MTL - Murdering Heaven Edge-Chapter 28 Self-supporting portal

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Before the Chu Mo rags, a murderous, and the weather is getting late, Pang Zhongyuan did not see his appearance.

At this moment, after seeing the appearance of Chu Mo, Pang Zhongyuan suddenly felt that if the boy nodded, and Nayi, it was really a girl, it is a perfect match!

However, such a thing needs to be considered from a long-term perspective. Even if it is anxious, it cannot be directly raised at this time. Then scare the boy away, then it is a big loss.

Pang Zhongyuan thought, with a gentle smile on his face, said: "Lin Gongzi, if you are not you today, we are afraid of being robbed. Our princess wants to repay you, but I feel that these common things, such as Lin Gongzi. For people, it’s a shame. I don’t know if you have a forest son... What do we need to do? Although we can do it, we will never give up!”

Chu Mo smiled and shook his head: "I am going down the mountain this time, mainly to experience myself. The reason why I am helping you today is that I can't get used to those people who are bullying, and the seller is eager! This little man, I can't understand it!"

"Haha, Lin Gongzi is really chivalrous!" Pang Zhongyuan gave a thumbs up and then sighed: "Unfortunately, it is not in the past, otherwise, you must repay you well."

Chu Mo waved his hand and looked at Pang Zhongyuan: "No matter, but Mr. Pang, what happened on this grassland? Can you tell me in detail?"

Two people tempted each other, the purpose is the same, naturally talk about speculation.

When Pang Zhongyuan listened to Chu Mo’s words, his heart suddenly became overjoyed and felt that there was a great chance to leave this boy!

"It’s hard to say a word!" Pang Zhongyuan sighed and talked with Chu Mo about some of the changes that occurred in the past two years on the grassland.

"I was in trouble that year, it was the king and the queen, the parents of the princess, who took me and gave me a place to live."

"This is not my hometown, but these years have passed, but it is no different from my hometown."

"My biggest wish in my life is to hope that this grassland can truly belong to the people here, and everyone can live and work in peace."

"It’s just that Daqi has been watching forever. For centuries, I have never given up on this grassland."

"In the past few decades, they have been in the layout, hehe..."

"The first king was also blinded. He thought that it was a big change, until he died... In his heart, he still has a peaceful dream."

Pang Zhongyuan’s face reveals the color of resentment: “I have always known that Daqi will definitely have the means to use it here, always guarding against it, and constantly reminding the first king. But I did not expect that the people they bought were actually two princes!”

"The two unborn beasts! About half a year ago, at a banquet, secretly gave medicine to the king and queen."

"The drug is colorless, odorless, intangible, and slow in medicine. After poisoning, there is no way to detect it."

"Because they don't dare to poison the first king and the queen at once, then Wang Ting's ban will definitely break them down!"

"Even if they are princes, they can't! Wang Ting's banned army only listens to the king."

With the martyrdom of Pang Zhongyuan, a conspiracy inside Wang Ting came to the surface a little.

Daqi’s means are also very clever. They promised to the two princes: once they are finished, they will seal them as kings and divide the whole grassland into two, as the seal of the two princes.

Just need to be in the name, it is ok to belong to Daqi!

At the same time, he promised to give a lot of benefits to the two princes, such as the jewelry and beauty of Daqi. Thoroughly touched the two stupid things of Jin Ge and Yin Ge.

They poison their parents a little bit through chronic poisons.

Finally, a few days ago, it broke out completely!

"First, the queen was comatose. The royal doctor had just found out that this chronic poison accumulated at least half a year in the queen. The greater misfortune came over there, and the king... was unconscious."

"Golden brother who has already prepared, taking advantage of the identity of the eldest son, using the rules of the grassland, the king is not there, he is in charge."

"Forcibly issued a number of orders to replace Wang Ting's banned army with his own. Complete control of Wang Ting."

"Silver brother ... that animal, with the big Qi special envoy, personally kneel down the head of his parents ... to show that they thoroughly rely on Daqi, the table is loyal."

"External, it is said that the king and the queen are violent because of illness!"

"Then the filthy princess wants to chase the power and start the princess."

When Pang Zhongyuan said this, he couldn't help but shed tears: "Poor first king and queen, the heart of the house is so thick, so he was killed by his two sons."

"The means of arranging on the grassland, almost instantaneously, broke out completely."

"The entire grassland, one-third of the tribal leaders, was bought up by the big Qi, promised to give them great benefits. When they happened, they betrayed Wang Ting on the other side!"

"This group of shameless villains!"

Pang Zhongyuan gritted his teeth and hated it.

"Inside Wang Ting, in addition to Jin Ge and Yin Ge, there are still many people, even those I have unexpectedly, are also people who are big."

"Princess we can escape, thanks to the Wang Ting guards who were replaced before, they killed, protected us from rushing out, and then left behind."

"Now... I’m afraid... not living."

Pang Zhongyuan’s tone is full of sorrow.

Chu Mo sighed and said: "The two princes, at least one, will certainly inherit the great cause in the future. This is the inside of the brain ... is it all? Is it going to make such a big reversal?"

"The first king is the most favored little prince, the two great princes, but also a sense of crisis. But the little prince is actually young, even if the king first favors the little prince, it is unlikely to pass the throne to the little prince." Pang Zhongyuan sighed: "That Two idiots who are fascinated by their powers, will they be so kind? If you take Wang Ting completely, the first one will open them to them!"

Chu Mo nodded. He grew up with his grandfather and grew up in the army. He also read many military books and was no stranger to these conspiracy and means related to the national movement.

The words said: "It is indeed two idiots, and the animals are not as good as their parents."

Said, Chu Mo looked at Pang Zhongyuan: "Then you are escaping now, who are you going to go to?"

Pang Zhongyuan nodded: "This grassland, although respected by the King, is actually composed of several tribes. This time, Daqi finally opened the card and one-third of the grassland tribes announced that they would return to the University. Qi, but there are still two-thirds, and there is no betrayal!"

"One of the most powerful tribes is the tribe of the elders of the month."

"All along, the tribes of the elders of the lunar month are all on this grassland, second only to the power of Wang Ting. And the generations have a close relationship with Wang Ting, and they always maintain a marriage. It is their own."

Chu Mo felt that there was some insincere taste in Pang Zhongyuan’s discourse. He looked up and asked: “Is it so close?”

Pang Zhongyuan couldn't help but smile. He said that although this boy is young, he is not so easy to fool.

But the more this is the case, the more Pang Zhongyuan feels that as long as he can retain this boy, there must be hope to recover the entire court!

Maybe others will sneer at his thoughts, but he himself believes in his own vision.

"If it is so intimate, should you send people there already?" Chu Mo said again.

Pang Zhongyuan did not conceal, sighed and said to Chu Mo: "For the elders of the moon, the most important thing is to save his own strength. He is the princess's uncle, but he is also the relative of the brother of Kim Geyin. !"

"Then you are going to go to him? What's the point?" Chu Mo frowned slightly.

He now feels that the situation of this group of people in front of him is not only a bad problem, but a group of people who are in desperate situation!

Chu Mo looked at Pang Zhongyuan and said slowly: "There may be many people who are loyal to Wang Ting and loyal to the princess on the grassland. If the strength of those people can be united, it is indeed very powerful enough to hold the iron horse of Daqi yet. Before embarking on this grassland, the gold brother silver brother was killed."

"But the problem is, Wang Ting, who has no king... Who else, can these people be willing to unite together?"

"Princess Nay?"

"She is the brightest pearl on the prairie, the goddess in the minds of the prairie!"

"But she is not a queen after all!"

"More public opinion is clearly that Jin Ge Yin Ge has an advantage. He claims that his parents are violently murdered. The public mainly launched a rebellion. How many people still dare to stand up at this time and support the Princess Nai?"

"In this situation, the best result is to go to the elders of the month. It is the elders of the month who care about their family and take care of you to provide temporary shelter."

"But in my opinion, the biggest possibility is that the elders of the month will directly take all of your group, hold them or put them under house arrest, and be a chip!"

Chu Mo sneered: "Then, find the best time to make a choice."

"But no matter which option, for those of you, I am afraid there is no benefit."

Pang Zhongyuan’s face was full of shocking colors, and he looked at Chu Mo with a look of surprise. He thought that he was high enough to watch this boy, but he did not expect that he was underestimated!

This boy is not only powerful and scary, but also... this IQ is like a enchanting!

Then, he smiled bitterly: "What did Lin Gongzi say, I didn't think of it? But now... this is the only way!"

"To rely on the elders of the lunar month, it is better to ask him to send troops, than to go to other tribes!"

"Those tribes are eating people without spitting bones."

"Although the elders of the moon are very treacherous, but there is a problem..." Pang Zhongyuan whispered: "His ear is soft, and the aunt's aunt said that it will play a role."

"And, he has always been very fond of Princess Nai."

"I thought about it..." Pang Zhongyuan hesitated a moment, or directly said: "Before we planned... let the princess marry a son of the elders of Haoyue, and then promised him to exchange his support and send troops to recover the king. court."

At this time, Pang Zhongyuan could not do anything to keep his plans out. Because this boy, only listened to his words, he made such accurate inferences and analysis of the current situation, such a person, is not he can fool!

"Marriage?" Chu Mo's nose: "The most popular thing in the world is this marriage, but it is a layer of paper, and it will be broken at a glance. Once the face is torn, the marriage is not a fart!"

At this time, not far away, there was a faint woman voice: "The son said, what should I do? Ask the son to teach me!"

In the twilight, Na Yi’s figure is slowly coming out of the grass.

Chu Mo actually knew that she was eavesdropping there, and most of the words she just said were for her.

So when she saw her, she was not surprised. She said faintly: "Simple, pull the banner of Wang Ting, and cruel the thief of the uncle who killed the mother, Jin Ge Yin Ge, stand on its own!"


This episode of the grassland is about a big one in the back, so please be patient and give Chu Xiaohe a little more time to grow up. The war is still very helpful to his growth. It can't be too spoiled... you know. Finally, routinely ask for a ticket, such a big chapter, everyone is sure to be embarrassed to read it, there is a recommended ticket, just click. Thank you for your knife!