickets.

Gu Xizhou hurriedly added: "I just went to ask, what if it's okay? Look, this is not a VIP ticket for us ?! Maybe there is a preferential treatment? You line up here, I will come back to ask!"

Si Yu listened to Gu Xizhou's words, looked down at the VIP ticket, but felt that there was such a possibility, and caught some hope. He nodded to Gu Xizhou, and said, "If you come back as soon as possible, don't talk to those ghosts There is a dispute, you have tickets, they can't attack you, but you don't always have to hate yourself ... "

"Okay, I see!" Gu Xizhou waved his hands, looking impatient.

He walked to the staff's office and showed a smile to the ghost with only half his head, quietly on the marble countertop with his hands, a look of two brothers, and said, "Ghost brother, I can hurry, can I let me in a team ? "

The ghost turned his head, and his whole head rattled. "No, roll."

"What about this?" Gu Xizhou stared straight at the ghost and shook the VIP ticket in front of the ghost. "You see the VIP VIP ticket I bought, isn't it a normal ticket?"

"No, get out." The ghost shook his head.

Gu Xizhou heard the word "No", reached out and pointed at the ghost in front of him, and remained silent for a while, "Really?"

"No, get out."

It finished this sentence very firmly, raising his brows slightly, and sometimes looked down at the guy in front of him, his mouth hooked, and his smile was somber, like the omen before the killing of a ghost in a horror movie, "You will all die. People can leave. "

"Oh." Gu Xizhou glanced at it, then opened the door next to him, and he touched his chin with one hand, and looked at it with a smile. The ghost had already said three words to him, He couldn't have left anyway.

"You think about it, otherwise the consequences will be serious."

The ghost squinted and stared at Gu Xizhou, wiped the blood on his eyes, and was a little dumbfounded. This human seemed to be threatening it, no, impossible. Since it has become a ghost, no one will threaten it, they will only be afraid of it and fear it!

"No, you can get me right now."

Gu Xizhou, who again encountered a rejection, silently took a step back, closed the door of the staff office, and rubbed his hand that had not been active for a long time. The ghost said to him for the fourth time, ‘roll’! The magic repair can't bear it!

"What are you doing?" Seeing the human who smiled at it in front of him, his brows jumped for no reason, but soon it calmed down, the rules prevented them from attacking these humans, but humans attacked it, and it could fight back. .

If he can get the ticket in the hand of the man in front of it, he can die!

Gu Xizhou smiled, "Guess."

Gu Xizhou took a look at the ghost, and saw that the timing was a step towards the ghost, rushed up, fisted with his right hand, and smashed into the ghost's brain.

That ghost's response was not slow, but he could not avoid Gu Xizhou's attack completely. Gu Xizhou was another kind of ghost and **** in the mission world.

The ghost was inevitable, and Gu Xizhou's fairly intact nose was directly smashed into the bridge of his nose by the fist. The whole face was followed by a bruise, which was already terrible. Now it is even worse.


Again, its jaw was slammed with a fist, and the whole ghost flew out. Because there is no complete skull, the brain will fall to the ground. Under its fault, all this has just begun.

The human fist in front of me slammed into his face. Time and time again, the human hand suddenly gave out strange black gas. Those black gas can make it unbearable just by being next to it. It can only make a scream of screaming. .

Lying on the ground, seeing his own poor brain not far away from him, it sent a question of the soul: "What the **** are you! You must not be human!"

Gu Xizhou: "..."

It wasn't Gu Xizhou's voice that greeted it, but a new round of violence.

It: qwq

Gu Xizhou: "I am a human."

The chick pecked his rice and nodded: "Yes, yes!" I believe! Really! You loose your smoky hand, OK?

Gu Xizhou was satisfied. "Can I cut the line now?"

It: "I have principles!"

Seeing the fierce guy staring at it, it suddenly cried without tears, it really has a principle, you can't jump in the line!

Gu Xizhou shook his head. It seems that he still did not play badly, and he did not agree because it had not been beaten up!

One fist followed by another fist, the enchantment invaded the body, and the soul was as painful as being torn. The ghost of the amusement park worker who had just been proud of his hands raised his hand and surrendered: "You can cut in, you can cut in, please do n’t fight again ,I'm dying!"

Gu Xizhou: "It would have been better if it had been this way!"

Then Gu Xizhou didn't forget to remind him: "You're dead!"

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