MTL - My 26-year-old Female Tenant-Chapter 685 : On the eve of returning to Suzhou

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At dinner time, Ban Dae and I accompanied Zhou Zhaokun for a few drinks, but Mi Cai never came back. I called her twice because I was worried. The first time, she told me: There are still 5 sets of photos Need to shoot, the second time, there are two groups... and the time just passed by, until Zhou Zhaokun had finished his guest and left, and she hadn't come back yet.

I was really worried, so I took a taxi and rushed to the coffee shop as soon as I finished eating. When I arrived, I finally breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, all the rice colors had been photographed, and I was sorting out the camera equipment. Appeared outside the coffee shop, but made a sorry gesture to me, and then sped up his movements...

Five minutes later, Mi Cai finally tidied up. She put the camera in the cabinet at the bar. After we said goodbye to Qin Yan and Xiao Nuo, we left the coffee shop, but there were no taxis waiting for us. Had to walk another block to wait for the car.

Mi Cai's clothes were very thin, and because I was eager to see her, I didn't think of bringing her a thick coat, so I took off my coat and prepared to put it on her, but she didn't agree. Because I had a high fever a few days ago, she was afraid that I would catch a cold again. After she put the clothes back on me, she stuck to my body and ran with me to the block that was not far or near. .

  Back home, my mother made a soup of lily and white fungus for Mi Cai. After we finished eating, my mother told us: The new house has been cleaned up by her. As long as we want to, we can live there tonight.

In fact, the new house gave me and Mi Cai a lot of freshness, plus it is only one stop away from here. After discussing with Mi Cai, I decided to move in tonight. My mother is very happy. She readily gave us the keys to the new house, and she must understand that the two generations living together brought us a lot of inconvenience and troubles.


After packing up some daily necessities, Mi Cai and I drove to our new house. After packing up everything inside, it was already 11:30 in the middle of the night. Leaning on the sofa to pant, after panting, I hugged her and wanted to kiss her, but when my forehead was pressed against her cheek, I felt her body temperature was abnormal, I said to her nervously: "You seem I have a fever..."

  Mi Cai leaned on her forehead with her backhand, and felt something was wrong with herself, and said, "No wonder I just felt chills, and my body was still weak. I thought it was because I was too tired today!"

   "You sit down first, I'll go find a thermometer."

After some searching, I finally found the thermometer from the storage box and let Mi Cai put it under my arm. Five minutes later, Mi Cai returned the thermometer to me. I looked at it nervously, but it made me feel very guilty. , she did have a fever, it must have been cold when she came back from the coffee shop, and she was overworked recently, and she had to adapt to the climate here in Xuzhou, I shouldn't let her take a risk I walked so far with me due to the wind and cold, but fortunately, she has always been in good health, except for a low-grade fever.

  I said to her: "It's a low-grade fever. I'll take you to the clinic."

Mi Cai shook her head and replied: "I don't want to go, I will definitely have to get an IV drip when I get there, I don't know how long it will last, I'm very sleepy now, I want to you still have Are there any antipyretics left, I’ll take some antipyretics.”

  I realized that I was too nervous, so I quickly found antipyretics and poured her a cup of hot water. After taking the antipyretics, I asked her to lie on the bed first, and then I went to cook her a bowl of **** soup.

After a short while of busy work, I cooked **** soup, and when I brought it to the room, Mi Cai had already fallen asleep in a daze, but there was no sign of sweating and fever. After drinking all the bowl of **** soup, but he didn't feel at ease. After washing, he was lying beside her very restlessly, observing her body temperature from time to time.

After 12 o'clock, she finally started to sweat, and soon soaked her clothes and sheets. I found a set of clean underwear for her to change, and changed the sheets. After repeating this twice, she finally stopped. Sweating, and the fever subsided, I was relieved, and it was already 4 o'clock in the morning... My consciousness tended to collapse, and I hugged Mi Cai in my arms, almost instantly Just fell asleep.


The next morning, I was drowsy, but the alarm clock didn't ring. When I woke up naturally, Mi Cai was lying beside me, looking at me with her chin in her hand. I pressed my painful head and asked her Said: "What time is it?"

   "It's almost ten o'clock!"

   "Ah!...Why didn't the alarm clock go off?"

   "I turned it off... You took care of me all night yesterday, how can I only sleep for a while?"

  I looked at her with a sad face, because there are still a lot of things to do in the coffee shop, and half of this morning was wasted in sleep!

She seemed to see through my thoughts, and said: "I have already called Qin Yan in the morning, he will take care of the coffee shop, you can rest at home in the morning..." Speaking of which, Her voice became soft: "Zhaoyang, with you, I really feel at home, and I can feel your love for me...I want to be so dependent on you for the rest of my life .”

Looking at her expectant face, I know that we have integrated love and care into each other's life in the little things we get along with each other, so our love has gradually sublimated into family affection, which further shows that this This relationship is precious, in the days to come, it will be very difficult for us to leave each other again!

I hugged her tightly and whispered in her ear: "Everyone will have a forest. Those who are lost will be lost, and those who meet will meet again... We are the latter, so we will definitely I understand the hard-won relationship better than others...we will definitely be able to go on like this. After many years, what I admire are the wrinkles on your face, and what you support is my trembling body , we are walking on the road of people coming and going, it will not be as smooth as when we were young, but the fused soul will guide us to the most correct direction... If there is an afterlife, I hope. .....I will still meet you, bully you, take care of you, love you, and turn you into my wife again!"

Mi Cai had tears in her eyes, as if she remembered the bits and pieces of our life after meeting each other. She leaned in my arms, choked up and said, "This sounds really beautiful...Zhaoyang, I I have already fallen into your life!...I really hope that it is as simple as living together, and I don't have to pay attention to the fame and fortune in the Vanity Fair!"

   "Yes, because we have now said goodbye to the boring Vanity Fair... we are trying to make life simple and beautiful!"

  Mi Cai nodded heavily: "Well, I will cherish it."


On this day, after getting up, Mi Cai and I went to the nearby vegetable market to buy some vegetables and meat dishes. We called Ban Dad and Mom, as well as Li Xiaoyun and his wife to come to our place for dinner to celebrate our housewarming together.

During the meal, Ban Dae, I, and Li Xiaoyun's husband, Wang Zheng, drank some rice wine made by my mother, while Li Xiaoyun and my mother taught Mi Cai the life experience after marriage. Lunch came to an end.

Li Xiaoyun asked Mi Cai and me again: "Now the wedding is confirmed, but when are you going to get the marriage certificate?...I suggest you get it before the wedding, so that the mood on the wedding day It will be better!"

I nodded to express my agreement with her point of view, and replied: "We are going back to Suzhou next weekend. Mi Cai's household registration is still on her uncle's household registration. We need to go there to get the household registration book first." .”

Li Xiaoyun thought for a while and said, "Don't wait until next week's weekend. I'll help Mi Cai approve a two-day holiday. You can go to Suzhou tomorrow to get it. By the next week's weekend, the Chinese New Year is approaching. Train Not to mention the nervousness of the ticket, if you drive by yourself, the road will definitely be blocked to death!"

Ban Dae and Mom agreed with this, and also advocated that we accept Li Xiaoyun's proposal and go to Suzhou tomorrow to get back Mi Cai's household registration book. Seeing a little resistance, maybe we have the same concerns. Now we need to be mentally prepared to face Mi Zhongde and his family. At that time, not only Mi Zhongde, but Fang Yuan and Mi Lan will be disgusting. The couple will be there too, and the scene is weird to think about.

However, Li Xiaoyun's words are indeed reasonable, and we still have to face it. After a while of silence, I said to Mi Cai: "Why don't we go over tomorrow, this matter is so procrastinated, it is a stalk in my heart , it is better to solve it as soon as possible!"

Now Mi Cai is obedient to me. After a while of silence, she nodded and agreed to go to Suzhou tomorrow to get back her household registration book. So, this thing that we repel but have to do is so infinitely close The reality is placed in front of us, and our hearts become heavy because of this, and this heaviness stems from the worry about the unknown. Even Mi Cai is not sure whether the Mi Zhongde couple will be embarrassed by this matter We, if they don't want to hand over the account book to us, it will cause us great trouble!


This night, after being busy, Mi Cai and I accepted Daiwenshan’s invitation to go to a restaurant for dinner, and then went to ktv to sing. Mi Cai and I got a temporary relaxation, especially Mi Cai, she and Those newly-acquainted photographers had a good chat and made an appointment to go to Weihai, Shandong Province to find shooting materials after the Chinese New Year...I am so happy for her. In Xuzhou, there is absolutely no such thing in her world. It should be only me, she needs this group of friends with common hobbies.

  However, when the party was over, our expressions became serious again, and we continued to worry about tomorrow's unknown scene and weird confrontation...

   (third update)

   Today is the third update, with a total of 8,000 words. This is the day I have written the most since the book was written. You have done it, and I have done it too.

  The next update will be 314 monthly tickets, now 304...Come on, let's see if you get weak first, or I get weak first.

  The first release of this book is from, so you can read the genuine content for the first time!