MTL - Minister Family’s Black Belly Woman-Chapter 422 Must go!

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Bu Yonghan returned to the palace, his face has not been very good-looking. Wu Yan quickly greeted: "Princess, are you okay? The old slave made people boil red jujube and red bean porridge, you can use some first."

When Bu Yonghan sat on the bed, he felt better: "Wuhan, call me all the officials in the house. I want to talk."

"Princess, you're not feeling well now, let's talk later."

"Wait? I just got married and my status is a princess of another country. If you can't set rules for them in the first place, who will put me in my eyes in the future?" Bu Yonghan frowned, but felt black. Extraordinarily obstructive.

"Yes." Wu Yan had no choice but to order people to call others, but he was quite disapproved. The right to manage the backyard would sooner or later be a princess. Why not be anxious at this time, not only can not convince the subordinates, but give The second prince left an impression that he was anxious to capture power, and it was almost worthless.

After returning to Baili Jinchuan, he went directly to the study, and frowned slightly after hearing the actions of his subordinate Bao Baoyong Han: "Go with her, don't bother."

In the fifth prince's palace, Baili Junyi helped Shen Ninghua to take a walk. After a quarter of an hour, he sat beside him and rested: "Ninghua, can my daughter be good?"

Shen Ninghua gently lifted her belly: "When I was pregnant, I was very frustrated, but now the child is very honest and usually moves very little." If it was not the diagnosis of the pulse to confirm that the child is healthy, she would be a little worried. This child It's too lazy.

Bai Lijun Yi covered her hand with Shen Ninghua: "Girls are lazy, it's okay, look at Xiaobao, how cute."

Shen Ninghua smiled: "That's how you think she is."

Hongling walked in quickly, her face was a little bad: "Master Wang, miss, Mrs. Xia has an accident."

Shen Ninghua frowned: "What's going on?"

"Slave had sent someone to protect Mrs. Xia. Who knew that she was out of the city not long before, she bumped into a beggar, and then she did n’t know what stimulation she got. She went straight into the forest next to us. It's not even a trace. "

"How is this possible, a living person can disappear in vain?"

Hongling also felt quite ashamed: "I blame the slaves for their carelessness. The people who are sent out are new novices who have just been trained. They haven't dealt with things individually before, so ..."

Shen Ninghua interrupted her: "Now it's useless to say that, is there anything special about that beggar?"

"The slave was already staring. The beggar entered the city, turned seven or eight streets, and then entered a casino."

"A beggar enters the casino?"

"He just pretended to be a beggar, but he was actually a gambler. Someone gave him a silver pair, let him deliberately hit Mrs. Xia, and then gave Mrs. Xia a note. The slave asked what was on the note, but the bet Ghosts are illiterate and cannot say at all. "

Shen Ninghua contemplates: "Xia Jingqiu can be used for nothing more than Yang Yingxue. Yang Yingxue can be implicated, one is Qi Ying, the other is me. Qi Ying is dead, and the Qi family ’s suppression of the Lin family is also obtained. After the victory, most of the Lin family has fallen, and there is almost no breathing space. Xia Jingqiu should not be used, so the real purpose should be to deal with me. "

"Miss, your analysis makes sense, but who has the ability to turn a person out of thin air so that our people can't find the slightest trace?"

Shen Ninghua thought for a while, and was a little unclear: "Many people have this ability. Prince Edward can, second prince can, Bu Yonghan can, and even the fourth prince can't say. Jun Yi, what can you do? "

Bai Lijun's eyes chilled: "We are not sure of our goals, and there are many people who have resentment against us. Now the father and the emperor have trust in us. Everyone else sees us as nails. Do n’t worry about you and me Which one is unlucky, the other one will be implicated. Now I ca n’t determine the goal, and I can only wait for their shot. Ninghua, you can rest assured that I will let someone help find Mrs. Xia, and then let the people in Jiangnan check it. People who have had contact with Yang Lian, etc., rest assured that nothing will happen. "

"Well, I can only do this first."

Originally I thought that the people behind me would definitely make some noise in the next few days, but it was unexpectedly quiet. No matter what happened, whether it was the front or the harem.

Two days later, Baili Qingchang held an autumn hunt to invite all the princes and ministers to participate.

Bai Lijun Yi was a little worried: "Ninghua, now you are in a deep body, you might as well rest in the house."

"Well, when you go to the palace tomorrow, you plead guilty to my father and the emperor, and I won't participate."

But on the second day, Bai Lijun came back down, his face was quite ugly. When Shen Ninghua moved in her heart, she couldn't help asking: "What's wrong, Father Emperor didn't allow me to take leave and not participate in autumn hunting?"

Bai Lijun nodded his head: "Yes, I went to my father today and told you about it, but my father said that you are five months pregnant now. It's time to be stable. You can take a look around this time. At first glance, there is no need to ride a horse during autumn hunting, and then just talk to Qi Guifei. "

Shen Ninghua smiled slightly after listening: "Father Emperor asked me to go and go, he is right, five months of pregnancy can be considered stable, all right."

Baili Junyi did not think so: "Someone must have said something in the ear of Father Huang, otherwise why did he say that you are safe as soon as he spoke? He also told you to talk to Qi Guifei, Qi Guifei now has Serious daughter-in-law, some are accompanied by you, let you go and talk with me, I always feel wrong. "

Doesn't Shen Ninghua feel wrong, it's just that Baili Qingcang gave up, let alone five months, that is, ten months to give birth, and you must go: "Be careful when you get there."

Baili Junyi took her in her arms, and gently rubbed her neck: "Ninghua, am I good or useless?"

Shen Ninghua couldn't help smiling, took his hand and gently placed it on his stomach: "Daughter, please comfort your father soon. Look, he is beginning to doubt himself."

Coincidentally, as soon as Shen Ninghua's words fell, she felt that her belly was kicked, and Bai Lijunyi's arms stiffened, and she almost jumped up after being happy, and carefully supported Shen Ninghua to sit down, hurriedly He ran to her and put her ears on her stomach. "Daughter, good daughter, rest assured, father will protect you and your mother."

In the second prince's house, Bu Yonghan was extremely happy to hear the news of Qiu Hunting. In Dayue Kingdom, her riding and shooting skills are very good. I have the opportunity to show it now, so I can't miss it.

"Uncle, can you say that you will come today?"

"Back to the princess, the prince said he was still sleeping in the study today."

The smile on Bu Yonghan's face disappeared: "Is it in the study again? Is there any news about what I asked you to check?"

"Back to the princess, the old slave asked people to check. Every time the grandfather slept in the study, he didn't ask anyone to wait."

Bu Yonghan held the papa in his hand, looking very gloomy: Three days before the wedding, Bai Lijinchuan must sleep in her room, but he had n’t had the rest of the two days except the cave room on the first night. Touched her. And after three days, he immediately went to the study, never stepped into her room, and sometimes she even asked someone to invite him in person, and he didn't come.

Originally, she thought that Bai Li Jinchuan slept in the study to call someone to wait, but did not expect that after Wu Yan investigated, she found no one.

"Well, are you saying that Lord Wang is tired of me?" Bu Yonghan frowned frantically. Now some people in the government quietly say that she is not liked by Wang Ye, and her wedding is out of favor, although she severely punished the root of the tongue. Minions, but they don't say in their mouths, they don't know what to think!

Wu Yan didn't feel that serious: "Princess, the most important thing now is to stay calm. Regardless of whether the prince is coming to the main court to rest, you are the princess of Germany and the master of the backyard minions. The more you want to be more stable at this time, Just stay. "

"I understand this, but I feel uncomfortable in my heart ..." Bu Yonghan narrowed his eyes slightly. "Wuhan, do you say there is someone else in Wang's heart?"

"This ... the old slave also said badly."

Bu Yonghan froze the corners of his lips slightly, and the dangerous light in his eyes flashed: "No matter who he has in his heart, there must be me in the future! I will make him fall in love with me like a mother-in-law treats her father Like Huang, he held his heart tightly, let him continue to advance, and finally stood at the highest position, wearing a gorgeous phoenix crown on my head! "

Wu Yan could not help but persuade: "Princess, things can't be anxious, especially the health of the emperor of Da'anguo now, and the control of the chapel is also very strong. Things need to come step by step. There is hope for the most important thing. The thing is, you have to seize Wang ’s heart so that he wo n’t be honored until he stands there. "

Otherwise, I am afraid that the glory will be easily stolen. Moreover, the identity of the princess determines that she is going to be more careful and difficult than the queen maiden. I really do n’t know if the princess has the patience. Before, but I have been with the emperor for more than 20 years ...

"I see, rest assured, I know what to do." Bu Yonghan said with firm eyes and vowed.

After a few days of preparation, Bai Li Qing Cang took everyone out of Kyoto with a mighty spirit.

Shen Ninghua was sitting on the carriage with Hong Ling and Xia Rouqin beside her. She was left in Kyoto to take care of her boss and Xiaobao.

There were thick mattresses in the carriage, and the walls were covered with cotton, which was especially soft. Shen Ninghua leaned on the pillow and looked out through the gaps in the window. Occasionally, she could see trees flashing from time to time.

When it was time to rest at noon, Shen Ninghua had the opportunity to get out of the carriage. Hongling and Rouqin carefully guarded her activities. She stayed in the carriage for a long time and was very bored.

Bu Yonghan wore a red riding outfit. The neat and simple design added a little brilliance to her. The clothes were very well tailored. She outlined her full **** and slender waist with a hot red color. Eye-catching.