MTL - Mei Gongqing-Chapter 15 Near the Yellow River

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Chen Rong is silent.

Sun Yan turned his head. He stared at Chen Rong seriously and stared at him. He suddenly asked, "How old are you?"

Chen Rongyi replied, "I am still not full."

"It’s smaller than me." Sun Yan stared at her and said of course: "Call me."

Chen Rong was shocked and looked up at him.

In the moonlight, her silly expression, apparently pleased Sun Yan, he smiled. This smile wiped out the lonelyness on his face.

Chen Rong glared at him and said, "Hey, you are not necessarily bigger than me."

Sun Yan smiled again. This boy, obviously used to be a smile. When he smiled, the whole face was flying and bright.

He looked up and down toward Chen Rong and nodded. "Yes, if you didn't say it, no one can see you." Hey, it's a little girl, but it has a woman's enchanting posture. "

In this case, Chen Rong’s face is instantly red. She took a sigh of relief and tried to suppress this anger, but she was originally a temper, and she took a deep breath of five or six. She said, she still hated and said: "That is also a duck voice than you." The little boy is better!"

Sun Yan haha ​​smiled.

Just laughing and laughing, his voice is getting smaller and smaller. He turned his head and continued to look at the river flowing in front of the silver light. He said lowly: "Your eyes are like wolves, I like it."

Chen Rong slammed her head up. She stared at Sun Yan and wanted to refute it. But she couldn’t say anything.

Turning around, Chen Rong and Sun Yan looked at the rippling lake surface and thought: I originally thought that I had forgotten the past and the past, and now it seems that I have not done enough. This is not the case, I have to make myself really peaceful, even if I see that person again, it should be peaceful.

At this moment, the two stood side by side and were silent.

However, perhaps because of the same illness, the two did not say anything, but naturally felt a kind of calm, a kind of quietness with a partner.

In the distance, in the flames, the sound of laughter and voice is still in the ear, but the two shadows standing on the riverside, but it seems to dissolve into the heavens and the earth, so lonely, so ancient.

Time flies fast, and three days have passed.

During these three days, Wang Hong and Skinny Zhi have been surrounded by teenagers and girls. They met occasionally, but they only smiled and did not have a chance to speak.

It was Sun Yan, a teenager who had been in parallel with Chen Rong since that day. He used Chen’s coward to drive for himself and eat Chen’s food. Naturally, he formed a small gang with Chen Rong.

On this day, the team was close to the Yellow River.

At this moment, the various scholars who came from all over the state have been visible from time to time. Looking from afar, you can see the wide official road, smoke everywhere, and shock the sky.

"Girl, faster than the Yellow River, faster than the Yellow River. After the Yellow River, it is Luoyang, girl, we went to the place!" After the Yellow River, it was Luoyang. If there was no accident, they would settle down in Luoyang.

Hirats joyfully ran to the carriage and called out, her small eyes, then laughter became a line, in her body, is the same smile.


Chen Rong’s face is not happy.

She looked up and stared at the front. In front of it is a blue sky, at the end of the sky, covered by white clouds, blocked by the mountains, she can not see the layers of painted sculptures in Luoyang.

At this moment, the happy people thought that the Yellow River was less than forty miles ahead, and they had no time to rest. Drive the carriages one by one and rush to the front.

After running for twenty miles, the ranks of sergeants from all over the place were packed with official roads. Not only on the official road, but also in the wilderness on both sides, it is also a horse-riding guard.

Chen Rong turned her head and looked around. Her front and back were all boundless heads and carriages. The snoring was filled with the sky. Even if it was recently, it would have to be heard loudly.

"Girls, there are so many people."

Pingyi looked around and looked away.

Chen Rong did not answer, her eyes were a bit stunned, and her lips were very tight.

In a blink of an eye, the sun sets.

At this moment, they are still ten miles away from the Yellow River.

When everyone had eaten, Chen Rong, who had been stunned, suddenly stepped forward. On the one hand, Sun Yan just put down the tableware and saw Chen Rong, who was abnormal in behavior. He frowned and the duck gong rang. "Arong, the Wang family is eating."

According to the nobility etiquette, you can't talk when you dine, not even when you visit.

Chen Rong has a footstep. She turned to look at Sun Yan, and looked at him empty-eyed for a while. She murmured: "I didn't think until I realized that even if the destiny is already doomed, I have to be a blogger."

Her words are inexplicable, where can Sun Yan understand? The teenager blinked and looked at her in confusion.

Chen Rong took back his gaze and continued to move forward. He replied again: "When the king eats, it takes one and a half hours each time. I can't wait that long."

After all, she strode forward.

Sun Yan frowned and looked at her for a while, and stepped up.

On the wasteland, the king's household satin is paved into two long dragons, and the long dragon is placed on the top, and the wine is fragrant.

The aristocrats who ate were quiet and silent. Chen Rong can see that Wang Zhuo’s left side is Wang Hong and Qi Zhi.

When Chen Rong came, some people looked up to her from time to time. Those Wang’s children saw her go straight to Wang Zhuo’s direction and could not help but widen her eyes.

After a while, Chen Rong came to Wang Zhuo.

Far away, she is a blessing.

Wang Zhuo and Wang Hong, both of whom looked up, they looked at the sunset and looked at the bright girl.

Not waiting for Wang Hong to open, Chen Rong has said clearly: "Wang Gong, since ancient times, Luoyang has been a battleground for the military. Now the Huyi and Baizu are invading the Central Plains, Chen Rong believes that they will not let Luoyang."

What she said at this time is a national event, including Wang Hong. All the people have widened their eyes and looked at Chen Rong in a wrong way.

At this time, the scholars did not like to talk about politics.

Since the celebrities who like to talk about politics died one after another, they open their mouths to metaphysics, and the closed mouth is the windy moon. They have not talked about politics for a long time.

Therefore, Chen Rong, a young girl, talked about the place where the "Army is to fight". At this moment, even the Zhizhi, he frowned.

Chen Rong did not see it. She just looked at Wang Zhuo seriously and continued: "Chen Rong thought that Luoyang City at this time was no safe place. We are going to go, I am afraid that it will fall into the Hu people. In the trap."

"Trap?" Wang Zhuo finally put down the tableware and asked: "You said that the Hu people have already attacked Luoyang?" Chen Rong has shown great power twice. He has begun to pay attention to this girl's words.

Chen Rong shook his head and said: "Luoyang City is so strong, how can it be so easily attacked? I mean, I am afraid that the Hu people are laying around the Luoyang and the banks of the Yellow River, just waiting for us to vote for the net."

Wang Zhuo sank, he turned his head and looked at Wang Hong, saying: "How does Qilang look?"

Wang Hong is like a clear pair of eyes in the autumn sky, staring at Chen Rong, he has long heard that this girl in front of her eyes, twice as expected, is a girl who is different from the world woman.

He glanced at Chen Rong for a moment and asked, "What kind of Hu people would that Arong think?"

Hu nationality? The husband of the Han nationality can't have the ambition to call the king an emperor? Chen Rong smiled a bit and shook his head. "I don't know. Chen Rong came here and wanted to leave to Wang Gong."

Please leave?

Hey, everyone raised their heads and looked at Chen Rong, and they were all stunned.