MTL - My Attributes Cultivation Life-Chapter 644 644 leave two

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  Chapter 644 Chapter 644 Departure II

  The day after Luna left.

  Zhang Rong soaked in the blood pool conveniently, and his consciousness mobilized the blood-born Taoists through puppets, and continued to suppress major sects everywhere.

   Without Luna as the biggest pillar, the first thing to completely collapse is the induction door.

   Seeing that the situation is not good, this group of oil **** came here to surrender to Ren Xianguan and have relations with Zuo Han.

  Zhang Rongfang did not refuse anyone who came, and all of them were transformed into five-generation blood descendants.

   This is the bottom generation.

  When blood descendants face the upper level, they will naturally be suppressed by the concentration of blood essence, and their spirit and consciousness will atrophy a lot.

   This is obviously caused by the characteristics of the blood race itself.

  After disposing of the induction door, there are only those hidden sects such as Zhenyi, Tiansuo, and Heishi sects that are hidden in the dark.

   Zhang Rongfang simply started to look for the gods and Buddha platforms of these gods in Taiyuan in order to cut the grass and roots.

  Now the general situation is over, and everything is stable with my sister, and it seems that relying on my own relationship, the more messy the better.

  He had nothing to worry about either.


   Sanqing Taixu.

   Misty mist lingers around.

  Zhang Rongfang flapped his wings and quietly suspended in mid-air outside the platform, letting the wind of Taiyuan blow him still.

   "I didn't expect you to take the initiative to lead me here." He stared at the three-headed robed old man standing quietly on the opposite platform of the gods and Buddhas.

  This is the gods believed in by the Zhenyi Sect, the Taoist Sanqing, the powerful gods and Buddhas at the level of gods.

  At the beginning, Zhang Rongfang saw the same name and similar statue, and always thought that this Sanqing was the Sanqing he thought of in his previous life.

   But now it seems that .

   "Fellow Daoist Qiankunzi, the situation is so forced that it is no wonder that we have made such a bad move. The carrier that we can come to in the mortal world is too small and too weak, but since you took the initiative to enter Taiyuan, then the situation should be reversed."

   Sanqing held a cane, one of the three faces was expressionless, the other was beaming, and the last one was furious.

   "Then try." Zhang Rongfang has no patience for these gods and Buddhas.

  He flapped his wings and rushed straight towards the opponent.

  In Taiyuan, the best way to destroy the opponent is to destroy the platform of gods and Buddhas.

   Instead of actively entering its Taixu and beheading its body.

   Entering Taixu and beheading the body can indeed knock it down into the abyss of oblivion at once. Even if the gods and Buddhas are not dead, it will take many, many years to recover.

   This method works best.

  But Zhang Rongfang deduced from his existing strength that he might be able to do it, directly hacking the opponent's **** and Buddha platform.

  This method is not enough for other people to do it, but he is different.

   As the red light flew, his body suddenly grew bigger, swelled, and increased sharply.

   In the blink of an eye, it was raised to a height of fifty meters.

   Huge size comes with terrifying weight.

  And under this size, the bat wings will automatically shrink and lose the ability to fly.

   It can be said that there are gains and losses.

   Zhang Rongfang once didn't know how wide Taiyuan was.

   But this time, he may be able to guess the specific width.

   At this time, his huge body basically occupies one-fiftieth of the width of Taiyuan.

  Before he fell down, his three arms condensed the blood ax at the same time, and swung towards the Sanqing platform suddenly.

   "There is no limit."

   Sanqing's hands formed a strange oil lamp-like handprint in front of him.

  Suddenly, his body also began to swell rapidly, from more than two meters before, it quickly rose to more than 20 meters.

  The three heads on its neck are elongated, like gourds, which look deformed and weird.

  At this time, he was facing Zhang Rongfang's flying blood axe.

  He pushed his arms forward.

  A circle of black and white Taiji diagrams emerged out of thin air, began to absorb the surrounding fog, and quickly solidified to block the past.


   As soon as the giant ax and the Taiji diagram came into contact, the winner was determined.

  The Taiji Diagram was overwhelmed and exploded in an instant. In the rain of countless fragments, the **** giant ax broke through all obstacles and landed on the platform of Sanqing's gods and Buddhas.

   Chick it.

  The blood ax was deeply embedded in the outside of the platform passage, cutting out a gap of unknown depth.

  Sanqing's complexion changed drastically, he shouted angrily, and a special magic weapon with shining golden light kept flying out of his hand.

   Such as the mythical Vajra Bracelet, the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Pagoda, and the Pangu Banner.

   These kinds of magic weapons all look golden, majestic and exquisite, and transmit dazzling divine power.

  But a good-looking thing is a good-looking thing, and the other two of Zhang Rongfang's three arms slashed over with two axes.

   One force will drop ten meetings.

  All the golden light collapsed instantly.

  But the effect is still there, at least Zhang Rongfang's two axes were canceled out, and they collapsed into countless blood mist.

   Sanqing just breathed a sigh of relief.

  But suddenly found something wrong.

  He and Zhang Rongfang are fighting each other on their own platform of gods and Buddhas.

   At this time, a huge crack was cut out on the platform of the gods and Buddhas.

  Zhang Rongfang also hung an ax in the crack and dangled it, causing more and more fragments in the crack, and the crack became bigger and bigger.

  He expected that this Qiankun Daoist might be very strong, but he didn't expect it to be so strong.

   "What are you waiting for? When will we wait until now?" He suddenly shouted.

  In a short time, around Taiyuan, dozens of blurred figures flew from the distant mist.

  Among these figures, each exuded a strong divine power, but at this moment, the divine power on them quickly stopped as they approached Zhang Rongfang.

  Since exuding divine power is useless, then restrain all power consumption, burst out with all your strength, and strike your most powerful blow.

  These fuzzy figures approached quickly and gradually became clear.

   Among them, the leader is a faceless man holding a platinum scepter from the White Ten Sect.

  This is the Lord God of the White Ten Religion. Of course, it is far from the God in the Bible that Zhang Rongfang heard about in his previous life.

   But at this time among a group of gods and Buddhas, his sense of presence is also the strongest.

   "Eliminate the rebels!" A group of gods and Buddhas are like flying insects, constantly turning around Zhang Rongfang.

   Rays of light burst out from them.

  Looking carefully, the light faintly contains various patterns and symbols, and some are even in the form of various dragons, snakes, raptors and magic weapons.

  Cold, hot, slow, oppressive, corrosive, etc. All kinds of supernatural effects, like fireworks, fell on Zhang Rongfang.

  But all these divine power effects, there are streaks of white mist on its body surface.

   That is the vision caused by the mutual erosion and cancellation of blood and divine power.

   Among them, the strongest attacks of the gods broke through the blood barrier and pierced Zhang Rongfang's muscles and bones.

  But from the moment these attacks were eroded and dissipated, the wounds injured by them squirmed rapidly and repaired by themselves.

   It's like going back in time, extremely weird.

   "Chaos Reopened!"

  The three heads of Taoist Sanqing simultaneously glowed with golden light between their brows.

  Three golden lotuses appeared above his head, spinning and flying into the air.


  The three golden lotuses exploded, releasing countless golden light spots.

   What is strange is that these golden light spots scattered down, touched the surface layer of Zhang Rongfang's huge skin, and instantly eroded and decomposed it.

  A large number of golden light spots fell like rain, completely covering Zhang Rongfang below.

  Many gods and Buddhas around continued to swell and grow larger, returning to their original size, restraining Zhang Rongfang from all angles, making him unable to move.

   "Quick! Kill him!"

  In Taiyuan, a group of gods and Buddhas with a size of at least 20 to 30 meters, after the Shenwei offensive failed, they simply went up to control Zhang Rongfang with their own strength.

  From a distance, it looks like a group of muscular children dressed in strange shapes, scrambling around, hugging a huge adult man.

  Whether it is the limbs, the torso, or even the head, the three arms are tightly hugged.

   It looks quite spicy eyes.

  Too many gods and Buddhas joined forces, even Zhang Rongfang couldn't break free for a while, and could only forcibly resist Sanqing's golden light offensive.

  His body disintegrated rapidly, starting from the head, to the torso, and to the legs.

As the time goes,

  His whole body is only a little bit of flesh on his heel.

  After the last bit of golden light fell, this bit of flesh also completely dissipated, turning into invisible gas, and completely disappeared.

   At this point, Jin Guang finally couldn't hold on, and was waved away by the panting and pale Sanqing.

   "Excessive consumption, it's still not as good as before." He sighed. "Everyone, we succeeded."

   "Yes. Taoist Qiankun was successfully dealt with, and the Moon God disappeared inexplicably. It seems that on the earth, it is finally our turn now."

  The Faceless God of the White Ten Sect said in a deep voice.


  In an instant, three **** lights flashed past.

  Among the group of gods and Buddhas, at least seven or eight failed to avoid in time, and were smashed on the Taiyuan rock wall like fallen leaves on the spot.

   Then the spiritual thread exploded, wrapped in a large cloud of blood mist, corroded, and turned into white mist.

   "I didn't expect you to gather together again. This will save me a lot of searching."

  Among the blood mist, on the right side of the gods, a new 50-meter blood-colored giant, with countless **** tentacles scattered all over his body, was hanging himself, approaching here like a spider.

   "What's going on!? Isn't the head of the bloodborn's key point!?"

   Sanqing's complexion changed drastically.

   "It's normal to have a few life-saving abilities, let me do it this time!" The Bai Shijiao God flew forward, holding the scepter in his hand.

   "God's will, creation!"

  Colorless and transparent light radiated from the top of his scepter and shone on Zhang Rongfang who was approaching.

   Again, a similar effect occurs.

  Zhang Rongfang's skin, muscles, and bones began to decompose and melt. It turned into a ball of inexplicable substance like plasticine and fell down.

  The rest of the gods and Buddhas rushed up again, and a group of them suppressed Zhang Rongfang's fierce struggle.

   After a few minutes.

  Everything disappeared, and Zhang Rongfang dissolved again.



  But in the blood mist, a third 50-meter-sized blood-colored giant emerged.

  The **** tentacles formed all over his body, one after another, stuck to the stone wall, making a clear and loud noise.

   "There's still...!?" A group of gods and Buddhas have already lost a lot by this time. Although after death, you can return to Taixu to rebirth and recover.

  But the recovery also depends on the speed time.

  Current Zhang Rongfang obviously cannot wait for them to have time to recover.

   "Since we have reached this point, everyone, let's go." Sanqing said in a deep voice.

  The rest of the gods showed determination in their eyes.

   Once again, he rushed towards the huge blood-colored giant.

  (end of this chapter)