MTL - Mermaid Feeding Rules-Chapter 61

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The glass bottle containing the anesthetic fell to the ground, but no one cared about it now.

"Someone tried to kidnap the merman?"

Boyce looked away from the broken glass on the ground, glanced at Professor Cyril subconsciously, saw a bit of surprise on his face, and then quickly frowned, with a bit of irritability in his eyes, As if something happened beyond his expectations.

The news of someone trying to steal the mermaid soon reached the ears of investors in the upper floors.

Professor Cyril left the laboratory immediately to preside over the overall situation, and now he is the only one left in the minus five floor.

After Professor Cyril left, everyone in the laboratory looked at each other in dismay: "Should the anesthesia continue..."

Matthew put the things back in his hands: "It's still a question of whether the mermaid is still there."

Matthew looked around again and sighed: "Wait here for the news first."

This waited until the afternoon.

After the broadcast sounded, the researchers who were originally accompanying the investors quickly returned to the negative fifth floor. Boyce sat in the laboratory, his ears paying attention to the orders that sounded from time to time on the broadcast.

Around four or five in the afternoon, footsteps sounded outside the laboratory door.

Boyce and the others in the lab subconsciously looked towards the door.

An eye-catching researcher pushed open the closed door, Boyce looked at him, his heart lifted slightly.

Garcia did he successfully leave?

The visitor stopped at the door and saw that everyone in the laboratory was looking at him. He was stunned for a moment before saying, "You can go back first."

Boyce's tensed body relaxed a little, and tried to ask the current situation as naturally as possible.

"Aren't we going to anesthetize the fish now?"

"The mermaid hasn't been found yet."

"He escaped from the institute?" Boyce's tone unconsciously revealed a bit of urgency.

"That shouldn't be the case." The person who notified him scratched his head, "After the last s-19 escaped, the institute has stepped up its efforts to prevent mermaids from leaving the institute."

"There are people guarding outside the institute now, and as long as they appear, they can be recaptured."

However, no trace of the mermaid has been found from the surveillance.

"How many merman were lost?" Another question asked after listening for a while.

"Three..." The face of the person who answered was a little ugly.

Boyce was also a little surprised. If the other party hadn't set off the alarm at that time, the four mermaids in the institute should have been successfully taken away by them.

Except for one mermaid that has not had time to transfer, the other mermaids are not in the pool and have not yet been recovered.

"Which one is the remaining merman?" Boyce asked.


Hearing that it wasn't Garcia who stayed in the pool and couldn't escape, Boyce was slightly relieved, but then he was a little worried about whether he could successfully escape from the institute.

Since the last time s-19 escaped, the Institute's prevention in this regard has increased.

"They may still be in the research institute, you pay attention." Thinking of the last time s-19 killed Beard after escaping from the pool, he couldn't help reminding Boyce and the others, "What's wrong? Remember to report the situation in time.”

After the person who notified him left, Matthew was the first to change his face, and he finally let out his breath after holding it all afternoon.

I have to admit that the investor's behavior of calling everyone who can spare time to greet him brings great convenience to those behind the scenes who steal the mermaid.

"If it wasn't for investors, how would they dare to play four merman at a time..."

They couldn't help but complain a few more words that this investor is useless now. Even the research institute was inserted into so many people, and it was not until now that three mermaids were taken away that this matter was exposed.

Regarding the behavior of investors, people in the research institute are somewhat complaining, especially now, after causing such a big loss.

Among a group of colleagues, Boyce's somewhat calm expression seemed out of place.

The people on the side also noticed this: "Boyce, you don't seem to be very angry?"

"The s-37 was supposed to be sent away today." Boyce lowered his eyes and took off the gloves on his hand. "The mermaids in the other experimental groups have nothing to do with us."

After Boyce's voice fell, the laboratory was quiet for a moment.

Matthew listened to Boyce's words and felt that it really made sense. Several groups in the research institute were in a competitive relationship. After Professor Cyril and the merman in their group were sent away, they really did not look as good as other experiments. Group.

However, now several other groups of mermaids have been stolen, leaving only the s-24.

"When the time comes, you shouldn't refuse to propose to study mermaids together, right?" A researcher suddenly said.

Originally, only Professor Cyril's group experiment was delayed, and now the experiments of the other two groups are also affected by the loss of the mermaid.

"It doesn't really matter." Matthew, who was listening for a while, suddenly laughed.

"The teacher told me a few days ago that a new mermaid will be delivered soon."

"But the new mermaid may not be able to be sent to our group..."

"The investor promised the teacher before." Matthew said, "We sent the s-37, but they had to send the first mermaid they caught to our group."

New mermaid?

"Is there any news already?"

Matthew nodded: "It has been captured, on the way back."

Just because the mermaid was identified before it was caught, the entire negative fifth floor was not notified, but Professor Cyril was informed, and Matthew also learned the news from Professor Cyril.

Boyce listened to Matthew and the others began to discuss the new mermaid. There were some distractions. The research institute caught the news of the new mermaid. Do you want to tell Anthony...

Boyce was the last person to leave the laboratory. After closing the door of the laboratory, he subconsciously looked down at the time.

Usually at this time, Boyce should have just finished dinner, and then brought the food prepared for Garcia to feed him.

But Boyce had just stuffed a lot of bread in the afternoon and didn't want to go to the cafeteria now.

Almost subconsciously, after looking at the time, Boyce's footsteps moved in the direction of Garcia's breeding room.

It wasn't until he took out the access card that Boyce realized that Garcia has now left and is no longer here.

He stood at the door for a while, and finally pushed the door open.

Probably because he was used to Garcia floating on the water and waiting when he opened the door by himself, Boyce was a little unaccustomed to looking at the calm pool water.

Boyce sat on the lifting platform and looked down at the pool not far away.

When he first saw Garcia, he seemed to be quietly staying underwater, as if he knew that Boyce was still afraid of him at that time, so he consciously kept the distance between one man and one man.

At that time, Boyce should not have imagined that he and Garcia would become like this.

He even started thinking about other mermen because of Garcia.

Boyce sat on the lift for more than half an hour, not getting up until the feeling of thirst came from his lips.

He put a hand in his pocket and touched a pair of small earplugs.

It was given to Boyce by Ivey when he first took over Garcia's keeper task, but a few months ago, Ivey had left the institute, and Garcia will leave here today.

And Boyce didn't need them much earlier.

Boyce took out the earplugs from his pocket, glanced at the pool behind him, and threw the pair of earplugs in, making a circle of ripples and quickly calming down.

A relieved smile appeared on Boyce's face, as if speaking to another person, and as if talking to himself: "It's a good thing to leave..."

He took out what was left in his pocket.

There are a few pieces of candy in it. Some time ago, Boyce always grabbed some candy snacks from his colleagues and took them to coax Garcia.

After a long time, colleagues thought Boyce liked it, Boyce couldn't explain it easily, so he could only acquiesce and accepted the candy handed over by his colleagues.

But because Garcia is gone now, Boyce didn't know who to give it to after he took out the candy.

Boyce peeled off the candy wrapper, put the candy in his mouth, and the faint sweetness melted in his mouth.

He remembered that in the past period, Garcia was always keen to share the snacks he got from his hands.

The mermaid put the peeled candy in the palm of his hand and handed it to him: "It's sweet."

Boyce blinked, crumpled the candy wrapper, and put it in his pocket.

"It's really sweet..."