MTL - Mei Gongqing-Chapter 17 Beautiful woman

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In the place where the former scholars gathered, the laughter sounded with the night wind, and Chen Rong was so excited. If she is not worried about it, she has already ran over it - it is rare to encounter such opportunities. If she can show something, it will be of great benefit to her in the future.

After thinking about it, she returned to the carriage and changed the dress and came to the crowd.

The place chosen by the disciples was on a wasteland outside the woods. However, this piece of wilderness, the ground is covered with plain satin.

The crowd sat down in a ring, collapsed with wine and cakes, and a torch was floating around the body. Chen Rong looked at it and found that in the corner of the south, the burning was not a torch, but a candle!

Actually in the wilderness with candles lighting, is this not burning money?

Chen Rong turned his eyes and walked to the east. It was the people of the Wang family and the family who sat in that corner.

At this time, she wore a robes and large sleeves, and she walked on a wooden stalk. She simply shook her hair and dressed it in a casual, neutral and free-spirited manner.

In the slogan of "哒哒哒", everyone in the squat looked up to her from time to time. Just a glance, there are many teenagers who are obsessed.

Chen Rong's five official succinct, the style is completely different from the girls, so she is dressed in such a clear, lazy, very moving.

At this time, Chen Rong did not notice the eyes of the teenagers. She continued to walk forward with a slap in the face, and the torch was swaying. Her mouth was faintly smiling.

After a while, she came to the corner where Wang Hao was in the same place. Just approaching, she heard Wang’s seven women shouting there: “Father and father, why don’t we also order those candles? It’s really uncomfortable to see the smile of the Shi family!”

Together with her voice, a dozen teenagers followed.

At this time, Wang Hong came a little indifferent voice. "The stone family is the stone family. The Wang family is the king family. It is my own way, why do you have to learn others?"

Speaking out, the teenagers quieted at the same time. Wang’s seven daughters turned their heads and looked away from Wang Hong’s direction. During a while, she saw Chen Rong and shouted: “Arong is coming? Hey, Arong, what is this dress, not male? Not women, not afraid of others?"

Wang’s seven women’s voices made the children all turn to look at Chen Rong. This look, many people have a bright eye.

Wang Hong is also a bright eye.

He looked up and down Chen Rong. In his burning gaze, Chen Rong smiled shyly. She lowered her head and blessed her blessing. She walked slowly to a place to sit down.

There was a shy smile on her face, and the red light was like a blooming rose.

She can be ashamed of her, but her footsteps are calm, wide gowns, thin and small waists, swaying and moving in action.

This kind of beauty, all kinds of styles, and not cut because of her neutral dress, but more than a point of clear water out of nature natural and casual.

Unconsciously, Wang Hong looked crazy.

A celebrity took a sip of wine and said slowly: "If it is a beautiful woman, Wang Qilang, who is as beautiful as a fairy tree, is also looking silly."

When the words came out, everyone turned around and looked at Wang Hong.

Wang Hong coughed. He raised his glass and blocked his face in front of his face. He smiled bitterly: "The eyes are burning, and the face is too thin to be burned!"

The laughter is everywhere.

Qi Zhi waved his thigh and laughed, waving at Chen Rong and shouting, "Chen Jia, you are sitting."

After all, he pointed to Wang Hong, "Come here."

Suddenly, all eyes were gathered on Chen Rong’s face.

Among these gaze, teenagers scorched and there were girls who were jealous of envy.

Chen Rong did not move. She lowered her eyes and smiled shyly. "The posture of Qilang is the sacred wind. The color of Chen Rongfan is not close."

When her voice fell, Wang Hong smiled lowly. "After sending me a song that day, I have never seen Arong's trace. Originally, it was "Don't dare to be near"?"

In the presence of so many people, he used the kind of low-pitched, clean, sounding sounds like a mountain stream, saying that it seems like a strange blame, it really makes people feel bad.

Unconsciously, the girls looked at Chen Rong’s eyes and hated it.

Chen Rong is secretly funny, thinking: You are a husband, really want to love me, why not approach me? Instead, I want a woman to take the initiative? Hey, this Wang Hong is very pleasant when he talks about love, and he is also a romantic person.

The eyes of the women around were too aggressive. In Wang Hong’s gaze, Chen Rong just smiled and didn’t answer.

She no longer spoke, and Wang Hong’s attention quickly turned to the topic of the celebrities.

At this time, Wang Golang’s voice came from behind her, "Chen Arong."


Chen Rong looked up.

In the fire, Wang Wulang stared at her fieryly. This is a kind of fire that is different from the past. It seems that Wang Hong is very valued by Chen Rong, which makes this young boy excited.

In the eyes of Chen Rong’s many inquiries, Wang Wulang paused for a while and smiled for a while: "Yes, why do you want to leave when you are in the daytime? Is it not good to follow us? Still feel that my family is not taking care of me. ?"

He was originally looking for a topic, but when he spoke, his tone was a bit aggressive.

Chen Rong shook his head and said: "What did Wu Lang say? I am just, but my heart is uneasy." When she said this, her mood was really blocked. When Wang Wulang was asked to speak, Chen Rong quickly asked: "Can the guards sent back come back? What is the situation on the other side of the river?"

Wang Wulang shook his head and said casually: "Where is it so quick to come back? Anyway, no matter if they can't come back, everyone will start tomorrow and still cross the river." After a meal, he added: "The famous men and women just now. Speaking of it, it all means this. Arong, you have too much thought."

Is it?

Chen Rong burst into tears, she thought in her heart: forget it, anyway, the man will not do anything special about these sects. Just, just, I really don't want to meet him...