MTL - Mei Gongqing-Chapter 103 Who sent gold?

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The carriage is driving slowly.

I don't know why, Chen Rong clearly felt that Wang Hong drove very slowly. Did he know his own thoughts and thought that this moment could stay longer?

Thinking of this, Chen Rong smiled. She slammed the curtain down.

Just pulled down, she regretted, then opened the corner of the curtain and looked at his back.

Gradually, the carriage drove up the official road.

The official road is long, and the yellow dust rises. After a while, Chen Rong discovered that Wang Hong had only driven the official road for two quarters of an hour and drove the car into a mountain path.

This mountain path, on both sides of the stream, when there are bamboo forests, those weeds that have dried up because of entering the winter, there are half people high, weeds and dead vines intertwined. Wrapped around the root of the tree.

On both sides of the trail, there are rolling mountains. It seems that there are very few people walking here. Looking up and looking up, you can't see a family.

Chen Rong was surprised. She asked her head: "Sherlock, where is this?"

Wang Hongtou did not return. He sat lazily on the squatting seat. Even though the smoke of the carriage rolling up, he had already dyed his white clothes. He was like that, he seemed to be dressed in a Chinese costume and attended the royal banquet. Duya.

With a smile, he casually licked the whip and said, "It is a small road. There are few pedestrians, no farmland, and the people are not happy."

Chen Rong understood what he meant. He said that this road is safe.

Her heart is loose.

Just as she was about to continue her inquiries, Wang Hongqing was listening and listening, like a flowing spring. "I am familiar with the trails nearby." He seemed to know what she wanted to ask and spoke first.

Chen Rong was a little bit convinced of this, and she groaned and glared at his back.

However, she did not ask questions. She knows that whether it is embarrassing or Wang Hong, they are highly weighted, and the words they say are one sentence. Such people do not like to be questioned by their own words, and they do not like to explain.

The morning breeze came, and it picked up Wang Hong’s ink, and the curtains creaked.

After walking to the small half hour, Wang Hong pressed his whips with his right hand and sang the coffin with his left hand. He sang and sang. "Looking at Luoyang, it is heavy. I want to go to Xishan, like the old king, today is ridiculous." He just sang. At this point, the sound is a dumb.

Almost suddenly, he looked up and shouted. The whistling sound is like a golden stone, which is both clear and brittle, and it is transmitted far away.

Just as Chen Rong looked at the strange Wang Hong, his shouting sound gradually turned into a whimper and turned into a whim...

In the whimpering voice, Chen Rong’s dumb stupidity, a high singing voice was uploaded from the distant mountainside. The song was hoarse and old, and it sang very desolately. "His heroes are stunned today, and his coat of arms is graceful. There is no grave in the present."

That voice, that is, sings here, the sings stop, and the whistle rises.

Chen Rong looked back and saw that there were three hundred steps in the distance. In the middle of the mountain, in the dead tree, a 40-year-old middle-aged widower with a beard and a hand was akimbo.

The roar of the coward, the bleak and simple, its chapters are long and forth.

Chen Rong looked at the man and suddenly thought: This person is a hermit.

Just as she was thinking about it, the middle-aged widower bent down and picked up the axe, and slashed to the small tree in front, and shouted with a thick voice: "Who is the singer of the mountain? What song is sung in the end? Got the old man." Intestines!" This coward is obviously proficient in the temperament. He screams and slashes the dead tree. The movement and the speech are excellent, and they have a sense of rhythm.

On the scorpion, Wang Hong waved his whip and did not look up. He replied in a loud voice: "The king is also seven."

"Ha ha ha ha." The one who answered him was the middle-aged coward who laughed loudly. "Hey seven? A big name."

At this time, the carriage was only two hundred steps away from him.

The middle-aged widower looked down and cried unexpectedly: "Hey, who is sitting in the carriage? How did Wang Hong, who was the king of Wang, drive himself?"

Wang Hong smiled and said to Chen Rong, "Pull the curtains and let the elders see."

Chen Rong responded and opened the curtain.

Just when she opened it, her head was still low because of her self-defense.

The coward, a sudden, suddenly laughed. He obviously feels very good, but he slammed the axe away and put his hands on his hips.

After laughing for a while, after the echoes continued, the coward cried: "Okay, good. The scorpion of the king's family is willing to marry a woman. Well, it is not my generation."

After a while, he turned to Wang Hong and said, "What you have just said, the length is different, is it a new poetry?"

Wang Hong smiled lightly and replied: "No, just heard that this woman had read it last time. I feel that this genre is different in length and it is refreshing."

The coward continued to laugh.

Smiling and laughing, he picked up the axe and turned to walk deep into the mountains. Gradually, the laughter became a sorrow, and the sadness was mixed in the wind, as if the sky was crying.

The carriage was moving again.

The carriage continued to drive forward.

The road that Wang Hong has chosen is not only remote, but also a shortcut. However, less than two hours, Chen Rong’s vision, the city wall of Nanyang City appeared.

Chen Rong looked at the tall wall and looked at the shadows in the distance. The shadow of the person was crushed and piled up outside the city. Is it that the people who are living together are going to make trouble?

Chen Rong thought of it here and looked at Wang Hong in front.

Wang Hong is still a leisurely one. He is squatting with a whip, turning into a gray white shirt and drifting in the wind. The ink is fluttering, and this is the case. It is seen from the back, and it is also a glare, such as Yushu.

Only Chen Rong knows that Wang Hong’s speed of moving the whip has accelerated.

After a while, the carriage came outside the city gate.

Outside of Nanyang City, it is already crowded with people. Thousands of people were crowded there, with noisy aristocrats in the middle, but surrounded by arms, armed with armor like Lin!

These soldiers were dressed in golden brass and armed with long shackles. Around the three circles, surrounded by the nobles, there are at least five thousand!

These five thousand deaths are the guards of Nanyang Wang!

Chen couldn’t help but scream, "What happened?"

Noisy in front of me, who will answer her doubts?

At this moment, among the nobles, there was a scream of a young scholar. "What is the meaning of Nanyang Wang? The last time, we wanted to leave Nanyang City and was stopped by him. This time, he was even Wang The team also dared to stop, is it right? He really thought that in this world, no one can make him a local county king?"

The voice is heavy and it is already angry.

Someone wants to leave the city?

Chen Rong slammed his head and turned to look at Wang Hong.

What she saw was still a leisurely, unpretentious back.

The young screamer stopped, and the generals sneered, and a general sneered. "When Wang Qi is so tempted by Murong, so don't want to push the water so quietly." Go to my Nanyang City and leave by myself!"

When he said this, he stepped back one step and waved his right hand and said: "Stop, one can't leave!"

The young man in the nobility had to laugh out loud, and he shouted: "Look at your dog's eyes and see if there is a king in it!"

The general had long discovered that there was no Wang Hong in the crowd. He ignored it. He just kept his head up. He took the token in one fell swoop and shouted: "Wang Ling is here! I don't care whether there is Wang Qi or not. Wang’s team is not allowed to leave the city!”

When I heard this, Wang Hong was obviously a little confused. He waved his hand and made a servant dressed up approaching.

The boy was mixed among the dozens of emigrants, and the clothes were the most neat. He was watching the excitement and watching it with gusto. When he turned his head, he saw Wang Hong beckoning. He didn’t recognize it, but he was stunned by his radiance. His eyes were not stunned. He looked at Wang Hong with curiosity and admiration. Step by.

Wang Hong pointed to the crowd at the front of the 300 steps. He smiled and said: "Little brother knows, what happened?"

"I know, I know." The voice of the boy was crisp and loud. He said loudly: "Last night, two hundred Hu people, carrying a pair of golden dragonflies, suddenly appeared outside the city. They shouted at the city. What to say: his family generals admire the demeanour of Wang Qiqi and always want to be close to each other.

The last time in Moyang City, Wang Lang did not say goodbye, he was very sad. Now I heard that he is in the Nanyang City, special offer of gold, and willing to meet with Wang Lang. "

The young boy’s teeth were squeaky, his voice was crisp, and his memory was good. He breathed a sigh of relief and continued to breathe. He continued: “The Hu people also said that his family’s general Murong had prepared a golden enamel clothing for Wang Lang, and the jade clothing was expensive. It is not easy to manufacture, and Wangwang Wanglang should not refuse. After these words, the Hu people put down the coffin and went away."

This time, Chen Rong and Wang Hong fully understand.

Wang Hong smiled.

He smiled and Rong Hua moved, and the boy shook in front of him and looked away.

Wang Hong smiled lightly, narrowed his eyes and said faintly: "So, this morning, Nanyang Wang found out that I have a team with Wang wanting to leave?"

"It is exactly." The face of the young boy’s face flashed a disappointment, but in a blink of an eye, his eyes were bright and full of confidence. "The man just said, they are Wang, not These people will go to Jiankang to rescue the soldiers. As for Wang Qilang, there are still more than half of the Wang family soldiers, who will stay in Nanyang City. Another person said that since Murong wants to It’s his family’s Qilang. If his family’s Qilang leaves Nanyang City, Murong will not be interested in Nanyang City anymore. The Nanyang King who refuses to let them go is the short-sighted person.”

Wang Hong smiled, and he thanked him. After the boy left, he looked up and looked at the group leisurely.

At this time, he leaned back and leaned closer to Arong. He smiled and said: "Arong."

Chen Rongyi said, he quickly said: "Yes."

Wang Hong’s voice is extremely gentle and gentle. "If you want to leave Nanyang City, then go on these two days. Everything I will arrange."

Chen Rong never imagined that after he learned the news, the first thing he thought was to let him leave Nanyang City safely.

She looked at him, she fainted her cheeks, grateful and loving, and floated her eyebrows.