MTL - Mercenaries and Adventurers-v4 Chapter 192 , the darkest moonless night (15)

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Kiel ignored the bandits who surrendered, looked at the priest Batar in silence for a while, and let out a sigh of relief.

"Don't be like this, this is just the fate of every ordinary person."

Kiel comforted his companions in this way, but he himself did not believe in similar truths.

"I." The priest spoke, his voice choked with sobs: "I would have had a chance, if I ran faster. Before I entered the woods."

But at this time, the bandit who surrendered interrupted again: "My lord, my lord priest, you have no chance. This is a trap, and it is waiting for you."

In the slow, dim light just now, this man also kicked the priest Batar who fell to the ground, but now he is paying homage.

The priest raised his head, wiped his face with his dirty robe, and stared at the bandit: "What do you mean?"

Kiel didn't open his mouth or blame him. The bandit who surrendered didn't dare to say anything in order to survive: "From the previous attack to capture the refugees, when we started to drive the refugees away, our leader planned to set a trap to lure you to Defeated in the woods."

"Impossible! Me, me, me."

I asked him a few times, but the priest couldn't say anything nutritious, because he himself realized at this time that the behavior of the bandits before was strange.

"But why did you lead me to set a trap in the woods?" Batar looked puzzled. for what?

The bandit was lying on the ground, but he looked up greedily at the amber metal staff standing beside the priest. Although he didn't speak, everything was said in silence.

Kiel and Batar followed each other's eyes, looking at the much dimmer amber gemstones emitting from the metal staff. Kiel sneered, but Priest Batar felt even more uncomfortable.

"For this?"

That's what Keel said.

"Yes, yes, our leader said that this treasure can be sold for at least 200 gold coins, but I said, just now, this thing can suddenly emit a large amount of light. I think it can sell for at least 300 gold coins. That guy, he misjudged gone."

The more the bandit said, the more outrageous he was, and Kiel couldn't help it, and burst out laughing.

This person himself was within the range of the dim light, so he didn't realize the real power of the amber metal staff just now, two hundred gold coins? Three hundred gold coins?

These guys really don't know what they are thinking.

Too ignorant.

Kiel shook his head and didn't say anything to the bandit on this point. He let Priest Batar squat aside and was depressed, and then asked the surrendered bandit: "Which of the corpses in this place is your bandit?" Chief?"

But after Kiel asked this, the bandit lying on the ground showed a strange expression. After struggling for a while, he finally replied firmly: "No! He is not here. After the previous attack on the priest started, , I didn’t pay attention to whether others were there. And some other people who were not fighting were not there either.”

"Should have gone back to a lair nearby. The leader's plan is to withdraw to the lair in the forest and wait after the priest is taken down, to avoid any trouble afterwards. Anyway, he said that we have already got the biggest attack from this joint attack." The rest of the soup and water of the refugees will be given to other bandit gangs."

"Where is your lair?"

"Why are the refugees in a mess? They have nothing left!"

The two questions before and after were asked by Kiel and Batar together. Kiel shrugged and motioned for the bandit to answer the priest's question first.

Faced with this question, the bandit who had been eager to speak before faltered, as if he didn't want to say anything.

Kiel wiped several of his weapons with a piece of ripped-off bandit clothes, and didn't urge him, but Priest Batar couldn't help it. He raised the statue of amulet with his left hand and pointed it at the surrendered bandit lying on the ground: " You better answer!"

"Yes yes yes, I answer, I answer."

The bandit glanced at the knight who was silently wiping his weapon, and stammered for the first time the value of the refugees.

Priest Batar became angrier the more he listened, and his face, which had been pale because of sadness and guilt before, turned red at the moment.

Seeing that the priest's palm was trembling with anger, as if he was about to launch a deadly attack at any moment, Keir quickly intervened to stop him: "I can tell you what you asked, don't miss it for a while, and you are about to surrender, and you are willing to share the news with us." The bandit was killed."

"I, I'm just angry! How could they do this? Who wasn't born and raised by their parents, and actually wants to rob people and sell them to the scum who receive them for money! The kingdom has inherited the imperial decree, and human trafficking is strictly prohibited!"

Kiel left the blood-stained tattered animal skins on the ground, and said mockingly: "The southern province is in such a mess. It seems that some people have gone back to the old ways of making money."

Kiel said again: "By the way, the southern province is in such a mess. Where did the local nobles and knights go? Why didn't they maintain social order? Let these old dregs resurface?"

Priest Batar was not very clear and couldn't answer for a while, but the bandit who surrendered and lay on the ground knew a thing or two.

"Master Knight, I know this." The young bandit was obviously more than ten years older than Kiel, and he was a young man, but at the moment he had a flattering expression on his face.

"If you know it, just say, what are you holding back here?"

But the bandit told Kiel about the business: "My lord, my lord told me to get up, don't lie down so uncomfortable, I'm willing to talk."

Kiel smiled and patted the long sword on his waist: "Can it let you talk?"

"I can say it, but I may also choose to die."

"Oh, do you have to get up?"

"My lord, although I have done a lot of bad things, I have always been well-informed. All the horses robbed from the gang were all ridden by me to other places where the dirt was collected and sold."

Keir thought for a while, slapped his hands, and asked him to stand up: "But the arms have to be tied."

"Of course, of course."

The bandit got up from the ground at once, and before the bandit rubbed the arm that had been folded on his back before, Kiel came up and pulled a rope from the bandit's waist, and directly wrapped the bandit's arms in a big circle. And the whole body is **** in circles.

"Speak, don't talk nonsense."

The bandit's answer was simple and straightforward, which made Keir regret it a bit.

"Those gentlemen are all with soldiers, and I heard that they are going to gather at the provincial capital. There are many mountains and rivers on our side, and there are not many people who are similar to our profession, so those gentlemen led the soldiers away. Later, I heard that the bandits from all over the country became active after they settled down for a while. Moreover, some soldiers who were dispersed last year fled back home, but they did not dare to live at home directly, so many people joined the bandit bands everywhere."

Kiel snorted, and Priest Batar's face was very ugly.

Because the news of the bandits on the western border of the province is much more sensitive than that of the people in Changmai Village. If they had known that the nobles and knights who had been maintaining the peace in the area had taken people to the provincial capital, then they should have Like other towns or villages, they must either be closed or flee early.

At least half of life and property can be saved.

After all, he had heard from the refugee youths under his command that those bandits and scoundrels were not engaged in production, and the greatest property of the farmers—the land—would not be taken away.

So as long as the villagers flee, they bury their valuables such as farm tools and furniture deep in their yards, and most of them come back later and dig into the ground, and the things are still there.

As for the house, although it was not easy to build it, there were not many daring bandits who would dare to live alone in an empty village with empty houses in the whole village.

In this way, they are afraid that those bandits will become angry and set fire to the village. But even so, the losses of the villagers who chose to flee were at least limited.


After asking a few more questions, Kiel then arranged the corpses of the bandits one by one, wrapped valuables in bandit clothes, and handed them over to the unarmed refugees among the refugees.

He put the corpse here first. Although it might attract a large number of wild beasts, the corpse was heavy and troublesome. Keel didn't want to go back and forth several times to transport the corpse out of the forest.

After daytime, when everything is settled tonight, he will bring people over to dispose of the corpse.

He still remembered what the priests of the Church of the God of the Dead in Kendall City had preached to him that human corpses should be incinerated as much as possible after death. Otherwise, the wandering evil spirits will drive these dead bodies, gather the breath of death, and attack and devour the living creatures.

Every time Kiel thinks of this, the corner of his mouth twitches, because he himself came to this different world by reviving his corpse.

No one has ever known his other identity, another name—Zhao Ji.

Bloodlicker was carrying all kinds of bandit weapons and items packed with ropes. These things were wrapped in smelly animal skin clothes, and the left and right sides were draped on the horses' backs.

This made Bloodlicker a little unhappy, and when he came out of the woods, he kept nudging Kiel's shoulder with his long horse face, trying to explain that it was OK to ride it, but not to load it.

It is not an ordinary horse without dignity and status. In the old owner's stable, any horse that sees it will be bullied by it.

Kiel walked and escorted the surrendered bandit whose arms were bound, urging him to walk faster and not to dawdle.

"Hurry up, don't think that your leader nicknamed Mountain Wolf can come to save you, smart people are the best at settling accounts, you understand."

Keir shoved the dawdling bandit violently, and the other party lowered his head, still dawdling, as if he still didn't want to get out of the woods after knowing that his capture was a foregone conclusion.

Priest Batar, who was following beside him, was riding a prairie horse, and the horse in front of him was wrapped in a mass of blood-dripping animal skins.

He held the animal skin wrapped in blood that was still dripping heavily with his hands, and his face was very ugly. In it, accompanied by Kiel, he tried his best to search for the part of the female refugee among the recovered human body.

"Batal, don't be like this. At least some people have been brought back." Kiel comforted his companions like this, but in return the priest Batar stared at him.

Kiel didn't care, and raised his hand to point to the only bright open space beside the commercial road in the darkness not far away.

"You don't think you have suffered heavy casualties here, do you? Do you know how many gangs and bandits came to the south of the clearing to attack? Guess."

Kiel's relaxed tone seemed to be talking about something irrelevant, which misled Priest Batar's judgment: "Forty people?"

The priest said what he thought was a large number of people, but as soon as the number was uttered, the captured bandit turned his head and wanted to speak, but Kiel raised his hand and slapped him on the head: "Are you allowed to speak?"

The bandit choked back the words, but still turned to look at the naive Saturn priest.

Priest Batar was not stupid either, knowing that he had guessed wrong: "Just tell me. How many people are there? How many casualties did we have?"

Kiel shrugged: "Three waves of bandits, the total number is around 100 to 110 people. The first wave retreated and escaped a dozen people, and the rest fought hard with the refugees and of course, me." Huh—there is also a descendant of a former noble who claims to be the King of the White Wall, and has a few difficult magical weapons and props in his hands."

Kiel changed his tone: "Of course, except for those who escaped, the rest were killed and captured by me and the brave people who fought."

Kiel's words made all the captured bandits gasp, not to mention Priest Batar.

"How many casualties did we have?"

"Hmph, the bandits all have weapons, and the young refugees, most of them have empty hands, or only rocks, and a few of them have a few short knives like iron plates."

"I ask you, how many people were killed or injured!"

Priest Batar's eyes widened, and his face turned completely pale due to nervousness and fear. He questioned Kiel hoarsely. He couldn't tell if he was afraid of hearing the number that frightened him, or because he didn't dare to face Kiel's next words, so he had to spread all his worrying emotions on Kiel.

Kiel turned his head to look at the young priest, who not only questioned him loudly, but also nervously grasped the burden of flesh and blood in front of him with his hands. Obviously, he looked cautious before.

The steel helmet visor did not reveal Kiel's expression at this time, but the voice under the visor contained a hint of ridicule: "I didn't count, but there are probably hundreds of people killed or injured. At least, there are no less than a hundred people dead. .”

Then there was the first wave of bandit raids, how many people were killed in the panic, and the bandits who came later, shot a volley of short bows in their hands, and brought down how many young refugees who dared to fight.

These words only buzzed in the priest's ears. He was short of breath, his eyes were dull, and he swayed, and then fell off the horse all at once.

"Hey, what's going on?"


When Priest Batar woke up again, he found that the surroundings were bright as soon as he opened his eyes.

At this time, he was lying in the middle of the open space, on some stinky animal skin clothes of bandits. His surroundings are relatively spacious, and there are no other people or things. But looking outside, there are young refugees who are injured, moaning and screaming, and there are quite a few female refugees among the refugees taking care of them.

Speaking of caring, what they can do is very limited. Most of them just use ropes to tightly bind the limbs of the wounded whose hands and feet were chopped and shot by arrows according to the requirements of the Kiel knights, so as to prevent the wounded from bleeding to death.

At this time, I don't care about the limbs that have been tightened for a long time, and the limbs have turned purple and black.

Anyway, Knight Kiel said that after Priest Batar woke up, he would take care of the wounded.

Xueyaster was also taking care of the wounded at this time. According to Kiel's instructions, he took out a small amount of healing ointment from the carriage and gave it to the most seriously injured young man at the moment.

Regardless of whether it can save lives, at least the effect of paralyzing the wound and relieving pain in the ointment can still make the seriously wounded die less painful before death.

"Me." Priest Batar got up in a hurry, and now he finally had a real impression of the hundreds of casualties. What's interesting is that at this moment, he didn't feel the worried and worried mood when he heard Keel talk about the heavy casualties before he fell into a coma.

The priest training from the Saturnalia Church allowed him to know what he should do even in such a situation.

"I'm awake, come someone! Where are the seriously wounded who are about to die, come someone to take me there."

As soon as Priest Batar yelled, someone came over immediately and dragged Batar to a place surrounded by several people.

"Who is in command now? Kiel Warrior? Or Bloodfang? Or someone elected by you?"

He looked around while running, but he didn't see Kiel in armor, so he asked this question.

The two female refugees who guided him immediately replied: "My lord, Mr. Ster is in charge of the arrangement, and he is leading people to deal with seriously injured people. You should hurry up and see this person, he was shot in the chest by an arrow." , it is very dangerous now!"

Priest Batar didn't care that when he got up, the amber metal staff was still on the place where he was wading, and he was pulled to a bright fire, where a young man with an arrow in his back was wading. people.

The bow and arrow penetrated his torso and didn't directly kill him, but it wasn't easy either.

At this time, the upper body clothes of the young man who was shot by the arrow had been taken off, and he was lying on his side, with blood dripping from his mouth, but he was still holding a girl's hand, and was confessing his last words to the girl he loved.

Taking a deep breath, Priest Batar flattened the sleeves of his priest's robe, first slapped off the hands held by men and and then said to the bewildered young man shot by the arrow: "Your mouth is bleeding, this is It hurt the stomach in the abdomen, and blood flowed out. A small amount of blood flowed out from the mouth, and the blood lost from the head was all in the stomach!"

The young man's face was pale, obviously he had lost a lot of blood.

"I want to break the arrow and pull it out. Although it will bleed a lot, but with the blessing of healing magic, it can still stop the bleeding from the wound. Whoever, find something for him to bite tightly. I have to deal with the bow and arrow."

After finishing speaking, the priest realized that he didn't have anything suitable to break the arrow: "Find me a short knife and dagger, it should be sharp."

As soon as the words fell, the companion of the young man who was hit by the arrow next to him handed over a sharp short knife.

The priest looked at the weapon and the other party, and the other party immediately explained: "Master Knight asked us who dared to fight to clean up the battlefield before. This was captured and distributed to us, not stolen."

Priest Batar was stunned for a moment, took the weapon, and was about to cut off the shaft of the arrow: "I don't care if you stole it or not, what about the Kiel warrior?"

Everyone around looked at each other, and they all said in unison: "Master Knight led people to attack the bandit's lair!"

"What? What did he do?"

The priest didn't hear clearly, and while cutting the arrow shaft with a short knife, he asked again in surprise.

The young refugees around repeated it again: "Master Cavalier led people to attack the lair of bandits who attacked us. I heard that he specially left a life for every bandit who attacked us during the battle. After you passed out, he tortured you Those bandits, led people to wipe out the lairs of those bandits."

Faced with this answer, Priest Batar took a deep breath, feeling that he still didn't know much about Kiel, the 'comer' as a whole.