MTL - Modify Super God-Chapter 864 The Magical Girl and the Fallen Witch turned out to be...

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The situation is getting more and more troublesome!

It's not because the magical girl who calls herself Julia has been winking at Sui Yu like she has Stockholm Syndrome since she was defeated.

And while posing in a variety of moody poses, he said, "Gu, kill me!"

This Elena is so angry that she really wants to manipulate the already armed mecha with a swipe to kill this guy whose image is very incompatible with the image of the magical girl in the story!

However, Sui Yu's real headache at this time is because of the information he just heard from Julia!

According to Julia, as long as she transforms into a magical girl recently, she will receive strange broadcasts like wearing radio headphones.

The "broadcast" kept telling her that if you want to gain more power, you must destroy more evil, and the definition of evil is no longer limited to the fallen witch, but various important facilities nearby!

Especially military facilities, you can get various rewards by destroying them a little!

The reason is that human facilities have seriously damaged nature, and now nature wants to take revenge on humans with the help of magical girls!

Everything for nature? !

This sounds so familiar!

It seems that a hundred years ago, the predecessor of the U.S.-imperial alliance liked to interfere in other countries' internal affairs under the banner of "freedom" and "human rights".

Folks also follow suit, claiming that they want to eat artificial meat for the sake of environmental protection, without considering that the damage to the environment caused by the factories that make artificial meat far exceeds the damage caused by natural breeding animals to nature.

In short, there is nothing to worry about if you want to add guilt, regardless of whether you believe it or not, anyway, I am advocating this truth!

As for the less support?

Less is right!

These days, it is easy to follow the trend, but it also loses its own personality. For young people, showing oneself is the greatest meaning of life! A maverick is cool!

The "truth" that a few people believe in will not only give young people a strange sense of superiority that "everyone is drunk and I am alone", but at the same time, in order to resist the criticism of the public, the minority newspaper group can also increase each other's friendship and strengthen their respective belief.

Combined with the "enemy of the whole world" it sounds really cool!

So it's really easy to use this mentality to drive young people to death in various ways!

No, isn't the girl Julia driven by success? !

And the real trouble is that the people behind the scenes driving Julia aren't just talking.

Modern people are actually very savvy, and with the development of society, all walks of life are very serious.

"The Age of Rebirth"

If you want to shout a few slogans, turn around other people's tricks and then hide behind yourself and enjoy the success, this kind of thing has been difficult to achieve with the joint efforts of a large group of modern MLMs, fraud gangs and keyboard warriors.

There is no benefit, no matter how good it is, it is useless!

But the magical girl can actually get the benefits when she completes the task!

This is very pitiful!

It is conceivable that the magical girl who was only destroying the city in the battle with the fallen witch before may become a complete enemy in the future!

Sui Yu already felt a little stomachache when he thought that these guys in the rebellious period would join the enemy side!

Hurry up and report the latest information just obtained to Lin Yuxin, and then let Lin Yuxin report it to whomever she likes.

And when Lin Yuxin heard Sui Yu's report, she immediately pinched her chin and sighed, "So that's what happened, no wonder..."

"No wonder what?!"

Hearing Sui Yu's questioning, Lin Yuxin passed a few short videos to Sui Yu. In the videos, magical girls and fallen witches all over the place were attacking various important facilities!

Even a military base of the alliance was besieged by a group of magical girls and fallen witches!

Yes, the Magical Girl and the Fallen Witch, who had been mortal enemies before, actually joined forces!

and many more!

Sui Yu suddenly had a very bold guess: "In other words, the magic girl and the fallen witch are not the same behind the scenes, right?!"

Although the manifestations of power seem to be very different, the magical girl's cute style attack looks very beautiful and beautiful.

The fallen witch is evil, although the attack is not gorgeous, but it is also full of the beauty of killing and violence!

However, in the eyes of Sui Yu, a magic expert, whether it is a magical girl or a fallen witch, the essence of magic is exactly the same!

Relying on extreme emotions to guide and control magic power to carry out various attacks, wearing various magic dresses that are obviously embodied by magic power, and all have the same effect of information disturbance ability, people can't recognize the real body after transformation!

Plus the two seem to appear at the same time!

No matter how you look at it, they are two sides of the same root and the same source!

"Why didn't I notice this before?!"

Hearing Sui Yu's self-blame, Lin Yuxin on the opposite side of the screen squeezed her chin and nodded slightly and followed the analysis: "So, before the magical girl and the fallen witch were hostile..."

Sui Yu exclaimed: "The most fundamental purpose is to train troops?!"

If you want to use any power well, you need to exercise a wealth of experience.

Especially the combat experience, the experience of working behind closed doors is completely different from the experience of killing a mountain of corpses and blood!

So the purpose of the previous mastermind who deliberately created magical girls and fallen witches is very obvious!

It is obvious that he intends to let the magical girl and the fallen witch fight each other like a gu, and then the strong who survive can better accept the purpose of the black hand behind the scenes and carry out the task of destroying the alliance!

"And when the two sides fight, it will definitely cause great damage to the surrounding cities and residents!"

Lin Yuxin's analysis along this line of thinking is really shocking: "And once the magical girl and the fallen witch kill someone, then there is no turning back for them!"

"As long as the mastermind threatens to withdraw his power and expose their true identity, then there is no need to use the reward to attract, these magical girls and fallen witches have to perform the task of the mastermind!"

"Hey!" Sui Yu sucked in a breath of cold air!

Magical Girls and Fallen Witch have been around for almost a year.

From the very beginning, the small fight was suppressed by the alliance, and now everyone knows it.

I didn't expect that this behind-the-scenes mastermind had started the layout so long ago!

Especially considering the magic power needed to "create" a magical girl, Sui Yu even had reason to doubt it.

As soon as the Heaven and Earth Variation began, the mastermind behind the scenes may have begun to make arrangements!

"Then what to do now?! And my family..."

Hearing Yue Yeshan's worried inquiry, Lin Yuxin smiled and comforted: "The people have already completed their The Yue Group has been given priority protection according to the agreement with you before, so you don't have to worry about the rear."

Although it sounds very unfair, the priority to protect the worries of frontline soldiers is a major event related to the entire war situation!

Those who can work more and get more, this is the real fair!

Therefore, now Sui Yu and Fujiwara Ai's families have actually received the key protection of the alliance.

Sui Yu has to be more natural, and the difficulty factor is far higher than others.

After hearing Lin Yuxin's answer, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Then Lin Yuxin looked at the phone and suddenly said to the screen: "The situation has changed, the previous combat mission has been cancelled, and now your mission is to go to the nearest military base for support!"

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