MTL - Mountains and Seas For All People: Starting From a Thatched Hut-Chapter 9 Picked up 1 piece of soil

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Over there in the forest.

A person rushed out in embarrassment.

"Bah bah bah..."

Su Mu spat out a mouth full of dust and leaves, with a bad look on his face.

I was chased by a group of ancient giant pigs just now, which was very exciting.

"Almost got my **** kicked by a pig."

He looked back with lingering fear, and finally got rid of the group of crazy ancient giant pigs.

Unexpectedly, just killing one will attract a large group of people chasing after it.

Especially the five-meter-high ancient giant pig, as the leader of the group, it is powerful and has amazing speed, like a tank crushing all the way.

Fortunately, Su Mu ran faster and escaped with the help of the jungle.

"Dare to chase me, I will kill you next time."

Su Mu's heart became ruthless, and he decided to go back to the scene in the future.

If you don't bring those ancient giant pigs back home and eat them, you won't stop.

"Forget it, let's find other prey."

He shook his head, looking around for direction.

Next, look for other prey, and look for a box by the way.

I ran for my life all the way in the jungle before, and didn't pay attention to whether I ran into him.

Su Mu stood on the spot, looked around, and touched his chin.

"I remember that there seemed to be a few strange beasts haunting that direction, it seemed to be Horns."

Thinking of this, Su Mu's eyes lit up.

Jiao Si, one of the strange beasts in the mountains and seas.

He remembered that somewhere in the East District, there were a few horns haunting.

The habitat of the horned scorpion is not in the eastern area, so there are very few horned scorpions here.

But he remembered that he seemed to have seen a few horns that were excluded in his previous life.

After thinking about it, Su Mu walked in that direction.

You must be careful and vigilant along the way, otherwise some mountain and sea insects suddenly appear, and some extremely poisonous poisonous insects will cause trouble.

Over a col.

Su Mu climbed up a rocky mountain.

As soon as he came up, he didn't see Jiao Si, but he found a small thatched hut.


Su Mu's eyes lit up, staring straight at a thatched hut behind the boulder at the foot of the mountain.

That's right, a hut.

One can tell at a glance that someone has built a home here, and the hut is particularly conspicuous standing there.

"I don't know if this person is dead?"

Su Mu said to himself.

If the owner of the hut is not dead, no one else can enter.

Only with the consent of the owner can enter other people's homes.

If you are dead, you don't have this concern, and after a person dies, the homeland will disappear twelve hours later.

During this time period, there is a chance to get the baby in the hut.

He looked at the thatched hut at the foot of the mountain, wondering whether the man was dead or not.

I just looked around for a while and didn't find any figure, and I looked around and there was no one either.

Su Mu recalled that he had never seen this hut here in his previous life.

In other words, the person died in the previous life.

"Go and see."

Su Mu's heart was moved, he cracked and went down the mountain from here to turn over.

He was going to see if the owner of that hut was dead.

It's fine if you die.

A few minutes later, he came to the front of the hut.

Looking at the thatched cottage with the gate closed, there was no movement inside, as if there was no sign of someone.

And in front of the hut you found a big pool of blood, with some dry blood spots scattered here and there, as if something happened.

"It should have happened last night."

Su Mu checked and found some minced meat and bones scattered on the ground.

Needless to say, someone must have been torn apart and eaten by the beast.


Su Mu's eyes lit up, showing an excited expression.

He immediately stepped forward and gently pushed the door of the thatched cottage.


The door of the thatched cottage was pushed open.

If the person is not dead, he will definitely not be able to push away, and will be bounced away by the light of the novice protection period.

If not now, it means that the owner of this house died last night.

With a trace of excitement, Su Mu walked into the hut.

At a glance, I saw a spring in the center of the hut, which had dried up.

There is a mysterious thing floating above the spring, like a flame.

It is the breath of soil, the fire of civilization.

This thing, others can't get it if they are alive.

But if the owner dies, there is a chance to get it.

It's just that you can rarely meet them, after all, people will disappear twelve hours after death.

Su Mu stepped forward and raised his hand to touch the lump of breathing soil.


【I found unowned soil, do you want to collect it? 】

A reminder came.

Su Mu grinned and developed.

Unexpectedly, I accidentally picked up a lump of breath soil, which was left after someone died.

Everything here will disappear in twelve hours.

Fortunately, I happened to pass by and saw it, otherwise it would be gone when the time came.


Without any nonsense, Su Mu began to collect this unowned soil.

Needless to say what's the use of the soil.

And the ownerless soil obtained from others has an important role.

That is to use this to open up another home, a base, which is equivalent to a sub-base.

[Ding, congratulations, you have obtained level 1 ownerless soil, experience experience 2000. 】

Come out with a sound.

There was a mysterious flame in Su Mu's hand, breathing soil.

After taking away the breath soil, the surrounding huts and everything immediately turned into light and disappeared, as if they had never appeared before.

"Hey, I made a lot of money."

Su Mu looked at the lump of soil in his hand with great interest.

Take it back, and you can open up a second home.

Everyone knows the truth of the three caves of the cunning rabbit. It would be safer to have one more home.

Put this lump of soil into the backpack, Su Mu continued on the road.

"It's a pity that the east area is too big for a hundred thousand miles. It's impossible to find the location of other people for a while."

Su Mu regretted while walking.

If you can meet the thatched huts where the dead people are, you will have the opportunity to take away the unowned soil and go back.

But that's not realistic, the East End is too big.

A mere 5,000 people were scattered everywhere, too far apart, and the exact location was not clear.

What's more, this is the world of mountains and seas, and there are many crises everywhere. Without enough strength, it is impossible for you to walk around in this world.

Even though the current Su Mu has some strength, he still dare not go too far, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is even more afraid to enter some dangerous areas.

Once you encounter fierce beasts, strange beasts, or even giant beasts that you can't beat, you will die.

"It should be not far ahead."

After passing through this mountainous area, Su Mu stood on a boulder and looked ahead.

He came to this area according to his memory.

There have been several strange beasts from mountains and seas here, and it is very likely that there are strange beast eggs.

After all, he once heard that someone got a horned beast egg from the East District, and later hatched a pet horned one as a mount.

In the end, it seemed that a ferocious century-old behemoth was eaten.

"hold head high..."

While walking, suddenly there was a strange roar of beasts ahead.

It sounded like a cow bleating and a goose bleating, very ear-piercing.

Su Mu's expression changed, and he leaned over quietly.

He hid behind a boulder and looked towards a pile of rocks in front of him.

As far as the eye can see, two huge beasts are walking around beside the pile of rocks.

Huge body, covered with yellow scales, looks like a rhinoceros, with a huge head, but with a thick and sharp horn.

Su Mu's eyes lit up, that's right, it's a strange beast from the mountains and seas - Jiao Si.

Horn Si, shaped like a rhinoceros, has a violent personality and is full of aggression.

He was surprised to find that the two horns were a male and a female, the female was smaller, the male was huge, and the huge horn was particularly frightening.

They appear to be ready to go out.

Su Mu's eyes swept across the pile of rocks, his eyes were fixed, and he suddenly noticed something strange.

On the pile of rocks, there seemed to be two round things, not like stones.

Alien egg?

He was overjoyed, and he really found the alien beast egg.