MTL - Mermaid Effect-Chapter 96

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Soon after, Rand realized that things were much more than just the exceptions of bats and birds.

Almost everyone in this apartment felt uncomfortable on the night when he was tortured.

Some of them are only plagued by diarrhea and mild headaches, but some people suffer from very severe torture.

When the sky was still gray, the ambulance screamed and gathered downstairs in the Pine Street apartment.

Rand stood on the balcony and looked down and saw one more person being transported from the gate by the stretcher. Rand has never hated his unusually sharp eyes because it allows him to clearly see the painful expression on the faces of innocent people.

A fat woman's eyes are filled with blood, like a table tennis painted red. A young Pakistani had a **** black hole on his forehead, and blood covered his face; a little girl who seemed to be only six or seven years old was suddenly mad and cut her cheeks with scissors, her body Bloody, his eyes are dull like a doll made by a dead man...

Munster’s “singing voice” made some people crazy, they were unconscious, and in the kind of poisonous voice you completely lost your soul.

The government's vehicles arrived soon, and epidemiologists set up warning signs under the rand of Rand. Researchers wearing white closed suits came in with boxes.

This can make many people feel uncomfortable scenes, but like blood, it has aroused the enthusiasm of the paparazzi reporters. They gathered like flies, and the flash flashed under the dawn of dawn.

"...Sorry, no comment, I have no comment."

The official answer to a spokesperson’s heartbreaking was overwhelmed by the reporter’s anxious questions. Rand heard countless names in those people's words.

However, at this moment, he has no way to think about the trouble he is about to usher in.

"God, what is it..."

Rand lost his soul and fell back from the balcony to the living room. He gasped on the carpet and shivered and could barely speak.

Rogers blinked. He looked at the messy scene on the balcony outside the floor-to-ceiling window, and his eyes flashed with a funny look.

He tried to comfort Rand, but he was caught by Rand.

Damn, he didn't think that Rand's strength was so great.

"Rogers, what happened to those people... is it related to me?"

Rand, with a pleading, panicked and asked, he looked like he was crazy and wanted to get a negative answer.

However, before Rogers answered, he had said it himself: "Oh, of course, I think it should be related. The voice is too strange. I am too strange. God, I have done something. what……"

"Hey, man, don't do this. You are frightening your little pet."

Rogers couldn't help but interrupt Rand's muttering.

He was right, Munster was very uncomfortable kneeling on the roof above Rand.

Rand's emotions seem to affect it easily, and some of its hair is erected.

"Calm down, what do you mean by 'sound'?"

Rogers asked without any trace.

Rand gave him the answer, but the words of the man in the chaos were hard to understand - even if there was such a "singing voice", but Rogers vowed that he had been hit by glass by bats and birds last night. There is no sound other than the sound of the children downstairs.

Then you can only say that the voice is not something that ordinary people can hear.

Rogers then looked at the cockroaches behind Rand's ear. They were lighter than they were when they first appeared. The edges of the gaps showed a shallow white color, which was tightly combined. If you don't pay attention, you will only feel what scratches are... Of course, after Rand was in a state of excitement and anger, Rogers saw the quilting tremble and sprayed a stream of air.

At the corner of RAND's sight, Rogers picked an eyebrow.

Next, he went to the kitchen and gave Rand some herbal tea with rosemary.

Then he slammed down at Rand's line of sight and forced Rand to look into his eyes.

"Rand, look at me," he said, reaching out and arrogantly slamming Rand's chin. "Look at my eyes and listen to me, you have to calm down. The cdc people will definitely have this apartment. People check, for your own sake, and for your little pets, you have to get up – I don’t think you would like Munster to be discovered by others. As for the unlucky people downstairs, you can I don't have to think about them for a while, who knows if they are crazy about it? You see, I didn't make any difference..."

As a son of a serial killer, Rogers was fully guided by Lily Megginson in his childhood. He is very skilled in all kinds of spiritual cues, this time he used this ability on Rand.

The panic in the rand gradually calmed down, although there are still some flaws.

After a while, the cdc person also checked his food and gave him some kind of furniture. Rand's pale face was as bad as anyone else in the apartment who still had the ability to act, and they didn't pay more attention to him.

Although, after leaving his house, the two staff members could not help but lower the voice and exchanged ideas.

"Wow, I didn't think he was the ‘Land Sifus.’ It seems that he can be tossed.”

"Shut up, his identity is not something we should consider, we should consider the sampling of the water tank..."

They have passed an emergency exit.

After the footsteps gradually drifted away, a thin figure carefully slipped in from the sinister door.


Thompson Ray has been in the magazine for six years (this magazine is a notorious local gossip tabloid with lace news and a messy layout).

Unlike his gang of colleagues, Thompson has been the most powerful "journalist" of the tabloid - if he can still speak of a journalist.

In fact, he should be called a "paparazzi" and the one with the least morality and bottom line. Money and the chase of fame and fortune made him the most greedy and sharpest wild dog in the current information chase. You know, only two years ago, after he got the eavesdropper and the pinhole camera from ebay, he never noticed where the news came from, just need to process the fact a little (meaning that it is filled several times. Under the guise of guessing and arbitrage, and with a headline of a sultry, readers will naturally reach out to his newspaper.

As for illegal? Oh, Thompson naturally knows that many of his actions are illegal... but what about it? He has never been caught after all.

He is professional.

This time, what happened to Rand Sifus was his heartstrings at the very beginning. Thompson knows the value of that bad man than anyone else. His youthful experience, his mysterious and goldy brother and the bombing that killed countless people... Rand Sifus was simply a sacred object created by God for the tabloid tabloid.

After waiting for a few days outside the **** apartment, Thompson once again got the favor of God. The food poisoning that happened in the Pine Street apartment (or something else, but that didn't matter) made Thompson succeed in smashing into the interior of the apartment.

He was also immersed in the apartment with a patch-type bug and a pinhole camera in his bag. Thompson had studied the structure of the apartment building for a long time outside the apartment. If he can take enough risk to climb out from the balcony of the idling apartment next door to Rand Severus (it is said that the original owner of the apartment was missing), he can put his own equipment, including a camera and several high resolutions. The rate of the bug was placed under the kitchen window of Rand Sifus.

This will be a great help for Thompson's "raw material".

And he is indeed prepared to do so.

He managed to open the door of the vacant apartment and stayed in the stinking living room until the evening.

In this position, he can even hear Rand Sifus's vague dialogue with another man in the living room.

" should rest, Rand...taking into account your current physical condition..."

"sorry, I……"

"... Listen to me, go to sleep, wait for you to wake up after we think about it..."


God, a man!

Thompson's blood is boiling, and the headline of a dirty news has emerged in his mind, and he can be sure that readers will like it.

After more than an hour, the lights in the living room of Rand Severus went out.

After another hour, his apartment fell into silence.

At this time, the night is deep, which is a good time for Thompson activities.

He put a small power pen-like flashlight in his mouth, flipped it from the outside of the balcony with his hands and feet, and then carefully climbed toward the kitchen window sill of Rand Sifus under the weak light of the flashlight.

Things have been going well.

Maybe if I don't do this **** reporter one day, I can consider being a thief. Thompson couldn't help but grin with a smile.

The pen slipped from his teeth and fell straight to the apartment.

"Oh, **** damn..."

Thompson suddenly fell into the darkness.

There was no moon this night. He couldn't see anything. He couldn't help but cursed it many times.

But what I should do is to do it. After a moment of hesitation, Thompson finally decided to go through the position in memory. He is very close to the window sill, very close...

A small step, then a small step.

He spent a little time smearing and moving to the window in memory. After a sigh of relief, he took out his eavesdropping equipment from his pocket and prepared to install them as usual.

However, he tried many times without success.

The curved surface of the window makes the camera's magnetic base not fit completely, it will always fall down.

Thompson's forehead soon came out with cold sweat, and he could feel his knees getting colder and numb.

Because he stayed in the same position for a long time, he quickly lost control of his lower body.

"The designer of the bitch, who the **** will use the curved window..."

He couldn't help but curse.

Then his voice suddenly stopped.

Yes, no one will use curved window edges.

Before he had observed the window edge of Rand Sifus to determine the location of the bug installation, now he clearly remembers that the window of the son of the son is very disciplined, and there is absolutely no such thing as his fingertips. Cold and uneven curved surface.


Thompson swallowed dryly.

A strong, unpredictable foreboding mushroom emerged from Thompson's heart. The cold sweat on his head became more and more, collected bit by bit in his chin, and then fell to his chest.

He tried to open his eyes in the dark and wanted to see what he was touching. But excessive tension made it difficult for him to maintain balance. In an instant, his body fell to one side.

He even had time to make a short scream.

He is finished.

This is his only thought at the time.

However, in the next second, something rolled up his waist and dropped him in the air.

"God, God..."

Thompson breathed a sigh of relief and whispered in tears.

He didn't even have time to finish the second "God" - the thing that hangs his "slip" and slammed his entire person into the gap of the narrow kitchen window.

The unfortunate Mr. Paparazzi's body broke his clavicle and several ribs in the huge force and narrow window. The pain made him black in front of him, and he fainted with a sigh.



The human body fell a heavy muffled sound on the floor.

Mang has loosened his tail and explored a circle around the soft body.

If it was before, he would not even allow such an intruder to enter the apartment, and he would enjoy his day and night directly outside the window.

But during this time, Rand's education on him made the little monster ambiguously realize that it might be possible to eat the prey directly. It is not much advocated in Rand.

There is a complex and hypocritical rule in the society of the two-legged beast, at least in Munster's view, but for Rand, it is still willing to obey it.


I was trapped in this small apartment during this time (know, since the paparazzi were downstairs in the early summer, the unlucky Munster was not even allowed to breathe through the balcony) Munster had a natural anxious, it There are some who want to hunt, and fresh food makes it mouth watering.

It couldn't help but wrap around the human being who had been comatose, bowed his head and digested the droplets on his face.

A few seconds later, there was a red spot on it, and a small shiny blisters appeared.

Perhaps the pain caused by the digestive juice corroding the skin, the already unconscious Thompson made a weak sputum, and the eyeball under the eyelids turned.

He is about to wake up.

It was also at this time that Rogers appeared at the door of the kitchen.

He had just dealt with Rand's sleep problem, and after seeing the human body that suddenly appeared in the kitchen, his brow slightly raised a little.

"Oh, don't tell me that you can catch this now..."

Munster's hair twitched in the air like Medusa's snake, and his red, bright eyes stared at Rogers and made a threatening insult.

In fact, it hates Rogers more than Rand imagined.

But Rand does not allow it to hurt him.

This made Munster feel more bored.

Rogers smiled at it, of course, he remained cautious.

Slowly and slowly, he approached Thompson. The bugs and cameras scattered on the ground made him frown. He squatted and pulled out his business card from Thompson's arms.

A reporter... No, a paparazzi.

The smile on his face deepened.

Thompson opened his eyes in confusion, and he was so unlucky to see Rogers’s bloodless smile, and a faint scream almost came out of his throat, but before that, Rogers forced The ground slammed his jaw and forced it to dislocate.

Thompson distorted the muscles of his face in the pain and fear. He slammed the ground hard and was stuck firmly on the ground by Rogers.

Seeing that Rogers touched his "prey," Munster couldn't help but attack Rogers.

It was also at this time that Lander had a little sleepy voice coming from the corridor.

"Munster? Are you patted on the ground? Please don't, the tenant downstairs has complained many times..."

His footsteps approached and Rogers smiled and opened the locker under the kitchen.

He unloaded Thompson's arms and legs at an alarming rate, and then arbitrarily pulled out an orange in the refrigerator in the mouth of the unlucky paparazzi. Like a rag, he stuffed Thompson's soft body into the locker.

"If you let Rand know that you are a monster that will hunt humans, I don't think he will be happy."

At the moment of closing the door, he reached the ear of Munster with astonishing courage, said softly, and then withdrew with lightning.

When Rand's face appeared tiredly in the kitchen, Rogers just placed his hand on the refrigerator door that was previously opened.

"Hey, Rand, need some soda?"

He said with a smile.

"Oh, no, thank you, I just need some water to take my aspirin, I think I have a headache again," Rand swayed, his eyes twitching in the kitchen, " Um... I thought the relationship between the two of you was not very good, but it seems to be much better now. I was still worried about letting you stay in the apartment in my apartment and it will cause conflicts between you..."

Rogers shrugged: "I still don't think your little pet likes me. But now, at special times, you need my friend, isn't it? It will be forgiven."

His eyes were always on Munster.

And until Rand left the kitchen, Munster never spoke of any words about the hapless in the storage cabinet.

Upon hearing the sound of the bedroom door closing, Rogers smiled and dragged Thompson out of the locker.

The unspeakable saliva in the latter's mouth has completely wet the clothes on his chest, and his eyes are full of fearful tears.

This time he was dragged out and he saw Munster on the side.

His eyes widened at that moment, and when he saw Munster's free movement, he projected an incredible gaze, then followed by insects that were pulled out of their wings and legs, on the ground. Difficult and ugly move, attempting to escape without any meaning.

The human form, which is weak and weak in fear, almost makes Rogers physiologically prosper.

Munster suddenly popped his tail and pulled Thompson's body to Rogers.

"Take him... leave... Rand doesn't like it."

It glared at Rogers and said coldly.

You have to admit that being stared at the bright red pupils, even the killer like Rogers still feels a little involuntary.

But soon he made a relaxed appearance in front of Munster.

"Okay, okay. You don't seem to want to enjoy the nightingale."

He spread his hand and said helplessly.

After hearing the words "nightingale", Thompson, who was stepped on by Rogers, struggled even harder.


The voice of Rand's reproof came from the bedroom.

Munster's ear spines and hair are neutral in this blame, and its hostility and anger are developing. Rogers, who adapts and understands death more than anyone, is also the illusion of converging his hippie smile at this time.

It’s time to tease Munster’s bottom line, he thought.

He licked his temple with some headache and then nodded to Munster.

"Well, Master Munster, I will handle this, I am sorry."

He pretended a disgusting look.

Then he looked around the kitchen and took out a clean, clean stainless steel fork from the drawer.

He gripped Thompson's head with his knees, bent down, grabbed his chin with his fingers, and then pushed the fork out of his mouth and into it in the man's silent fear and convulsions.

The entire fork fell into Thompson's head.

Rogers tilted the head of the unlucky one back and stirred it with the handle of the fork.

After a violent convulsion, Thompson was completely quiet like a power-off toy.

His eyes turned red, and the dark red blood slowly flowed down his nose and ears, leaving traces on his cheeks.

Munster looked restless and it once again made a voice of protest to Rogers.

Rogers quickly put the fork into his pocket and then walked Thompson's body over his shoulder.

"Please, I have to deal with it."

He complained softly and opened the door to transfer the body to his room.

However, the sound of his opening the door made Rand, who was unable to sleep because of his heart. Rand thought that Munster had offended Rogers, so Rogers would leave late at night. Before that, in order to suppress the strangeness of Rand's body and not let Munster make such a strange sound, they discussed it, and Rogers would stay in Rand's living room for the night.

When Rogers slammed the door key, Rand opened his door openly in a pajamas.

"Rogers, sorry, Munster is spleen again to you... oh, this is..."

When he saw Thompson, he stumbled a little.

He has been awake, but he has not heard any other voices.

"This is my friend, he is drunk and has some lovelorn. I have to settle him first. Don't worry, I have a good relationship with Munster."

Rogers said without changing his face.

He even gave Rand a wink, and then he dragged a "friend" into his room just like dragging a real drunkard.

"Well, I wish your friend a good dream."

Landson breathed a sigh of relief and returned to the living room.

However, an indescribable strangeness always makes him feel a little uneasy, as if something is smearing his bones.

There is something that makes him feel very abnormal, but...

Rand poured himself another glass of water in the kitchen and then pulled a bottle of sleeping pills from behind the cupboard.

He felt that he really had a nap, and he wasn’t quite right looking at anything now – Rand sighed and thought silently.

It was also at this time that Rand found the anomaly in a place on the kitchen floor where no eyes were lifted.

It is a drop of blood.

Rand reached out and touched it... the blood was still warm.

The author has something to say: a chapter on the plot...

Regarding the recent story, I feel that there are some voices that I don't like very much.

I have to say that I may not be a writer who is good at describing feelings... [熊熊脸

About Munster's singing... In fact, under the influence of the prince of the squadron, rand is very eager to xxoo... it is as painful as the cat in the spring. Then, Munster’s singing is actually This kind of racial setting in Seymour is similar to the foreplay. So when Munster sang when Lange was in pain, Rand felt relieved a lot...

Mainly hope that through this repeated and meticulous attraction, the spirit of Rand and Munster will have a deeper understanding.

Rand was a serious aversion to the close contact with Munster at the beginning.

However, under the repetition of fever, he began to actively seek Munster to appease him.

In my opinion, with the personality of Rand, if there is no such process, he is almost impossible to have any further relationship with Munster...

On the other hand, in Munster's point of view, this is actually a symbol of its transformation from pure "animal" to "human".

Animals, it is going to want to have xxoo on Rand, this is the animal's instinct.

But in the last chapter, he learned restraint and forbearance.

Although it is also very tormented on *, the spirit is satisfied - this is an emotion that only humans have.

For your own love, restrain yourself from the beast

... probably want to write such feelings... um... 2k novel reading network

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