MTL - Morning of Swordsman Tower-Chapter 183

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There is only one thought in Dazui Mobu's mind... Is this **** something that humans can do? You are obviously more beastly than a knight with a wrist!

I don’t know if it’s because Mobu’s mental fluctuations are too violent. Qiao Maomao, who was covering the sun on his forehead with one hand, raised his tail with the other hand, and then tilted back a jiojio to watch the grand occasion in the distance, suddenly appeared without warning. Looking back, he was so frightened that he wished he could merge with the pillar in his arms.

"Hey, isn't this Mobu with a big mouth? It's been half a year since I've seen you like this?"


Big Mouth Mobu rolled his eyes very simply, and twitched over on the spot.

Chapter 514 Men and Cats Cannot Be Raised Together

When the "charizard" fireworks exploded over the artificial sea, Kelsey happened to come here as the second place in the second stage at this time, but she actually took the shortest route in the city, not the same route as Qiao Maomao.

Because Kelsey's bicycle is not bound to biogas acceleration, it is even more impossible to follow the acceleration tail flame in front and eat the stench.

So her posture at this time is like a retired old woman who goes out to buy vegetables by bicycle. She got a wire basket from nowhere and hung it on the front of this racing bicycle, but the inside is not The fruits and vegetables I just bought are M3 red bean puree.

But judging from the fact that the size of Mon3tr has changed from a black woolly giant elephant to an ordinary fat cat that can barely be stuffed into the car basket and only overflows a little bit of flesh from the wire grid, the process along the way has not Not as peaceful as it appears on the surface.

It's just that Kelsey doesn't want to spread the word like Dr. Joe, just like no one knows whether she's doing it or not.

So when Kelsey came under the broadcasting tower, she saw Qiao Maomao lifting Mobu's ponytail with two fingers, like Spiderman... No, it should have climbed up the broadcasting tower like King Kong.

Then he threw the unconscious Mobu to the commentary platform, turned around and jumped down, and landed with a crash.

"What crime did you do again, isn't even the host of the game planning to let it go?"

"How can you defile someone's innocence out of thin air! Just now he accidentally fell off the radio tower, I just sent him back out of kindness!"

Kelsey was noncommittal about Qiao Maomao's justification, but first looked at the yacht on the artificial sea, and then looked back at the track where no other contestants came and even the audience was scared away. He shook his head helplessly.

"There are no other players, and there is no explanation. This game is really messed up by you. What are you going to do now?"

"Of course I will continue to complete the third stage of the swimming competition, let me warm up first!"

When it comes to swimming, Qiao Maomao, who has been "running naked", deliberately took out a pair of red swimming trunks and put them on on the spot, and even seriously practiced a whole set of warm-up exercises of shaking hands, twisting waist, and turning feet .

After all, the entertainment mode is a mode of cultivating children's morality, intelligence, physical beauty. Although you can make others into fart rockets that fly into the sky, you must not become a bad child who goes to bed late and wakes up late without brushing his teeth or even doing warm-up exercises before swimming.

If it's just this level of confusion, Kelsey, who has long been used to him playing tricks, can take it calmly, but when he puts on his swimming trunks, the crotch part that was previously so flat that he didn't see any flaws suddenly changed inexplicably. Gotta be bulging.

Even "Schrödinger's big lynx" was taken aback for a while, and wanted to ask for some experience, but he couldn't figure out how to say such a strange request for a while.


On the contrary, the little female cat M3 was very straightforward. She immediately covered the frame of the car basket with her paws, leaned out half of her body, and expressed her willingness to dedicate herself to her master. A lynx face was pressed back.

"Okay, let's get ready to go!"

"Meow meow!"

When Qiao Maomao raised his arms and shouted, Mon3tr, who pretended to be soft, took the opportunity to break free from Kelsey's pressure, and his plump body rushed onto Qiao Maomao's shoulders like a black whirlwind, just like when he hugged him back then. Kelsey stretched out her two front paws like arms and hugged his neck.

Then he turned his head and hooked his chin provocatively at Kelsey, whose face was blackened into the bottom of a pot, and smiled evilly with a slightly raised cat whisker.

That probably means... your tomcat is nice, but he's mine now.


His eyes returned to Candela's yacht. Although Captain Pancho didn't know exactly what happened, he did know that all the subordinates he sent to the arena failed to eliminate the cat's eye, but were teased by him. The result of this fact is miserable and miserable.

Even the cat's paw, which seems to be an auxiliary player, can wipe out all his ambushing people in the city, so that there is a strange urban legend that "a group of long-legged dog biscuits are forcibly breaking into houses to **** gas pumps" .

Pancho knew that he had no choice. If he did not take the final action, he would fail those subordinates who had sacrificed for him because they believed in his ideals. On the bed, Bit was lying unconscious.

He obviously saw Bit with his own eyes go through the torture that was enough to smash his bones to pieces, but according to the doctor's personal description after careful examination, apart from the severe burns in his buttocks and intestines, Bit only had a little soft tissue contusion.

What's even more unbelievable is that even without medication and medical skills, all these injuries are healing themselves at a slow but extremely steady speed. Calculating the time, they will probably be able to recover as early as tomorrow morning.

The only thing that can't heal itself, even the medical skills can't be erased, is the fiery red marks that radiate around the chrysanthemum as the center.

Maybe his thing should not be called chrysanthemum from now on, but Manjusawa, the other shore flower.

Thinking of this, Pan Qiao couldn't help sweating his head. Although he was glad that Bit saved his life because the opponent was merciful, if it was Pan Qiao himself, he would rather step on the enemy's normal mines with his feet and be blown to pieces meat, and he is unwilling to become Maoyan's generous crab intestinal speed skating champion.

"It is true that I lost, Maoyan, but I only lost to you, not to myself."

He failed to complete the bet with Rhodes Island, and for now, he had to kidnap Candela on his own.

Even if Pan Qiao still didn't have much confidence in defeating her one-on-one, but while Candela was distracted by the game, he had already ordered his men to smuggle the remaining explosives into the hold, as long as Candela could be trapped in the On this ship, there is enough capital to negotiate with her.

The big deal is to die together, as for Rhodes Island and other powerful guests who are still guests on the ship? Of course that is also a bargaining chip.

So Pancho's plan is like the route of the Dossoles Summer Grand Prix, a big circle and then back to the origin again.

It's just that this time he poured half a bucket of milk beforehand, making sure that he could hear the sound of milk rattling in his stomach when he twisted his waist, then Captain Pancho picked up his huge anchor and headed straight towards Walk to Candela's position on the bow.

What are you laughing laughing! Have you heard of milk solution spicy? ?

Chapter 515 This Is Dr. Maomao's Paradise Form

"Hahahaha, so that's the case, Pan Qiao, my old Pan Qiao, I thought you could give me a more exciting performance by tossing so many tricks, but I didn't expect it to be the same thing over and over again. Times have long since changed. Now, do you still think that everything can be achieved by force?"

When Pancho and his sailors confronted Candela's bodyguards face to face, Candela's attitude was as mocking as ever, and she was not frightened at all, as if she had sent people to surround Pancho.

"Don't tarnish our ideals with your filthy values, you are as hopeless as this city. At least, force can prevent you from taking the Bolivarians into the abyss!"

"Really? Then continue to practice your childish and ridiculous ideals. I'm not interested in explaining to you again. Those who should learn over the years have already learned it. For those stupid and stubborn pack animals who refuse to turn around , No matter how many times I say it, it’s superfluous.”

"...If this is your last words, I promise to help you engrave it on the tombstone."

As soon as the two sides have finished the chatter, it stands to reason that they will start to see the truth, but at this moment, a hatch somewhere behind Pan Qiao suddenly opens, and a group of people file out from it, aiming at the place where the crowd is facing each other clearly. place to come.

They were Amiya, Du Bin, Chen Huijie, and Hong. Except for Amiya who was holding a "doll" in her hand and looked a little nervous, the other three just pretended that this group of fully armed sailors did not exist. Generally speaking, he walked through the crowd from the side gap with a calm expression, and walked towards Candela.

Seeing that this group of people were even more arrogant than Candela, the corners of Pancho's eyes twitched wildly, but without his order, none of the sailors dared to attack them directly.

Naturally, Candela was also surprised by this. When normal people see this kind of internal power-grabbing drama, they are eager to get rid of the relationship as soon as possible. ?

But before she could ask, she was interrupted by Pan Qiao's angry shout.

"Miss Amiya, you..."

"Dubin, even you want to be my enemy!"

But no one was in a hurry to respond. The Rhode Island group went straight to the bar table in the living room behind Candela, each found a place to sit down leisurely, and then Dubin stretched out his hand and pressed dinner bell.



The crisp and pleasant ringing of the bell made both people and dogs speechless, making them seem like brats who were busy frolicking and fighting at the adult's dining table but didn't want to eat seriously.

That's right, serious people are so busy eating that they have to race against time, who would tear off two or three sets of work uniforms to play with when they have nothing to do?

I saw Dubin glanced behind the bar, and found that there was not even a chef on duty, and of course no one paid attention to the order bell just now, so she aimed at the floor inside and slapped the whip down, The chef who was hiding under the bar was scared and rolled out.

"Don't, don't, don't kill me, I'm just a cook, I don't know anything!"

"Who's going to kill you? Don't work hard during working hours and hide in the bottom to catch fish, get up and serve!"

Chef Gouzi was taught by Dubin face-to-face, stretching and shrinking his neck like a hen. It took him a while to realize that the other party was not a rebellious sailor on the ship, and the mayor Candela who paid him his salary was not killed.

It’s just that it’s too difficult for you to make this little brain understand the strange scene in front of you, so Chef Gouzi can only tremblingly look at Candela tentatively, until Candela nodded acquiescingly to him, Only then did he force himself to entertain these distinguished guests from Rhodes Island calmly.

"Bastard! Are you laughing at us?"

Pan Qiao's head was full of veins, obviously he couldn't stand the arrogance of Rhodes Island who treated them like nothing.

It’s also the same reason to put it in the gangster area of ​​Syracuse. The two sides are fighting for the survival of the family. Suddenly, a few passers-by set up a stall and eat sausage pizza while watching a movie. What do you say? Who can bear it?

"Shut up, Pancho, who is free to play house with you? You eat yours and I eat mine. If you want to eat too, you can order it yourself. I haven't gotten to know you that well yet."


If it was according to Pan Qiao's temper before, he must have stepped forward to start a fight with Dubin, but now he is shirtless and has the belly of a general who is pregnant at the level of October, and if he rushes forward like this, people may think he is I want to give Dubin a plate of "meat, egg, green onion and chicken".

Besides, based on Pan Qiao's unilateral understanding, he doesn't think Dubin is a person who can do such weird things, so there must be a reason for the abnormal things, for example...she is deliberately attracting attention to delay time.


Suddenly, the whole yacht shook violently as if hitting a rock, and even the noodles being fried on the iron plate hung on the chef's dog's nose.

But this is the artificial sea of ​​Dosores. To put it bluntly, it is a super large swimming pool. Candela is so full that she wants to put a hidden reef at the bottom of the water?

Boom, boom...

Before I figured out what was going on, the second, third, and fourth shocks came one after another. Now, no one mistakenly thought it was hitting a rock, because hitting a rock can't be so rhythmic, just like It is the interval between each step when a person walks... hiccup!

Except for Rhodes Island, everyone else looked at one side of the ship with horror, as if a deep-sea monster was about to stretch out its huge and terrifying tentacles from below, and ruthlessly crushed the ship. .

But it's not deep sea here, and it's not even connected to the real ocean, so the only possibility is...

cat's eye!

Boom, boom, boom~~!

A cat's claw protruded from the outside of the ship's side, and its sharp nails were deeply embedded in the metal that was cast into the ship's side. The steel, which even ordinary bullets could not penetrate, was torn open three times like letter paper. It is also engraved in the hearts of everyone present.

"Why, how could it be so fast, he was clearly on the other side just now!"

In fact, Pan Qiao knew the answer very well in his heart. How can Maoyan be an ordinary person? Half of the other players have not even finished the first stage, and Maoyan has already reached the end of the second stage. again.

This kind of strong man just crossed half of the artificial sea, how could it be difficult to stop him?

"...everyone, get ready to fight!"

What Candela didn't expect was that Pancho gave up confronting her at this moment, and instead ordered all his men to turn 90 degrees to face the cat's claw on the side of the ship, as if what appeared there was the life and death of the Bolivars archenemy.

However, what Pancho, who was holding his belly and concentrating on his tense body, didn't notice was that the actual size of this paw couldn't match the three-meter-tall macho cat he had seen on the live broadcast screen before.

"Meow, tut."

So when the owner of the paw stepped on his hind legs slowly, sat down on the side of the boat, and then scanned the audience with those "sharp" cat eyes, time seemed to be suspended again.


Chapter 516 Kelsey's girly way, the beginning of the chapter!

In fact, it should have been written in Qiao Ge’s script that Qiao Maomao is like Mousse entering Kebo Breeding Garden... no, it’s the same as Shihuaiya entering Ayafala Wholesale Group, invincible, unparalleled mowing, killing all directions, toilet water Clearance, amniotic fluid soaked dry cat...

Anyway, just two words, invincible!

It's just that now things have gone a little bit wrong.

Pharmacist Tom never uses precise and high-end measuring and testing instruments, usually just the set of glass instruments in the middle school laboratory, plus household kitchen utensils, such as the one that is soaked in soup and turned twice to test the strength of the medicine spoon.

Or one set on the pile of firewood, one can tell at a glance that it is the kind of black saucepan used by witches in fairy tale worlds to boil potions or poisons. There is one in the laboratory of Joe Maomao Pharmaceuticals, inside Rhode Island All the domineering cola used are boiled with it and a wooden stick.

This has led to the fact that the wooden stick is now almost a "big fast knife" level weapon in the world of One Piece. Although it is not a knife at all, if you want to use it to cut against other big fast knives, such as Hei Dao Qiushui from the Wano country National treasure, that is also true.

So it is often bitten by Ceobe to grind its teeth during "non-working hours", and then there will be a tragedy where the silly dog ​​is trapped in the room by the door frame without eating for 30 minutes, even though she did it last time I told her to hold the stick upright when I was there, and Ceobe still went her own way.

Cough, digressing, all in all, it is because Tom Pharmaceuticals has always only needed crude, even if you want to refine it, you can't do it, so the control of the onset time is also very rough, and the efficacy of the medicine is multiplied by Kelsey's skills When zooming in, this rough aging error is also scaled up proportionally.

Of course, Tom Cat's unique bad luck exists specifically for embarrassment.

Time went back to a few minutes ago, when Qiao Maomao jumped up towards the artificial sea in a coquettish and heroic posture of "angel ♂ freestyle" and was about to swam the yacht in one go. It looks like a big cat man three meters tall, but a little cat that can lie on top of a person's head.

Just when Kelsey was amazed at the pinnacle of Qiao Maomao's diving skills, he saw a blue-haired kitten with a round white belly floating on the water with mosquito coils in its eyes, and was controlled by Pancho's surgeon along the way. The tide rushed back to her feet.


Well, Kelsey has really become Qiao Maomao's medical support staff now, hurry up and rescue her.

This is exactly the sequelae she mentioned before. When the effect of the medicine wears off, all the previous strength will be lost, and it will be accompanied by a sharp shrinkage of body size. Symptoms during skill blessing.

What kind of changes will be produced after the multi-fold increase, it seems that only after waking up Qiao Maomao who is full of water will he know.

So Kelsey picked up the neck of M3 Maomao who wanted to go up to Maomao's breathing with one hand, then put her hand on Qiao Maomao's belly, and then pressed it down... Chick!

A two-meter-high fountain shot out. Thanks to Kelsey's experience in dealing with such exaggerated phenomena, he dodged in advance and was not snaked on his face by Qiao Ge.

Needless to ask, he must have been attacked by She Daoguo at least once before to have such a high level of vigilance.

"Puff...cough cough cough..."

No need for any additional treatment at all. Qiao Maomao woke up as soon as the water in his stomach was emptied. After he opened his eyes, dried off the water on his body and looked around, he immediately recovered from the change in height from his current perspective. Aware of the abnormal situation, he quickly asked Kelsey.

"Meow meow meow!"


Kelsey was stunned for a full ten seconds, and then a sudden flash of light from those vertical lynx pupils scared Qiao Maomao. In the next second, he saw a sudden flash of vision, and was caught by Kyle Xi hugged her tightly.

"Meow~ Meow! Old Wu, old Wu, old Wu..."

The weak limbs of Qiao Maomao instinctively struggled hard under Kelsey's wanton ravages, but how can a little British short win against a big lynx? Can I just lie down obediently and be swallowed by her?