MTL - My Attributes Cultivation Life-Chapter 687 687 Watching the Ceremony Four

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   "This is!?" Someone suddenly looked down at the ground.

  The original creep on the ground is rapidly secreting a large amount of blood. All the blood energy automatically gathers, condenses and forms, and turns into huge lotus flowers the size of a bathtub, blood-colored lotus flowers.

   These lotus flowers are more than one meter high. There are dense blood-colored eyes growing on the petals on all sides. There are countless roots below it as legs and feet, allowing it to move continuously.

  They were generated extremely fast, and hundreds of blood lotuses appeared in a blink of an eye.

   At the bottom of all blood lotus, in the middle of the roots, there is a huge mouth. Inside is a spiral-shaped sharp gum that keeps opening and closing, enough to chew any flesh and bones.

  Looking down from above, you can see the beautiful blood lotus moving and rotating.

  But judging from the perspective of everyone on the ground, it is a completely different horror scene.

  The blood lotus quickly rushed out of the coverage of the Daling blood blanket, and began to pierce the black soil one by one, and the roots quickly dug up the mud and magma. Yes, they are not even afraid of magma. The black roots are like a drill machine, rotating and cutting at high speed, and they drill into the ground in a blink of an eye, take root in the ground, and turn into blood-colored lotus flowers that seem to have grown there from the beginning.

   Soon someone exclaimed that where these blood lotuses took root, countless red plaques also quickly grew on the surrounding black soil.

  The bacterial plaque quickly turned into the same dark red blood blanket, joining the blood blanket around the Tianmu Pavilion.

  The two are integrated into one, regardless of each other. Hundreds of blood lotuses are constantly transforming the black earth. Just ten minutes.

  The entire vast land of tens of thousands of meters was turned into dark red blood.

   Not only that, this piece of blood is still expanding outwards. It's just that the rate of expansion is not as fast as before. "What a great handwriting...!" The smile on Ofega's face slowly faded. Transform such a large area of ​​land in one fell swoop to build the original foundation.

  This kind of thing was only done by Taki who built the Setsuna Tower back then. Although they can transform such a large area of ​​land, they will never behave so easily and so quickly.

   "The power of the blood king... is very strong!" a demon behind said in a low voice.

   "It's very strong... It is said that as long as he collects the flesh and blood of any individual, he can completely transform into the other person and obtain all abilities and talents. It is extremely terrifying." Another demon said in a deep voice.

   "It's a tricky ability. But it's not unsolvable." Ofega replied. She looked at the expanding blanket of blood, "We should go."

   "I heard that Your Excellency Ofega is the representative of the most solid existence. It is a rare opportunity to meet alone now, why don't you stay for a while before leaving?"

  Suddenly, a voice suddenly sounded behind the three of them.

  The two demons froze, turned around quickly, and looked behind them, only to see Zhang Rongfang in a blood robe, with black hair reaching his waist, who had arrived behind them at some point.

   Ofega turned around slowly, staring at the other party. "What? Your Excellency the Blood King intends to forcibly keep us here?" "How can it be called forcibly? This is a well-intentioned invitation." Zhang Rong corrected with a solemn expression.

   "If you want to leave, I feel sorry for you, but I will never stop you."

   "The Blood King doesn't know something. Since Master Taki sent me here, there is a reason for this." Ofega smiled.

   At the beginning, she was not very clear about the strength of the blood king. Then after that scene just now, she already understood.

  Although the opponent is not sure whether there is a way to break through her absolute defense. But it definitely exists at the same energy level as them.

   "It seems that Senior Taki really misunderstood me too much." Zhang Rongfang understood what the other party meant.

   Ofega, the representative of the strongest substance, came here just to spare him any flesh and blood.

  Obviously Taki had been prepared for this a long time ago.

   "Since the blood king ceremony is complete, I will leave first." Ofega said softly, bowing her knees and saluting.

   "Really, why don't you stay and let me treat you well?" The blood flames in Zhang Rongfang's eyes danced slightly, revealing a faint sense of depression.

  An invisible heavy breath gradually overwhelmed the three of Ofega. The two demons obviously began to breathe quickly. They obviously didn't need to breathe, but at this moment they instinctively wanted to breathe faster to relieve stress.

   Ofega's face remained motionless, and she also felt that something was wrong. "I've waited for the three parties to sign the covenant... Has Mr. Blood King forgotten this?"

  Zhang Rong looked peaceful and did not respond.

  He moved his fingers lightly, and his eyes gradually fell on the two demons behind Ofega.

   "Then what about them? Are they a gift from your Shana Tower to taste?"

  Ophega paused.

   "Your Excellency, they are my closest subordinates, not gifts!" "Really? That's such a pity..." Zhang Rongfang showed regret. It also made the hearts of the two demons tense.

   "It's Your Excellency the Blood King, what are those scattered blood flowers?" Ofega asked, changing the subject.

   "That is the blood lotus. There is a Daoist record in my Blood Immortal Dao. When a powerful person preaches, if there is a chance to teach the Dao, there will be wild flowers and earth.

  Holy white spinach gushing blood.

  The rumored blood lotus is the blood lotus. "Zhang Rongfang introduced.

   "They can collect all the minerals and nutrients underground, continuously transform them into nutrients, and create a new blood carpet."

   "Constantly transforming??" Ofega's heart trembled. This kind of strange individual with consciousness and organization is much stronger than the ghost car...

   "Since the viewing ceremony is over, then I will take my leave first." She felt that the other party's eyes were looking at her more and more strangely.

   Resign immediately and resolutely.

   "Really don't stay for a while, visit one or two?" Zhang Rongfang asked to stay again.

   "No, Master Taki is still waiting for my reply." Ofega saluted politely, turned around, and strode towards the waiting evil spirit army in the distance.

  The two demons behind her followed closely behind, but compared to her, the two of them were tense, ready to resist with all their strength at any time.

   Fortunately, until they returned to the Evil Spirit Army, the opponent did not make a move. Just stood there, watching them leave with a smile.

   Soon, cheers began to spread around the Tianmu Pavilion. Ofega suddenly stamped her feet, stood in the army of evil spirits and looked back up. "This is!?" She suddenly narrowed her eyes.

  Just now, it was just a sky curtain with a diameter of tens of thousands of meters, but now it has become bigger again, and it is expanding towards the surroundings at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  The blood blanket on the ground transpired blood clouds, and the blood clouds condensed into a black sky. The sky shelters the blood lotus to search for nutrients and minerals, multiply colonies, and form a blood carpet on the ground. This forms a cycle.

   A beam of skylight radiated into the sky, but was quickly blocked by the special creep on the outside of the sky.

   "One person builds a city..." La, who was far away in the Palace of Eternity, looked at the picture sent back by Sandra and others, and was a little stunned for a while.

   "No... No, it's exactly as he said, this is just the beginning..." La's face became serious, and she had judged that Zhang Rongfang was indeed not lying.

  As long as there is enough nutrition, he can turn himself into a canopy that covers everything!

   And this black sky curtain, even if it was built by the spiritual eye tribe back then, it would take many years and consume a lot of resources ore to succeed.

  Can now...

  Looking at the rapidly expanding sky and blood blanket in the picture, La suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of unreality.

   "If Baitong can maintain the distance at present and never get closer, maybe you can really build a world in your imagination..."

  In the moment tower.

  Taki's huge body was coiled on a rectangular gray stone platform. At this time, he was also looking at the picture sent back by Ofega.

  Looking at the ever-expanding, black-red sky and blood blanket that seemed to never stop.

  It obviously has no eyes, but it seems to be able to see all images clearly.

   " artificial traces...blood...I'm really more and more interested in you..."

   Low-pitched laughter kept echoing in the tower, without stopping for a long time. Since then, Daling established the first real gathering place on the ground, named Yuan, Yuan City.

  With the blood cloud over Yuancheng as the center, blood crystal pillars are connected to the ground, and crystal branches continue to grow, falling into the ground, forming blood crystal trees.

   Within a certain range around these blood crystal trees, all blood descendants will be greatly strengthened.

  The evil spirit body and all other living creatures will be negatively suppressed. The highly toxic red smoke and parasitic creep will corrode any intruders all the time.

  After Yuancheng was established, a large number of blood descendants of Daling began to come to the ground one after another, not afraid of the harm of Tianguang.

  They no longer need to wear armor, and quickly build buildings and houses.

   At the same time, in Taiyuan.

  Forgotten Sea to the wide rock wall on the ninth floor.

  The gods and Buddha platforms that were about to decay and fall were moved by the invisible space and gathered in one place.

  A large number of stones are like building blocks. As time goes by, a new, black-gray round arched building begins to be built on the rock wall.

  This building is surrounded by decaying black air belonging to the Sea of ​​Forgotten, rejecting any outsiders who try to get close.

  Inside the building, above the black hall.

  La spread out one hand, a small phantom of the same black building on the palm, with the flicking of her fingertips, the combination gradually became more complete.

   While La and Zhang Rongfang were carrying out the agreed plan in an orderly manner.

  The Tower of Shanna finally began to break the blockade of the first secret lock, Falgar, who had grasped certain clues.

  After searching for information for many years, they already have a great understanding of the first secret lock.

  In mid-July, in Lingtu State, hundreds of thousands of miles away. In the golden desert.

  In a ruins like the ruins of a temple.

  The broken stone pillars and the lost color murals are the only remaining scenery here.

  In the hall without the zenith, a transparent ripple slowly emerged and unfolded.

  Among the ripples, one after another of evil ghost cars lingering in black smoke stepped out quickly.

   Not only that, dozens of other locations in Lingtu State, at this moment, are the same as here, and a large number of evil spirits have started to teleport.

  Space technology is not exclusive to La, and the Shanna Tower also has similar technology.

   Even stronger than pulling.

   Evil spirits kept walking out of the hall, wandering around unconsciously.

  The evil energy pollution they bring seems to have no effect on this land.

   On the contrary, their black smoke is constantly offset by mysterious forces and disappears.

  Outside the main hall, on the golden sand dunes in the distance, two mysterious businessmen in black robes were already standing, watching the movement here.

   "Sixty years ago, the Shanna Tower has mastered the position of the first secret lock, and now it is finally about to officially start." A mysterious businessman said in a deep voice.

   "Isn't this the purpose of our secret keeper's existence?" Another person said calmly. "Keep out the invasion, protect the three secret locks, and don't allow them to be broken." A gust of wind blew a corner of the black robes on the two of them, revealing a piece of gray stone skin on their arms.

   "Now the Shina Tower, the Eternal Palace, and the Blood Alliance are united as one, trying to open a long-distance passage. We alone are powerless to stop it. It depends on whether Mubala can find the master and their bloodlines..." One person said in a low voice.