MTL - Modify Super God-Chapter 866 Does this also involve absorbing evolution? !

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"Damn ah ah ah ah!"

Just when the fallen witch who used a pair of metal claws was killed, a magical girl in the sky was furious at this moment: "My old enemy can only be defeated by me!"

"Go to hell!"

As the magical girl wearing the black and red Gothic Lolita costume roared with trembling hearts, the machine guns scattered on the ground seemed to be held up by an invisible force and circled around the magical girl.

With both hands open, the machine guns floating around the magical girl were instantly dyed with red magic light by the magical girl.

follow closely…

Reach out to the ground, and the surrounding machine guns fire instantly!

da da da da da...

boom boom boom boom...

Every bullet is like a small howitzer at this time, and it will explode violently wherever it hits!

In a blink of an eye, the soldiers who rushed out without fear of death fell into continuous explosions, and they were half-crippled if they didn't die!

Right at this moment...



Accompanied by a dull bang in the air, the magical girl who was operating countless machine guns bombarded and looked down at her chest with a bewildered expression.

There, a big bright red hole suddenly started to spray a lot of blood outwards!

Looking up, the magical girl saw her murdered enemy clearly at the last moment.

That is the black military division who is wearing a black hero uniform and holding a sniper rifle and is falling from the sky!

As soon as her body fell to the ground, this magical girl who neglected to defend her ultimate move was filled with hatred!

Are Magical Girls and Fallen Witch stronger? !



Very strong!

Not even normal bullets and fragments of bombs can damage it.

However, the scientists of the alliance and talents from all walks of life are not dead!

Technology is always improving.

With a solid technical foundation, and the entire alliance is willing to cooperate with the government, there are many magical girls and fallen witches, and there are also arrested criminal magical girls and fallen witches as experiments. The experimental data is as much as possible. .

Therefore, even if the comprehensive strength of individual soldiers may not be comparable to magical girls and fallen witches, the newly produced weapons are already capable of killing them!

Just like the sniper rifle in Xiao Hei's hand, its special bullets can easily penetrate the magical shields created by magical dresses on magical girls and fallen witches.

It's not easy to kill these guys who are used to bombarding with high magic power and resisting technological weapons with the help of their magic shields!


On the other side, the magical girl who just destroyed a fighter plane that was too late to take off looked up subconsciously, and then saw a mecha falling fast!

He raised the magic wand with pink hearts at the tip in his hand, followed by the pink hearts and shot at the attacking mecha!

However, this seemingly bulky mecha is surprisingly flexible.

Dodging left and right, the pink hearts were basically shot into the air.

And the pink red heart shot in the air exploded in mid-air, forming a very beautiful heart-shaped fireworks.

However, behind this beauty is a powerful magic turbulence!

A fighter jet that came to support just wiped the edge, and the entire fighter jet twisted and exploded in the air!

bang bang bang bang...

Dodging a few pink hearts, Elena immediately controlled the mecha and fired back!

The huge bullet chased behind the magical girl and quickly drove the magical girl to a corner!

At the moment of crisis, the opponent waved his staff, and instantly a magic shield in the shape of a pink red heart was blocked in front of the magical girl.


The mecha bullet hit, and the heart-shaped magic shield shattered like glass in an instant!

This is an interference bomb, and ordinary magic shields can't stop it!


! "

With a scream, the magical girl who subconsciously wanted to block the enemy's attack like before, and then instantly changed her trajectory to fight back, was blinded on the spot.

Things were completely different from what she had imagined, which made her panic in an instant!

On the battlefield, a moment of distraction can decide life and death!


The huge bullet hit the magical girl, and then the "bullet" that hit the magical girl exploded!

Although it is a bullet fired by an assault rifle mounted on a mecha, this thing is actually a cannonball!


! "

On the other side, a fallen witch holding a huge long sword destroyed a building that looked like an office building.

Looking up, she followed her and focused on the enemy in the blue hero suit who was landing in the sky!

With a flash of magic, the fallen witch holding a giant sword soared into the sky, and instantly rushed in front of the blue hero, Sui Yu!

Hold the sword in both hands and go from top to bottom!



In an instant, Sui Yu, who had an almost giant sword, raised his sword to block!

Accompanied by a strong spark and a harsh friction sound, the two of them flew backwards and backwards one after another by the shock force.

When the Fallen Witch flew upside down, she circled to easily dissolve the impact and rushed towards Sui Yu quickly!

On the other hand, Sui Yu volleyed into the air to instantly build a magic shield under his feet, and then stepped on the magic shield, followed by Sui Yu, who stopped flying backwards, clenched his giant sword and rushed towards the fallen witch!

At this time, the sword tips of both sides are aimed at each other, and it depends on who stabs who first!



With a muffled sound, the Fallen Witch's lower abdomen was pierced by the tip of the sword, while the Fallen Witch's giant sword was slid away by the heroic suit on Sui Yu!

"Fighting hard, right?" Sui Yu said in her ear as he passed by the fallen witch: "It's a pity that my equipment is better!"

With the help of jet magic, Sui Yu volleyed into the air and slashed horizontally with one sword!



The fallen witch's corpse that was cut off in the middle just sprayed blood and fell to the ground!

Rumble boom!

At this moment, the huge plants suddenly broke through the hard concrete ground and began to wreak havoc in the base, while the magical girl holding a longbow on the other side started to play kite flow with powerful aerial maneuvers.


At this moment, another fallen witch suddenly became bigger and turned into a giant in a blink of an eye, and then this huge fallen witch began to beat and kick to destroy various facilities in the base!

"Hey, if it gets bigger, it will disappear under your skirt!"

Sui Yu could not help reminding him, but he also felt that the situation was not good!

Feel carefully...

Alas, the power of the dead magical girls and fallen witches was instantly absorbed by other magical girls and fallen witches!

Therefore, the surviving magical girls and fallen witches not only learned more battle experience from previous battles, but also gained more powerful power!

"Get rid of all the magical girls and fallen witches! Never let anyone go!"

If the enemy is let go, there will be an ultimate existence that absorbs the power of all the magical girls and fallen witches present!

If the other party absorbs the experience of this failure, UU reading plus the power of skyrocketing...

Just thinking about it makes me shudder!

Even if the absorption power is not 100% but has a huge loss, it is already very terrifying to be able to evolve and upgrade by absorbing the power released by other magical girls and fallen witches when they die!

So Sui Yu resolutely ordered to annihilate all magical girls and fallen witches as soon as possible, and followed him with a giant sword and rushed towards the giant fallen witch who was not afraid of going out!

Upon hearing Sui Yu's order, Xiao Hei immediately shot and shot each other with the longbow magical girl who played with the kite stream!

As for the mecha driven by Elena, it suddenly fell into the raging vines below, and then was immediately wrapped up by the vines!

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