MTL - My 1995 Small Farm-v2 Chapter 397 natural mini fridge

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  Chapter 397 Natural Small Refrigerator

  But then I thought, wolves travel thousands of miles, leopards travel thousands of miles.

  Leopards are solitary, not as good as wolves hunting in groups. When encountering powerful opponents, they will avoid them far away, so they often run hundreds of miles at night to look for food. The hunting range is quite wide.

  How could he just stay where he was so obediently?

  Although I saw a leopard cave in Mopan Mountain last year, I can't just assume that it is a regular den of leopards.

   Alas, I can only follow the fate.

  Anyway, there is now a pack of wolves who are kind to themselves, and their hunting range covers the forests near the farm. This is definitely not a bad thing.

  When Chen Ling thought of this place, he was proud of it: "There is a pack of wolves moving around. This is my status symbol as a forest ranger."

  He originally wanted to go up the mountain to pick two barrels of wild fruits today, but many villagers came to look for them.

   Either to ask about road construction, or to ask how to do the fish fry in the future.

   There are also those who sell the first batch of fish and see the money, so excitedly come to him to drink at home, everyone.

  Chen Ling didn't mean to lose face, but he just said that he drank every day in the city, but he couldn't drink anymore, so he put it off until later.

   "The rapeseed is blooming, and the wheat is filling. I am still in the mood to drink when I am so busy. It can be seen that I have made money this year."

  Sending these villagers away, Chen Ling came out with two wooden barrels, looked at the golden rapeseed flowers on the slope, and the well-growing wheat in front of him, and went up the mountain with a mutter.

  Summer is about to enter, the weather is getting warmer and the sun is getting hotter.

  No, as soon as they crossed the small river ditch, it became lively, and all kinds of things by the water and on the mountain flew out.

  On both sides of the river ditch, wild ducks and various water birds flew around or fled along the water surface.

  The pheasants mixed with the native chickens on the mountain also ran around with groups of small pheasants.

  Chen Ling wondered why these pheasants didn't hatch their eggs.

  Here I went to the city and came back, one by one followed by fluffy, chubby chicks, I don’t know where they hatched.

  He doesn't bother to pay attention to these now.

   It’s just that after I came back, I put two stone troughs on the North Mountain, mixed some wheat bran and distiller’s grains every day, mixed it with the water at home, and gave them an extra meal.

  Hope to keep these pheasants with their own excellent food and integrate them into their own chicken flocks.

  Now the chickens, ducklings, and geese at home have all entered the fast-growing period, and they grow up together with those little pheasants and wild ducks. They grow up here since they were young. This is their home, so don’t worry about them running away.

   "It's another good weather. The harvest on Beishan is also a bumper harvest this year, and it will definitely not be bad in autumn."

  Chen Ling put down the two wooden barrels, took a few deep breaths facing the bright sunshine, and began to pick wild fruits from the surrounding trees.

  The North Mountain is steep, full of poisonous insects, and many beasts enter the village from here. In the past, the villagers saw it as desolate and gloomy. There are not as many wild fruits, mushrooms and other mountain products on it as on the West and South Mountains.

But this year is obviously different. There are large and small wild trees on the North Mountain. There are all kinds of colorful wild fruits everywhere in front of and behind the mountain. The tall ones are on the trees, and the short ones are in the bushes and grass. Chen Ling comes to the mountain every day There is no reduction after several trips.

  In addition to making and soaking wine, he now has the urge to make these fruits into candied fruit and canned food.

  They are all good wild fruits. It is not only a waste but also too much for birds and beasts to eat them all.

  There are also many on Xishan and Nanshan.

  Chen Ling shook his head regretfully: "When the road in the village is repaired this year, let's try the sales of the fruits in the orchard first."

  Then dodged into the sun and moon cave.

  High-priced wine must use cave-heaven herbs.

  The effect of the medicine will make people drink it, and there will be an obvious feeling immediately.

  Of course he won't go too far, making the effect of the medicine reach the level of astonishing and bizarre.

  If that's the case, even if there is no problem detected, such a strong and good drug effect will cause a lot of trouble.

   "Dongtian ginseng, half a year is comparable to wild ginseng in the outside world for ten years, just use some ginseng slices and ginseng whiskers to soak in wine."

   "Huangjing wine is also needed, but Huangjing is not easy to deal with, and I have to let my father-in-law teach me how to make it."


   "Finally, the medicinal herbs brought by the kite guests have also grown, and we can add several new styles of wine."

  Choosing a few herbs with appropriate medicinal effects in the cave, Chen Ling took two barrels full of wild fruits and went down the mountain.

   Stopped by the orchard to check the beehives, and then looked at the soil holes made by two beavers, and went to the backyard of the farm to clean the fruit contentedly.

  Actually, according to Chen Ling's original intention, the two mountain raccoons and the female cat would also be kept at home after mating.

   Who knows that the dog at home is not happy, and neither is the little cat.

   It was mainly the little tabby cats who came first. The puppies at home couldn’t understand the big cats bullying them, so they kicked them out and refused to let them in.

   This little cat is also very strange.

  After being caught by the big fat raccoon raccoon, he grew up with the family dog, so that his daily habits and every move are similar to that of a dog, just like a cat-shaped puppy.

   This naturally makes the same kind of raccoons think it is strange, and it is not incomprehensible for two raccoons and two female cats to bully it.

  But the family dog ​​looks at the little cat very pleasing to the eye, very intimate.

   Only then did he protect it, and drove the two pairs of big cats out.


  After cleaning the fruits, Chen Ling planned to go upstairs to find a place to spread them out to dry. After walking a few steps, he heard a "click", and a yellowed apricot fell from the branch and landed on his shoulder.

  Looking up, it turned out that the second bald man had landed on the apricot tree, staring straight at him with his head bent.

   "Fuck, I'm scared."

  Chen Ling picked up the apricots that fell on the ground, wiped them, and took a bite. They were crispy, but not sour at all, and they were completely sweet.

  It seems that before the road is repaired, the apricots in this family will have to be sent out a few times.

   After eating the sweet apricots in two or three bites, Chen Ling waved to the kite on the tree: "What are you looking at, come down quickly."

  The silly big bird fell from the tree to the edge of the wooden bucket he was carrying, screamed softly, flapped its wings, and went to eat wild fruits in the bucket.

   A while ago, this guy often only came home every half a month, and he often didn’t see anyone.

   This time, after the family of three came back from the city, it settled down honestly.

  According to Wang Cunye and Gao Xiulan, the second bald boy came back four or five days after they left.

  It didn’t go well at first, but when they found out that they were not at home, they screamed every day and flew back and forth between the farm and the village. They saw the second bald man outside the yard of the village.

   This should be looking for them. I thought they were gone, so I was in a hurry.

  The sense of smell of birds is not well developed, so they can only fly back and forth in the sky to find them.

   It made the two elders find it very interesting, saying that the things raised by the son-in-law are very conscientious.

The second bald man is really just like what the second elder said. After Chen Ling and the others came back, it has been at home for the past two days, just like when it was not tamed two years ago, quietly following behind his ass. Where is he going? Dahanniao followed quietly, but it was easy to scare people because it was always elusive.

  Drying the wild fruit on the wooden building, Chen Ling grabbed Erbald's wing and lifted it up, feeling the heavy weight in his hand and the strong and firm tendons on his body...

  Chen Ling couldn't help laughing, stretched out his hands to stroke the smooth wings and chest, and said, "You are becoming less and less like a kite. If you say that you are a goshawk, others will believe it."

   It really looks like a kite. The shape of a big eagle grows bigger and bigger. Just like Heiwa and the others, they have broken through the breed restrictions.

  Especially after learning to go to the mountains to destroy beehives, they often eat bee pupae, and eat the medicinal materials dried at home after returning home. Can this not grow big?

  Er Baldy blew loudly twice in his hand, his chest was like a big pigeon, bulging high, his head was retracted, his eyes were half closed, and he seemed to enjoy Chen Ling's touch very much.

   "You are so fat, and you don't know how to hook up a companion to build a nest. It seems that I still have to get you a bird box at home that is warm in winter and cool in summer."

  Chen Ling stretched out his hand and scratched the big bird's chest a few more times, raised his hand to let it fly, turned around and went downstairs to find a wooden board to nail a bird box for it to live in.

The second bald man was still not satisfied. After being thrown from the upstairs by Chen Ling, he did not fly. Instead, he landed on the ground and waited for him. Reluctant to give up, she was holding his trouser legs, wanting him to touch and tickle her.

   "Go, go, you're addicted, go play elsewhere."

  Chen Ling grabbed it and threw it into the sky, then let it fly again.

   "Lingzi, what are you doing, come out quickly."

At this time, the voice of the old man came from the side outside the farm, and a group of puppies also yelled "Wow, woof, woof" and huddled together from the waterway on the west side, poking their heads, wagging their tails at him from a distance, shouting He goes out.

   "Hey, here we come."

  Chen Ling glanced at the second bald man who wanted to let go, made a gesture, and walked out quickly.

  Seeing this, the second bald man uttered a loud cry, and suddenly lifted into the air again, hung above his head, and flew out of the farm with him.

   "What's wrong, Dad."

  Wang Cunye took a group of dogs to herd sheep and cattle around the orchard every morning. After visiting the orchard, he would go to the slopes and Laohewan for a long walk.

   Now it's almost noon, turn back again.

   "Come and see quickly, water is flowing from the mountain wall to the west."

  Seeing Chen Ling coming out, the old man quickly waved and told him to come over and have a look.

   "What? Water came out of the mountain wall? Hasn't it always been there?"

   Chen Ling was a little confused when he heard this at first. He just used the water drawn from the west as running water and turned it into a canal in the farm.

   "It's not the ones you brought down, it's a crack that opened by itself at the side, and water came out at the foot of the mountain, as if there was a spring in it."

   "Huh? When did this happen?"

   "Who knows this, come with me first and have a look."

   Weng and his son-in-law walked down the steep mountain wall on the west side while talking.

  The sound of the gurgling water here is very pleasant, but the place the old man mentioned is not on the source side of the water flow of the canal, but about 20 meters away to the north.

There are many small wild trees, shrubs and weeds growing on the wet mountain wall. There is a crack in the stone, which is only **** wide, and a trickle of clear water is gurgling out. .

   "Oh, it's true, what's going on, why is there water suddenly coming out of this mountain wall?"

   Chen Ling was very surprised when he saw it. He stretched out his hand to take a handful of water and tried it. The flow speed was not slow, and it was extremely cool, and it was a little cold. It seemed that it was indeed the water flowing from the mountain.

  The father-in-law came over and asked, "How is it? Am I right?"

   "Well, this water looks quite clear, I don't know if it's safe to drink, Er Hei, you go home and bring a small bucket."

   Erhei heard the order, yelled and ran back to the farm, bit the handle of the keg and brought the keg over.

"Good dog."

  Chen Ling praised, and then drank the water with Wang Cunye and Weng, wanting the water to settle in the bucket to see if it was dry.

   As a result, as soon as I received half of the bucket, I saw small drops of water condensing on the outside of the barrel wall. When I touched it with my hand, it was very cold.

When Chen Ling saw this, his face was full of joy: "Good guy, let's not talk about whether this is clean or not, just take a look at the coldness of the water. In summer, this is a natural small refrigerator. Put some watermelon and fruit, and it will freeze quickly. Very much."

   After saying this, Chen Ling's heart moved again. Since there are natural small refrigerators, wouldn't it be better to keep fresh if a small pool or a small water tower is built here with stones.

   Well, a small water tower is better. Depending on the temperature of the water, you can hang some meat in it and keep it for a long time.

   Absolutely no worse than a refrigerator.

  (end of this chapter)