MTL - Midnight Offering: Hades’s Little Pet-Chapter 319 Linin: The Phillips Family

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Biquge, the latest update of the midnight underworld: the latest chapter of the king's heart!

Days passed quickly, and when Anning was about to get used to the presence of Chris, the parting day came.

"You're leaving for Phillips' home tomorrow, take care."

An Ning put down her homework and told Chris that it is really thanks to him these days, otherwise, with her English level, if she wants to keep up with the progress of the textbook, it is really a bit difficult.

"Is there anything you want me to bring?"

Chris didn't seem to take this mission as a dangerous thing, and asked what Ning wanted to bring.

It's like traveling rather than completing a tricky task.

"I have nothing to bring, I just want you to come back safely."

An Ning looked at Chris seriously. He saw the anxiety in An Ning's eyes and smiled and comforted: "Okay, I promise you."

"Be sure to come back safely, I have put the course content for the next few days in this iPad, you remember to make a test paper every day."

She nodded, and her perseverance poured out.

But she still held her temper, and did not show this emotion.

Chris knew that An Ning was in a bad mood, but he didn't say much, and gave her a sweet good night kiss when he left at night.

"wait me back."

An Ning's heart was sour, and somehow, when she felt that this nasty guy was about to leave herself, she couldn't calm down, and even thought of wanting to go with him, entangled in her heart.

This night, she slept very restlessly. She clearly knew that Chris' strength was definitely not simple. In short, she was not a weak exorcist, but from what he has done to her recently, it may be, It wasn't just the Phillips family that bothered him.

Some bad things she didn't know were hidden in the dark.

He was reluctant to tell himself that she was not convenient to ask more, but as his girlfriend, he concealed too many things for himself, all of which were undertaken by him, making An Ning feel a little bit guilty.

"Miss Anning, get up."

Anna used to call her to get up every morning. This weekend passed quickly. In just two days, it passed in a blink of an eye. By Monday, Chris had already taken the early morning flight to the continent where Phillips's home was.

At the dining table in the morning, a familiar figure was missing beside him, so that An Ning was constantly distracted for breakfast.

"Ning? Ning?"

Jenny kept calling for An Ning's name. After a while, she turned back and smiled awkwardly, "I'm sorry."

Henry and Jenny both have experience in this area. Old rivers and lakes, at a glance, you can see why An Ning was distracted, with a gentle smile on his face. Better than my father. "

Wenwen weak?

An Ning almost squirted the milk out of her mouth, her hands shaking with a fork and a knife, she couldn't help vomiting.

Where do they see Chris Wenwen weak? It seems that when he faced his parents, Chris also kept his hands and did not show his true side.

In Anning's words, Chris is a wolf in the appearance of a gentleman, referred to as a gentleman wolf. He is kind to others, but very different to her.

Cunning, black-bellied, a man who is difficult to deal with, likes to tease her every time.

However, he only teased her.

He wasn't weak at all in terms of being able to hold her against his shoulder with one hand, pressing her against the bed, and not being able to move.

And his strong muscles, no matter how you look at it, it is impossible to sideline the word "weak". What a terrible man, he didn't even see his parents like that.

Laura wasn't very skilled with her knife and fork, and saw An Ning's absent-minded look, her mouth choked.

She picked up the buttered bread on her plate and wanted to give peace: "Don't be sad, Chris is not as weak as you think, and he's not the kind of fancy man."

Erin was teased by the words of her sister: "Where did you learn the words? Fancy? I don't remember how the teacher would teach you such words."

Henry and Jenny were surprised by Laura's behavior. This little daughter is the most difficult existence in the family. When she is upset, the whole family has to go around her and possess a strong desire to possess. Reese was such a wife.

Seeing the position of Chris in her heart, both Henry and Jenny were ashamed.

But now she is so kind to An Ning? Give her bread to comfort her?

Jenny looked at Anning with satisfaction. At a glance, she knew that the woman chosen by her son had a good skill. Being able to handle Laura's trick or treat must have her unique personal charm.

Henry finished his breakfast, wiped his mouth with a napkin, glanced at the peace sitting in the jam, and said, "Well, you can go too."


Anning didn't expect Henry to say that, and spoke in surprise.

Jenny agrees with her husband's words: "Yeah, you go with it. Seeing you miss Chris so much, you must want to be with him."

She shook her head: "But I have just started class ..."

"The course or something can be supplemented later, and in your current state, even if you go to the lecture, I'm afraid I can't hear anything."

An Ning lowered her head, and Henry asked Anna to take out a piece from her file bag and hand it over.

"I have already prepared a flight ticket for you, and there are three thousand dollars. Go to him and surprise him."

The actions of the Henrys and the couple shocked An Ning, rather than being shocked, but more moved.

They really are, treating her as part of her own family, including Laura, who had been hostile to herself before. She glanced down at the sliced ​​bread from Laura in her dish, her eyes were a little wet.

"Mr. Henry, I can't collect the money. For air tickets ... I will definitely pay you back the air tickets."

As soon as this word came out, Henry pulled his face aside, and said indifferently, "After that, let's talk about it later. This is a plane this afternoon. Let Jack take you to the airport after breakfast."

An Ning nodded strongly, Irene also smiled and looked at her kindly, while Laura hit the plate with a fork and said, "Help me bring a donut from CindyQueen's house, I don't know what his boss thinks Yes, only one store, I want chocolate and vanilla strawberry flavor! "

After hearing that, Abel followed him and said, "I want the fruit hazelnut, preferably the donut with a toffee filling."

"Laura, Abel, you are really."

Jenny shook her head helplessly.

Anning now understands, Chris used to ask me what I want to bring from here.

Indeed, the missions that the Exorcist Division receives are from every corner of the country, and they often go to other cities to do missions. It is also normal for family members to bring some special products.

"Okay, I won't forget."

An Ning responded with a smile.


Chris is sitting in a somewhat dim room. The room is very British, and some furniture and paintings on the wall can tell the long history of the Phillips family and the financial resources.

A man with dark blond hair is sitting in a wheelchair with a red-printed blanket on his legs, and his entire body has shrunk due to unknown illness.

Arms and legs are like an old man, with wrinkled skin, a gray face, wrinkles, and an oxygen tube in his nose.

Allen looks like this, no one would think he and Chris are the same age, but would think he is an old man over half a century old.

A man with a similar appearance to Allen was standing beside him, his face full of worries, and his eyes were already full of despair.

After traveling all over the country M and seeking medical treatment unsuccessfully, at this moment, he can only treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor. Otherwise, why would he ask the David family for help?

Chris squatted on the ground and watched him. If it weren't for Allen's chest, he would never have been seen as a living person.

He was as thin as a corpse and lifeless.

"His energy and vitality have been sucked away, and now he hangs in his throat with only one breath."

Chris narrowed his eyes and looked around.

In this room, he didn't notice any ghosts. What the **** was sucking in his energy?

"Chris, what the **** is going on, and why did he become like this?" Sean asked nervously, and when he saw Chris' serious expression, he knew that things must not be easy.

Chris looked up and looked at the tower outside the window. There were mottled spots on the gray exterior wall, and a small black hole was close to the top.

"I think I need to take a look in that tower."

As soon as this word came out, Allen reacted immediately, his body began to shake with excitement, as if trying to get up from the chair.


Sean pulled his shoulders aside and stopped letting him move.

Chris narrowed his eyes narrowly, as if he noticed something, and asked, "Mr. Sean, you just told me that Allen often goes to that tower?"

Sean nodded.

"I know where the problem is. I need to go into the tower alone at night."

"This ..." Apparently, Sean was hesitant, as if he didn't want Chris to enter the tower.

"Do you have any concerns?" Chris asked, ignoring Allen, who had exhausted all his strength to protest.

"Allen won't let us in that tower."

Don't let in?

Chris ticked his corner and said, "He can't stop me now, Mr. Sean."

"If you want your son to get better soon, you have to let me go there tonight."

"This is not the time to refuse me, no matter how unwilling Allen is, I have to save his life first."