MTL - Monster Pet Evolution-v2 Chapter 778 诛 God

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Monsters on both sides of the battlefield backed up, leaving space for the big brothers to fight.

With a dragon chant, the shadows were cast down.

The crimson dragon opened its wings and covered the whole sky under its wings.

The scorching heat spit, and the wings fluttered across the sky.

Almost at the same time, the earth bulged upwards at the feet of the Star River Spear, the soil layer opened, and sharp spikes pierced the soil layer.

The tumbling ground shattered the ground, and the mountain shook.

"Magma Law: Doomsday Scourge."

"Lord of the Earth: Earth Dragon turns over."

The power of the two laws broke out at the same time.

Boom boom--

The red halo stained the sky for a long time, and the volcano on the back of the volcano dragon gave out a bright red light.

Meteorites glowing with red light dragged their long tails to the spear of Xinghe.

At the same time, the earth trembled, and in the cracked gap, an extremely huge dirt dragon phantom rolled and jumped out. On the tail of Tulong is a phantom of the continent. When the tail is shaken, the phantom of the continent is gradually enlarged.

The horrible gravity crushed the void, and a tiny crack spread outward.

The spear of Xinghe took a half step forward with his right foot, and the spear on his right hand rotated with the rotation of the wrist, and the silver phantom danced with it.

The left-handed spear pressed down, the spear tip pierced the ground, the invisible ripple spread outward, and the ground within ten meters centered on the spear tip was recessed downward.

"Damn, wait for your strike to kill when you start, don't give it a chance to fight back." Gaopeng's eyes loaded with the properties of the Star River Spear, after reading the properties of the Star River Spear, Gaopeng is extremely cautious.

It's no wonder that the first three hits were lost a week ago. The quality of the Star Spear is extremely high, and the monster characteristics are not simple.

The spear of Xinghe shook his left hand, the tip of the spear broke through the ground, and a semicircle was drawn in the void the next moment. The spear in his hand changed into a semi-curved silver-white shield in front of him.

Tulong Phantom wrapped around the mainland Phantom and smashed into the shield. There was no outbreak of sky-scrapping. Tulong Phantom smashed into the Bucket to perfectly integrate into one.

A lifelike earthen dragon tattoo appears on the silver white shield.

[Monster name] Spear of the Galaxy-Confused Destroyer

[Monster Level] First Deity

[Monster attribute] Star system

[Law of Control] The Law of Stars 6.6% The Law of Fighting 8.2%

[Monster Quality] Eternal Quality

[Monster Weakness] Single defense method.

[Monster Features]

Spear-Shield (The Spear of the Star River is born with the Star Double Spear. The Double Spear has two forms, which can be switched to the spear and shield form.

Spear form has an additional armor-piercing effect, which can destroy the physical body of the enemy.

Effect ① Active effect: In the form of a spear, the spear of the galaxy can accumulate power to make its next attack cause more powerful lethality, and can accumulate up to five times the explosion.

Effect ② Active effect: Actively activating this ability in the shield form will make the Shield of the Star River have a devour effect, which can devour the enemy's next attack and store in the Shield of the Star River. The attack can be released at any time to fight back, but the released The attack has only 80% of the original lethality. Using this ability consumes the power of the Shield of the Galaxy and cannot be reused for a short period of time. )

Xinghe Chain (Elemental Chain that was born with the spear of Xinghe, it can track and lock the enemy.

Effect ① Passive effect: The Spear of Xinghe will automatically condense the Xinghe chain in the body, and it can also consume the power to quickly condense the Xinghe chain. The hardness of Xinghe Chain is related to the mastery of Xinghe Spear's Starlight Law.

Effect ② Active effect: The Xinghe Chain can be thrown out. The Xinghe Chain can automatically track the nearest unit. The units bound by the Xinghe Chain will be burned by the power of the stars and have a certain suppression effect on the law. The specific effect is based on The rule of mastery gap is expressed. )

Potential for War (The Spear of the Star River is a monster born by the Star Wars for war. Special talents allow it to continue to grow in battle.

Effect ① Passive effect: After each battle wins, the Spear of the Star River can get certain strength feedback.

Effect ② Passive effect: Because the Spear of the Star River has broken through the gods, after each battle victory, the Spear of the Star River can obtain a certain understanding of the rules of battle based on the strength of the opponent. )

[Brief introduction of monsters] Monsters born for battle can constantly become stronger in battle. Likes fighting with powerful enemies and hates the smell of black pomegranate.

Very powerful ability, can be an absolute front-line warrior position in any Royal Beast team.

It ’s a pity that Xiaohuang ’s level is much worse than that. If Xiaohuang ’s level is the same, Gao Peng would like to see the result of Xiaohuang ’s battle with it.

The spear of the Star River Spear can damage the physical body of the enemy, and has an additional armor-piercing effect, which means that Xiao Huang's increased defense power after passive activation has no effect on it.

But Xiaohuang passive can improve Xiaohuang's speed and power, so it's really hard to say the result without playing a game.

Just when Gaopeng was thinking, the battle in the field had gone into a fever.

The Spear of the Star River holds the shield on the left and the spear on the right.

But these meteors are not pure entities, but a collection similar to elements. The oscillating wave formed after the fire meteor was crushed continued to repel the spear of Xinghe.

Behind the ground opened, a huge mauve figure shot from under his feet.

"The earth frenzy, Lord of the Earth Dragon."

The earth dragon's huge body is faster than a high-speed train.

Instantly appeared in front of the spear of Xinghe.

Xinghe Spear drank a low, Jinguang flashed from head to toe, blessing of the rules of battle, physical speed soared in all directions.

The law of starlight blooms from the whole body, such as the sky and rain, bursting into the sky to intercept the fire meteor. The law of starlight collided with the law of magma to form a stalemate.

At the same time, he slid sideways at ninety degrees, and the left-handed Xinghe Shield suddenly took a shot. An earth dragon ghost flew out of the shield and hit the Lord of the Earth Dragon.

The long-handed right-handed spear was killed fiercely!


Blood splatter.

The spear went straight into the right eye of the Lord of the Earth Dragon.

"King Ming, dumb." Gaopeng clenched his fists, now!

At this moment, the shield of the left hand of the Galaxy Spear has just activated the reflection, and it will not work for a short time. The right-hand spear is inserted into the eye of the Earth Dragon Lord. The Law of Stars goes all out against the magma law of the Doomsday Volcano.

The figure flashed, and a tall figure appeared in front of the spear of Xinghe.

The five-meter-high body of the mechanical king is already a giant in front of the spear of Xinghe.

Raise your arms high, and a virtual shadow of the mechanical **** fist appears synchronously over the arm, and then hit it severely!

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." Star River Spear sneered, and the law of battle gave it a sense of danger so that it would have long felt that the enemy was hiding in the dark.

So it has been guarding one hand ~ ~ loosening the shield of the galaxy with his left hand, clenching with six fingers, the dazzling silver light appeared in the palm.

"go with!"

With a flick of his wrist, the silver light turned into a long rope and entangled the mechanical king.

The mechanical king only felt a strong force to stop its arm from falling.

A silver chain covered with white light dots bound the mechanical king and suppressed its power.

"Who can save you now!" The spear of Xinghe didn't hesitate, using his right hand, the length of the spear skyrocketed, and at the same time he was going to press hard inward.

It's better to break one finger by hurting three fingers!

"嗷 ~" The terrifying long howl emanated from the main dragon's mouth, it really felt the threat of death!

Between life and death, the Lord of the Earth Dragon did not fear, but stimulated its fierceness. The muscles around the eye sockets were stirred inward. If countless fine steel wires entangled the spear, the spear was stuck in the eye socket for a while and could not be pulled out.

Xinghe Spear murmured at the bottom of his heart, and his extreme sense of crisis swept across his body.

not good--

it is too late.

Boom! !! !!

The spear of Xinghe's head trembled, and the violent soul shock wave tore its brain, even with its will it fell into a short period of turmoil.

"Law of Death: The Last Finger."

His whole body was dark and lingering with endless fingers stabbed at His brows.

The thick-browed armor had absolutely no resistance at this moment.

Fingers easily tore muscles, straight into my head.

The turbulent time of the Soul Blast has passed, but the battle is doomed.

The violent death gas spewed outward from the spear Qixing of Xinghe, and the spear of Xinghe opened his mouth and spewed a thick black mist in his mouth.

After two steps, the spear of Xinghe slammed on his knees.

Life quickly drained from it.

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