MTL - Morning of Swordsman Tower-Chapter 195

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Simple happiness is fine, don't provoke those complex and dark...

Skadi suddenly lowered his head, staring thoughtfully at the Hai Si serum whose tail was lifted up in his hand, so frightened that it quickly hugged its face with two fins and shrunk into a Tomimi.

Don't look at me, don't look at me, don't look at me, I'm just a salted fish with no dreams, please don't erase me, I cook delicious soup! After cooking, you can take it out and use it next time!

"…I'm ready, Doctor."

"Very well, we shall meet again soon, on that dry land."


The tiankeng formed by the black hole has been gradually filled by the ocean currents pouring in from the open sea at this time. Standing on the edge of it, Bernard looked at the incomparably opposite scene in disbelief, and couldn't help but knelt down and stretched out his hand. Tentatively pressing down from the suspension, there is still a fluke in my heart that this is just a hallucination special effect.

But the reality is cruel, even if Bernard pinned himself to lose his balance and almost fell into the sea, this piece of land would indeed completely disappear on the planet Terra.

The good news is that it disappeared together with the threat of Hai Si from Yanfeng City.

The bad news is that he now knows that if he annoys that cybertron shark master, it may not be a simple killing method such as massacring the city and destroying the country, but the entire history of Iberia will be erased.

However, this also made Bernardin's mind unprecedentedly sober. If he had to consider walking between Iberia and Shark Pepper in the past, and played the role of a traitor but a spy, now he There is only one problem left.

How can you become the most loyal dog of General Shark Pepper?

My family has both cats and dogs, and I can also tease mice and mice, feed rabbits, ride cows, walk birds, raise goldfish, pet them, pull radishes, cut wool, rub bear ears, drive dragons, race horses, and step on cockroaches. No one wants a dog like you!

If Jogo knew Bernadine's inner thoughts, he might have answered him like this.

Chapter 544 Tomorrow's Ark Designer! You know the pain of backing up ingredients! ?

Of course, Qiao Ge would not make such a joke with low EQ. Although Bernadine’s thoughts are very humble, they are also judged by others from the perspective of God. If you insist, his actions are actually different from Ge Lei The relationship between Tia and the Deep Sea Church is very similar, the only difference is that he can't beat Shark Pepper.

For such a man who is willing to sacrifice his life and even his fame for the country, he should give some respect.

The real reason why Qiao Ge ignored him now was not to look down on him, but because only liars who cheated would be eager to draw conclusions, and the Black Hole Cannon of Tyrant Sword Demon was a real disaster in the physical layer.

It would be better to let them speculate and study by themselves first, then add the boundless imagination of being persecuted, and wait for the shock and fear in their hearts to fully ferment before they come out. force.

However, there are two mermaids that he must meet. That feeling... is as embarrassing as sitting on the bed with his mother-in-law and sister-in-law in the comatose girlfriend's ward.

"Isamura... no, I mean Skadi, did she really almost kill the Doctor?"

Ghost Shark only understood the whole story at this time, and it was impossible not to feel astonished in her heart, although she and Gloria were actually victims, because after that battle, Deep Sea Agore directly identified them as As an abandoned child, he never thought of searching for survivors.

If it weren't for Deep Sea Agor's inaction, Ghost Shark would not have been captured by the Deep Sea Church when he was in exile, and Gloria would not have been forced to pretend to be loyal to the Deep Sea Church and act as its thug.

However, compared to the Ghost Shark, Gloria was at least not physically harmed because of this, probably not enough to break the bottom line of her subconsciously identifying with her Agor race identity, otherwise she would not have sacrificed for the safety of her fellow race To assassinate Skadi, who is about to become a sea mother, by himself.

Therefore, the ghost shark can better understand the pain and hatred in Skadi's heart. After all, the family was killed by the ethnic group they once trusted and served just because they were born stronger than other Agors. Isn't this kind of thing enough? Is a person completely blackened?

But even if Ghost Shark supports Skadi in his heart to avenge Agor, it is another matter to become a sea mother for revenge. In terms of the bad feeling towards Haisi, he once served as a "deep sea radio station" for a while. No one can match the mental and physical torment of a Ghost Shark.

Moreover, Haisi is by no means as innocent as the first speaker said, as if he was persecuted by the Agors just for the survival of the ethnic group, because those so-called territories were not theirs in the first place, but after the ethnic group reproduced unscrupulously Naturally, it expanded in the past.

When the resources in the existing territory cannot keep up with the needs of the ethnic group, the solution is to expand outward until the entire Terra is transformed into the territory of Haizi, and then evolve the ability to fly to the universe to explore other planets. In theory, It is indeed about survival.

Ghost Shark looked at the red-clothed Titi, who was held in the alloy arm by Dr. Shark Pepper with his eyes closed, with a complicated and contradictory expression. He was holding the big shark saw made of Cybertron alloy tightly in his hand, which seemed to be Wants to protect the Doctor from suddenly turning into a hostile hero when Skadi wakes up.

Just judging from her trembling hands, she must still be fighting fiercely in her heart, but Dr. Qiao himself has a heartless expression...

Well, Shark Pepper has no expression, and even the screen on the chest that can display kaomoji is completely covered by the more eye-catching parts of Skadi.

"It's not as exaggerated as you say, it just exploded a mouthful of the refrigerator, you see, I even repaired the refrigerator, but the coke was a bit wasteful, but I just caught two lobsters and iced them in it, I want to try ?"

"...Dr. Rhode Island is really not an ordinary person, do you really have so much confidence in Skadi?"

If she hadn't seen the terrible destructive power of the black hole cannon with her own eyes, Gloria would definitely have questioned the doctor's behavior of almost doting and letting Skadi go, but now, she thinks that her understanding should not keep up with this monster.

This is the advantage brought about by the crushing of strength and technology. Otherwise, Agor Technocrats like Gloria would not think highly of land people, let alone obey his orders willingly.

But as long as she stays in the Rhodes Island Operations Department for a while, she will find that... it's not that she can't keep up with the doctor, but that this guy's brain circuit is like nine bends and eighteen bends, and he uses a **** drain to turn around .

"I don't have confidence in her, but I have confidence in myself. If a commander doesn't even have confidence in the actions he ordered, then why should I command others?

I have already done the best I can do for her, and the rest of the trust is the part that I entrust to Skadi. Of course, I don’t expect others to understand, so if you are too worried, you can Stay away from here. "

Geletia suddenly realized why it took him so long to go ashore, but the doctor held Skadi in his arms all the time. She knew Skadi's real weight very well, because it was his preparation just in case.

If Skadi's mental interference struggle with Haisi fails, his body will be the shackles that bind Skadi, and may even be... the final measure of annihilation.

"I can probably guess what you are thinking. Anyway, it must be a misunderstanding here. Then your misunderstanding is big. I just want to make sure that she sees my handsome face when she wakes up. Say Maybe if she loses her memory completely, she will regard me as her father?"


Under Gloria's sluggish gaze, Ghost Shark almost didn't laugh out loud, and the tense atmosphere just now was exhausted in an instant. She even leaned close to the doctor on purpose, poking a child's face with her finger. Poke Skadi's cheek.

"If the doctor can be her father, then I must be her mother!"

"Ahem, you can't talk nonsense!"

"Where am I talking nonsense, you see we are all sharks, and we look like a husband and wife, isn't that more convincing?"

"How could two sharks give birth to a killer whale!?"

"How will you know if you don't try it!"

Although Ghost Shark appeared to be teasing the doctor on purpose, it was actually following the doctor's actions to ease the atmosphere...just teasing the doctor on purpose.

But unfortunately, with her enthusiastic participation, the atmosphere seems to have become too relaxed again.

"You guys, what are you doing?"


The sudden familiar voice frightened the Ghost Shark and almost knocked Gloria down with his butt, but Skadi sat up straight from Jogo's arms, with an expression that did not look like that of a big dream Dazed after waking up, he frowned tightly, and moved back and forth between the ghost shark and the doctor with suspicious eyes.

Like a killer whale girl who just caught her boyfriend having an affair with a best friend.

But Jogo looked at Skadi calmly and calmly, because he had no expression at all.

"Answer me, do you remember who you are?"

"I... Who else can I be, doctor, I am an operator of Rhodes Island, Skadi."


Jogo was ecstatic in his heart, he finally didn't have to be turned away by Bingjiao, but he still suppressed his excitement, in case it was a cunning blood relative of Haisi who was deliberately deceiving him.

"Fine, so how do you feel about that inner battle?"

"How do you feel? It tastes good. "

"...what tastes good?"

"The soup is very fresh, just the right amount of saltiness."

...? ? ? ? ?

Chapter 545 Haisi's Last Dignity Has Been Stewed in the Pot of Special Chef Shark Pepper

I asked you how it feels to fight the consciousness of "Mother of the Sea", and you told me that it tastes good, and it's just right? ? ?

Do you eat noodles at the Dayan Spring Festival Gala every other time, sister?

...Wait a minute, you ate the "Mother of the Sea"? ? Still in the conscious dream!

The "sea mother" Jogo refers to is naturally not the sea mother who has been killed by Skadi, but the "blood last words" consciousness that wants to guide and control Isamura to become the new sea mother. Well, In fact, they are the blood relatives of the "Salted Fish Sword" Haisi.

Although Haisi's blood relatives looked like mermaids when they were in the Tyrant Sword Demon Mecha, in fact, they were just intimidated by Jogo's lust. Even if its life energy was greatly reduced, it Still able to use all kinds of spiritual spells that he is born with.

But all these spells can't be done with an iron bastard, can't control it, can't beat it, for Haisi's most important word "survival", of course it is very good.

But after Skadi escaped from the domain of Ba Tianjian Demon, it was able to dive into Skadi's spirit again. That's why Jogo told Skadi that there was an inner battle waiting for her, and that was also Hai Si. The place where blood relatives can really show their strength.

If Skadi defeated Haisi's blood relatives, it would be worth celebrating, but I ate it in my head... Why do you feel that you are scarier than the real Haisi? ? ?

"I didn't eat it, I just drank a few bowls of soup. It said that it can be used to make soup, so I..."

Skadi was explaining her experience in the spiritual dream to the doctor as a matter of course. While talking, she couldn't help touching her belly. Suddenly, she seemed to realize something, and the satisfied and aftertaste expression on her face suddenly It collapsed like a cloud.

"This guy, dare to lie to me!"

Angrily, Skadi jumped from Jogo's arms and fell to the ground, then stood sideways on one foot and stood on one foot with the other, then tilted his head and slapped one of his ears vigorously, as if It's like taking pictures of what's in my head.


In terms of some weird couple appearance, the Kelsey lynx has lost.

Just when Jogo and the two deep-sea hunters were wondering whether the mental struggle with Hai Si had slightly affected Skadi's intelligence, they heard a bang, and a big blue salted fish fell to the ground, followed by A salted fish turned its head and tail upside down, and faced the angry Titi with innocent eyes.

"You liar, I promised to forgive you and buy me soup, but I obviously didn't drink anything in my stomach!"

The whole fish of Haisi's blood relatives is stupid. Just now it just emphasized its importance and functionality to Skadi, and asked her to taste it to prove that it is better to keep it than to kill it directly. It is almost equivalent to bringing A virtual dining scene for taste experience.

I've never heard of a spiritual dinner that can really fill you up! You are too strong for fish!

"I don't care! Since it was all fake just now, how do I know if I can trust you? You have to... prove it again here!"

Skadi squatted down and picked up the tail of Haisi's blood relative, just like catching a fresh fish just bought from the seafood stall of Azi, and there was a strange and hungry light in his eyes.


Haisi's blood relatives finally understood Skadi's true intentions and the fate he would often encounter in the future.


"Is the soup cooked with Haisi really drinkable?"

Accidentally, Jogo even made a picnic pot made of Cybertron alloy and was boiling water. Of course, directly burning Cybertron alloy with fire will definitely not conduct heat, so it is actually an electric drive. Automatically heats the pot and is charged by the Shark Chili body.

Even though Gloria was extremely speechless about his high-tech abuse, she was more worried about food safety.

The low-level sea scorpion of the Dinosaur must not be eaten, because they are a hydraulically driven hard shell filled with a pile of snot-like mucus. Although these mucus are not corrosive and even nutritious, they have been polluted by a large amount of them. The seawater emits a taste that is unacceptable to the Agor people.

This is also one of the methods Hai Si uses to mark the territory, just like Ceobe went to the doctor's office to slander... cough cough, just kidding, Rhodes Island doesn't have that kind of uncivilized dog.

As for the high sea descendants, first of all, most of them are humanoid, and other non-human sea descendants are also obviously intelligent creatures. It is estimated that no one like Agor, who claims to be the highest civilization on Terra, would think of trying them. smell.

"Just leave it to me to decide whether you can drink it or not. As for whether it's good or not, just look at her expression."

I saw Skadi sitting quietly aside, staring at the boiling water in the pot with shining lily-of-the-valley eyes, obviously impatient, while Jhogo was wearing an apron around his waist, holding a match in his hand. Botan Guangblade quickly handled the two big lobsters he had put in the refrigerator before, and by the way, he dug some wild **** and yam eggs around.

Chef Shark Chili then sliced ​​a golden radish, and finally poured it into the pot to make a simple lobster pot. As for the lack of condiments, of course it was left to Haisi salted fish.

"I said, if the taste you claim is fake and you waste this pot of ingredients, do you know what will happen?"

Haisi's blood relative who was lifted upside down by Shark Pepper saw the red light flashing in the pair of electronic eyes, its head trembled violently for a while as if it had been hammered to the head by Gavial, and then nodded frantically.

Now Jogo has basically figured out why Haisi's blood relatives are so obedient, it is because it has witnessed the effectiveness of the black hole cannon together with Skadi, Haisi is not afraid of death, they think that as long as the body can return to the sea, it is equivalent to returning group and enter reincarnation.

Therefore, the means of directly erasing everything like a black hole is really hitting the only weakness of Haizi's desire to survive. As a result, the current blood relatives of Haisi can only be like Kelsey's Mon3tr, just keeping with Skadi Due to the parasitic relationship in the physical body, he dare not go one step further.

But despite this, it is still a potential danger, but Jogo still intends to take it back for further examination before saying that Rhodes Island is not a stepping stone in terms of mental defense methods.


Haisi's blood relatives were thrown into the pot like this, and Qiao Ge closed the pot lid, quietly waiting for Skadi's dream food to come out of the pot, even if he can't taste the taste now, who would refuse A portable reserve ingredient that can cook delicious food anytime, anywhere.

Although he wants to taste the taste of the sea on the happy killer whale more than Haisi lobster soup.

Chapter 546 Shark Pepper Bible Chant

When Qiao Ge lifted the lid of the pot, an extraordinarily delicious and rich taste erupted in an instant, stimulating the nose and taste buds of the three deep-sea hunters, and even Gloria, who was most resistant to this, couldn't help swallowing. I took a sip of saliva.

Generally speaking, fish soup will turn milky white due to the dissolution of fat in the fish, but this pot of soup is extraordinarily translucent and clear... Well, it should be regarded as lobster soup boiled with the bath water of Haisi's blood relatives, not fish soup .

At this time, the blood relative of Haisi is leaning against the pot along its two fins, and its face is covered with two pieces of golden radishes, as if it is wearing a mask and soaking in a hot spring. It is not only not hot, but very cool.

"Doctor, Doctor! Let me go first..."

"Hey! Don't worry, wait until I confirm the toxicity."

Skadi took the lead and rushed over with the wooden bowl that had just been dug out of the tree trunk with a bare blade, but was blocked by Jogo's hand, so he could only move his chin like a kitten staring at an unsealed can. Resting on his arm, he stared longingly at the pot.


Where are you from, Ceobe?

However, being cute may still work in front of Dr. Oceanographer, but it is futile in front of Jogo, who has switched the mode to Dr. Doctor. Jogo took out an empty glass Coke bottle from the small refrigerator in his abdomen, and then used it Filled a small half bottle of soup from the pot, and put it back into the refrigerator.

In a short while, four rows of icons like Apple Macintosh rollers appeared on the red screen on his chest, and finally stopped on four smiling faces, which respectively represent the safety of microorganisms, toxicology, chemistry and radiation Indicators, the smiling face means that it has reached the standard of safe consumption.

As the shark chili robot of Rhode Island, a medical company, it is also very logical to be equipped with medical testing equipment, right?

Facts have proved that the taste of this salted fish is really good. Skadi and the ghost shark are particularly enthusiastic about sipping soup, while Gloria is holding a bowl of soup with lobster claws and radish slices, frowning. Although the smell that floated into the nostrils was extremely attractive, it was still difficult to overcome the disgust in his heart.

So she simply poured the part of her bowl back into the pot, and then walked to the side of Jogo who was doing something alone not far away.