MTL - Monster Hunt: Notes From a Hunter-Chapter 14 The target is Blue Velociraptor

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  Chapter 14 The target is the blue velociraptor

  Gordon noticed that although the uncle tried his best to keep a straight face, he tried to put on a calm expression of "this thing is just a small thing to me".

  But the complacency from the corner of the mouth, even the extremely lush beard can't stop it.

With the mentality of giving it a try, Gordon stepped forward, came to the long table, held the hilt of the Explosive Knife with both hands, raised it with a soft drink, and at the same time pressed his body back slightly, tensing up, making a standard move. The big sword is ready for battle.

   "Hmph! That's not how this murder weapon is used!"

  The face of the blacksmith shop owner finally couldn't hold back anymore. He walked towards Gordon quickly, snatched the explosive knife in the latter's hand, and shook the arm holding the sword lightly.

   "Clang!" a metallic clank.

  Five gleaming hooked sickle-shaped sharp blades pop out from the smooth blade of the Explosive Knife, and together with the huge hook claw at the tip of the blade, they form the unique blade of the Explosive Knife.

   "This is the real posture of the Explosive Knife!" the blacksmith shop owner proudly said.

   "Don't underestimate these shiny little things. Their sharpness is beyond your imagination. Do you know why the Explosive Knife is designed so that the claw can be retracted into the blade?

  It is to prevent the hunter from carrying it behind his back, these small claws will tear the user's flesh and armor together! "

  Gordon took the Explosive Knife from the blacksmith owner with a look of surprise on his face. After observing it carefully for a while, he asked, "Then how do I take back these blades?"

   "As long as the back of the sword is facing down and the blade is facing upwards, that is to say, make the movement of retracting the big sword on the back, and at the same time shake the lower hilt, the mechanism in the sword body will automatically retract the blade."

  Gordon experimented according to the method the blacksmith shop owner said.

   Sure enough, with another metal sound, the metal blades that were easily reminiscent of monster claws were withdrawn from the sword body and hidden.

   "Hey, you can enjoy the beauty of the monster's scales and flesh flying under her sharp claws." The blacksmith shop owner grinned wide, revealing a mouthful of white teeth.

   "I can't wait!"

  After hastily saying goodbye to the blacksmith owner, Gordon couldn't wait to take the blaster and rushed to the training ground, wanting to experience the wonderful feeling of wielding this great sword as soon as possible.

  In the training ground, the instructor seems to have been waiting for a while.

  The burly middle-aged man patted a wooden stake wrapped in waste leather beside him, which was as thick as an adult man's thigh, and said narrowly:

   "I knew that you kid would rush to try it out as soon as you got a new weapon. I prepared all the targets for you. Come and experience the power of heavy weapons!"

  Gordon smiled, didn't say much, and directly raised the explosive knife in his hand.

  The steel clattered, and the metal claws popped out of the blade. Gordon exhaled softly, adjusted his breath, and shouted.


  The muscles of the whole body are tense, and the footsteps are staggered to drive the waist and upper body to rotate. The muscles and tendons of the whole body are like fully stretched bowstrings, gathering every bit of strength on the explosive knife, and then bursting out instantly.

  The sharp hooks sliced ​​through the leather-wrapped solid stakes with ease, but that was only the beginning.

  As the power continued to be input along the handle of the knife, superimposed on the huge inertia of the Explosive Knife itself, amidst a tooth-piercing tearing sound, the one-person-high wooden stake target was easily swung into two sections.

  Countless pieces of leather and wood scattered in all directions, making the training ground a mess.

  Although he was prepared in his heart, the power of the explosive knife still far exceeded Gordon's expectations.

   If you use a hunter's knife and swing it with enough force, you should be able to cut the leather on the stake with one blow, right? But that is also the limit.

  The slash of the Explosive Knife is not just as simple as "cutting" or "cutting", but "tearing".

   It can be predicted that the next second after those metal claws are inserted into the monster's body, their scales and flesh and blood will be torn into pieces in an instant.

   This is the attack method of the big sword, brutal and direct.

   "Not bad."

  The instructor crossed his arms and said jokingly: "Now that the new weapon is in hand and the basic training of the big sword has been completed, shouldn't it be time to accept a task and practice it?"

   Gordon put the explosive knife on the ground.

   "I wish I could!"


   Crusade mission: The pacifier of the forest (★)

  Mission Content: Defeat 10 Blue Velociraptors

  Remuneration: 2000z

  Mission location: West Xiulet area

  Limited time: 10 days

  The blue velociraptors are everywhere in Xixiu Letsen Hill, and the herbivorous dragons and spirit deer are almost eaten up. Please wipe out some of them and reduce their number!


  The entrustment is received from the village chief.

  According to the instructors, in big cities like Minagarde and Dongdorma, there will be special hunter gathering places, which not only provide intermediary, accommodation, catering and other services.

   There is also a cute Kanban lady!

  In comparison, the dry and always confused village head old man is really boring.

  Put the parchment that recorded the mission entrustment into the hunter's notebook, Gordon is going to go home first, and set off immediately when he is ready.

   Said it was preparation, but in fact it was just going back and putting on the armor. As for hunting props, Gordon, who almost went bankrupt in order to make a burst knife, didn't bring anything.

  Anyway, in the camp of the hunting ground, there will be supplies prepared by the Hunter Guild.

   It’s not about hunting some dangerous large monsters. Those things are enough.

  Compared to Gordon's excitement, the pork chop seemed a little nervous.

   This is the first mission since it became a hunting cat, and the target is still the most troublesome group of blue velociraptors in the Elu tribe.

  The so-called blue velociraptor is not a powerful monster, but a small carnivorous dinosaur with a spine height of about 150 cm. Its individual strength is even worse than that of a big wild boar, and it can be regarded as the lowest level of predators.

   Not to mention Gordon who has changed to the Explosive Knife, even he who used to hold the Hunter Knife would not take it too seriously.

  However, for the wild Ellu tribe, these cunning, ferocious, and teamwork guys are more threatening than those large monsters.

  Almost every year, Ai Lu was injured or even died in their mouths.

  Seeing the uneasiness of the pork chop, Gordon patted its nutshell helmet.

   "Don't worry, they are just bullying guys. After entering the hunting ground, your main task is to help me guard my surroundings. I will deal with those 'Senqiu villains'!"

Pig Chop grasped the cat pick with both hands, and shook his head vigorously: "I will work hard too! They, their heads are very fragile, my father said, as long as you use the cat pick to hit their eyes hard, they will be fine." Down Meow!"

   "Ha, that's what it takes! Blue Athlon is nothing, do you know why I chose this task?" Gordon wiped his nose with his thumb and asked with a smile.

   "Because the family has no money, meow? The reward for this task is quite high, meow!"

   "Well, that's just one of the reasons!"

  Gordon waved his hands awkwardly, "Material, it's material! I want to get a lot of blue velociraptor skins, scales, claws and teeth."

   "Meow? Are you selling it for money meow?" Pork Chop's little furry face was full of confusion.


  Gordon glanced at his partner helplessly, "I'm not that financially obsessed yet, hey, I'm not playing charades anymore, it's to create new armor.

   If we want to hunt stronger monsters, this kind of 'kindergarten uniform' is not enough for us. The goal of our trip is to collect the materials of the Qilan Velociraptor suit! "

  (end of this chapter)