MTL - Modify Super God-Chapter 897 Emergency support!

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Fall in love with, modify super god

Seeing that the commander took over the task of blocking intelligence, Sui Yu was slightly relieved.

Sui Yu still recognized the abilities of the professionals of the alliance.

Of course, if it really doesn't work, it's a big deal to tell your parents.

Although this will make parents worry about themselves, if there is another unexpected situation next time, at least they can accept the protection of the alliance aboveboard.

Agent inaction like last time can also be avoided.

After all, if you can accept protection openly, you don't need to reduce the number of people to act secretly.

As for allowing one's own parents to enjoy the privilege, will it cause other people's dissatisfaction?

I am very sure of that!

It is human nature to not suffer from widowhood but to suffer from inequity, and it is unavoidable!

At this time, you just need to enjoy your privileges calmly!

After all, Sui Yu was born and died for the alliance, so that he and his family could have a better life!

Now is the era of the Alliance, and we have long since stopped talking about selfless devotion to make heroes bleed and cry!

Why can't I enjoy the privilege that I gave up in exchange for my life? !

Just when Sui Yu was comforting himself, a communication suddenly came.

I took out my phone and saw that it was Lin Yuxin...

In an instant, Sui Yu felt that Yahuazi was in pain.

You don't need to think about it, Lin Yuxin must have trouble calling at this time!

Sure enough, after picking up the phone, Lin Yuxin asked anxiously, "Sui Yu, I heard that the matter on your side has been resolved?"

"Your news is so fast, you're not staring at me all the time, right?!" Sui Yu couldn't help complaining: "Lin Yuxin, when did you become a black-hearted boss? I can't wait for the employees to use the monitor to watch when they go to the toilet?!"

"No!" Lin Yuxin quickly explained: "Because the Xiaoling password I gave you was just accessed by someone, and then they asked the reason and reported it to me, only then did I know that your troubles have been resolved. "

"Well, it's quite troublesome!"

Sui Yu walked a little farther and whispered that the Witch of Despair might be a traveler from another world, and at the same time told Lin Yuxin the speculation that "magic girls and fallen witches were born because of the power transmitted by the witch from another world".

Now more and more facts have proved that the Black Knights came from another world, so Sui Yu reminded Lin Yuxin to urge the alliance to act quickly.

"Of course I know this, but the cooperation with the Black Knights seems to many high-level leaders to be completely scheming with tigers, and trying to take the initiative is the foundation of the alliance!"

"After all, the reason why the three major alliances were established was to deal with the current great changes in the world!"

"Eh? Was the alliance originally formed to deal with the great changes in the world?!"

Only at this time did Sui Yu know the reason for the formation of the three major alliances.

He had always thought it was to check and balance each other.

"Don't underestimate the scientists on our planet." Lin Yuxin also realized that Sui Yu didn't know the truth about the three alliances, so he quickly explained: "As early as the beginning of the great changes in the world, many scientists discovered the magic element. sudden appearance."

"Then after a bit of research, I found that magical elements will perform some supernatural transformations on human cells, allowing humans and all kinds of life to master abilities!"

"So in order to cope with the strong impact of the great changes in the world on the original social structure, various countries decided to form a group to warm up, and finally formed three major alliances!"

"It turns out that I have been taught and taught."

"No!" Lin Yuxin suddenly realized that this was not the time for popular science, so she quickly said, "I contacted you to support our base near J City as soon as possible!"

"The enemy's attack is not random, it is premeditated!"

"The Witch of Despair is estimated that the main purpose is to use a large number of summoned creatures to attack the residential area to attract nearby garrison support."

"Then another team attacked our army base! Then after the base was destroyed, they joined forces with the Witch of Despair to besiege the soldiers we sent to support J City! As long as the enemy's victory in this battle is good enough, it is possible to contain me. One-tenth of Fang's troops on the front line! Damn, I really don't know how the Black Knights know the location of the base, in short, we have been transferred from the mountain!"

Feeling that the wound just healed was still tingling, Sui Yu couldn't help complaining: "Can't we let other troops support? There are so many heroic teams? It's too much for the second consecutive battle!"

"I also want to mobilize other troops to support!" Lin Yuxin's voice was very sad: "But this time the enemy has been broken into pieces and sent elites to sneak into the hinterland of the alliance. !"

[To tell the truth, recently I have been using Wild Fruit to read and read books to keep up with updates, switch sources, and read aloud tones, which can be used by Android and Apple. 】

"It's really powerless to want to deploy military power!"

Hearing that the situation was so serious, Sui Yu sighed and grunted, "It's really troublesome!"

Indeed, this kind of operation of dispatching masters to infiltrate the attack is really despicable!

It is estimated that even the black military division is difficult to deal with!

"Okay, I'm going to support, but I ask Xiao Hei to participate in the planning!"

That black military division is especially good at cheating people, and he must be a good player in defending against enemy cheating people.

Now the situation is very complicated. Since the enemy may have set up a big game, if you follow the other party's wishes to support everywhere, it is very likely that the enemy will play around and fall into the enemy's trap!

Therefore, in this regard, Xiao Hei, a master of breaking the game, is required!

"Okay, I will contact the authorization, and soon all kinds of information will be passed on to the famous black military division, look forward to his active performance!"

After a few quick arrangements, the armed helicopter had already flown over Sui Yu.

Then Sui Yu hurriedly comforted Xiaoling and asked her to stay here to protect the school, lest that witch of despair turn her carbine back.

Then Sui Yu quickly put on the blue hero suit, then hugged Yue Yeshan and Fujiwara Ai from left to right and soared into the sky in an instant!

"Wow! Xiaoling, your father is amazing, he actually hugs from left to right?! Could this be the legendary blessing of Qi people?!" This was the subconscious exclamation of Zhang Ying's child, and it reached Sui Yu's ears. Forget about Sui Yu's embarrassment!

Please, UU reading I am trying to kill my sister in my arms. I really have to do it and it is definitely not a left and right hug? ! It's not even a blessing for Qi people!

The moment he entered the helicopter cabin, the helicopter quickly drove towards a military base near J City.

Condescendingly, Sui Yu looked at the devastated city below and couldn't help clenching his fists.

Destruction is easy and construction is difficult. We have just experienced the ravages of giant wolves, followed by a large number of zombies and ghouls, causing great damage to the surrounding area!

With strong hearing, Sui Yu could hear cries from below from time to time.

Zero casualties refers to school-wide.

Outside the school, in fact, those monsters killed a lot of people, and even the Alliance soldiers killed and injured a lot of people!

Also, the war is so cruel, it is not as beautiful as it is described in the brainless cool article!


boom! boom!

Flying out of the city, within the range of entering a mountain, the various explosions became more and more clear.

Then, after approaching, Sui Yu saw a group of puppets in black using various magics to start a fierce battle with the soldiers guarding the base from the helicopter!

Whoosh whoosh!

The missile was fired, but the volley was destroyed by various long-range magic!

The tank roared, but the flying shells were either blocked by the sudden rise of the magic shield, or the puppets near the impact point evaded in time and exploded a loneliness.

Seeing the movements of these dolls, Sui Yu's heart sank.

It looks like the Black Knights have upgraded the puppet army again!