MTL - Monster Factory-v2 Chapter 1461 : Director, you are not right

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On the phone, the owner of the Shuangyanshan Mine was annoyed to complain about the quality of the Titan I.

He also said that the technician Huang Chen couldn't solve it at all. You have to send two more technicians and you have to bring a set of the Titan I type full set of boom accessories including the boom cylinder.

The wiring staff can only patiently give the owner of the Shuangyanshan Mine the warranty parts and maintenance items for the Titan I products.

A full set of boom accessories including boom cylinders is obviously not within the scope of these two services.

The full set of boom accessories weighs more than three tons and is worth more than 80,000.

You broke it due to improper operation, how can you give you a free warranty?

The owner of the Shuangyanshan mine directly played a rogue, yelling on the phone that I don't care, anyway, his employee was injured because of the damage to the Titan I boom.

If the Xiaozhou after-sales and maintenance station is not responsible, he will complain to the branch and headquarters.

The staff could only calm down while contacting Huang Chen to inquire about the situation on the scene.

Huang Chen only sent a few greasy boom parts and then stopped. He said that he was busy repairing it now, and his hands were all greasy and it was not easy to use his cell phone to send messages.

The signal here is not good, only the fixed line can work, and the mobile phone can't make calls.

And the people from the mine were just watching, and he couldn't say much.

But the problem is not big. The mine boss is making a fuss and showing it to the injured employee.

It is estimated that in the evening, he will be able to fix the fault, and there is no need to send employees over to the site.

Several colleagues in the maintenance department breathed a sigh of relief.

Huang Chen is the technician who is the most proficient in the problem of Titan Type I faults in the station. If he can't solve the problem, it will be useless to send more technicians to the station.

After pacifying the owner of the Shuangyanshan mine, the problem was solved, and the supervisor Zheng Songli was no longer anxious.

But what happened in the afternoon made the supervisor anxious again.

They couldn't reach the branch.

The Xiaozhou Station and the branch are mainly related to some business and work communication. For example, the Xiaozhou Station receives product maintenance work and needs to replace product parts.

However, the sales station is only a city-level station, and many stock parts need to be reported to the branch for the branch to transfer.

Some users also like to order products in the product exhibition area of ​​the maintenance station, which also needs to be allocated through branches.

This transfer is handled automatically by the system. This business is no problem, and the website is uploaded to the branch, and the branch system will respond immediately.

The problem is that no employees at the branch answered.

The site and the branch will also communicate on the content of the work. For example, some materials are reported, and the employees of the branch are required to give feedback.

Employees at the branch office often forward some documents from the headquarters, but from 3 pm onwards, the branch employees have lost contact.

There was no response whether it was sent through the internal network or made a branch phone call.

At first they thought it was a communication problem at Xiaozhou Station, but after consulting several nearby city stations, they quickly replied that the branch could not be contacted either.

There is a blackout in the branch?

Or did an excavator break the communication optical cable near the branch?

still is…

The weird atmosphere started when an employee suddenly recovered, saying that if there was a power outage or an optical cable disconnection, they would transfer goods from the branch through the system, and they would not get any response.

But now the system network is clearly normal. After submitting the application, the system immediately indicated that it was approved.

Just when the employees started to worry and kept inquiring about the news.

The supervisor Zheng Songli was anxious again.

He started to call constantly, and he asked employees who had acquaintances with the branch to help contact him.

As a result, none of them could be contacted, whether it was a work phone or a personal phone.

This time, the supervisor Zheng Songli was not only anxious, but could not sit still.

He walked around in the office, and came to the staff office from time to time, asking if he had contacted the branch?

After learning that the contact had not yet been established, the supervisor Zheng Songli actually had the idea of ​​going to the branch to see the situation.

Originally it was nothing. The supervisor had to go to the branch meeting every other day due to work reasons.

But this time the supervisor unexpectedly asked him to prepare a backpack for him. Hearing from the employees who handed it out, the supervisor seemed to be rushing to pack the personal belongings in the office, giving people a feeling of traveling far away.

Even if the branch is abnormal, how come the supervisor is also abnormal?

They don't have the right to interfere with the supervisor's behavior, they can only put their doubts in their hearts.

However, when the supervisor finished packing his personal belongings and continued to hesitate in the office whether to set off, there was a sudden movement from the parking area of ​​the site.

The employee parking area is behind the office building, and all the details of the parking lot can be clearly seen through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows.

Employees at the site saw seven black lightning vehicles driving neatly and quickly into the parking area, and the unmanned electronic fence in the parking area rose automatically. These lightning vehicles were obviously unregistered foreign license plates.

Foreign license?

The seven black lightning vehicles with Jiangnan license plates brought a strange feeling to the employees in Xiaozhou Station.

An employee hurried down to ask the team for coming, but only the doors of two cars opened.

One is the front door, and the other is a lightning car with a body in the middle, which is obviously longer than a normal lightning car.

Two serious-faced men in overalls walked down from the first car.

In the middle of the car came down a beautiful girl who resembled a comic strip, with eye-catching silver-gray fluffy short hair, shining with youthful gleam in the sun.


The employees who ran over were stunned. Their first reaction was that this beautiful girl was so familiar.

After a few seconds, they realized that this was Yun Shi.

Even the grass-roots staff are no strangers to the image of several senior staff in the headquarters.

After all, these high-level figures often appear in the video conference materials from the headquarters.

The silver-gray hair, the assistant to the president Yun Shi, who looks a few years younger than them, has become the most beautiful fantasy in the hearts of many young male employees.

A middle-aged man wearing a badge from the Legal Department stepped forward and asked the employees who were standing in a daze, "Where is Director Zheng Songli?"

"In... the supervisor's office upstairs."

"Please take us there."

"Good... good." Several employees nodded in a daze, their thinking has become chaotic, unable to think independently.

A group of people was about to walk to the office building, but someone with sharp eyes saw a figure carrying a backpack in the distance, flashing past the edge of the office building.

"That person is the supervisor." The sharp-eyed employee pointed to the distance and said: "When we couldn't contact the branch in the afternoon, something was wrong with the supervisor."

"Not long ago, the supervisor was still packing personal belongings in the office, and seemed to plan to go out."

Before he could speak, the young man standing next to the staff at the headquarters of the Legal Department suddenly rushed over.

Several employees on the site were taken aback. Is it possible that this young man wearing a work badge from the security department has practiced sprinting?

Two minutes later, the young man returned.

The supervisor also came with him, but the majestic supervisor in his usual day had become very embarrassed.

He seemed to have just been thrown to the ground, his clothes and trousers were stained with dust, the holographic glasses also fell off, and he was held by the collar like a quail.