MTL - Mini World Of Endless Fun Awaits-Chapter 17 "I am the weak"

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Chapter 17 "I'm the Weak"

After I ate noodles and went home, the wonderful heart finally dissipated, and Ren Suo calmed down and understood what just happened.

任 If Ren Suo didn't guess wrong, it should be because of the "key search system". When he is outside, giving him such a heart-warming person should be able to get the key.

Ren Suo is still unclear as to who will generate the keys, but according to the two examples of Mo Zhaolong and Li Dan, he knows that the person who can generate the key is at least better than his ordinary college student who has poor limbs-this This shows that the road of 'armed seizure' basically does not work.

Unless he can get some better rewards in the game.

Therefore Rensuo did not take this matter to heart, but continued to attack the game "If you are strong, you can reach 10,000 meters". After reaching the record point of 2048 meters, Ren Suo found that his speed has increased a lot. Before that, he had risen by 2 meters above sea level in one minute. Now he can rise 2 meters in half a minute.

The premise is that the seeker is always moving.

At this stage, the platform in the picture is not as dense as the two kilometers at the beginning. Ren Suo has tried to die once-he was too hard, the seeker did not jump to the corresponding platform, there was no platform below, and then the seeker It fell directly to the bottom of the screen and was killed directly. It can only be restarted from the recorded point.

On another occasion, Ren Suo controlled the seeker's jump, but this time he jumped his head too hard. When the seeker was about to fly out and fall for a little beyond the reason, the Stickman seeker suddenly turned and seized the platform. the edge of.

Only then did Ren Suo think of it. The female seeker had a setting of "female: a quick response to a crisis", but he watched the Stickman for dozens of hours and long forgot that the character he controlled was female ... ...

道 When the seeker climbed to about 3,000 meters, Ren Suo found a hidden message: as the seeker moved in different directions, some white markers on the altitude bar would turn gray.

When the seeker jumps to the left, the record bar at 5896 meters will turn gray; when the seeker jumps to the right, the record bar at 6853 meters will turn gray.

In other words, there are two forks here: the record point going to the left is completely different from the record point going to the right, and once a road is selected, the record point of the other road cannot be activated unless the record of 2048 meters is returned. point.

Bian Rensuo chose a road casually. When he reached 4000 meters, the speed increased again. If he moved at full speed, the altitude could be increased by 5 meters in one minute.

路程 However, the journey is getting harder and harder, and Ren Suo encountered the 'trap' for the first time.

It was a gray platform with a darker color than the other platforms. When the seeker jumped over, the platform suddenly broke down. Ren Suo subconsciously clicked and took off again, and then the seeker jumped up, just to touch the other one. The edge of a platform survived.

Bian Rensuo took a sigh of relief, and if he fell, he would have played for ten hours ...

Ten hours! ?

Bian Rensuo looked up and found that it was almost early in the morning, and quickly took out his mobile phone and ordered a takeaway to continue playing-anyway, he woke up in the afternoon anyway, and now he is very energetic.

When he reached 4,500 meters, Ren Suo saw the others.

Other stickman.

These stickmen are not moving directly on the platform like seekers, but walking on another road that is not displayed on the screen and walking up at a slow speed.

The seekers crossed with them, but when the seekers crossed with them, the stickmen stopped.

"This is a fully equipped team and they are discussing you."

The game pops up such a strange message.

Bi Rensuo stopped for a while and found that they did not move, so he chose to continue jumping up.

Although the road behind 灰色 also has the trap of the gray platform, it is not particularly difficult to deal with. On the contrary, when he reached 4800 meters, he saw a group of stickman coming from behind, but unlike the previous stickman team, this stickman team was very fast and flew past the seeker.

Bi Rensuo saw that these stickmen seemed to be sitting on a certain vehicle, as if it were a vehicle ...

"Meow meow?" Ren Suo sighed: "Are there any such operations?"

When I was in office, I thought whether I had missed any place. When I didn't get such transportation, the stickman drove back again.

"Need help?" Stickman popped up a dialog box.

Then there is a dialogue option that Ren Suo loves to see:

① "No need."

② "No, thanks."

Uh ...


"What kind of option is this damn!" Ren Suo frantically said, "It means rejection!"

However, Ren Suo found that he did n’t execute the dialog immediately after selecting a dialog option, and he had to press [OK]. At this time, he could choose another dialog option.

So the seeker said, "No need, No, thanks."

The Beacon Stick team is still stopped, but after Ren Suo controls the seekers to move forward, they also leave.

Finally at 4 in the morning, Ren Suo finally controlled the seeker and came to the record point of 5896 meters!

When a record point is reached, Ren Suo wants to accomplish the big goal of a life stage and relax.

Interestingly, the record point of 5896 meters is not the same as that of 2048 meters. The large platform where the record points are located—the platform of the record points spans the entire screen. UU Reading Books www.uukanshu. com will never fall-there are many other stickman.

记录 This recording point has its own unique name: Base Camp.

Those matchsticks seemed to be surprised to see the seekers coming around, and the dialogue bubble constantly appeared, but the dialogue bubble appeared and disappeared quickly, and Ren Suo could not see what it was.

Xi Rensuo lowered his handle and went to bed. He woke up at 11 o'clock the next day, and felt hungry enough to eat himself, and quickly went down to the bowl to cure his stomach. The downstairs saw him and said directly, "Two bowls of burdock deep-fried rice noodle soup, right?"

Bi Rensuo was also a bit surprised how his stomach was so edible recently. Although he has a small house, he is not a fat house, and he has a small appetite. It has doubled recently.

I went home and continued to challenge "If you are strong, you can go up to 10,000 meters." Ren Suo found that on the large platform of the record point of 5,896 meters, those stickmen did not continue to surround the seekers.

After playing for two days, Ren Suo found that this game seems to have a unique magic power. Although the seeker can only jump, he has to pay attention to how hard he jumps and where he jumps.

For example, before Rensuo came to the 5896 meter record point platform, he encountered a broken gray platform on the road that must pass. If he wanted to rise at a safe point, he had to go a little long way to an unknown place on the right, but Rensuo chose Directly challenge the gray platform. When he jumps to the gray platform, he asks the seeker to continue to jump before the platform breaks, reaching the consequences of the second step!

The physical strength slot is almost not enough, but this challenge is really exciting!

Now that he has completed most of his journey, and now he can almost make the altitude rise by one meter every time he jumps, Ren Suo is very excited:

好 "Okay, this game is for today!"