MTL - Monster Pet Evolution-v2 Chapter 775 Leave

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Back in the Black Mist World, Gaopeng sent people to guard near several space cracks in the Black Mist World, and at the same time made secret preparations for migration at any time.

It ’s really disasterful and difficult. If you are out of luck, you may have to run again ...

Sitting on the edge of the shell of the Emperor Turtle, at his feet is an altitude of 10,000 meters, surrounded by clouds, like stepping on the top of the cloud.

Gaopeng sighed.

Without strength is shackles, no matter who can offend.

But there is no way, you can't just open a small universe with just one blood.

This is not a gap between two points.

When the gap is too large, run honestly.

"We're going back." Lao Bi said goodbye to Gao Peng. Their group of Bifangs left Vulcan Valley for so long and took away a considerable part of the power of the tribe. .

Gao Peng turned his head and understood Lao Bifang's decision, "Okay, you can take Xiaoyu together."

The old Bi Fang stunned, and thought that Gao Peng would propose other conditions or retain it.

"Okay." Old Bi Fang nodded. He had planned to take Xiaoyu away. He had prepared a lot of speeches before coming to talk to Gaopeng. Now it seems that those speeches are not needed.

Hesitating for a moment, "I know you won't leave now, but if you really arrive ... at that time, we can still support thousands of people in Vulcan Valley."

This can also be regarded as the promise of Lao Bifang.

Gaopeng smiled and nodded, "Thank you, senior."

"Come on." Lao Bifang sighed and turned to leave. "We will leave tomorrow morning."

After the old Bifang went away, Xiao Huanghong came over with his eyes, "Gao Peng, is Xiaoying going to go again?"

"Um." Gao Peng looked at Xiao Huang Qiang's calm expression, as if the parents comforted the sad child, patted the open space beside him, and Xiao Huang sat on Gao Peng's right hand.

"Vulcan Valley is more conducive to Xiao Yan's growth. Someone teaches her there, and ... it is safer there," Gao Peng said calmly, watching the scenery in the distance.

Xiao Huang heard that it was safer and stopped talking.

Although usually looks very uneasy, Xiaohuang still has a clear mind on the big and the bad.

With his mouth narrowed, he sat in place like a stuffy gourd.

One person, one duck, two hands on the ground, legs hanging in the air, no one spoke for a long time.

An inexplicable atmosphere repressed the entire city of the sky.

Many people in the city of the sky today find that many high-rises in the city do not like to talk, and only the high-levels of the city of sky know about the invasion of the stars.

The news was kept under control and was not known to others below, because they would only cause riots.

Even the character of Da Zi is so rare today that he did not play, but obediently trained on the training ground.

In the evening, Gaopeng summoned all the Royal Beasts who signed the blood deed.

Looking around the royal beasts, Gaopeng said softly: "You should all know about the invasion of the constellation. Although the Black Mist World has not been included in the invasion range for the time being, as long as the war continues, it will sooner or later spread to us.

"You are all my partners. Although I have signed a blood deed with you, I have never treated you like a pet, and it is the same today."

Da Zi quietly picked up the tickle, and Gaopeng looked so serious today.

"Tomorrow the Bifang people will leave, because of the relationship between Xiaofang and Bifang, we will be fine. You can leave with Xiaoyi tomorrow and practice in the Valley of Vulcan. Wait until your strength can help me Come back again. "Gao Peng was still preparing to continue speaking, but was suddenly interrupted.

"Gao Yueyue! I won't go !!!" A billowing fireball fell from the sky.

Xiaoxi ran up with a big belly and swayed.

Then he clicked and sat on the right side of Gaopeng, his neck crooked and looked straight at Gaopeng.

"I won't leave." Xiao Yan said viciously.

"You are all here. What is it that I ran away with a bird? I don't want to be a deserter!" Xiao Yan was very angry.

"Good, you are not a deserter." Gao Peng touched Xiao's belly, and the warm feathers were smooth and supple.

"You listen to my analysis, you have to have a good relationship with the Bifang tribe, and then we can ask you for help when we are in danger, don't we?" Gao Peng analyzed Xiaoyan.

"I know Gao Yueyue you are insidious and cunning, so I don't listen to your analysis." Xiao Yan snorted coldly, proudly raising his tall neck.

"This is an order." Gao Peng frowned, Shen said. "Okay, you're leaving tomorrow, Xiaohuang Xiaoyao, you two to relax."

Xiao Huang smiled, picked up Xiao and ran.

Xiaoyan struggled hard but had no effect at all.

"Dead bald, let go of me ..." Xiao Yan's voice drifted away.

"Well, let's continue with the topic just now." Gao Peng cleared his throat.

"I won't go, I will follow wherever you go!" Da Zi couldn't wait to express his attitude, and then threw Gaopeng to the ground like a husky.

A stupid slowly took out a bottle of the latest licorice juice from the space, plugged in a straw and blown into the bottle, grunting ~

When the blowing is stopped, the juice in the bottle automatically pours out of the straw due to the pressure.

"Follow Gao Peng!" A stupid second opinion.

Dumb arms around, leaning against the tree, said husky, "Protect the master."

Streamer licked his blade, looking serious, "I want to help the magical brain evolve."

Magic Brain was not here at this moment ~ ~ It just completed the great cause of winning the East China Sea two days ago. Now it is further winning the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea, and it is preparing for the next step to win the Pacific Ocean.

The pages of Yanglong Book turned over ...

The lion that was licking hair froze and coughed twice, vowing to promise that he would definitely stay to protect his master.

Ant dragon squatted on the ground, grabbed a handful of dirt on the ground, heard the words raised his head and his eyes were full of fanaticism, "Master, are we going to fight?"

Gaopeng nodded, passive is not his style.

The battle between the two forces is both a disaster and an opportunity.

I don't know how many corpses will be waiting for him in such a big battle.

The expression on Ant Long's face turned abruptly. He said, "I will become stronger by eating dragon meat."

The beasts have become accustomed to this scene.

The ant dragon has seven consciousnesses in it, which are often switched in turns. It is possible that the big baby was talking to you in the last second, and it became the third baby in the next second.

Gaopeng licked some dry lips, and a warm current flowed through his heart.

In the early morning of the next day, Xiaozhang stumbled with Xiaohuang and Gaopeng stopped in front.

When I saw Gao Peng again, I didn't know what method Huang used to persuade Xiaoyao. Xiaoyao didn't say anything left, but just stared at Gao Peng resentfully.

"This is for you, you eat it directly. Don't show it to the other people in Bifang." Gao Peng handed Xiao Hong a piece of red crystal.

The three quasi-god corpses were decomposed overnight after being brought back. Among them, the corpse of the flame tyrant burst into luck and decomposed a crystal of a monster character that turned into fire.

Xiao Yan's eyes were red.

"Well, it's not parting life or death, you just go to study for a while," Gao Peng said freely.

At 9:30 in the morning, the Bifang people left and Hongyun was three thousand miles away.

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